Important Planetary Cycles
Here is where you find the astrological trends which are occurring now and for the next few months out. These include, Mercury Retrogrades, Mars Retrograde, which could be intensifying talk of war and other hot subjects increasing as of November 2024 – April 2025, and an antidote Affirmation – Pluto’s position in the sky and how it effects us – How Saturn in Pisces is testing us in 2024 – 2025. Solar and Lunar Eclipses and other key standout trends. To discover cycles which are larger themes going way out into 2033, go to the Longer Planetary Themes section you will find on the right side column of the Front Page of Starfires, or go HERE
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Interesting articles we want to share with you from a variety of our own research, and also sent by Starfires followers. Enjoy!
This Month’s Planetary Positions
August 2024 – January 2025 Ephemeris
Updated Ephemeris (Planets’ Positions)
Latest Trends 2025
Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces – Get Ready For A Different Experience!
Venus is our planet of love. When retrograde, it releases more power, influencing our world in a much greater capacity than usual. Venus has its own unique action in our solar system. Its behavior is one of moving purposely into particular world or personal situations, and releasing healing and resolution, bonding and oneness like a magnet attracting divine energies. In other cases, when in challenging aspects, with great skill, it can alter life situations with intelligent surgical precision, to re-align people back on track and re-direct circumstances towards a higher alignment, veering away from destructive paths.
March 1 2025 Exact
(Experienced beginning February 1 – April 30, 2025)
Venus turns retrograde at 10 degrees Aries on March 1, 2025. Venus remains in Aries up to March 27 when it will retrograde back into Pisces up to the date of April 30. On April 30, it returns direct back into Aries once more.
There will always be a long build up prior to the date of retrograde, so expect a new theme developing in your life as early as February 1. All will experience the power of Venus attempting to initiate some kind of action in our lives in a key way. You could locate where you have Pisces/Aries in your birth chart, the houses which have these signs, as the activities within these houses will be energized by important insights, solutions, issues which need healing and a bit unraveling. Venus causes solutions, reconciliation, closure or closeness as it is the planet of Love. If you have positive aspects from Venus to any of your birth planets, there will be easy solutions and mending of the past problems. It expands our heart, and can put us in a euphoric ambiance, a mystical energy for a while. All will benefit one way or another from this Venus action.
Venus retrogrades increase the love and lessons within our close relationships.
The mysterious behavior of Venus retrogrades are a quiet yet relentless maneuvering of people and your life situation with these important people into position, for a healing, a re-uniting, possibly a magical experience. Sometimes, it will be you witnessing others in your life finally moving beyond some stuck place, and making amends, making progress. It could be personal, family or work and finances, yet Venus’ energy is a powerful constant magnetic pressure, towards one thing which feels good. Unlike Mental Mercury, this action from Venus is not calculating, mentally strategic, but heartfelt and from deep within. I consider this the magic of Venus’ power to re-arrange our circumstances for the better. Sometimes, it does not dawn on us Venus is doing this action until we are way in the middle of the cycle, such as mid March 2025. At the end of April, Venus will begin fading out, moving on, and leaves us with a better understanding of a situation with our people involved, and many times, with a change in our relationships towards another.
September 1 2024 – November 16 2024, the final and greatest impact cycle for Pluto in Capricorn.
Here is a strange hit I got regarding the tail end of this Pluto in Capricorns’ influence. It is possible a very high elite group has passed onto humanity, a message, “You all want to run your own planet? Have at it and good luck.” For entire post on Pluto, Read more HERE
Mars Retrograde oppose Pluto
Mars oppose Pluto tense moments – October 31 – November 6 2024 most disruptive, continues up through December escalating in its intensity for aggression, threat of war etc.. Returns in a second peak on December 28 – January 10, 2025; and it’s final peak on April 20 – May 3, 2025.
What a time we are in, where every corner we turn is lurking yet another challenging planetary energy Now we face the oppositional Mars in direct polarization with the conglomerate Pluto force. It’s a standoff, for sure. To read more on Mars, check out the Mars column on this page
Solar Eclipse March 29, 2025 at 9 degrees aries
Mercury Retrograde March 14 2025
The next Mercury Retrograde will be March 14, at 9* Aries.
Venus moves into Aries at 1-10* March 1, Saturn enters 0-1* Aries, May 24 2025, Uranus moves into Gemini, July 7, 2025; Neptune moves into Aries March 30, 2025, Pluto is still freshly transiting between 0 – 3* Aquarius 2025, Mars continues to transit back and forth between 0-6* Leo from last November/December 2024 – 17* Cancer retrograde/direct – then back to Leo once more, leaving Leo on June 17, 2025 and the transiting North Node will be moving between 0 Aries back into 20* Pisces January – July 2025. To astrologers, this is a very big event!
The moment I chose to erect a chart which represented the most amazing aspects between all of these planets, just freshly moving into new zodiac signs, is April 5 2025. (give or take a few days).
You can see above, during this period of time, the major planets and the Node are all aligned with each other in very supportive ways, trines, sextiles and conjunctions.
What could this mean for all of us down here on Earth? More coming…..
Uranus’ cycle in Taurus
2011 – 2026
Uranus is known for upgrading society themes and trends. It is the planet of Alchemy and rules Aquarius. As it moved into Taurus, an acceleration of all Taurean themes started. Engineering, Science and Physics, all things related to material progress, but mostly, economy, finance, income and business trends rapidly changed, and especially the subject of currency, gold silver and other metals. During key transits of Uranus through Taurus, there has been an increase of movement towards gold backed currencies and other forms of exchange such as blockchain, crypto along with a rapid transformation of how people earn their living. This all began in 2008 up through 2011 on to present. When Uranus leaves Taurus at the end of 2026, the basic new Aquarian future models will have been laid, and Uranus moving into Gemini will then shift the focus upon rapid transfer of products, 3D Printing in homes upon ordering blueprints, rapid exchange of moneys, and sped up forms of interchange of data.
More on this coming up…
The Great Next Mars Retrograde in Leo
December 6 2024
In November, Mars in Leo begins a dynamic display of theater, high focus upon dramatic leadership throughout the globe… it comes on strong.
As we approach January 2025, it moves back into Cancer, now dealing with domestic problems (families, real estate, security and any issue involving sudden drama of all kinds) with the intent on stirring things up so much, it demands changes to take place immediately.
Here is a complete article on Mars Retrograde and the run-down of Mars’ aspects (updated October 12, 2024 through June 17 2025) HERE
Mars will intensify its more war like energy, combative, challenging and entitled authoritative mode…. We’ll be watching Mars’ movement very closely as it will appear to slow down in the heavens, stop on December 6 in the sign of Leo at 6*, and begin to appear to move backwards in a retrograde.
A dangerous, volatile time globally, as with every Mars retrograde period, with all that is going on in the world. We don’t want this Mars to trigger more violence war, nuclear, rash leadership acts, irrational movements during this period.
Don’t let other Astro-predictions scare you however, regarding this Mars, now through November to next April, because Mars is making good aspects to other planets, (unlike the July 12 – 18th 2024 period, when Mars conjoined Uranus) and makes much progress for us regarding smart information, logical mental factual stimulation, rational thinking and many other positive energies we will want to take advantage of during this cycle. However, it will be in opposition to Pluto, 3x. Once October 28 – November 6 2024, 2nd, December 28 – January 15, 2025, and lastly, April 24 – 28, 2025. These would be the most volatile aggressive times for us, as two potentially dangerous planets create tension between each other. It can cause any form of crisis, anywhere during these dates. But the entire time Mars is retrograde, even though it is making positive hits to other planets, the very nature of a Mars retro, increases anxiety, tension and potential for aggressive acts on the planet.
The Archangels and my Divine Presence, takes complete command of Mars’ intensity, cooling down the destructive nature, always resulting in common sense and logical thoughtful actions and decisions for myself and the world”
“I AM clearly utilizing the positive constructive use of Mars’ energy for all my plans and decisions now and in the future. Certainly, only successful outcomes appear in my world!”
Saturn in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter square Saturn, August 10 – 25, 2024, returns December 18 -28, peaks Dec 24, 2024; Returns again, June 10-20 peaking on the 15th, 2025
For almost one year, this cycle combines mental inspiration, tons of ideas, pieces of new information, enormous amounts of data, ideas to digest and a powerful stimulation for information, for whatever purpose you need it for, however, with Saturns’ reserved conservative and cautious restraint, we could feel the conflict between saying YES! to so many great adventures, commitments or even purchases and the reality of our budget, time or limitations. We need Saturn’s restraint now, as the enthusiastic Jupiter could easily over-reach, over commit or over extend oneself to a point of committing too much, or getting in over your head, thereby creating waste and exhaustion. Especially in the month of August 2024, as Mars joins Jupiter, revving up the mind/emotional fervor to take on ambitious projects.
Pluto in Capricorn
Have we all been Gaslighted by Pluto in Capricorn…
The ultimate sociopathic cycle, which attempts to diminish your internal power? What does Capricorn represent? Think of Government, think of CEO, think corporations, and the ones in charge –Think of the two signs which naturally radiate Authority – Leo and Capricorn. Leo senses the innate entitlement of their position, their right to rule, where Capricorn has worked hard to get where they are and are more interested in being in control at the top. Imagine, we all have a Capricorn quality somewhere in our charts, even if you are not a Capricorn.
Read More…
America Astrology
Many layers are occurring at the same time impacting the U.S. Astrology…
The most important concept to grasp, is America is a consciousness on planet earth, not a place. It’s the ideal represented by the drive for love, freedom and personal progress and so many other ideals, and so the cycles we’ve been covering over the past 20 years or so, are also being mirrored all over the entire world.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces, and how it is impacting your own world, and globally …
The new theme for our lessons in life, developing greater abilities, changed from Aquarius to Pisces, 2023. It will last up through 2025.
This Saturn is bringing up unresolved feelings, thoughts, emotions and psychological patterns within us, which have to do with ancient records, past challenges and programming. Personally and globally, our new push will be to re-program and clear negative fears, self limitations, accepting and enabling dysfunctional leaders and people in power in all walks of life, and live through a time where what is paraded in front of us could be sheer illusion.