Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

STARDROPS November 6 2022

For some, this week could present a surprising and maybe upsetting disruption of events. whether it is physically disruptive or psychological, it’s hard to say. Uranus conjoin the Lunar Eclipse Moon in Taurus directs our attention upon changes, and they are usually quite dramatic when Uranus is involved. Several global events could fall into this description, elections, the latest intel about Prime Ministers’ text msg to Blinken possibly revealing U.K (and others) part in Nord Stream’s sabotage, increase of nuclear exchange talks and other Moon/Uranus domestic destabilizing of our precious humanity’s security base. Let’s enter this week’s Stardrops and dissect all of this mess, forever keeping peace, stability and meditation upon our true goal forefront in our minds.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus November 8, 2022

Nov 6 Mercury conjoin transiting Moon’s South Node at 13* Scorpio inspires us to spend some time reviewing our money, our life situations especially involving some spending activities, our financial budgeting, putting our physical world in order. The most important part of this cycle because it is in Scorpio, would be the theme of saving money, resourceful living, saving, shopping which fits with your budget.

Also, a time of taking in and assessing what wonderful blessings we have in our lives that we may have taken for granted in the past. We realize how much we have at our disposal and begin strategizing how to utilize what we have. A commitment to do better, raise ourselves up higher with our attitude. Whatever is on your plate during this time as priority, would require resourcefully efficient choices and careful prioritizing but mostly, a desire to change our response to our world around us instead of resisting embrace and move right into the challenges with trust and confidence.

Expect to handle straggled ends and run errands in order to get things out of the way before the week begins.

(This is the starting point of planets lining up in alignment with the November 8 Lunar Eclipse Moon and Sun at 16* Taurus/Scorpio, conjoin Mercury and Venus at 13 and 20* Scorpio with the North Node and Uranus at 16* Taurus conjoin the South Node and Moon at 16* Taurus. This means, Mercury as the starter, has us thinking first, strategizing and making choices as to how our life (next weeks or months ahead) will be, what we desire to accomplish. Then follows the other planets creating a variety of opportunities, disruptions, loose ends surfacing etc…The key is mind (Mercury) over matter which in a way is illusion, but not, but is. It’s complicated.

Nov 7 – 11 Saturn in Aquarius squares the Lunar Eclipse Sun/Moon, North Node,Venus, Mercury in Scorpio, Uranus South Node in Taurus.

During these days,we’re most likely focusing upon the things in our life we must improve upon but the difference from the 6th Mercury to now, is that Saturn demands physical action and accountability, not just thinking about it. Whether it is physical, environment, our work, finance or projects or relationship issues, this period of time helps us re-align our course towards the correct path by moving forward with certain responsibilities which can not be avoided. We’re getting square with our problems.

You’ll be able to tell by A. Sensing something that must get clear, may not be exceptionally pleasant but must be addressed. You will have a picture in your mind, or an inspiration which comes to you like a beacon from your higher self reminding you to take care of something.. B. We commit to doing it. Deciding what to do, and what not to do, what must be sacrificed, even if it’s a small matter, and what you know you must invest in for the future. This is the story, the new theme before us. A culmination from Mid October, where a few two to three weeks of these themes building,, processing, reviewing challenges and our achievements. then you arrive at the Full Moon (NOW) the place of culmination and decisions, then action required. It’s a reflection and resigning oneself to what our next step will be, but also starting to engage in these steps.

A word of caution: Typically, lunar eclipse cycles are not the best times for beginning a new cycle, a new relationship, making a big purchase or being talked into any sort of serious commitment. It’s a time to reflect and simply move through these days at our normal pace. Extreme physical exertion or other epic events should not be scheduled around Nov 7 – 11 period. Most of us don’t experience any sort of drama during Lunar Eclipses, however, it has caused trouble enough in my circle of people to always warn against a cavalier attitude during this time. This eclipse feels different to me, as it’s containing challenged planetary aspects, square to Saturn. It almost comes as a wake up call to re-align ourselves even more on our true path, in order to ground the world energies better through these next months. The Lunar Eclipse is filled with planetary alignments potentially creating disruptive surprises which could upset the population. At least remain cool during this period. The less involvement in chaotic activities in your life, such as arguments or heavy business meetings, the better.

Nov 9 This day highlights the strongest day of the Uranus oppose Mercury disruptions and polarizing energies. It creates a bit of a disturbance as information comes to us that could be in contrast (way different) than we expected. It could be a conversation, a piece of information, unexpected news or becoming aware of another person’s situation.

Objective cool and calm approach is necessary to simply observe the truth of a situation and handle it with an attitude, “Well, now I know!”

November 8 – 11 Globally, the Lunar Eclipse on the 8th ( starting on the 7th) up to 11th, as it pertains to Uranus’ creates sudden and unexpected eruptions. Because it is in this Eclipse, it can trigger upsetting events where truth, blame, shaming, victim and perpetrator becomes the major theme. It triggers a dramatic polarizing during these days. The eclipse planets square Saturn which forces conformity. Saturn demands structure, restrictions, order and falling into line. Saturn also incites Saturnian law, enforcement or actions taken in order to demand some form of accountability. This is all of course related to global situations occurring this week, not necessarily our own personal experiences.

It pressures all to get square with Mercury (data and information), Venus (social cultural impact), Uranus (here’s a can of worms as it rules revolution, rebelliousness, resistance, freedom, liberation or unconventional radical events) which must be checked by Saturn in Aquarius’ punitive universally agreed upon system to reign in people which are potentially extremely chaotic. So basically, on election day, we have the worst (maybe the best) astrological configuration(s) inciting crazy behavior along with Saturnian enforcement of order in extreme ways. Uranus conjoin Moon and in opposition could also at the same time be stimulating weird disruptions other places in the world, including freak weather, earthquake activities, etc….and a continuation of dangerous politics.

Nov 10 – 11 – 12 -13 Venus and Mercury in Scorpio at 22* trines Neptune at 22* Pisces and sextiles Pluto at 26* Capricorn on November 13.

Squished in the middle of this potential drama will be information, data, numbers and figures, people and social experiences which are beautiful and happy. This is a nice period of time for very specific things to get done such as positive business accomplishments, relationship nurturing, financial stabilizing, necessary order, efficiency put into our schedule, our lives in some way. Support, love, kindness and easy collaboration can be a relief.

Remember, Mars continues to square Neptune up through November 19, 2022. Here is the review of this cycle which feels like not having any solid ground to walk on from October through November 17. Mars Retrograde in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces Access. The positive side of it is to successfully overcome mental and emotional overwhelm and upset through the power of thought and love.

Humanity is waking up. More intuition, intelligence and awareness overrides Neptune’s lower nature as Mars in Gemini continues to ignite the Higher Intuitive abilities. Mindfulness on positive outcomes can be the best remedy for this week’s astro cycles. See you next week!

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1 thought on “Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

  1. walter+g+wunsch says:

    IAM I AM I AM ALWAYS affirming VICTORY in these trying but opportune times !!!


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