A Time To Nurture

Stardrops June 30, 2024


July 5, 2024 New Moon at 14* Cancer

With the New Moon in Cancer, we have a greater awareness of our security needs. When we think of Cancer, we think home, safety, our emotions, feelings, and domestic and family situations, our money, food and real estate.

The New Moon in Cancer will motivate us to go deep, examining our personal needs clearly, in order to achieve greater satisfaction in the future for ourselves and family. It also tunes us into our very soul’s needs.

You could say, this is your perfect opportunity to be aware of what changes could be made now in order to reach greater levels of security, protection or safety, abundance, a sense of well being.

( Some astro garble ….) Because this New Moon is between 10 -19* Cancer (14*) we call this the 2nd decanate of Cancer, Each zodiac sign has 30 degrees, from 0-29*….so if you divide each 30 degrees by 3 – (0-9 10-19; 20-30)….and locate the decan degree a particular sign has. It’s a deeper way of discovering themes within a planet in a certain sign – Cancer is a water sign, the first decan is Cancer, 0-9*; the 2nd decan is Scorpio (the 2nd water sign) and the third would be Pisces.

This helps us refine the nature of Cancer at 14* with a security theme using Scorpio depth, wanting greater trust, desiring to go deeper with greater meaningful interactions with the people in our life. It’s like saying, this New Moon in Cancer has also a Scorpio energy infused with it. It’s like a sub energy. Scorpio takes us down, internally, and we release, we surrender, discard the things which are useless now, and cherish the things ,the memories, our values, which truly matter.

To give more, provide greater understanding, support, take on a burden within our relationships as we give and take, nurture serve and receive this is Scorpio. It is also bringing up issues about others’ money, others’ assets, or their careers/jobs, others’ values, their position they take and what resources are they sharing or holding onto. This new Moon will stimulate these themes in our lives. it is thorough, penetrating, and tenacious.

This New Moon is a strong family and close ties theme between the July 5 to the Full Moon on July 21 in Capricorn. So from July 5 – July 21, concentration upon positive activities involving security. Your outlook, thoughts and intention with your security needs, preparations, soul safety, food, finances, family’s well being and togetherness will be priority. Also, your housing, your personal needs you want to have in order to experience protection and safety.

New Moon in Cancer

With a Scorpio Decan within the Cancer New Moon, …Use this affirmation or one you create .,,,”I place strong intention and affirm all people who are part of my divine purpose, who are meant to be in my life, who I am meant to meet, collaborate with, do business with, care about, connect and make friends with to be productive, safe and moving forward on similar paths of concentrated protection, safety and abundance of all things which provide that sense of well being in my life. I AM commanding and directing, only fairness, integrity, love, productive positive events, feelings, interactions and arrangements for these relationships and outcomes desired and made during these times….”

The Next Full Moon at 29* Capricorn, below…

Full Moon at 29* Capricorn

Daily Planetary Cycles

Venus and Mercury conjoined once in the week of June 17 at 0* Cancer, and returns the week of August 4 – 8 at 3* Virgo along with the Moon in Virgo, and Mercury Retro at 3* Virgo on August 4.

Simply put, this time frame between the end of June up through August 7, can be a special time for a particular personal self improvement goal you want to achieve.

Look at this period as a challenge for you to not only acknowledge something which you truly need and desire to have in your life, whatever it is, to accomplish, acquire, experience, whatever…and set a time each day to Affirm its reality in your world. Then strategize a new discipline or time of the day to nurture this goal. Even if it is simply an affirmation such as: I direct the full power of my I AM Divine Presence, for achieving, realizing this ________________ in my life now, according to my life plan.” Mercury is the planet of mind awareness, processing information and making decisions. Venus is always a magnetizer. With the combination of these two running throughout June/July/August, we are more likely to change our habits, bring in new ones for happier outcomes and open ourselves up to greater love, for sure!

June 28 – 29 – 30 Mercury 25* Cancer sextile Uranus at 25* Taurus

A time of intellectual informative stimulation. Our minds are open for innovative ideas, breaking old molds, trying something different for a change! Plans, meetings, connections with others are refreshing and uplift our spirits.

July 2 Mercury trines Neptune

The nature of our planet of connection, sharing information, experiencing life in general is geared towards the spiritual, compassionate, mystical during this day. Things seem to all into place for you and coincidences occur, but maybe they are not just coincidences but the power of a higher director.

July 2 Sun and Hades squares Nodes

This date has been building for a few months, since the end of May 2024, and is the culmination date of the mixed up, multi-tiered levels of serious discussions, actions taken in some countries, economic meetings or decisions for control and direction globally of all financial, currency movements and new compliance and so forth. It could be seen as a time within 2024, where decisions are now being made as to what to move forward on and what will work, be accepted by the public, what won’t work, should be delayed, yet still on the table, etc…in regards to all money, gold, metals and the future economies.

July 2 Venus trines Saturn

A day of strong awareness as to what you need, what are your top values, the whys and hows to maintain these values and expectations in your life. A good day for purchases, financial order, and also relationship friendship connections. Social positive events.

July 3 Mercury oppose Pluto

This aspect typically creates revelations, exposures, and challenging information released in the news.

July 5 Mars sextiles Saturn

Our energy is constructive and motivated to be put to good use for practical tasks, organized events, pragmatic useful activities which need to get done, taken care of. This is a great day for meetings, conversations and helpfulness towards others or to receive their support.

July 7 -9 Venus sextiles Uranus

Excitement, socially, a very electric experience with others. A great few days for friendships, hanging out with the people you find the most interesting! A community of vibrant innovative people.

July 7 –-9 Mercury sextiles Jupiter

Information is expansive, guiding, moral and uplifting these days, We are learning new mind expansive concepts as it enhances our wisdom and higher minded aspirations in life.

July 8 Mercury trines Nodes

A beautiful day where we feel everything is just going nicely. Finances, purchases, social connections, should be all positive this day.

July 10 Sun trines Saturn

A powerful day for some sort of finality or completion where one’s activities, tasks, projects are concluded successfully. We feel closure, we feel gratitude and accept a path or a situation with a sense of trust in a good outcome.

July 11 Venus trines Neptune

Divine love is always associated with Neptune, and with Venus involved, an ethereal energy could play out all day as the backdrop of your interchange with others, your artistic, musical or design inspirations. Love, friendship and caring for others as they provide fun and good vibes are in store for this day in July.

July 5 – 16 peaking on July 12th Jupiter sextiles North Node

As you can see, July so far is going pretty well! Even if you have challenging issues in your life, or difficult astrology for your personal chart during this month, the entire month’s planetary energies are supportive for having the greatest outcomes of your situations turn out as best as they can. I see so much growth, expansion, and ability to accomplish much during these June – August cycles!

With this Jupiter/Node energy, wisdom, good judgement, logical and intelligent decisions based upon solid information are high focus.

Concentration upon all things pertaining to writing, or speaking, important conversations, travel and connecting with places, events or people who can provide a sense of progress in your life, support, direction, a sense of going somewhere meaningful, are all good now.

I would consider this cycle from July 5 – 16 as a protective expansive period where we are going to have our minds opened up to a new experience, a new piece of information, or a strong shift of getting something, seeing something. It is an excellent cycle for travel, and having that Ah Hah moment, where another piece of the puzzle has been given to you.

A challenging event in July

Along with the above positive expansive cycle is the July 14 – 17 2024 configuration between Jupiter and the Nodes, plus the Moon in Scorpio oppose Mars conjoin Uranus exact 26* Taurus at square Mercury at 20* Leo moving towards retrograde on August 4 when it stations at 3* Virgo .

This is telling me, there might be a universal awareness, a global awakening or many becoming informed about something strange happening, something unconventional or bizarre we’re all taking in. It is some sort of information or witnessing of something going on which expands our view of reality, but with the Mars/Uranus oppose Moon in Scorpio, it might be disturbing, weird, unexpected. Is it an accident? A slip of information which was never meant to be public? What is it? We’ll have to wait and see if this astrology event plays out or not! Curious for sure.

July 14 – 16 chart

Finger of God to Mercury moving retrograde.

July 25 – 27 Mercury retro, forms a finger of God -(YOD) to Neptune and Pluto.

The Neptune/Pluto sextile happens between July 25 – September 5, 2024,

The Yod configuration above, is just a few days where many of us might sense we have a big decisions to make. This decision might be about some form of injustice which has occurred, or it could be involving a job, employment, a project or work, your career. It might be about yours or someone’ health. These are the issues involving Mercury moving into 0* Virgo.

Protect your health, body, diet during this time. Concentrate upon the most pragmatic detailed course of action to take, even if it is lengthy or arduous, demanding much strategy, concentration and constancy, it’s worth it!

The Retrograde Planets and what they do…

May 2 Pluto turned retrograde until October 11 2024

Political, power structures, deals and control on top levels tend to appear to pull back and use more covert action in the world versus assertive posturing and out in the open declarations as when direct.

June 29 Saturn turns Retrograde until November 15, 2024

Saturn retrogrades tend to slow down business, progress with projects and some goals, especially as it begins to stop, go stationary and begin to move forward, such as around November 1 – 20, this year. Saturn retrogrades tend to pull activities into a more focused tightly concentrated theme in our lives, where we simply can no longer ignore something, sometimes painfully. When it begins to turn direct, we can feel the relief of a letting up from the restriction, the tension of feeling contained, slowed down or non productive which the Saturn retrograde at the end brings so strongly.

July 1 Neptune turns Retrograde until December 7, 2024

Neptune can bring us inspiring feelings, visions, ideals we would like to obtain when direct, so when it turns retrograde, these ideals go within to be processed and re-evalutated. Also certain events may go underground, become peculiar, strange and ambiguous, creating confusion and unrecognizable activities, where things are not what they seem, until Neptune turns direct again.

August 4 Mercury turns Retrograde at 3* Virgo up to August 28, 2024.

Since 2003 I have regularly used Mercury retrogrades, a few weeks before up to the retrograde week, for insight and mental clarity. Typically, some new idea or direction might come to my mind that in no way was my own idea, in other words, it would be a piece of information or something I could not have dreamt up myself. Mercury retrogrades have always helped me advance my life in some small or big way.

September 1 Uranus turns Retrograde until January 30, 2025

Uranus is our original unconventional planet, but retrograde, it can slow down its radical behavior in our personal lives or the world.

October 8 Jupiter turns Retrograde until February 4, 2025

Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury tend to be the most notable when moving into retrograde. Jupiter retrograde can bring a slight sensation of lack of fun, a lack of stimulation, expansion and adventure to some degree.

Many astrologers place great emphasis on letting everyone know when planets are retrograde, how many planets are retrograde at a particular time, etc… (aside from Mercury) and I understand they are important, especially they can have particularly distinct meaning in your birth chart…but honestly, I personally do not notice the difference very much, if a planet is direct or retrograde… except sometimes for Saturn where it has been retrograde for so long I wonder if it is the reason certain projects and external things I’m used to accomplishing much more effortlessly, are taking so long to get done, or goals not getting reached and are truly delayed, sluggish, as if there is no movement as I mentioned above in the Saturn retrograde. Otherwise, it’s not a terribly huge priority to pay too much attention to these things.

On that note, Mars will turn retrograde in the first week of December 2024, in Leo, shortly, then move mostly back into Cancer up to April 2024. A concentration upon Leo leadership, authority, investments, stock market activities will be absolutely huge, potentially in a big positive way. It will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, and so we’ll go into more of that in the fall, but it exacerbates the Pluto oppose U.S. Uranus in Leo issue we’ve been going over in the past six months which is the increase of separation Separation in so many social circles, organizations or other clubs and what not….a separation moment extreme, to break away from some form of manipulation, control or long term ( decades) of abuse within the country or coming from without, outside the average public activities imposed upon them for decades…something is about to break off or break apart.

Robert Kennedy JR

Previous Stardrops have covered Biden and Trump. This section on Robert Kennedy was a request from a subscriber.

Robert Kennedy has a strong positive Saturn transit to his Mars in Scorpio all year providing tenacity, courage, depth of conversation on issues many in politics would consider taboo. They don’t want to touch it.

This is a consistent honest powerful exposure theme regarding secrets, dangers and what must be removed, discarded and/or turned around.

Pluto has been conjoining his Mercury, which is the planet which rules votes, elections, decisions, the issues he loves to discuss. It’s a powerful, authority status, “I personally know what I’m talking about” energy he expresses.

This transit from Pluto intensifies one’s determination to hyper focus upon a project throughout the entire time, and this has already been going on since January 2023. It will end, the end of November 2024 and is once in a life time. It inspires and motivates powerful driven concentration upon one agenda, and in Capricorn, obviously, it’s becoming the President.

Jupiter enhances good fortune with all engagements, lectures, presentations, increasing his mental stamina and capacity to address any subject with logic and facts. He comes across as having a library of information, dates, events memorized in his head. He has a nice Saturn trine Moon and Mars, forming a grand trine, which provides the strength and support from many during his campaign, and especially for the long run all 2024, the financial support. He has a Neptune sextile Sun, which provides particular friends or collaborators for his success to be right there indispensable, throughout 2024.

However, there are not enough punchy, electric transits stimulating powerful breakthroughs and success to the point of being outrageously popular at this time.

His chart has honesty, integrity and has definitely gone through much suffering and transformational events in his life to provide good character. It’s a strong chart on every level.

November transits are slightly positive for him, but on October 28 – November 10, he has his larger hit of Uranus inconjunct Neptune, which is crazy frustrating to go through, ( began in May) especially during a time where you want things to go well and smoothly!

Well, that’s all for today and wishing you a seriously constructive, fun next few weeks!

Vondir, Christine


1 thought on “A Time To Nurture

  1. Linda C. says:

    Sooooo, let’s see. Assassination attempt, major internet interruption, candidate drops at virtually last minute….. I wonder what else we are in store for!!!!


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