Stardrops May 5 2024
Today’s Stardrop is our usual day by day playing out of upcoming cycles which are milder than the ones we have experienced in the past. Even though there are always the exceptions, in general an ease and flow of life can be seen through the next few weeks. An approach taken to just simply trust life is guiding you, things are working out, step by step, taking one day at a time would be a good way to describe the next few weeks.
The New Moon conjoin Uranus energy has some potentially unusual and unconventional issues erupting. Unexpected events which suddenly emerge requiring action could happen, yet because of the sextiles, there will be supportive and appropriate help to move things along well.
For larger global themes of a more dramatic nature, I recommend reviewing the past Stardrops for 2024, even as far back as November/December. You’ll find comments on the Eclipse significance we’ve been going through (and one more to go next March 2025) and other major Planetary cycles. Here is a link to the latest Stardrops global review of upcoming events…Stardrops April 19.
With that said, let’s walk through our next few weeks.
Photo credit Quangpraha
New Moon at 18* Taurus May 7-8, 2024
Venus, our planet of social relationships and pleasing experiences, which happens to rule Taurus conjoin the Sun and Moon conjoined in Taurus, always seen as a new thrust in our lives up through mid – May. And joined with the planets Uranus and Jupiter, emanating truth, objectivity, practical energy. Motivated by common sense, we’ll feel ready to spend time on necessary pieces of our life situations or our new projects desiring tangible results, With the revolutionary awakening and transformational energies from Uranus added to the inspiration mix, our lives are taking an upturn with our sense of direction and purpose. It is a good time to also just get very physical things out of the way, dealt with. it is also an excellent time to be planting your garden along with seeding other meaningful things you intend to nurture along at this time.
There is a powerhouse of possibilities now, coming through the Taurus practical, physical and tangible energies which could truly bring about the results we are desiring. It is a cycle of positive Fertility.
In the next few weeks, serious focus upon particular projects, issues or situations bring positive outcomes now. Taurus represents the material physical foundational necessities in our material world. It includes tech, engineering, our bodies, dirt, ground, construction. It rules over money of course, our treasures, building something. It rules over our possessions and what we have valued enough to accumulate. But it also represents a need to trust and follow through on the things in life which we know are the higher path to follow. This cycle can help our GPS in a way, maintain the proper direction towards our assigned life purpose. This Taurus energy polarizes with Scorpio, is Emerald Green and so the theme is all about truth,, vision, inner sight…following diligently the vision we are getting clear on, what we’re meant to do next…what is my next step to take in order to be on track. It’s a sense, a knowing. It also represents abundance, healing and science. (along with other notable signs, such as Aquarius).
Taurus deals with our physical bodies, the care of our body, what we do with our bodies, what we eat, how is it doing, how we exercise and what we are surrounding ourselves with in our environment. Our objects, focuses which emit either high or low frequencies we’re surrounded with. Taurus involves our abundance, our money and income. Or, simply what we consider of great value we want to put our energy into and that includes building a project, investing our time into a new endeavor. It’s about acquiring the knowledge – the know-how, the skills or understanding in order to build something. So it could represent the blueprint part of your plan, the strategizing out the practicalities of your new cycle.
These planets all in Taurus, combined with the New Moon beginnings, highlights building a skill or building a talent we want to watch grow at this time. Such as, a new business perhaps.
Even if it is building and nurturing a relationship, work or personal, this time is for planting the seeds and consolidating. This should be something already inspired by the April planets we just experienced.
Taurus planets with the New Moon are also sextile Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, opening a door for conversation and interacting with those key people in our lives. Personal, family, love, professionals or people who are there to help us, or us, them….this cycle between the New Moon and Saturn/Neptune from May 7 up to the 23rd, is helpful in getting your needs and goals met with others involved. If there are relationships coming to mind to engage in during these times, it is definitely worth the time arranging conversations, getting things straightened out, or making plans.
So this is an excellent time to hold meetings, plan get-togethers, make appointments, or collaborate nicely with any sort of subject which might need to be discussed. It can bring us one step closer to something we desire to accomplish. Even if it is uncomfortable, it is helpful.
A constructive solution can be reached during this cycle between May 7 – 23rd (the next Full Moon upcoming at 2* Sagittarius)
Taurus involves all things financial
Globally, currencies, gold and metals will continue to be front and center as the world moves towards unique solutions for means of exchange and economic solutions. This should be a stable pragmatic cycle for the New Moon two week period as experienced common sense type people, Saturn, sextiles the New Moon and creates discussions and plans on the table to move forward everywhere to replace an insecure economic structure. It provides consistency and stability, regularity with finances worldwide in general, and/or....with new plans and engineering economic currency solutions and investing.
With Uranus slightly conjoin the New Moon, innovative products, banking alternatives and projects would not just be discussed but actual dates set to launch experimental types of tech/financial solutions to replace economic problems. New Moons mean action taken, not just ideas being considered.
Because of the positive connection to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, ideally, tangible material value would be backing these new financial models, such as metals. This New Moon in Taurus could very well counteract the concern we’ve been discussing with the transiting Hades square Nodes May through June 2024 which we were speculating might represent bold action taken by the few, to control our personal financial lives along with increase of social monitoring. Control of our bank accounts, new forms of monetary system implemented soon tied to social behavior in the works, all of that sort of thing going on.
Since Taurus also represents businesses, engineering, equipment and machines, could there also be the launching of new industries, new products which can bring greater freedom in our future? This would be the cycle for the release of these products.
The Weekly Planetary Trends
May 5-6 Saturn at 17* Pisces semi-square Pluto in Aquarius
A slightly annoying distracting thing could be present throughout these few days. Something isn’t quite right and with Pluto could remain unseen, underground or undiagnosed. Go easy these few days, get rest eat the right foods and drink plenty of water and allow things to sink in. This is not the best time to push yourself.
May 5-7 Mercury at 21* Aries conjoin Chiron
Our weak spot will be addressed and action is taken to care for some undesirable situation in our lives now which can’t be avoided any longer. Mercury causes an intelligent logical focus upon the facts in front of us, and time to get up and do something about it. It is a good time to methodically prepare and get life in order.
May 5 – 6 Sun at 17* Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
This cycle is emphasized in the New Moon theme. A strong cooperative meeting, discussion and reaching out towards another bringing concrete advise, planning and arrangements. These positive conversations could occur during this time and should have good results.
May 8 Mercury 22* Aries semi-sextile Uranus at 22* Taurus in Taurus
A hint of future progress we can reach for with something concrete increasing our hope that something important could be built, achieved in our future. (The following several astrology cycles will be like this one…semi-sextiles, semi-squares, mild, all hinting of either hopeful future ideas which could be achieved and hints of potential problems which might need to be considered or dealt with. These few weeks have softer energies, even if big things are going on in our life at this time, these softer global planetary aspects suggest uncomplicated easier days felt.)
May 9 – 10 Mars at 7* Aries semi-square Uranus at 22* Taurus
A hint of a particular irritating disruptive possibility to consider…life might take a sudden new turn which needs to be handled.
May 10 Venus semi-square Neptune 14* Taurus
Our emotions and need for care at this time is a bit stressed as we’re dealing with another person’s possible lack of interest or tight schedule, or their lack of concern or not so helpful demeanor and position. Maybe it is the issues they are bringing up which brings confusion. All things being considered they just might not bring much relief to the situation.
May 11 Sun at 27* Taurus semi-sextile Chiron 21* Aries
A day of better vitality, recovery from a few stressful days or the resolving of a problem.
Mercury at 19 – 20* Taurus semi-sextile Node in Aries
We are trying to take in new facts, new information which could be important to follow through on.
Mercury at 26* Aries semi-sextile Jupiter at 26* Taurus
Our mind is in planning mode, desiring adventure, expansion. A good time to be preparing to throw oneself into a new project. It can feel a bit exciting, inspiring and motivated to launch oneself into something purposeful now.
May 13 Sun at 23* Taurus conjoin Uranus at 23* Taurus
With the dynamic energy combo of the vital Sun and Stimulating Uranus, a great day to be decisive, instigate bold actions which gives one a sense of empowerment. Unique independent energy moves through us today tuning us into clarity, truth and initiating practical tasks.
May 13 Venus at 17* Taurus sextile Saturn at 17* Pisces
Today holds the power of a much more distinct clarity, truth and action taken to transform and upgrade our life situation which is the power of the previous conjunction. Aspect however reaches out and cooperates with others and connects with friends or important people in your life to support reaching important goals you definitely value very much.
This cycle is similar to the late April Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, but It is milder. We can look at it as a continuation of what came to us to implement in our lives at that time. It brings us to another step of unfolding progress with our ultimate desire to venture into a new YOU a new standard you desire to live by. The sextile brings help from others, provides a clear sounding board for all your concerns, your ideas, questions and needs, and even professional support.
May 13 Mercury at 29* Aries semi-sextile Neptune 29* Pisces
The mind is hopeful with issues which would normally feel a bit raw and vulnerable to us. Brings a hint of something we could actually hang onto, realize and accomplish which is personally satisfying.
May 15 Mercury moves into Taurus
The thoughts turn towards practical tasks. We have more of a physical material focus during the mind planet Mercury entering the practical concrete sign, Taurus. Whether it is maximizing taking care of your money, body, things purchased, building and repairing, financial budgeting expense decisions, or designing or even engineering, between May 15 – June 2. Lets take advantage of our basic needs being addressed during this cycle.
May 16 Venus 28* Aries semi-sextile Chiron at 21* Aries
An inference of personal relationship stress or irritation of some sort. It would only be a hint of a problem, possibly some slight trigger from an insensitive comment or connection of some sort.
All of these transits which are semi-squares, semi-sextiles, again, are hints of possibilities or hints of difficulties but not totally manifesting around you at this time, simply considerations or issues being brought up.
The first half of May is more of a coasting along, taking care of some inconveniences which can not be avoided and continuing our path of transformation within our world, bit by bit. Whatever has been inspiring you since the first of April most likely will continue to be played out now. It’s like one continuous stream of a theme we’re paying attention to and desiring to work on and fulfill.
End of May A New Theme Coming
The energy of the month intensifies, speeds up as we approach May 18 – June 5 as Jupiter begins to sextile Neptune, (highly mystical, magical and inspiring downloads of ideas and vision) and Jupiter trine Pluto as Jupiter moves into Gemini. The Jupiter trine Pluto increases the will and determination to engage our focus upon increasing our quality of life, businesses, financial gain, professional or domestic arrangements and the potential for success with all these activities. It’s a great cycle.
So get ready for a new and very direct time of productivity, of visualization- motivation releasing surges of energy at your disposal. Instead of simply being inspired, the Pluto’s involvement can actualize these motivations and plans. The surges of inspiration and clarity of vision coming from Jupiter and Neptune can lead you to the next level goals unfolding. I would expect a shift of our consciousnesses, almost as if we’ve entered a different space, a different sort of feeling where you just know this or that project or plan will be the next thing to do…. as we temporarily move into a much more confident, creative and ethereal place where all things feel and appear totally possible to achieve now! Write down your experiences during these times when you get there, your hopes and dreams, your plans and expectations during these last few weeks of May into the first week of June, as they are possibly a new crucial blueprint descending into your world to build upon.
The insights we receive should be clear, direct and doable. I remember the last time we ventured into a cycle similar to this one, and I was even surprised how strong it was. As months go by and the cycle leaves, we tend to forget how significantly helpful Jupiter in good aspects supported a new start – if we reviewed our notes, a few years goes by and we can see the progress how many pieces of the original vision, actually played out. Could Jupiter sextiles and trines, especially to Pluto, be the start of yet another layer of great things to put into place for our lives?
These ideas and plans seem doable, exciting and again, hope is being brought into our feeling world, something higher and better is overriding all the problematic events going on around us and in the world.
The Jupiter sextile would be concrete physical and/or financial opportunities end of May leading to the Jupiter trine Pluto in Gemini/Aquarius, which deals with sales, ideas, contracts, writing or creating content, media or community building, multi versatile art and design, advertising, coaching, lectures, meetings, publications or intellectual and spiritual events…all potentially successful and exciting! Definitely inspiration comes into ones’ mind.
So that’s it for now, have a fruitful next few weeks!
A short creative production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet part of our family’s movie library. Hope you enjoy!