
SOLAR ECLIPSE November 13 2012



November 13 2012, The New Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will be occurring in the South Pacific.     NASA ECLIPSE PATH      It will be at 21* Scorpio.
The eclipse starts at 19:38 Universal Time (UT) on November 13 and ends at 00:46 UT on November 14, 2012.

Here is a link to find out what time it will happen where you live:
(Times for the Eclipse)
Below is a post I uploaded last February when I was looking ahead at this NOVEMBER 2012 eclipse. It disturbed me researching this upcoming eclipse enough to write about it 10 months ago…..
” November 2012 Solar Eclipse Event West of New Zealand-Earthquake Escalation”
Next Fall shows a total Solar Eclipse in the South Pacific, NW of New Zealand. Now, I’ve been watching the increase of large 5. to 7. pt earthquake swarms in the Pacific Rim location for 9 months now. If you live in New Zealand, the West Coast of South America, South Pacific Region,  Central America, we should be in a vigilant Earthquake/Tsunami watch next fall, centered around November 13 2012, beginning as early as OCTOBER 25TH 2012 building up to November 12 2013 and beyond into December 2012.
My Concern is the Solar Eclipse could intensify this region’s unsettled activity. I’ll keep you posted as to how this develops with more Astrological clues forthcoming when we get into those months next year.
Here is a Typical Image of real time Earthquake uptick in this region east of New Zealand. This has been continuing since about Spring of 2011. Notice the bottom rings-New Zealand, Vanuatu region. This earthquake shot was taken late 2011, but as I watched the earthquake maps, it was a frequent event in this region, for months…starting around spring 2011. To have a Solar Eclipse in that region in November 2012, seems a bit heavy.  Any time beginning September 2012, with the second exact peak of Uranus Square Pluto, and other planets lining up with that square, then moving into the eclipse a few months later, is compounding potential earth/sea disruptions.
End of the year 2011 shot of uptick of earthquakes in the south pacific..”

One of the regions of increase of earthquake activity…

Solar and Lunar Eclipses can play a part in increasing the chances of large earthquakes, especially in the path they travel along. Also, it can trigger other upsetting economical or political/social events. Here is the path of the Eclipse on November 2012 from NASA’S Eclipse site:

As of today, October 27 2012, you can see below, a new upsurge of Earthquakes is happening here in this very area, and the Solar Eclipse is 3 weeks away. 


  My concern has been that this October/November period could escalate major earthquakes everywhere, especially in this region.

  I think where there are major earthquakes, upsetting activity  can occur in another part of the globe because of the disruptions.  Along with the intense and increasing escalation of Solar Activity, the Galactic Alignment winter 2012,  the Mercury Retrograde square Neptune – November 6 2012, and last and most important, the second peak of Uranus Square Pluto, which peaked on September 19th 2012, but has a range of influence to disrupt earth magnetic stability From 2010 through 2015, and not to mention everything else socially on the planet, things are looking a bit tense.

We are in for a very strange ride!  So again, I know you are probably tired of hearing this, but…get your water, your food, your stuff together again, just in case there are earth shaking situations, or this time because of Neptune’s influence with Mercury, water, sea, weather danger.   Thanks and stay safe!


Just after uploading this article, a 7.7 mag hit offshore Canada Charlotte Islands…..at 10 something pm October 27….here’s more

11:40 PM ET

7.7-magnitude quake off Canada’s coast triggers tsunami warning

Editor’s Note:  A 7.7-magnitude quake struck off the coast of Queen Charlotte Islands in Canada late Saturday, triggering a tsunami warning as far as Hawaii. Reports of major damage have not yet emerged. Here are the latest developments:  
[Update 2:16 a.m.] CNN’s Augie Martin who is in Big Island  just sent this e-mail: “We are currently in Hawaii and tsunami sirens are now blaring, FYI.”
[Update 2:09 a.m.] Hawaii can expect waves between 3 and 7 feet, said Gerard Fryer, senior geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. “We are recommending coastal evacuation,” he said.
[Update 2:02 a.m.] The National Weather Service now says that a tsunami ADVISORY has been expanded to include northern California and southern Oregon. Bear in mind, this is an advisory, NOT a warning. An advisory means a tsunami capable of producing strong currents or waves dangerous to people near the water is expected.

Link to Article CNN