Elections 2024

Stardrops October 13 2024

Election Day Astrology

November 5 2024 Election Day


Daily Planetary Cycles

October 11 – 14 Mercury at 26* Libra inconjunct Uranus at 26* Taurus and Neptune at 27* Pisces forming a finger of God

This small but significant cycle, peaked Friday the 11th, but I am still processing the new shift of thinking which peaked on the 11th. The planet of new information and insights had some of us adapting to another way of seeing something, solving a puzzle or discovering a better way to move forward on some plan.

Earth-based observers looking to the night sky may be treated to a once-in-80,000-years sight in autumn October 11 – 13th 2024. Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS,

Mercury in Libra is the strength of mind to concentrate upon relationships – what we have to offer another, or what we would like to experience from them. It might be about shifting our relationship with another, or professionally, with your people you serve. It denotes a greater concentration upon the reality of the times, what is required for higher levels of collaborations, important meetings and agreed upon course of action with new exciting and crucial pieces of information which now guides us to the next step.

Whatever has caused you to pause and re-think a relationship with another, your public or re-think a project or plan, it is worth it to make note of it, as it is now a new concept in your world that might not have been there before.

Pluto turns direct at 29* 38′ Capricorn, October 11 2024
We have all been witnessing the increase of corporate, technology, crisis in governments throughout the world, economic challenges, the race for more and more power within individuals, and the witnessing of corruption of power has been crazy ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008.

This October 11, when Pluto finally leaves its last retrograde in Capricorn, up to November 19 2024, when it officially leaves Capricorn and finally moves into Aquarius up to 2041, will be such an incredibly challenging yet exciting moment. Pluto amplifies and intensifies the sign it works through, and as you all know, as we have been discussing this forever!…. Pluto Capricorn rules leaders, CEO’s, Presidents, government, powerful agencies and all systems which attempt to control, dominate through intimidation and corruption. There is an energy which knows this is its last run at locking down its foothold in the Earth, as hard as it possibly could, before Pluto enters the sign of transparency and humanity on November 19, 2024.

Oct 12 – 13 -14 Mercury at 29* Libra square Pluto at 29* Capricorn

As we adjust our plans to the next inevitable steps, stay focused upon all the harder details and information including discussions regarding these pieces of information recently discovered.

Mercury square Pluto is a bit of a hard few days also occurring October 12 – 14.
It is either a problem with conversations where you are simply attempting to get some information out of someone so you can make a better decision, or there are problems with contracts, conversations and challenging people with very different agendas blocking our reasonable position, or it is being thrown into the middle of disturbing serious realities and facts which must be handled, regardless of how unpleasant they are.

It is NOT the best time for meetings, contracts, agreements and collaborations, however, it might be just what’s needed now to get down to the nitty gritty of issues in order to dredge up to the surface, unpleasant tasks and decisions.

October 12, 2024 to November 2, 2024
Mercury moves into Scorpio bringing us into to a deeper investigative researching state of mind. We’re more willing to put in the extra work, energy, love into anything which matters to us now.

Intense talks go deep, within the next 20 some days.

We dive deep into all sorts of pondering, examining and desire to transform and change some issues in our lives. Our mental concentration, analysis, uncovering mysterious situations and trusting our intuitive self is strong. These powers are to assist in connecting the dots, finally getting to the root of the issue.

It is also a time for eliminating things which are no longer necessary. A purge is what Scorpio is good for. It is a time for us to target key issues in our lives that we have been procrastinating on and finally invest some time and energy into them.

October 12- 14 Mars square Chiron Challenges with our stress levels, our emotional balance, and possibly dealing with some hurt feelings. We discover our limitations, and can now decide to overcome them.

October 13 Mars semi-sextile Jupiter A helpful energy increasing your vision of how you see something playing out, some key insight you would like to take action on. It is positive now to begin that first step.

October 13 Sun opposes Chiron, Confrontations with a challenging person or situation demands careful diplomatic gestures of good will and an attempt to get along!

OCTOBER 13 Sun Trines Jupiter, The best day for feeling up, positive, expansive and confident

October 14 Sun squares Mars, creates either the challenging motivation to clear something up, take charge of a dysfunctional situation or at least make moves to face it and plan how it is to be fixed.

October 14 Venus opposes Uranus. Socially, a bit distant, guarded and possibly reticent to spend too much time in the company of others. Some personal slights and awkwardness can be connected to these days of October 13-14.

October 14 – 15 – 16 Venus 26* -29* Scorpio trines Neptune and sextiles Pluto

A good few days for holding important discussions, meetings and planning, working on projects or taking the time to visit, share and love the people who matter. Conversations and ideas are expansive, different, opening up insights into things you may not have considered before. It is a very good time for employment, projects, interviews and bring out your best qualities for others to support.

October 17 Mercury inconjuncts North Node

Our mind is attempting to change the way we respond to something. A shift, an adjustment is required if we are going to accomplish a new thing. Inspiration and taking the initiative is what is needed now. Make that commitment and move yourself to just do it!

October 18 – 20 Sun inconjuncts Uranus and Neptune forming a finger of God.

A day to claim your power, re-energize yourself. Stick to your plan, your principles and what ideas and vision you have already been shown is the best way to proceed with your future. There will be vacillation and issues which could try to sway you to deviate, yet stay your course, and trust.

October 21 Mercury trines Saturn

Much concentration is upon numbers, statistics, polls. Also, discussion surrounding budgets, economy, future monetary movements and plans, strategies or schedules typically come with a mercury trine Saturn. Logic is the power of the day. Reality, versus, speculations. Everything around you must pass the test of reaching a higher caliber, a higher level of functionality, ideal and expectations. It’s a good time to use this energy to accomplish important things, read, study, have that important discussion or write something seriously good!

October 22 Sun squares Pluto

Trials with ego conflicts. Not the best day for pressing a point, as someone might push back. Better to take advantage of the transit below, Venus trine the Nodes today. Stay out of conflicting conversations which might lead to a power struggle.

October 22 Venus trines Node

A day of realizing, going with the flow is better that causing a scuffle. It’s a great day for casual easy going events, social gatherings, time well spent with artistic, musical or loving situations.

October 25 – 27 Mercury inconjuncts Chiron at 20* Aries and Jupiter at 20* Gemini

Another finger of God, this time pointing to Mercury again. These are mini tests of discernment, requiring a letting go of one way of thinking, a path you preferred to take, and realizing a higher way is now necessary.

Regardless of your desire to control a conversation, and regardless of the facts, logical issues for all to see, it’s best to privately go deep and discover, what is the real root cause of the problem now. It might require silence, observation and pondering unconventional reasons for others thinking the way they are.

October 22- 28 Mars sextiles Uranus and trines Neptune.

We should expect to be in touch with our intuition, strong feelings and insights into original ideas. Are we being guided to have a special retreat – like experience during this week? Others may be involved, and even approach you with an invite to a special magical event.

October 28 Venus squares Saturn

A time for matching up your own deep values you hold dear with the external world around you. Whether it is the key people in your life or other issues such as lifestyle, beliefs, opinions etc…. there might be a slight conflict you have been experiencing. Life is not matching up or mirroring sometimes how you would like it to be. Hard social situations could color the day, and social themes are disturbing to listen to. A day of simply re-aligning yourself with what you know makes sense and be open to learn something bigger, broader than how you have seen things before.

October 29 Sun inconjuncts Node

Disconnects are definitely noticed within social groups, structures and potential leadership situations as incongruencies, disconnects and frustrations abound within the variety of conversations and positions others are taking.

October 30-31 Mercury trines Neptune at 27* Pisces and trines Mars at 27* Cancer.

Finally a logical and more compassionate ideal vision over-rides the past feelings and attachments. These days hold power for spiritual psychological and more of a mystical experience. Mercury tunes our thoughts and words into higher ideas as Mars and Neptune bring harmony unity and emotional intelligence to many previously conflicting positions or activities going on. It is a time for you personally to consolidate your inner power through some form of meditation, a power walk with your favorite music, and let yourself move into that space of creation, leave your worries behind.

Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Chiron and Mercury sextiles Pluto

A magnificent energy healing divisions, aligning self with bigger plans and smart people who are there to help, cooperate and support. A healing of some sort can take place, regarding projects, ideas, conversations and strategies which have been going slowly, or not cutting through at all! Now, you can feel the inspiration. These days of the 29 – 31 inspire us to take action with a logical list of action steps, accomplishing much.

And finally…..

October 28 – November 6, peaks on October 3, transiting Mars at 29* Cancer opposes transiting Pluto at 29* Capricorn….(and Mars also conjoins the U.S. Uranus as Pluto opposes the U.S. Uranus.

At the tail end of Plutos’ transit in Capricorn since 2008, his cycle will have us on alert as we have been watching this transit of Mars for some time now moving into position.

To read more about the most dramatic Mars energy I can recall, go here for a full report with specific dates for being on alert and prepared for global and U.S. events.


1 thought on “Elections 2024

  1. Steven Webb says:

    Hi Christine,
    There’s a consensus forming around Newt Gingrich’s insight that Jill and Joe are in payback mode toward Kamala. The gestures of sabotage are not subtle to political types. Kamala humiliated them, they will humiliate her. Joe’s legacy will be that he’s the only Dem to have defeated Trump. That pettiness is standard for a crime boss but is so un-presidential as to cause understandable disbelief in observers.


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