
Must Read Information

Here are some curated themes from areas around the web that I find interesting.

Latest News

What Is the Great Reset?

Michael Rectenwald is the chief academic officer for American Scholars. He has a B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, an M.A. from Case Western Reserve University, and a Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University….

Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real.

Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic…..Read More

Lieber Case: Crossed Wires and Parallel Lines

Dec 17, 2021

His, (Lieber/s,) work is some of the most scintillating, at least that is publicly known, in the field of cellular bioelectronics and everything neuro: engineering, sensory, modulation and prosthetic. It inhabits the core of the Venn diagram where the possibilities include:

  • sensing disease, overcoming debility, self-repair
  • monitoring the brain, anticipating desires and satisfying neurochemical needs
  • implanting memories, overcoming fears, reshaping senses
  • uploading reality, downloading insights and processing information

Lieber holds patents like WO2015/199784A3 for “electronic devices that can be injected or inserted into soft matter, such as biological tissue… the device may be passed through a syringe or a needle. In some cases, the device may comprise one or more nanoscale wires… may be connected to an external electrical circuit, e.g., to a computer.”

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Artificial Intelligence Works to Outsmart Governments’ Internet Censorship

December 10, 2021 Just in….

Two computer scientists at the University of Maryland have developed a new artificial intelligence system that evolves to detect and evade internet censorship in repressive countries. VOA’s Julie Taboh has more.


Big Tech Unleashes a Sophisticated New Weapon in Their War on Online Anonymity

“It’s an open secret that most AI development has been for surveillance, and much of the data that exists to be surveilled, perhaps most of it, is from anonymous sources,” the researcher said. As a result, he said extensive advances have already been made into using AI to remove the anonymity of statements made online, and track individuals across multiple different websites

The European Union, the Pentagon, and Big Tech giants have spent billions building capabilities that are well-understood among those who work in the field, but remain obscure to ordinary people. With the power of modern artificial intelligence, tech-driven censorship can extend far beyond simply deleting Twitter accounts

“The technology exists, at this moment, that would allow someone to take an anonymous essay or even a batch of comments, and use an AI to figure out who the author is,” he said. According to the researcher, it is also an “open secret” that AI is already being used for this purpose—not just by the intelligence community, but also by progressive organizations targeting “hate speech.” The researcher pointed toward the Network Contagion Research Institute, a little known group that brands itself “the world’s foremost expert in identifying and forecasting the threat and spread of misinformation and disinformation across social media platforms,” as a group using the most-advanced AI techniques.


Nine Planets Become Twelve…

  • The asteroid Ceres, which is round, would be recast as a dwarf planet in the new scheme.
  • Pluto would remain a planet and its moon Charon would be reclassified as a planet. Both would be called “plutons,” however, to distinguish them from the eight “classical” planets.
  • A far-out Pluto-sized object known as 2003 UB313 would also be called a pluton.

That would make Caltech researcher Mike Brown, who found 2003 UB313, formally the discoverer of the 12th planet. But he thinks it’s a lousy idea

“It’s flattering to be considered discoverer of the 12th planet,” Brown said in a telephone interview. He applauded the committee’s efforts but said the overall proposal is “a complete mess.” By his count, the definition means there are already 53 known planets in our solar system with countless more to be discovered.

Brown and other another expert said the proposal, to be put forth Wednesday at the IAU General Assembly meeting in Prague, is not logical. For example, Brown said, it does not make sense to consider Ceres and Charon planets and not call our Moon (which is bigger than both) a planet. Read More

Probably Should Own Our Own Bank

10/29/2021Robert Aro

The film It’s a Wonderful Life invokes the feeling of the small local bank at the heart of a small town. Yet it seems like we’ve strayed far away from Bedford Falls and are living in something closer to Pottersville…

Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman recently gave a speech called The Lack of New Bank Formations is a Significant Issue for the Banking Industry, where she asked the question:

Why have there been so few de novo bank formations over the last decade?

Per the Governor an “insured depository institution is in the de novo phase if it has been operating for three years or less.” She notes the erosion of community banks has been occurring in both urban and rural communities, stating reasons why this is bad such as less service for communities, and acknowledges the significant role banks play in the development of communities across America. 

The figures don’t look good. The Governor cites that:

A 2014 study by Federal Reserve Board economists noted that from 1990 to 2008, over 2,000 new banks were formed, which on average is more than 100 per year.


The Brain Works in up to Eleven-Dimensional Structures

The Blue Brain Project

Scientists have discovered that the neurons of the brain connect with each other in very specific geometries, building up to eleven-dimensional structures or cliques.

In 2005, the scientists at Brain Mind Institute at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland began what was called the Blue Brain Project to create a working computer simulation of the human brain by starting with an initial simulation of the neocortical column of a rat’s brain. This heterogenous structure with its 10,000 neurons and 30 million synaptic connections is the most complex area of the mammalian brain. The virtual neuronal circuits were tested by simulating specific input stimuli and seeing how the circuits behaved when compared with those in biological experiments. After a process of intensive and continual testing and refining, the simulation reached the point in 2015, where the team was confident that their virtual neocortex behaves like a physical neocortical column. They hope to complete the project of reverse-engineering the entire brain within ten years. Read More

Speaking Out Is the Most Important Thing We Can Do

In an excerpt from Mercola News, Mettias Desmet professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, totalitarianism differs from dictatorships in that totalitarian regimes commit their worst atrocities once dissenting voices have been silenced.

‘In my opinion, it is not an option to stop speaking,’ Desmet says. ‘It’s the most important thing we can do.’ ~ Professor Mattias Desmet

“In my opinion, it is not an option to stop speaking,” Desmet says. “It’s the most important thing we can do.” We also need to create parallel structures — businesses, organizations, technologies, movements and creative pursuits that fit within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world…..So, the key is to survive outside the totalitarian system while we patiently resist it and wait for its self-destruction. Read More…..