Four Quadrants Of 2024
Stardrops January 14, 2024

Most of the following weekly report building up to the 26th of January’s key Jupiter sextile Saturn is an exact repeat of last week’s Stardrops report. The nicest planetary support for us during January are the insights into the importance of doing something for yourself to empower your goals and visions, with the New Moon in Capricorn, which occurred, January 11 2024, and the Jupiter sextile Saturn. You can read about the Jupiter sextile Saturn at the end of this report.
Section One
Before we review January planetary transits, I wanted to share with you a way of breaking down our new year into four quadrants. It’s just a little thing I use to create some order in my mind as to where I am in the year’s themes and expectations. For some, these concepts might be very new, if you’re not able to catch the meanings, just go to the Second Section of this report for your weekly reports. Here we go!
Quadrant I Etheric – White – Sets the Blueprint of the highest aspirations and goals.
January 11 (New Moon in Capricorn) to April 7, 2024.
This cycle is the most important cycle of the entire year. We are responsible during this period for our 2024 blueprint. Don’t stress about drawing down some phantasmagoria vision, just be real and list how you would love this year to go. This time (above) is for launching new action plans, being inspired and hopeful with our personal and professional ideal goals we want to achieve by the end of the year. It’s important to set the matrix with this quadrant, with your vision boards, affirmations written out as to what you desire to bring into the physical, and really break down the steps of each of your goals, as to what is the most feasible steps to make this happen. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but imagine you’re responsible for creating your year, and act as if it is true, we have to have at least an idea of how we want our year to look. Without setting your new years’ blueprint, it’s a bit more messy and random as the year progresses. It’s not the end of the world if we’re not achiever types, but it helps, even writing down a simple concept, it helps. It’s all part of that co-creator taking our lives seriously thing! Watch out during this quadrant for any negative projections from other sources, which would sour and diminish our hope and dreams to achieve this first step. There are forces that would try to prevent this planning from even happening. So any energies involving criticism, black magic, sorcery (yes from astral energies), groups or certain activities which are disturbed or react to your goals, have some sort of dislike of your plans, criticize them, and doubt it will ever be worth it, preoccupied with it failing, etc…watch for these and seal your alchemy with only your most trusted close people in your life.
Quadrant II Mental quadrant, Yellow – April 8 – July 4, 2024. New Moon (Solar Eclipse in Aries)
This cycle is a mental information gathering, deductive reasoning, editing information mind theme. You could find yourself much more preoccupied with details, facts, exploring, researching and examining daily and weekly needs, tasks and necessary pieces of information throughout this cycle. It is activating our minds and all things pertaining to information we need to learn, acquire or share with others. Content, education, reading and learning, talking, teaching, planning and scheduling most likely will all be drawn from the 1st quadrant’s goal planning from January 11 – April 7 2024. During this 2nd quadrant period, you would want to watch out for ego conflicts, unhealthy competitiveness,, stubborn fixed positions and unreasonable energies setting plans back. Comparing ourselves our life or work against others, or allowing others into our lives which could be petty, jealous, competitive bossy and controlling our plans. So there are positive powerful themes, yet also always the possibility during these quadrants for undermining.
Quadrant III Emotional – Pink/Ruby July 5 – October 1, 2024 – The New Moon at 14* Cancer July 5 2024 initiates the 3rd quadrant of the year.
This quadrant finds us immersed in activities of beauty,, social connection and is primarily enhancing the power of love. It increases themes which evoke strong feelings and infusing our lives with intuitive, emotional events. This cycle is beautiful because our heart felt connections with others, are highlighted now. We are more inclined to infuse our projects or the people and activities we care about with emotional elements. Infusing our projects with joy and gratitude, emotional perfection in a constructive way, nurturing and caring and increasing the emotional relief we can experience with accomplishing things that provide a greater sense of satisfaction with our lives, reassurance and security for ourselves and others, and that even includes real estate, home and family priorities. The challenges would be tendencies for indulging in excessive emotional issues and difficulty pulling ourselves out of it. Panic attacks, anxiety, intense fears and sense of injustice. Traumas and false flags globally, trigger extreme emotional reactions. Personal petty complaining and fixating upon what’s wrong with this or that and unable to focus upon gratitude, embracing opportunities when we see them before us might also be challenges during the emotional quadrant.
Quadrant IV– Physical Blue October 2 (New Moon at 10* Libra) – December 29 2024 (the last New Moon of 2024 will be December 30 at 9* Capricorn)
Our last quadrant is seen a bit like the last leg of a race! It’s the sense we have three more months to wrap up our 2024’s goals, aspirations, make world progress, evolve together as a community of lightbearers and expand the brilliance of people everywhere. It’s a good time to take a quick review how we’ve done so far and decide how we’re going to re-group and step it up to get those important concepts and plans into our physical world.
The physical quadrant deals with practical mastery over our bodies, health and money. It deals with everything we need to set right in our tangible material world. It is meant to be the last three months of realizing the entire year’s hard work – this is when we see the physical tangible outcome, the results.
It’s important to avoid spacing out during this period, wearing down, blowing things off and forgetting our integrity, boundaries and principles. We can feel tuckered out, exhausted at this point and jump ship at the last minute. Indulging in any way, blowing off our routine, our diet, our budget (Christmas!) and having an attitude of “who cares, I’ve worked hard all year, it’s not that important anyway” is common. The end of the year is also the accumulation of the year(s) karma, so we want to fix these past faux pas and regrets before December 31 comes around. Putting our regrets and past issues we’re not so proud of, into the fire, burn letters of apologies, desire to do better, etc…these kind of actions truly help cleanse our world, along with cleansing our bodies, our homes, purging and refining what’s left to be done. This is for reaping good things and wrapping up and fixing things that might not have gone well.
Our physical quadrant is where we realize our physical accomplishments in the physical. In otherwords, it’s taking care of very material, physical level issues.
So this is the year in quadrants – I hope it creates some order for you and makes the year a bit more manageable if we section it off into chunks of specific themes.
Section Two
Weekly Planetary Cycles
(Day to day planet’s movements to take advantage of or watch out for).
January 14 Mercury moves into Capricorn
Our minds are more receptive to order and structure, setting up systems, and putting protocols in order. Our curiosity moves towards how organizations are functioning or corrupt, or need reform with their protocols or power matrix.
Personally, we want to have our basic money, paperwork, files, schedules and calendars in order. We desire to try to project our blueprint goals for 2024 during this time.
This Mercury mind information cycle, blends nicely with the New Moon in Capricorn conjoin Pluto theme, which began officially our New Year adventure, on January 11, last week.
Jan 13 – 15 Venus in Sagittarius trine Node at 19* Aries (this cycle is the strongest from the 13th up through the 14th. and inconjunct Uranus.
A beautiful cycle for social connections, reaching out to others, sharing your wisdom, bringing your creative talents to others. It’s a wonderful time for friendships, get togethers and all activities involving friends, nurturing relationships, travel, vacations, social events and caring for each other.
At the same time, there is an inconjunct to Uranus at 19* Taurus This can stretch our patience, or cause one potential tiny disruption, but what if it isn’t a negative disruption, but an alternative plan, an adjustment required to how something works out, or how you move forward on something. Social adjustments, financial adjustments, a shift in the way to take action could be in store at the same time good things are in the works.
Jan 14 -17 Sun at 25* Capricorn sextile Neptune at 25* Pisces
Strongest on the 14th – 16thth. A day of inspiration between you and another. Talks are constructive as more and more ideas of how to create something new, comes to mind. A good cycle for going back and forth between you and others, figuring out a new creative endeavor or resolving issues. Strong sensitivity comes with these energies along with increased compassion, empathy, people are open to each others’ perspective and personal experiences. It highlights therapy, healing, treatments, spa day!
Jan 17 – 19 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn at 4* Pisces
Definitely a time for good talks, meetings and decisions being made between yourself and a team, or a special person. These talks are more centered around business, functionality, practical purposeful things which need structure, concrete planning. The issues and details brought out during these times, are doable, constructive and are good ideas. They can work! Dealing with important documents, contracts signing, making final decisions are all good on these days.
Jan 17 – 20 Mercury at 5 – 7* Capricorn trine Jupiter at 6* Taurus
and sextile Saturn at 4* Pisces
Along with the planetary Mercury cycle to Saturn above, we add the expansive Jupiter to the mix, and we have some good fortune for expanding upon all practical insights. These ideas discussed, these plans for employment, career, training, organizing or putting plans into action are extremely positive now. Mercury sextile Saturn, trine Jupiter helps people come together, helps with plans making sense, supports practical concrete decisions and organizes the people to support bringing it into a reality.
Jan 18 – 20 Venus at 24* – 26* Sagittarius square Neptune at 25* Pisces
Your emotions might be experiencing overwhelm as many ideas and discussions have been tossed about. Venus is our heart’s antennae, or emotional need for re-assurance. With Venus square Neptune, certain concepts could emotionally feel daunting, overwhelming. The feasibility of some issues seems confusing to our emotional sensitivity, or there are people, children or loved ones involved in the equation which might not line up with the great plans. Simply take one thing at a time, and take these days as a period to consider the relationships in your life which now need practical planning or consideration so all things go smoothly. Money could be a factor.
Jan 19 – 20 Sun conjoin Pluto at 29* Capricorn
Cosmically speaking, this moment in time to me, marks an important date of a long hard closure to what we have had to endure in regards to balancing personal karma and holding the balance for earth, for those who needed our support in order to make it through. This cycle marks the end of a long period of hard work, discipline and constraint, as if we’ve been squished in a narrow corridor of limited options in some way,and now we are reflecting on the level of powerful endurance what we’ve accomplished.
These days also cause us to look forward into our future, to empower us to commit to a new course of action. It could be seen as a culmination moment of all the insights you’ve been considering throughout January, coming to that moment when you now know what you’re going to commit to. It marks the final days of Pluto’s long cycle in Capricorn, the sign of structure, ambitions, discipline and hard work, our moment to size up where we are, how far we’ve come since 2008 when Pluto began this journey in Capricorn. It’s time to accept the lessons, journey and accomplishments we’ve achieved all these years, and plan a new life, a new way.
Jan 20 – 21 Sun and Pluto enters Aquarius January 20 – 21
Today the Sun and Pluto both move into Aquarius. Pluto journeys through Aquarius our freedom innovative sign, empowering that sign for all of us to expand and experience a different type of intelligent living for our future. The Sun and Pluto both connected, means we can personally incorporate this power of a new way for ourselves, into our very own life, as the Sun causes the power of creative ideas, decisions and vitality with Pluto’s deep power into action. Take this date, January 20 beginning, to the date of January 25, the next Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius, as a week for setting new goals for freedom, innovation and in some way, deciding to break the mold, live your 2024 in a new way. Plan how this could look, what you could do to re-enforce these new habits, new outlook and attitude for yourself. Know this week from the 20th to the 25th is a great week for organizing the plan for the entire year’s vision. This will be an important year to make those positive changes in your life bringing you greater intelligence, awareness, freedom with your life in some way.
F Review…
Jan 24 – Feb 19 2024 Jupiter from 5 – 7* Taurus sextiles Saturn from 5 – 6* Pisces
The dates below in the table, show us how long Jupiter and Saturn line up and connect in what we call a 60* angle, a sextile. As you can see, Jupiter remains at 5 -6* Taurus, (the Jupiter column) and the Saturn column remains at 4 -5* Pisces for an extended period of time. This is so helpful for us! And offer several weeks for sharing your ideas, insights and to feel a greater oneness with the important people in your life. Good fortune can come to us and others close to us during these weeks.
January 24th is the crescendo of this long period of success, where we are experiencing constructive collaboration with your partnerships, social events, friendships, relationships and professional meetings in order to feel really good about moving forward with an ideal vision and agenda. It’s a great few weeks for cutting through on your projects.
These two planets, Jupiter and Saturn, ensure for us, our plans discussed and strategies could truly work throughout 2024. A sextile is good fortune, and typically involves team work, partnering, or friendships where support is provided to ensure our goals reach a positive outcome. It denotes a combination with practical financial business expansion, great insights and intuitive guidance, with Saturn’s structure and pragmatic organization, responsibilities and hard work.
From January 24 to February 19,would be how long I would count on this cycle helping out, and .. whatever positive energies you desire to share with another, plan and implement into your every day reality, are constructive, positive and bring good results. New businesses can definitely be positive now or existing ones can take on a new life for success.
The combination of these two planets bring truly opportunity to lay down a new relationship, the way it is not going to work out, work together and collaborate. It also brings hope of fresh new potential for all things Taurus, material, our resources we have at our disposal, our personal sense of owning our path, our life. How we desire to earn our living, what we do with our money, our assets, our businesses. It creates opportunity for professional and physical real life needs to expand and improve.
A greater helpfulness towards others and to yourself from others, truly a much needed gift of opportunity. My experience with these stronger planetary influences is they are powerful inspirations during the period they occur, but then quickly leave us in a better place, but the energy of the planets also leave, so hold on to any new ideas and commitments, new habits and intentions, determined to not lose the momentum, once February 20 rolls around.
Wrap up – 2024 has challenging disruptive periods, powerful exposures, reveals publicly, dramatic confrontations, global posturing, space and paranormal other dimensional activities, quite disturbing erupt and more and more truth unveiled regarding what Earth has contained.
2024 is a year for all of us, to expect a sharper and more realistic transparency, logical analysis of the big picture as to what has been going on globally, and how we can see patterns, trends, see through illusions, games and the theater of all these actors on the world stage.
Some individuals appear better than others in this political and power chess game, but is there even something higher we can support? The momentous Jupiter conjoin Uranus on April 15 – 26, 2024 can be a key trigger for inspiring an even higher expectation from our leaders, even the ones who appear great.
April’s astrology seems to be a game changer where new sharper higher information and insights spoken from several sources in the world, raise the bar on our social structures and our expectations from our leaders and business standards. A new standard of intelligent sharing, conversation will rapidly take over everywhere upon every subject. We will expect better from leaders. Impatient with those who can not respond with satisfying honest answers to our questions.
The Jupiter conjoin Uranus date is when it really kicks off, but be prepared as there are those of this world, will double down against our eternal infinity of divinity brought into the physical operation. 2024 will be globally the year no one can deny, we’re in a war of consciousness, yet we know who is the winner in the end. By following the quadrant themes, they explain why certain themes and incidences might appear in our live during these four periods, and also how we can see it unfold in the world.
There are more fascinating cycles to share in the future! Have a powerful January!
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