You Are Changing!
Stardrops April 20, 2024
Table Of Contents
- The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, April 20, in effect April 15 – 30.
- Weekly planetary aspect, including Mars conjoin Neptune April 24-30
- Full Moon in Scorpio and Wesak
- Iran and Israel Cycles
- U.S. 1776 and 1789 top Astrological Cycles
- Trump/Biden Elections
Jupiter Conjoining Uranus in Taurus Signals Big Shifts Ahead
We have entered a special moment in time where Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity, and wisdom, is preparing to join forces with Uranus, the revolutionary of the zodiac, in the practical builder sign, Taurus. This rare alignment holds the potential to catalyze significant changes and breakthroughs in various aspects of our lives.
On April 20-22, building up from April 15 – 30 as its total time span, Jupiter and Uranus will align precisely in the earthy realm of Taurus. This will be the only time the two planets conjoin, as shortly after April, Jupiter moves into Gemini for the rest of the year. Even though this aspect only occurs officially for one week, it opens a portal of power which will have a life of its own. It will cause waves of progress infinitely. You could look at this one cycle as a mini igniting within the larger cycle of the Aquarian Pluto, Aquarian age expanding moment.
Jupiter and Uranus are both at 21* Taurus, known for its stability, materialism, and connection to personal and global finance and economy, a new trend opens up regarding business, money, innovation and freedom.
However, when combined with the expansive energy of Jupiter and the electrifying impulses of Uranus, we can anticipate seismic shifts in the realms of finance, values, and the environment.
So, what can we expect during this epic event?
- Financial Revolution: Taurus governs wealth, resources, and the material realm, making this alignment particularly potent for financial change. Expect unexpected fluctuations in global markets, innovative financial technologies, and unconventional approaches to wealth management. Again, the trend has started already a few weeks back. Individuals may feel compelled to reassess their money, leading to radical shifts in spending habits, investments, and career paths. Metals, gold, silver become the preferred asset, but innovative unregulated techno-currency could begin to also take the lead, as old systems continue to lack stability. Taurus is all about what’s real, tangible, and for the long haul.
- Technological Breakthroughs: Continual revelations and exposures of underground technology emerges. it’s occurring at such a fast rate, if there has been an attempt to reign it in and keep it secret, it will be very difficult after this planetary conjunction. Uranus is the planet of innovation and technology, and its conjunction with expansive Jupiter will uncover groundbreaking advancements in various fields, machinery, devices, medical, engineering, and finance. From energy solutions to scientific physics breakthroughs, expect to see significant progress in all engineering areas that promote a greater freedom and increases our quality of life, open up now. With Jupiter’s optimism and Uranus’ genius, brilliant individuals come forward to reveal advances in these areas.
- Our talents, skills, our accumulated value we bring to the world and to those around us in our personal and professional lives: Taurus deeply encourages us to develop core values as a living human being who has heart and soul. It highlights themes of security, comfort, and self-worth. This alignment powerfully triggers all of us to re-examine what our potential is, what matters to us and trust our own potential to bring it out and build on these values.
Now is the time to be creative and engage with these new inspirations. We get right to the heart of things and release information, plans and projects or take a position or stance on how to view something you really believe in and feel is important to launch.
There will be a collective shift towards prioritizing transparency, authenticity, and unconventional pieces of truth and wisdom. Old systems and structures that no longer work, will be replaced. No longer putting up with archaic unevolved leadership as they will be replaced with more evolved leaders.These people are intensifying coming out and talking about higher more efficient and honest ways of solving problems, financially, politically, nationally, globally. These higher values may face scrutiny and upheaval, creating an earthquake like revolution as more and more people align with these objective, intelligent conversations and plans as the old ways are intensifying their grip, resorting to desperate extreme global measures to not let go of their power and old ways of running the Earth. Heart and human values, higher spiritual concepts could be behind many of these intelligent discussions and projects, they will be the alternative for an older social system which valued people only who are in the club and those are not valued, are kept outside the club and in the dark. - Personal Liberation: Individually, this conjunction encourages us to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace our unique potential. Jupiter amplifies our desire for growth and expansion, while Uranus sparks an almost rebellious impulse urging innovation, transcending the status quo. It’s a time to embrace change, take calculated risks, and explore new horizons with confidence and courage. By embracing the opportunities presented during this alignment, we can catalyze personal breakthroughs depending on where Jupiter and Uranus are in your personal natal chart. Even if you do not know where it is active in your birth chart, you should still be experiencing a new vision for yourself in some way, for the future. Take note of your new insights and attitude! It’s an optimistic cycle of potential and change, aligning yourself better to your real self’s way of life you have always known should be.
While the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus may bring disruption and uncertainty in not only our personal lives, but also in the world, it also holds the promise of liberation, innovation, and progress. Let’s be open to these planets launching a new era of efficiency, honesty and progress in our personal lives, organizationally, professionally, politically and globally. It’s for us and humanity as a whole community who are taking their lives to the next level towards Uranus/Aquarius Freedom. This is truly an epic moment of engaging in your personal alchemy, whatever it might be you feel truly is your path to realize now. More than ever, we’re being expected to live in two worlds. Maintaining a tie to the higher frequencies with our list of helpful remedies, while still working in the world, witnessing to the escalation of disintegration, is the new way. One world rising, an old fallen world exposed and collapsing.
You have the list – Mastery over your thoughts remaining high, helpful, open hearted, positive and accepting all good for yourself and others. Your food intake, your body care, your environment, music, atmosphere, and the people around you, that you spend the most time with and how they are handling themselves. Everything matters now in order to maintain that higher frequency which keeps you above the astral effluvia and drama. If you need music, bach flower remedies, more love, visits with friends, bringing specialness into your week, do it, don’t neglect it.
Imagine, you have goggles which elevate the frequency of your vision and your entire bodily frequency and awareness to another incredible dimension! The other world you’re walking through is rich with beauty, color beyond what is in this level we are use to, it is filled with a higher form of life, potential, intelligent life, divine presences responding to your perception. It is right here, yet just beyond the veil. You take off your goggles, and it’s back to the old familiar world.
With these goggles you realize everything is alive! Your home, self care, work area increases in this magical energy filled with helpful beings so ready to protect, secure and surround you with love. The goggles are your faith and imagination but something inside knows it’s not just imagination, but reality! This is the real world! Moving into a deeper faith throughout our day that everything around us is love, requires love, acceleration, attention, upliftment and higher frequency. Our music, our conversations, our people, our feelings, color, clothing, possessions. Rather than maintaining the average status quo of settling for life’s situation, convincing yourself it doesn’t matter. Shift to the other higher frequency that is just a hair away, meshing with this lower frequency. Resist succumbing to that blase state, it doesn’t matter….But it does! This is one of the ways Jupiter/Uranus is releasing inspiration to uplift us.
Millions who are living and moving upwards within a new atmosphere of advanced intelligent light, interfacing with your every thought, need, feeling and heart…am intelligent atmosphere is like a magnificent clipper ship going somewhere, taking us all on an incredible journey. A cylinder of impenetrable light, transparent, yet sturdy, moving us together to a new way of life. Isn’t it true, when you run into someone on the Ship you instantly feel the tie, the connection? You know, they are in the club of light, and now you see, there are the few leading the world in immense power, who are not in the Club of Light.
The crazy is still happening, and its decay rate increasing, yet we can have some degree of greater immunity to this crazy by living within the dome of light, a ship of light. Yet it requires tending, maintaining and being mindful of your surroundings, your state you are in and where you are going. I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. This is real. Synchronicity is real. Coincidences are living energies connecting you to all that matters to you!
Buckle up and prepare to ride the waves of change as we embark on this electrifying journey.
Planetary Weekly Timeline
The Full Moon in Scorpio and Wesak April 23, 2024
As you can see within the chart above, most of our planets are gathered in one location – they are arrayed within Pisces, Aries and Taurus with the Full Moon in Scorpio on the opposite side.
We are in a fulfillment timeframe now up to the 23rd. Financial material tasks have reached some sort of culmination, completion, and we’re moving now into cleaning up, sorting through things and taking care of more leftover situations. If there was going to be an escalation of financial change, metal prices rising etc…just like the sea or a river rising – (swelling) it would have been in the past few weeks leading up to the 23rd.
The Moon and Sun in opposition are both square to Pluto at 2* Aquarius, bringing a more final closure to something. It might indicate troubles arising within our work or family relationships where we’re feeling our own personal feelings or needs are being overlooked. We could numb out, let it go, or find other means to handle the situation rather than straightforward. The influence of this cycle shouldn’t last long, but might have us dealing with a more than ordinarily distasteful task….or causing us to deal with research, digging for answers, handling our physical world and things in a much more concentrated and determined say. Purging, cleaning out, organizing our money, giving away our things and other things like uncomfortable interactions with people during this time.
At a Higher Plane, Wesak occurs on this Full Moon, and it is the time for going within, disengaging from our outer material world, which totally makes sense to me during the Pluto square.
You can read about Wesak Here.
April 20 -22 Jupiter conjoin Uranus and semi-sextle Venus and Chiron
As described above, a moment in time for a new jump start with our lives in some way.Whether it is one idea coming to you which brings an uplifting hope for change in your future and/or a global uptick of people waking up and becoming clearer about what we all need to do to transform our world, this moment marks the date for another acceleration on the planet. Dangers are radical reckless desperation from those not accelerating, perpetuating wars, false flags, extreme measures to remain in control, escalate chaos and increase disruption on the planet. This is why we need to sail in that higher vehicle yet be practical and prepared.
This is just the world we’re living in now, extreme polarization of consciousness.
April 21 Sun at 2* Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius
Some conflicts over personality clashes could occur. A time to move carefully through the day, with respect and humbleness seeing all people and situations as opportunity to develop personal mastery. Avoid feeling hurried, rushed or pressured to prove anything quickly for anyone, or rush to take advantage of some thing you don’t really need.
April 25 Mercury leaves retrograde at 15* Aries semi-sextile Saturn
Mercury moving out of retrograde in Aries gives us a breather to pause and reflect how our unbelievably jam packed April has been this far. * or should I say, 2024?! Meditate upon a few things that have gotten done in your life which brought some relief, some sense of personal satisfaction of accomplishment. It’s just the beginning of more like this throughout the year. With the combo of the Solar Eclipse and Mercury retro all in Aries, April, more is expected from us now to cut through and get the straggled ends out of the way and clear out our unfinished business. Whatever inspiration may have come to you, even minor, if it makes sense to start it, and it was an inspiration and direction for you during the Mercury April, it’s a good idea to heed it, as it is usually a sign of being guided for a better future.
April 27, 28 Venus at 27 and 28* Aries semi-sextile Mars and Neptune at 27-28* Pisces
A subtle sensitivity towards reaching out to others in a much more therapeutic and open hearted way. This period simply opens us up to possibilities for beauty, music, art, friendship, positive conversations bringing support and re-assurance, confirmation your way, or possibly you are the messenger of comfort and support for another.
April 27-29 Mars conjoin Neptune
A strong connection between the planet of passionate action desired, a position or posture to take in some important situation, and the planet of higher intuition, compassion, visions and inspiration from our higher source. This is a strong openness to the ethereal inspiration, evoking higher love and empathy, inspiration and creative power to utilize, bringing something very special to alter our space or frame of mind. This cycle could cause some disappointments in life.
Globally, this conjunction with the highly confusing and deceptive distracting planet Neptune in its lower nature can, bring peculiar new viruses, new weird trends scaring the population with more challenges, losses. It can increase the likelihood of limited thinking, limited dumb calculations internationally and within American leadership, misdirected energy, erroneous calls and strategies acted upon throughout this cycle.
It could mark an escalation of poor assessment of global situations among “those who control” heading in to higher charged-up incidences. Neptune’s lower energy is open vessel for astral manipulation, so decisions could come from a dark source and Mars is the impulse towards action. Both in Pisces would have a motive of fear of loss of control, loss of the faith of the people in their power and effectiveness, and a menagerie of other delusional reasons for acting out unnecessarily or inappropriately.
April 29 – May 23 Venus moves into Taurus
Venus is at home in the sign of Taurus. A perfect time to get grounded, plant a garden, do deep spring cleaning and rejuvenate one’s body, tend to one’s money. Venus also provides a softer attitude and greater appreciation for our friends and family. It increases love and kindness for each other. What we value we can now magnetize more of it during this period. Our money, possessions, people and our gardens, home and material environment need extra care.
April 30 – June 8 Mars moves into Aries
Let’s use these two planets Mars in an assertive sign, and Venus in its softer grounded energy, for motivation, yet with an ability to bring that motivation into common sense plans and a course of action now. The Mars instigates movement, let’s get this done, and the Venus designs, ponders and brings the inspiration into an engineering usable and functional way.
As Mars moves into a stronger bolder zodiac sign, versus the emotional based multi-layered agenda Pisces it has been in for weeks, and conjoin Neptune as we mentioned above, an escalation of bolder acts of violence, aggression, challenging positions are engaged with an even stronger Mars. All these Mars escalations have increased since the Solar Eclipse in Aries, the Mercury retro in Aries, and Mars ruling Aries’ weird influence conjoining Pisces over the past month. I’m being reminded, we’re also moving into a Mars retrograde year. It is coming at the end of the year, but whenever Mars turns retrograde, (it will be in Leo, another fire sign), we’re looking at incredible high tensions throughout the entire year I’m afraid! Especially as it begins to turn retrograde, during and after the elections for the U.S.
Personally, Mars in Aries and all Martian energies for 2024, must be handled with patience, always taking a step back in order to filter drama. Try not to react or become engaged in urgent moments which are actually just triggering our already overloaded nervous systems.
U.S. Top Cycles
Transits to 1789 U.S. Natal Chart
April 30 2024 – January 23 2025 Transiting Saturn in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer
A time for some stability for the people – even though everything appears as if it is blowing up. It is like we’re on borrowed time, moving forward with our plans as if nothing is happening – the economy, the jobs, our lives, etc…are all moving on okay – as Saturn creates a matter of fact stability attitude to life in general for America…even though we have some very interesting cycles happening, below…..
April 1 2024 Transiting Mars/Saturn crossed over U.S. Natal 1789 Saturn and Black Moon – Mars the planet of war, enters the U. S. 7th house of open enemies.
The Black Moon in the 7th house is not showing up in the above chart inner wheel so here it is in the natal chart below…
Mars crossed over U.S. Black Moon and Saturn exactly on April 13 – 17. These energies occurred in the 7th house of U.S. chart. The 7th house is suppose to be the house of building rapport with others, bridging gaps, negotiaion and creating agreements. The flip side of the 7th house of out in the open hostility, arguments, opposition and war. Open enemies, imbalances of power, and confrontations. Because Mars was joined by Saturn, carrying serious tests and karmic challenges, it is a consequential Planet which releases the weightiness of a Karmic testing. It releases super charged moments of testing upon the leader, an intensifying challenge to do the right thing. This would be upon U.S. Presidency and those in authority in the 7th house of open warfare, negotiations, intervention and the house of key relationships in the world. It is a time in anyone’s astrology, once in 29 1/2 years, where more is required from us to handle other people who matter, in our lives, not to blow it off or be thoughtless and act rashly. America is receiving this initiation now in leadership. Saturn will soon reach an ultimate Saturn return on February 23, 2025, which is likened to a final exam in some way. Can they pass the test?
Transiting Pluto at 1* Aquarius oppose U.S. Uranus at 1* Leo
It is a dangerous period opening us up to an increased vulnerability from invasion, aggressive and radical escalation of chaos. It is dramatically increasing the people’s awareness of the need to seriously confront leaders as to how situations are not being handled smartly. It will cause such an extreme split between the majority of the people versus leadership in government and corporate, media etc…along with another extreme split between the leaders of the world versus American leadership who are utterly failing to recognize that they are falling behind the Aquarian Revolution of problem solving on all fronts. It is the sign of an extreme relationship trust breakdown.
The Pluto cycle began late January 2024, peaking all February into March – continued up through July 17, 2024. Returns December 10 – 29 2024 but is active the entire year. It can take years to recover from the effects of a negative Pluto transit.
Even though it only lasts one year, it is one of those epic cycles which change things for a long long time. Think of the last cycle of Pluto opposing the U.S. Mercury in the 8th house of economy, financial stability, employment conditions and health crisis, once in 248 years from 2021-2022. For more analysis of Pluto oppose U.S. Uranus with the table of dates this is peaking, click here for the PDF quick overview.
“Unlimited intercession descend upon my world and the world of Divine Humanity now. Release mercy, love, higher solutions. Cut free all souls who have advanced awareness and mastery, love and empowerment to move into action now, and bring the golden elixir of remedy into all strife, war, financial struggles and archaic systems today.
I call for the super charging of my being and world to accelerate my life above and beyond this lower frequency, radiating supreme opportunities to alter myself into that place of productivity and value everywhere!”
Transits to U.S. Conceptional 1776 Chart
Transiting Hades conjoins U.S. Conceptional 1776 Sun
Please review excerpt from previous Stardrops article on this most important transit HERE
June 1 2024 – March 18 2025 Uranus at 24* Taurus sextiles U.S. Conceptional Mercury
A time of discussion, increased volume of smart people presenting options to national and global crisis, America’s future relationship with the world, and making great progress with bridging gaps. Unifying like -minded people globally who are all unified with open honest information, examination and exposures of real problems, their origins and future change for the better. An intense acceleration of intelligent collaborations changing the way regular human beings who care, can relate to each other, join forces and change the world without having to wait on those in higher roles approving or not.
August 21 2024; September 12 2024; May 16 2025 Uranus in Taurus squares U.S. conceptional Moon at 27* Aquarius
We’ll have to experiment and watch this one, as I refrain from my usual melodramatic explanation of this transit. I know in a person’s chart, this cycle creates a period of time of unexpected sudden, out of one’s control incidences. Sometimes it is even an incredibly unusual cycle of terrible weather, heat, freeze, disruptions with earthquake, tornadoes etc…but usually, things related to moving, unexpected accidents or people interfering with their own crisis into one’s normal routine. America is going to go through this in the 3rd house of media, information, internet, communication, possibly electrical energy crisis, outages, communication outages, transportation, flights, travel industry, planes, space, technology, A.I. ….and the moon rules Cancer on the 8th house of troubling difficult crisis or even deaths or accidents… we need to watch the peak dates of this cycle and see what happens!
Peak dates for Uranus square U.S. Moon

2024-2026 Strongest on June 28 – July 10 2024, Returns in 2025 stronger, peaks exact June 1 2025- Transiting Neptune begins moving into U.S. conceptional 4th house of homeland and security
A cycle of national security vulnerability, once in a few hundred years.
April 1 – 15; September 18 – 30; December 28 – January 5, 2025 Transit of Saturn inconjuncts U.S. conceptional Saturn in Libra in the U.S. 10th house
Again, the Saturn deals with leadership and those in authority- it is especially sitting in the 10th house of the public face of the country – the president. It exposes an incongruency between reality of what is really happening, the need of the hour versus a disjointed disconnected response. It is a frustrating astrology cycle where the people even in leadership who understand the seriousness of the issues, feel their hands are tied and can’t act in responsible diplomatic and effective ways as there are others who are on another track in control.
Iran and Israel Cycles
Please review last week’s Iran/Israel overview for April Here
U.S. Elections November 5 2024
Planetary positions for November 5 2024 are much better in general than 2020! We are NOT going to experience a massive deceptive mess coming from several negative energies of Mercury retro at 28* Libra square Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, oppose Mars at 15* Aries forming a hard t-square of interference and other terrible things…along with transiting Neptune square the Nodes and the Moon both in Gemini ruling data, statistics, information , mail in ballots and all things regarding communications and the real time decisions of the people,, and of course, Gemini facts and accuracy.
So, as you can see in the 2024 chart above – there is Saturn trine Sun in Scorpio stability and acceptance of outcomes, organized people, systems set up for compliance, at least better than before. Acceptance comes from Saturn trines, creating a better feel for accepting the outcome, rather than previous astrology conflicts. The Neptune conjoin Node can have a sense of idealism and hope in the air, along with the powerful Uranus trine Pluto in effect, supposedly able to release an electronic energy to cut America free from the Plutonian ceiling, restricting progress and past oppression.
Mars will have just moved into Leo, and beginning to move into its intense action focused retrograde period December 2024, so everyone will be feeling the exuberance and drama of this Mars. All eyes will be watching America’s big moment.
Jupiter in Gemini brings good fortune for turnout voting, informed voters, logical clarity and extremely vocal opinions from June 2024 up to election day and there after up through May 2025. Once in twelve years. However, it is opposed by Venus in Sagittarius, which needs some pondering – typically a bit of overly exaggerated emotions, attachments and sentiment about the power and importance of whomever is getting elected, and their ability to do BIG THINGS. I’ll have to think about this opposition and what problems it could bring to the election timeframe. I feel it simply intensifies emotionally biased states of mind, but it isn’t usually an instigator for violence…however, propaganda, distorted or legal disruptions, interference via court orders or other legal problems, etc…yes, that’s what might be in the air, culminating just weeks before November 5 and a bit afterwards. We’ll review this again as we get close to the day.
Trump/Biden Astrology
Joe Biden
Assuming the real Joe Biden is running the country, his astrological cycles reveal a positive 2024 in general with Neptune trine his natal Sun in Scorpio all year. If we translate a supportive and slightly magical astrological cycle of Neptune into his particular mental and physical health reality, the trine could mean he is being maintained and allowed to continue being President, even running for another term and that’s about it.
On Election Day, Mars moves into Leo and squares his Moon, and Jupiter squares his Midheaven and Nadir. These are not great transits but they’re also not that bad. They begin approximately September 9 – November 7, 2024 and typically involves domestic home security interference and disruption. Such as moving at an inconvenient time or things like that.
If we take a look at the possibility there are other minds behind the throne, and check out those particular astrological cycles of these parties during 2024, it appears there are extremely blocked and oppressive astrology cycles occurring behind the scenes making it virtually impossible for Biden to continue representing the U.S. for very long. In otherwords, it appears his background support are not in a very good position to be able to use this man for their purposes.
Uranus begins conjoining Trumps’ Midheaven, his place of public power. This cycle occurs once in 83 years and triggers the strongest urges to change one’s circumstances, his experience, the way he has had to live his life up to this point. For the average person, it stimulates the strongest desire to change out their job, their direction, their manner of executing projects or strategies. It’s a once in 83 year cycle of restlessness and sense of urgency to feel greater freedom and liberation to live, do and create the life which suits them, and impact their environment (the world around them) in an epic way. This Uranus transit behaves this way for all of us, it’s not influenced by what we know of Trumps’ life.
On Election Day, Uranus makes its 2nd and most powerful sextile to his Saturn and Venus. This cycle begins July 1, and the Uranus on the power line begins June 4 2024. Both last up through April 2025 and they are strong. The Uranus sextile to his Saturn/Venus simply opens the way for different types of support from new kinds of communities of people. In fact much support and numerous opportunities for expanding and increasing his popularity and ability to win. It might also represent certain individuals with influence inviting him to negotiate and make a deal in order to allow him to win. Whatever the case, it is a social/relationship supportive energy he is receiving 2024.
His Saturn is and Venus are natally in the 11th house of Karmic assignment with humanity, the people among other challenges and the Saturn rules his 5th house of leadership, entrepreneurship and the Venus rules his 10th house Taurus of Career, public work and the 3rd house of his mental capacity, his decisions, knowledge and communication abilities. This Uranus transit also influences elections and data.
Okay, I think that’s enough for today! We’ll keep a watch on these cycles, and I am just remembering now, we did not include the Transit of Hades square the Nodes occurring end of May through June 2024. In recent Stardrops we covered that particularly dicey transit which could stimulate economic collapse process, however, my feelings at this point, is that it seems it is heading that direction but being controlled or slowed down. And possibly, that time frame is where it become increasingly obvious, the economic financial shift is in full swing – and not a sudden crash, per say.
So I will conclude this Stardrops with a note of optimism, myself, friends and clients all do feel an upsurge of energy, a clearance of some sort has occurred, where we may have mitigated many negative situations in some manner. We’ll keep a watch and personally, I think we’re doing a very good job just doing what we need to do to keep things moving forward. See you next time! Christine
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