A Sunburst From The Etheric
November 5 2023
Table of Contents
- November 6 – 11 Our usual rundown of daily planetary energies
- The Mars/Sun/Mercury in Scorpio theme where energies appear to permeate our world in secret, again lifting us up into even more awakened states. transcendental love penetrates our inner world.
- Venus in Libra’s lightness of heart, beauty and resolutions occur
- The New Moon in Scorpio oppose Uranus/Jupiter and potential dangers explosive for us to reverse and dissolve.
“The All Power of Divine Love now permeates and dissolves all potential dangers within the earth and throughout humanity. I AM always within the crystal shields of protection, moving through a world of potential beauty.”
Sometimes planets line up in particular configurations, the mind goes beyond your usual astrological interpretation and a deeper meaning is noted. This is one of those times. I suspect we’re receiving powerful yet deep and mystical energies right now stimulating feelings of desiring more of that realm we came from before we agreed to come to earth. The powerful rays inspiring us to anchor in our world around us these vibrations from that higher place. Our challenging is to use them and fit them in somehow into our every day life. Let’s journey into the next few weeks ahead keeping in mind, we’re different today than from just a week ago.
Nov 4 2023 Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus
A day for discovering new pieces of information which is much needed to plan your projects or your week ahead. Pushing away old patterns which no longer serve you, embrace your distinct uniqueness.
Nov 4-6 Jupiter in Taurus semi-square Neptune in Pisces
This aspect from Jupiter reates a moment where rest and recovery are much needed and tends to inspire us to escape a bit, take it easy, and reflect on how to do things differently in the future. Allowing your imagination to open up to peculiar, not usually entertained possibilities, can be good sometimes when problem solving.
Good food, good sleep, a great movie or book, weekend get away and/or some sort of physical exercise would rejuvenate one nicely now. But mostly, with Jupiter’s help, how could you expand and introduce new greater experiences into your world? You are inspired.
Nov 5 Mercury in Scorpio inconjunct Node in Aries
An adjustment to new information, a change in the schedule, or even a new awareness of someone’s situation or issues cause us to adjust our assessment as to how to proceed. Knowing more about a situation and yet still remaining positive and supportive would be the theme of the day.
Nov 5 -8 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
and Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn
This cycle can increase your imagination. It is inclined to bring higher insight into our minds. We feel smarter and have greater logical communication with some strategic planning during this Mercury. Good for meetings, collaborations and decisions with depth, planning workshops, finding solutions, quality deep dive into subjects which require thoroughness all have positive outcomes. Some protocol or systems finally agreed upon. Structures set up. Contact with special people who can infuse the day with long range planning and supportive resources, money, ideas, motivation and support can be a theme for these days.
November 8 Venus enters Libra
Venus, our planet of love, peacefulness and artistic musical appreciation, luxury, beauty and abundance, enters a four week cycle (up to December 4) increasing the following inspirations and activities in our lives.
- Negotiations are more likely during this period, desiring peaceful outcomes.
- Financial solutions and greater balance, prosperity can come in during this period.
- Issues involving ownership, one’s rights, territorial posturing can be resolved.
- Coming together for a truce, a negotiation and positive resolution can occur.
- Art and music activities are enhanced, whether for creators or simply to enjoy or incorporate into your everyday life.
- Beauty, style, elegance, wardrobe and personal appearances and upgrading is likely
- Reaching out more frequently to others, extending your heart and warmth, getting re-connected to those that matter.
- The inspiration to achieve balance in all things, a nice flow of ease throughout our days, make positive arrangements and agreements, focus upon harmony and fairness are priority now.
Nov 8 Venus in Libra inconjunct Saturn at 0* Pisces
A day of some social obligations and inconveniences, but most likely necessary.
Nov 8 Mercury at 28* Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Expect productive talks where we can finally be getting down to the bottom line with certain issues, agreeing upon a course of action to take. Business, contracts, setting up a new protocol which can be put into place for future consistency.
Nov 9-10 Mercury enters 0* Sagittarius square Saturn at 0* Pisces
As Mercury enters a long cycle in Sagittarius, greater optimism and vital energy is pouring into ones mind. Imagination is high, ability to write content, speak, ,express self and expand one’s thinking is fantastic! The square to Saturn on just a few days on the 9th-10th, can force one to get real with one’s situation however, and you might feel a bit frustrated and restricted. This energy helps us get down to business, getting more serious about what needs to change in order to cut through and get the job done. Someone might not be fully cooperative.
Nov 7 – 11 Mars at 21 -23* Scorpio conjoin Sun in Scorpio oppose Uranus/Jupiter in Taurus and inconjunct Node at 23* Aries
The primary theme of November, Mars conjoin Sun in Scorpio peaking during the week of Nov 9 – 15
starting with Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus on November 4-5.
1st theme Anywhere between Nov 4 – 17 especially, this cycle is very much like a trigger, an impulse for gathering information, insights we were not aware of before, but now we can see as an important piece to our puzzle. These energies are expecting us to stretch in some way. The stretching is important if we want to accept and begin incorporating this style, way or activity into our life now. This can occur on so many levels …professionally, with your projects, personally with self or relationships, financially your potential and goals, etc…
It invites a new element into our life.
2nd piece…This can also be seen globally, as there is a strong possibility for clearer information brought to light regarding several activities of conflict in the world. It zeros in on certain facts, as only Mercury can, which are seriously bothersome.
Pieces of information which reveal truth, verification and documentation of conversations, decisions, correspondence which tell a backstory challenging the surface media line are brought to light. So we’re going deeper with a brighter mind uncovering hidden details which are continuing to unfold the real story of, everything.
Personally, things we need to understand are going on and globally pieces of information come into our insight of others, our life, helping us plan how to move forward. These planets can help by increasing the likelihood of transparency along with the global random mishaps as things are being exposed, things in the past which must now all come out. We’ll be growing and expanding in our capacity to function in a multi-layered world.
The 3rd energy could be on the inner planes, opening a door to mysteries and cycles increasing our abilities on the Scorpio/Taurus lines which emphasize stretching ourselves from the old mindset to a newer incomprehensible ability. Why incomprehensible? Because these energies are mystically charged, operating on our intuitive spiritual bodies, however we’ll sense them and begin thinking differently. These abilities demand some surrender of the old beliefs (Jupiter = beliefs and our attitude we take for granted) and Scorpio (surrendering) in opposition which is a leap into a new world.
We’re receiving energies from Scorpio/Taurus of inner sight, an inner sense of how we are to be, not dictated by the outer world’s circus.
Expect revelations, strong dream guidance, intuitive insights, people coming into your life mentioning particular things which you did not know before. Videos, books or workshops revealing strategies and helpful guidance which might even seem hard to comprehend, yet are true.
As this Mercury/Uranus November 4) evolves into the Sun/Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus, Nov 10 – 13 period, the sense of something magical and mysteriously working inside of ourselves grows and becomes so much stronger.
The personal awakening to greater intuitive truths regarding what we are doing here, and what is a higher purpose for walking through this earthly life unfolds. We had to come here to dynamically create wonderfulness from the inside of this dimension, pressing it outwards. This replaces the dark invasions with light. But it had to be done from the inside out. Our lifeline to the higher realms pours powerful elements into our bodies through a corridor, into our body, mind and our heart and transforms the outer situation into the mirror of the divine. This is one of many reasons we’re here. The troubles and distractions are the test to overcome – as they are distractions from realizing this power within you. The key is to be totally aware, it’s coming from that Higher Realm, and not our outer self’s agenda. It’s the key that unlocks the success of the thing.
Globally, there will continue to be exposure of hidden plans and alliances, dangerous and diabolical, previously kept secret. The amazement of what world we have been living in all our lives, and the expansion of more of our real selves pushing out this old world is happening. This phenomenon is coming from I suspect, great beings high in evolution.. Think of great mountainous regions, packed with snow and rarefied atmosphere, releasing powerful rays into humanity and all the earth. This Mars, Sun/Moon and Mercury in Scorpio period opposing Uranus Jupiter could very well be yet another marked moment in time of calling out those special souls into their true reality, as the currents of Love continue to flow into the bodies of all that live here.
4th piece…Challenging beliefs and cultural conditioning in small and big ways, asking ourselves, “Why am I, or why are we putting up with this any longer?”
I would like to add a 4th, the fact that you/we are actually very smart, with your ability to add pieces together and begin to see patterns. Patterns in your own situations with others that will now empower you to trust yourself, your inner path you now know is right for you.
This assists you to stop questioning yourself as you might have in the past. As you see the random disruptive patterns in your life and in the world, you can see they are not random at all, but repetitive behaviors and events. It’s easier with this Scorpio third eye emphasis, to get to the root of what they are.
The patterns in the world just keep on repeating and repeating, even though they feign to be unique never dealt with before situations, yet somehow they are the same and their solutions are still exactly the same.
So we have a personal and an outer examination of life patterns, and are we going to continue trusting ( a Scorpio theme!) these realities projected around us or trust our inner core and intuitive nature?
The New Moon in Scorpio November 13, 2023
As we move higher into the next theme, the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, all these Scorpio energies can be volatile in nature with the Sun/Mars in Scorpio, oppose Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus AND inconjunct the Node. The potential of some form of upsetting, explosive event MIGHT happen. In the least, it could create a series of random triggers, violent events spread around the globe causing much inconvenience and challenges to the public.
Maintain your composure even during testy frazzled moments. As this new and powerful release of love is permeating humanity in November, expect a violent reaction from those that reject it.
Nov 15 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Libra at 7*
Ending up our week with expansive insights to support your journey of empowerment. Here is a cycle designed to stabilize ourselves, a harmonious day with helpful and positive conversations, artistic, visual or musical collaborations can be experienced. Excellent for meetings with helpful supportive people.
Plans for holidays, trips, vacations or even expansive ideas for future projects are fairly successful during this period. Love and friendship are positive.
As Saturn finally moved out of Retrograde on November 4, business as usual should be back in swing. If you have felt a stagnate eerily unsettling feeling over the past few months, Saturn’s station retrograde from 3-0* Pisces ( I still have not figured out why this was so disturbing) is now over, and we’ll see if our mindsets are at least feeling more productive and positive. If it’s true, I suspect it could be true, that Saturn holds the power source of programming humanity via the Moon, and I suspect Saturn suspended at 0* Pisces, the Zero Point of Piscean energies, created the almost frozen phenomenon while something might have been attempting to insert a negative matrix in place. The challenging energies of Pisces, especially at -0* hold powers surround hypnotic projections, inner dimensional entities, ufo energies, )(made ii[ pr rea;) project possible increase of negative moods, listlessness, frozen behavior and disturbing psychic emanations, it’s possible, we are just now leaving a spiritually sensitive and very difficult period. I feel it might have been used to attempt to insert trauma onto the population (and still continuing) jhowever, now it is moving forward out of retrograde, the people become conscious, as if coming out of a paralysis, and have power in their hands to change the energies again.
Our positive highest beauty of Pisces is always linked to mastership in the etherial world, riding over all hallucinations and dreamlike projections from the astral. We made it through, now it’s time to ride a new wave of the power of love!
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