Out of the Tangled Mess
Stardrops February 22, 2025
As we wrap up February and begin moving into the most concentrated period of that grouping of planets we’ve been referring to in March …
(Venus retro in Pisces, conjoin Node and Neptune in Pisces/Aries, Mercury in Pisces, soon retro Aries, Saturn in Pisces/Aries, and finally March 29, the Solar Eclipse in Aries, all between 28* Pisces to 10* Aries)
…there is a pause in the atmosphere in order for us all to catch up, regroup and process what has been happening in the world, and personally so far.
Soon there will return another round of serious change and upgrading which will push us into the next round of challenges, yet potentially much greater satisfaction! Personally, there are clearer insights and vision coming for all of us,. The clarity as to the next steps we can safely take in order to proceed with our goals are just around the corner. Remember, the Venus’ role for the next few months, is to increase our faith and conviction, to move obstacles out of our way. We can then take on several overwhelming projects, tasks or responsibilities now, even if we don’t know all the details in the process.
Again this would be personal responsibilities we have to find a way to navigate through and get to the other side of these issues personally and/or globally. As we experience the Pisces/Aries idealism, confusion, seeming chaos and multi-layered dramas everywhere, shifting and changing each week if not each day, we can also witness progress happening.
Here is an update on these planetary issues which might help at this time.
Planetary Cycles
January 18 – February 28 Neptune conjoin the North Node, exact on January 22 – 26th 2025
This conjunction is special and we have been watching this cycle become more and more prominent as the weeks go by. It is coming to a peak February 20 -22. It has to do the the expansion and radiation if we could call it, of a tremendous boon for the planet, where a higher love and potential happiness, financial opportunity and magical events can elevate the planet and ourselves. The influence of this aspect between Neptune and the Node will last for years, and permeate many layers of culture and society everywhere. It has the ability to do its intelligent work on us, regardless of people’s attitudes or beliefs. It ls limitless and a higher frequency released.
February -25 Mercury trine Mars at 17 -20* Cancer and conjoin Saturn at 20* Pisces
Mars energizes our thoughts today. We want to be organized, implement plans, take things seriously and address serious matters. It’s a good day for cooperation and breakthroughs on home, family, money, bills or anything which requires domestic decisions. It has the potential for honest communication and expressing feelings. A new plan, boundary, rules or agreements can be made.
Mars in Cancer also trine Saturn February 9 – February 25, 2025
As we said above, discussing serious matters are very fruitful and with the trine to Saturn in Pisces, the plans made on these days from the 24 – 26th can last as they are practical and functional.
February 26-28 Mercury at 23* Pisces sextile Uranus at 23* Taurus
Our minds are processing innovative ideas and having talks with people in a friendly original and totally transparent manner. It’s a great day for socializing and being with friends. It’s a great day for community work, mingling with groups and gathering together for a purpose which could lift up spirits.
February 28 – March 3 Mercury at 28* Pisces conjoin Neptune at 28* Pisces
Even though I tend to enjoy Neptune conjunctions, I wouldn’t be on my game, if I didn’t warn against impractical thinking on these days. Our theme for February through May is idealistic inspiration, hope and overcoming tangled confusion. We are in the process of overcoming situations which could potentially get worse if we don’t reverse it. However, (and thanks to Saturn in the mix) we have very optimistic idealistic visions discussed and desired to act upon during this time, but Saturn is here to help maintain a realistic approach with a strong firm Alpha push that means business. Stay close to genuine experienced mature individuals during this period for your advice and support with any issues. Weeding out fakes, shams or wannabes will be the challenge.
March 1 Venus turns retrograde today at 10* Aries
Today Venus turns retrograde (appears to look stationary in the sky for several weeks and moving slightly backwards). It is one of my favorite times. Expect Miracles. For more on Venus retrograde, watch video above, and check out the past two Stardrops for more on Venus.
March 2 Sun square Jupiter
Try to remain balanced, clear headed, and don’t assume someone is just like you, thinking the same way about things you are. Ask the right questions and don’t worry about getting too detailed with your inquiries. Otherwise, you might have to clean it up later discovering they had an entirely different perspective than you did.
March 3 Mercury enters Aries moving towards retrograde at 9* Aries on March 15
Our favorite planet Mercury! is about to turn retrograde, again. This is our opportunity to capture a plan, accept a practical course of action, have that special meeting to discuss steps for reaching an important goal. Check and see where Mercury in Aries will be landing in your natal chart. Look for the Aries symbol on the outer rim and place your Mercury either in that house, or possibly the one just before. If you need your natal chart, go to the Mastery page at the top of the home page of Starfires to get your chart for free. And remember, Mercury retrogrades are a time to pay attention to that repeating inner voice advising you to do something which is a good idea for you now and for the future.
March 5 Mercury sextile Pluto
A great day for financial matters. Processing and organizing your money, bills, payments, or working on budgets, spreadsheets for personal or business needs, is perfect this day. Sextiles tend to provide harmony and support between people in order to accomplish positive solutions or great plans.
March 6 -7 Sun trines Mars in 17* Cancer
Our radiant Sun in Pisces provides a strong need to reach for excellence. Why do something unless it’s going to be special?!
February 1 – April 23 Venus, Mercury conjoins Neptune, Saturn, Sun, North Node forming an epic motivator towards trust and confidence. These planets explode into a stream of creativity and bringing into reality, an ideal… anything. It opens us up to the possibilities for achieving an ultimately amazing end result, a worthy goal, an outcome which would provide the most outstanding achievement for you personally, business, family and/or the world scene.
This cycle can be mirrored in multiple scenarios in your life and globally.
The New Moon
Here is an example of the planets all in one area of the sky on February 27 2025
Above Here are the planets in real – time space on February 27, 2025 (the next New Moon).
The New Moon as you can see, has all the planets grouped together, concentrating upon the “ideal outcome” for one’s future plan. This is because at this time, the planets are all still in Pisces and Neptune is also involved. These Piscean and Neptunian energies always encourage us to aspire to a higher vision and that is why they are in charts of so many artists and designers. All these planets in Pisces are part of the idealism, (under ideal circumstances, I would wish for this and this “ ) etc… So this isn’t just some abstract astrological theme, it means YOU are the recipient of this download of high inspiration and excellence to take place also, in your life.
The issues and expectations you could be grappling with, could also trigger moments of overwhelm, fear or panic -they might be an emotional subject, causing periodic upsets and stress just contemplating the process of the work before you. You might face the unexpected disappointments regarding your life, your projects or tasks. The Pisces planets could also cause a vacillation between optimistic hopefulness versus panic attacks over the complexity of the issues before you. Just preparing you! Again, this would be the last few weeks of February and all March, continuing through April and the first week of May. But you know what? It’s worth it!
Don’t think for a moment, world leaders are not also experiencing these energies
In the chart below, I’ve added Jupiter, as it is in a right angle (square) to all this Pisces and that’s troublesome.
Here we are again The New Moon chart above, (just like last August/September 2024) facing the challenge of a temptation to go over budget, or overestimating the easiness of the thing we are facing., over extending ourselves or getting talked into things which are impractical for us in some way.
It’s going to require diligence with research, not settling or just blindly trusting the one plan or one person who presents all the answers…The necessity for placing one’s heart and mind upon the most intelligent thorough execution of the project – or life situation – while al the while, juggling with other important life duties, schedules and maintaining a budget and not overspending on anything too much, this is the tangled mess the world now must crawl out of. We pause and wonder, “How did this complexity suddenly all storm into our lives so quickly without noticing it!?
This is not easy – you may be already experiencing this new cycle now. Again, it’s not just the grouping of Pisces/Aries energies, but the square to Jupiter the last few weeks of February, the first few weeks of March 2025.
It will culminate on February 27 – 28, which means, you could really feel its pressure to make a decision, reach out to others, take action, and move in a particular course of action where one now can’t go backwards or return to the pre-complicated timeline, whether it was a few months ago, or a year or two back. It’s too late!
In the long run, we are being guided, since all these planets, especially the Venus retrograde, the Mercury retro, The Saturn and North Node and Neptune, are reliably guiding inspiring planets during this time. The problem is the Jupiter in square, which tends to overdo, over reach and assume too much like mindedness between yourself and the people you are counting on to deliver. You could expect them to do a reasonable job and get the picture but many times they could be challenging and a bit inexperienced, impractical or clueless. It can feel absolutely overwhelming and messed up for a while, sorting through others’ agendas.
New Moon themes last all the way up to the ultimate crescendo creating a sense of fullness of your wonderful yet highly stressful experience from end of January up through the Full Moon in Virgo on March 13, 2025.
Here is the Full Moon chart on March 13 2025 below.
During the March 13 Full Moon or thereabouts, then on into the rest of March, I suspect it will all be so much more clear for you and me. Once we walk through several daily events, figuring out better ways to get the results we’re looking for, and finally settling on a plan. The total reality of what we’re really dealing with and how to commit to this new outlook will be a relief.
I do hope this all makes more sense for all of us once we get deeper into the February 27 – March 13 cycle – we’ll see.
Well that’s all for now, wishing you an exciting yet logical and common sense period of time and we’ll see you soon!
All my love, Christine
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