Trusting In The Current Of Light
Stardrops June 16 2024

Two unique challenges, one from Saturn’s sense of pressure with time, restrictions, discouragement with our own personal limitations, and Secondly, Neptune’s square, creating a more mood altering feelings, manipulative fear, stress, worries. Both squares from end of May through June 21 and possibly a bit longer, must be overcome as interferences as a wonderful powerful Pluto trine Jupiter throughout June, has been occurring simultaneously. This positive cycle is strong and creates key events in our lives to take us into a higher perspective and reality. More, below.
As many planets gathered in the Sign of Gemini this June, it gave us greater access to new information, ideas, possibilities flooding our minds. For the most part, it inspired a tremendous action towards increasing our potential.
However, the projection upon our minds’ tendency for hyper-focusing on what must be accomplished, handled, achieved from June 6 – 21 is the result of several planets in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (June 8 – 13th, and primarily within the New Moon astrology June 6.
These mental triggers, emitted a theme of thoughts pertaining to limited time, too much personal pressures, overwhelm, or worries over things only the ego might perceive as frustration with oneself and thinking “I”m not able to keep up!”
This intensified energy coming from Jupiter, Mercury, Sun/Moon and Venus all in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, added an element of restriction, frustrations and facing certain facts thinking we’re being realistic. This might sound weird, but I think this pressure from Saturn to the Gemini/mind planets has been for some, a collapsing of time in some sense. A pressure to transcend it, disregard it, move beyond time pressures, and trust in the Great I AM which is always Invincible and an all permeating perfection in our every day world.
The mental body fixates upon facts, worries about outcomes, timing and what not – yet might be missing those invisible truths which are at a higher level, and which make life magical. The ethereal realm guides us towards a more eternal beautiful accomplishment and reality where things just somehow fall into place!
On the harder side, this Saturn lends to an atmosphere of peculiar concerns, negativity possibilities or potential overwhelm, simply the illusion of things missed, lost, sabotaged or personal achievements and goals not met, potentially feeling very limited each day. It might have prompted personal self reflections regarding one’s lack or limitations, weaknesses or inadequacies, yet I personally believe, for the most part, we transcended it. We collectively, rejected these limitations and narrow perceptions.
In the midst of this square from the Gemini planets and New Moon in Gemini to Saturn filled with mental projections of inadequacy and weaknesses, emerges a miracle.
A new determination may have occurred recently, to take control over these worries. To rise above them, discipline ones being with higher thoughts, trust, positive outcomes and It might have even come as an important event you attend, an insight you received. a breakthrough of some kind, where you just know a higher level has been given to you to walk…you just know. This shift which we have experienced will also expect more from each other. If we love each other we’ll challenge each other to also become more and more our real selves.
The miracle comes from the power of Pluto at 1* Aquarius trine Jupiter between 0-3* Gemini. This cycle was the strongest between June 1 – 16th. it can have a positive influence upon us for weeks.
This force overrides the lower mind’s worries with a magical event, if you will, an event which carried a message, Invisible, yet tangible. Something special, new and to be treasured, leaving us with a new thing to ponder. What is this new thing?
The Current Of Love
The real theme of the past New Moon from the 6th – 20st which contains the Jupiter trine Pluto then, becomes truly only about a message, an announcement offered to each one of us, about something completely empowering and reassuring. A release of a powerful current of Love bringing relief. Each person would experience their own unique event or information.
A message to quit worrying, stop mentally identifying with any smaller petty projections playing upon our thoughts and believe in something eternal and wonderful about ourselves. If we’re busy and disregard this new, strange yet moving idea and insight into the deeper things offered to us during these weeks, we could minimize its importance, however it is still fully operational. In spite of yourself, it still exists and is operating through and around you as a new current of love. It is a special power to alter our (Jupiter) perception and paradigm of reality right now and for the future times.
Try to think back on your days between the 1st of June up to now, (June 16) and note the most significant event or discovery within your thoughts and experiences which has occurred.
This New Moon cycle could have been likened to a Messenger coming with a startling unforgettable new way of looking at your future self, from this day forward. I would write it down, how you feel right now, what’s been dawning on you as truly a possibility not just a fleeting whimsy of an idea but something meaningful to you.
Look at this cycle as an elevation of yourself, your frequency, vibrational state. You have moved up on the great ladder of life from whatever you have worked towards and experienced within the past few weeks.
The Full Moon in Capricorn
On June 21 2024, the Full Moon at 1* Capricorn and the Sun at 1* Cancer both square Neptune, almost entering 0* Aries (at 29* Pisces) is considered in square with the Sun and Moon.
Especially during June 16 – 22, Neptune in Pisces begins to square the Venus, Sun and Mercury at 29* Gemini. On the 21st of June, the Sun moves into 0-1* Cancer, the Moon lines up to 1* Capricorn, yet it is still in a square to Neptune at 29* Pisces. The Full Moon square to Neptune potentially emanating a type of ray or energy which can be experienced as an infiltration into our feelings and moods such as disappointment, discouragement, critical feelings and projections of a distorted nature. Neptune squares tend to infiltrate our otherwise productive confident outlook. Resisting these moods will be important to do.
The culmination of the past New Moon’s June 6 – 20th which possessed some helpful insight or certain accomplishments you’ve achieved so far must be protected against the Neptunian illusion and delusion of this square. The Full Moon’s radiation upon earth beginning this week of June 16, peaking on the 21st then continuing for a few weeks, would try to diffuse or make little of our victories. Any act of courage, revelations and especially an experience of Love is a victory.
There is a positive thing within this Full Moon in Capricorn….we’re being tested to claim our ability and achievement of rising in our own power, regardless of Neptunian fears, appearances of weaknesses, human inadequacies or the outside world appearing to let you down. Capricorn is the sign of Power, reaching goals, tangible accomplishments. It is in a positive trine to Mars in Taurus. Give yourself love and praise for what you actually have achieved, and don’t forget that mysterious message which was also imparted into your world!
More Daily Forecast
June into July 10, peaking June 20 – July 2 2024. Hades in Cancer square Nodes at 11 -12* Aries/Libra
We covered this unusual cycle months ago, targeting end of May up through June as the moment of economic changes, more major shifts in the U.S. Dollar, increase of the desire to possess and the increase of the value of Gold/Silver/Copper and the potential of implementing digital currency, banks running into more troubles etc.. this cycle peaks exactly on July 2, 2024 but has been active since May 25.
(For astrologers, I have found the Nodes not only represent popular trends in the world, social themes but also economic and money issues, positive or challenging. The Uranian planet Hades in square to the Nodes challenges our quality of life, cost of living, our money, banking, global economic trends and especially all forms of economic financial flow.)
June 16 – 18 Mercury and Venus at 29* Gemini square Neptune at 29* Pisces and inconjunct Pluto at 1* Aquarius
An odd combination where the positive merger of Mercury and Venus, which by the way occurs nicely off and on all summer, ( June – August) are challenged by a worrisome energy of Neptune attempting to disregard the good, and take us down into negativity and a sense of lack, what we don’t have, what’s not working out, the discouraging things we have to deal with. So between only the 16 – 18, be on guard for discouraging situations as the best is yet to come!
Overcoming fear with a higher focus of love, a bigger picture of what really matters seems to be another theme for the summer, along with that message or gift we may have discovered this June.
The positive Mercury/Venus dates fusing love, heart and communication, sharing, connecting with others, feeling inspired to give, share, plan and be an uplifting force in the world are:
- June 14 -18, 21, 28, 29 – 2024
- July 7, 8, 9, 2024
- July 20-22, 2024
- August 5-9, 2024
These dates are a series of Mercury/Venus conjunctions, along with sextiles to other planets. See Table Below…
It’s not a terribly strong cycle, yet provides cooperation and harmony, love connections, productivity and accomplishments with important alliances, key relationships and friends, giving and receiving much support towards each other. Also, there is always an element of financial prosperity with Venus sextiles including much discussion and planing, examining information and desire to talk about exciting things for the future.
Love, beauty, music, design, expanding one’s abilities and achievements and mostly, nurturing important relationships are all emphasized now.
Anything pertaining to writing, expression of creative self, marketing, expanding information, networking and increasing attention to one’s products or business is very good from June – August 2024.
More Currents From The Planets…
June 19-20 Sun at 29* Gemini square Neptune at 29* Pisces
This cycle is one of those days where I would only focus on what good is going on and leave the bad behind.
June 21 Mercury at 9* Cancer sextile Mars at 9* Taurus
A wonderfully energized day of of sharing, connecting and getting together with others!
June 22 Sun at 1* Cancer inconjunct Pluto at 1* Aquarius
A bit distracted, some interference throughout the day. Moods are fluctuating.
June 22 Mercury at 12* Cancer square Nodes at 12* Aries/Libra
An awareness of some issue which needs to be addressed during this time. Information either comes to you which prompts a correction, or you’re finding yourself in the position of talking to others about some conflict.
June 26-27 Venus at 11* Cancer square Nodes at 11* Aries/Libra
Venus opens our heart and causes a sensitivity to love and relationships but it is in a bit of a challenging position, where what we are valuing and trying to accomplish, others might not see it the same way nor be open to cooperating.
June 26-28 Venus at 11* and Mercury at 19* Cancer trine Saturn at 19* Pisces
Even though there is a value, priority and intuitive challenge from the Venus, the way you talk and lay things out is factual, practical and to the point. The mind is mature, steady and can stay on track with what really matters right now. Good days for coming to conclusions, signing papers, making important commitments or decisions.
June 18 Mercury at 23* Cancer square Chiron at 23* Aries
It will be interesting to see how our energy is doing this day, as Chiron squares can drain us. Take your vitamins, take it easy, as the nervous system and brain might be over taxed. Get yourself out of your normal environment if you feel stuck and bored. Change the scenery!
June 27-29 Venus at 14* Cancer sextile Mars at 14* Taurus.
Here are one of those exceptionally positive productive days we spoke about above, with the combo of Venus/Mercury in a sextile. Enjoy cutting through on your goals, feeling much has been accomplished. People are on the same page together. There is an upswing of higher energy flowing around everyone and it is inspiring people to keep moving towards a better level of living!
June 28-30 Mercury at 25* Cancer sextile Uranus at 25* Uranus
A wonderful sextile from the planet which rules the mind, communication and sharp thinking connected to advanced progressive breakthroughs, insights, revelations or experiences. A good time to spend with friends.
The next more notable and constructive cycle we can enjoy will be July 3 – 7, transit of Mars at 16* – 19* Taurus sextiles Saturn at 19* Pisces, and July 10 – 17 Mars in Taurus conjoin Uranus at 26* Taurus.
These energies are different from the ones above, as Mars inspires vibrant energy, practical, sometimes physical or financial motivation poured into the Saturn. Saturn is a stabilizer and implements new pragmatic functional habits, routines and structures put into place which work….Uranus magnetizes a community, friendships, groups of higher minded people, along with advanced conversations and ideas to join together. It is a current of connection with a higher purpose, guided by inspiration, positive energies and minds from above.
A great time to gather together with others and just by hanging out, there could be a rise of consciousness on the planet!
Wishing you a wonderful next few weeks of peace and positive outlook for our future together! Christine
I AM the Perfection, Love and Magnificence within my aspirations, my projects, relationships and endeavors today. All worldly activities come under the complete control of the Divine Love of the Highest Presence always and humanity is ever soaring upwards, moving towards the intelligence of the Great I AM.
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