Today’s update covers what I consider the strongest influences of planetary energies for the year ahead. Remember, each astrological cycle can be transmuted and re-directed by our positive powerful Affirmations and the ingenuity to bring correction into all challenging situations!
United States of America Astrology
The Mars Retrograde at 6* Leo conjoin 1789 U.S. Uranus and square Natal Venus at 2* Taurus
Date November 12 – December 29th 2024; January 20 -30, 2025; March 28 – April 20, 2025.
This cycle of Mars in Leo retro, then moving backwards into Cancer during the election time through June 2025 and especially strong November 20 – December 10, 2025 has the potential of causing much high stress and escalation of tension. It will build and build as it becomes stationary exact retro on December 6 2024. It releases the power to instigate events, attitudes, decisions and disruption within and without America during all these dates you will see here above and below. but most especially when Mars conjoins the U.S. Natal 1789 Uranus, This can be volatile, dangerous and at the least, extremely guarded and alert times where Uranus freedom and shall I say it, revolutionary energies are at its all time high. The most extreme dates are:
November 5– 7 2024; January 1 – 4, 2025 and April 15 – 30, peaking exact on April 20, 2025. Again, these are specifically when Mars conjoins the U.S. 1789 natal Uranus. We have to add, this Uranus is already being opposed by Transiting Pluto, that heavy planet which is already intensifying a split or breakaway in some form (description later in this article.) and the astrology cycle we continue to explore and bring up since the end of last year.
So watch and prepare for an escalation of personal, national and global sense of urgency in some form as this Mars begins to slow down and turn retrograde.
Transiting Mars stationary retro in Cancer, conjoin the U.S. Natal Jupiter and Moon in Cancer and square Neptune
Date Starting October 2024 – January 2025 – March 30, 2025. Peak dates of escalation of Martian energies are: October 2 – 7th 2024; October 11 -16, 2024; January 20 – 31, 2025; February 13 – March 5, 2025; March 20 – 28, 2025
Transiting Mars will be in Cancer from October 2024 on…. then turns retrograde in Leo on December 6, moves back into Cancer again.
It will then conjoin the U.S. 1776 Cancer Sun along with Hades on….
.Dates: September 25 – 30, 2024; conjoin U.S. Mercury on October 17 -22 2024; oppose the U.S. 1776 Pluto (not good) on October 25 – 31, 2024;
Conjoin the U.S. North Node at 6* Leo on November 27 – Dec 16, 2024 as Hades conjoins the Sun again on December 4 – February 3, 2025;
Then Mars moves back into Cancer again retrograde and opposes 1776 Pluto on January 9, 2025 – January 14 once again,
….then conjoins U.s. Mercury again on January 18, – 23 2025;
…and once more conjoins Mercury on March 30 – April 5, 2025;
and once more opposes Pluto on April 9 – 14, 2025 for the last time.
Once more Mars is back in Leo again this time Direct (not retrograde) conjoining the U.S. North Node on April 30 – May 4, 2025 as Hades makes its final conjunction to the U.S Sun in Cancer on May 15, 2025 and has been doing so since August 2023.
I know this is quite complicated, and believe me, It’s too much Mars aspects to comprehend it all at once. there will be a designated run down, blow by blow of this planets’ movements and all its aspects we are including in this article, but will go into a timeline in detail of what Mars will be activating in upcoming Stardrops.
But basically, Mars is triggering some very dangerous energies, motivations within certain antagonistic people, organizations, or shall we say, undesirable sources…. yet at the same time other individuals in leadership positions are also signing documents, passing laws, making serious national and international decisions which are monumental moments. This is ongoing repeatedly, along with certain people being convicted, seriously! and there will be groups or individuals activated to counteract positive events occurring in the world, threatening and mobilizing their retaliations…it appears everything is erupting, yet the Mars conjoin Mercury and conjoin the Nodes is all at the same time in full command in a positive manner with economic financial change in an innovative provocative unrolling of events and certain proclamations are being declared, presented to the people, with the Mars on Mercury. It is a relentless movement, like a military operation, or something like that.
Because this Mars is also conjoining 1776 Cancer Sun (along with Hades) you’ve got to be blind if you don’t know this is war and it might not be a typical conventional war we’re used to but it is definitely putting the U.S. in a most Cancerian defensive posture for protecting everything good it stands for, for its future, along with Hades influencing those who are attempting to tear it down with their sabotaging actions as this Hades makes its last round conjoining the Sun up to May 2025. Reminding, this Hades has never been in this severely undermining position before in the history of America.
This Mars cycle is definitely worth doing a video on as we get closer to August, as there is so much blow by blow detail of what we call Martian aggression, assertion, leadership, taking control, retaliation from other areas etc…etc…it’s quite something.
I AM the Divine Power taking command of all activities on Earth, in every nation and in every human divine life Now. Only order, continuity of Divine Intervention, Highest Protection, Security and the mighty sealing action from The Archangels exists Now.
(For a full picture of the positive and challenging events, with all the dates of Mars’ intense journey through Leo and Cancer Retrograde, from September 2024 – April 2025, please read the Mars Document, HERE.)
The Transit of Pluto oppose the U.S. 1789 Uranus and the Transit of Uranus square the U.S. 1776 Moon in Aquariusand the Black Moon in Leo.
Dates for Pluto
The Pluto transit oppose Conceptional Uranus began February 2024 up through July 17, 2024. Yet never retreats, it is in effect all year. The peak crescendo returns all December 2024, with full energy December 29, 2024. Once in 248 years.
Excerpt from Stardrops January 28 2024…
The dates above are key moments in the U.S. as the start of extreme volatile polarizing of certain activities, organizations, groups, against one another. The potential for out of control escalation in several areas, beyond border confrontation has started, as all Pluto transits begin at least 4-6 weeks prior to the first exact peak date. As we can see above, the very first peak is February 21, 2024.
As we have mentioned in past Stardrops, this has never happened in the U.S. before, and it creates a trauma of separation and alienation from what use to be a safe group, or a community which one would have never thought would turn against another, but now, it’s as if one community of people are facing alliances and friendships who have turned into a completely uncontrollable force against the other.
One can never go back to the trust and bond they once experienced, ever again after this cycle is over. A new story will have to be written with a new unity based on Reality and Truth and other beautiful qualities, as this one is the mark of an end of an era.
The cycle takes many forms, mutates into many unique issues, confrontations, variations of problems and accusations throughout 2024. And it doesn’t let up until it’s over. Avoiding emotionally charged reacting would be absolutely key to pass through this cycle successfully. Go deep into examining a bigger picture occurring on the planet instead of the one pulling on our attention in only one extreme direction.
Our job is to hold a matrix, a blueprint within our thoughts and outlook, for a smooth process of truth and transition, within a cycle of difficult issues erupting, yet without the extreme disruption of our societies’ basic well being if possible.
Typical with Pluto, there will be underground movement occurring, so much of this challenging opposing sides energy could be ongoing in secret. The concern is it is targeting the very planet, Uranus, which was hit by Mars on 9/11.
Uranus squares create unexpected crisis.
Dates for Uranus
A. The Uranus in Taurus square the U.S. Natal 1789 Moon at 27* Aquarius in the 3rd house and the Black Moon at 27* Leo in the 9th house. July 12 2024 begins, peaks on August 21, 2024 through September 12, 2024; (July 12 – September 12 constant.) Leaves October 23, 2024. Then returns….
B. …last Phase of Uranus: April 28, 2025 starts again, then peaks on May 16, 2025, leaves on June 2 2025. Uranus would make this transit once in 84 years.
Events come right out of the blue interfering with any consistent constructive daily progress. Disruption of the U.S Moon’s stability would look like increasing stressful circumstances erupting around News, communications, internet, outages, technology, space, satellites, phenomena, the bizarre, unexplained, impacting the people’s sense of reality. All sources of energy and communications. Facts coming out regarding 3rd house issues such as mind control technology which can program effecting the thoughts, behaviors, moods, the mind and subconscious behavior and attitudes of the people. Issues pertaining to transportation, trains, cars, buses, air travel. Accidents, disruptions, or exposure of trends and patterns becoming more evident these incidences are not random accidents or coincidences.
Eruptions of revolutionary groups of people, disruptive and extreme chaos coming from certain groups of people. Accidents of any kind, severe enough to cause distractions with public. These are Uranus square U.S. Moon in Aquarius situations
Uranus square the U.S. Black Moon in Leo.
Disruptions and interference with the nations’ foreign people within the country, foreign relations, Americans in foreign countries. The nations’ attitude towards leaders in the government, the Supreme Court ( the black moon is in the 9th house of laws of the land, judges and supreme court.)
Moral ethical integrity disruption, challenges, exposures, hypocrisy exposed, the attitudes of the people, their core values, ethics, spirituality or religious beliefs challenged..sudden disruptions or changes occurring in an extreme manner involving the desire to regain integrity, confidence, a divine right or entitlement to freedoms, thriving, and achievements in any possible way. Universities, children, the issues of child trafficking, higher authority activities possible exposure of enabling child trafficking. Again, even though exposure comes with this transit as the one above, it is typically seen as an unwanted interference of something new, unexpected crisis to now deal with. External forces beyond our control are interfering in a major way, our way of life.
July 12 2024 begins, peaks on August 21, 2024 through September 12, 2024; (July 12 – September 12 constant.) Leaves October 23, 2024. Returns April 28, 2025 peaks on May 16, 2025, leaves on Jun 2 2025. Uranus would make this transit once in 84 years.
The transit of Pluto at 2* Aquarius square the U.S. Natal 1789 Venus in Taurus.
Dates February 2025 – December 30, 2025
A once in 248 years of challenging transitions with Venus in Taurus issues – unethical people and social systems which are hypocritical. Issue with major transitions involving our money, currency, value of our money, laws or lack of compliance, new laws or ethical moral issues and standards regarding the Federal Reserve, banking, and other legal systems ( Venus in the 9th house). The end of engaging, investing in an old social group and their system. This astrology cycle ends situations permanently. It is a death and ending of a social group, a consciousness which is no longer serving the people in America.
All 9th house issues, such as cultural media, social media, social services, also cultural activities involving art, music, videos, internet information, places where people receive seek out wisdom, higher consciousness, expanding their minds and information – psychological patterns within and behind certain leaders of thought, or social molding. All these things are under question and evaluation.
Venus is social connections values and trends, and 9th house is the house of marketing, social media etc…but it is also the house of morality. This cycle has never occurred before in America, and it represents an end of an era in some of these activities we’re mentioning. It mainly hits the area of attitudes and what has become socially acceptable. While going through this cycle, it can escalate into worse troubles in some of these areas before the old outworn useless activities end.
Transiting Neptune at 26* Pisces trine the U.S. 1789 Natal Node
Potentially a soft yet important support for the universal protection, adjustments, safety and functionality with U.S. banking, economy, finance and employment. This cycle can bring solutions and effective decisions made, put into law regarding all forms of financial matters which benefit the people in the long run. This cycle also opens up good fortune for inspiring many to speak out, lecture, write, present and lead in key areas within the country in order to inspire and present plans, facts, strategies and motivate for change. It is a comfort inspired energy in the house of sharing, (3rd house) communication, networking and collaborating with others of like mind to implement change. It can be a transformational energy increasing a magical process operating everywhere which somehow is healing and changes circumstances for the support of turning negative situations around. It is an excellent cycle for an election year and is higher and stronger than the reckless Mars cycle.
Dates April 2024 -February 22, 2025.
Neptune trine U.S. 1789 natal Uranus
Dates April 1 – 20, 2025 – February 28, 2026
Description Neptune brings yet another helpful soft yet consistently inspiring intercession from higher beings, energizing support for healing the people from years of alienation, deception over important issues which have impacted their lives, created manipulations and a sense of hopelessness.
It increases faith and constructive activities. It is an important spiritual transformational energy providing, some form of mystical energy which builds the longer it runs..and continues with a new momentum of transparency, honesty, facts and exposures in order to unify people based upon truth and transparency of information. It can also increase advanced energy technology in all ways. The great thing about Neptune trines, is its impact can last for years and years after the cycle is over.
The Transit of Uranus in Taurus trine the U.S. 1776 Pluto at 27* Capricorn in the 2nd house.
July 15 to October 13, 2024. (This cycle is considered a mild Phase One and is just the start of something great, but, does not reach it’s full peak until 2025. It is so close so we consider it legitimately phase one and definitely a taste of things to come!)
Phase Two: Returns May 5, 2025 peaking May 22, 2025, leaving June 6 2025. It launches the new liberation and relief from something which has been oppressive for a long time.
Phase Three...the most significantly powerful cycle for relief, liberation and change for the better…December 13, 2025 – Peaking January 19, 2026 ending March 27, 2026.
An incredibly powerful cycle where step by step an alchemy of liberation from experiencing years and years of stifled oppressive situations, frustrations, control on so many levels can happen. It can start out as an exciting feeling of some event or new situation coming into American’s awareness in general. It exposes, reveals, but mostly cuts us free from that ceiling of frustration for the country as if there has always been some oppressive limitation imposed upon America we could not get rid of or break free from. Now we can realize a larger, better and higher way of life.
The first cycle on Phase One, is quick and sudden typically – but how Uranus has been recently behaving in people’s personal charts in 2024, it is jagged, on and off, breakthroughs occurring in chunks of time – week by week, or every two or three weeks another positive breakthrough, another opportunity, or good fortune event occurring.
By the time we get into Phase Two, it is typically much stronger and so much more powerfully noticeable as a longer constant wave of upliftment and events bringing liberation in many areas of our lives is taking place. By the time we flow into the final phase, some major significantly events bringing ultimate advancement, breaking almost the spell or curse of certain oppressive things…it truly can be broken. It’s as if a Karma has expired for America and a new life is emerging. Regardless of the other harsh astrological cycles, this one Uranus trine Pluto is relentless and will change in the physical the things which now need to come to pass for the greater good of the country. It will open up a greater relief of achievement in one particular area and does not universally fix everything.
Transit of Hades conjoin the U.S. Sun and Fixed Star Sirius at 13-14* Cancer.
August 2023; November/December 2023; Approximately June 20 – July 20, 2024 peaking on July 4-5th, 2024; January 20 -February 15, 2025; May 1 – 20, peaking May 14, 2025 ..end.
A time of intensifying hardships, problems and complex negative situations and challenges within the country or befalling the country. The Hades or shall we say the forces which are using Hades, attempt to snuff out, dismantle and destroy the divine Matrix of God Government on the God Star Sirius, which is the seat of the Power and Order of the Galaxy. It’s position is conjoining the U.S. Sun. This is why even with all the corruption around and in the U.S. the original intent was to establish a higher potential for humanity to feel safe and free within.
Hades energy is attempting to not only eclipse this power, but it is a one time long cycle where a series of problematic events and dark atmosphere holds an oppressive feeling sensitive people can feel and experience. It can be felt as a heightened sense of extreme uneasiness in general as if something bad is about to happen. An oppressiveness which is difficult to shake. People just know, something is off, something is not right.
How to counteract Hades on the U.S. Sun and other challenging astrology.
We need to resist succumbing to these energies, refuse to go passive thinking it’s nothing or just one’s imagination. If you feel it, take some action to shake this energy off.
Transit of Uranus sextiles 1776 Mercury
Dates May 2024; December 13, 2024 – – March 18 2025
The opportunities to experience a series of breakthroughs and positive changes among the majority of the people of America and even the world. It releases a chain of events bringing good fortune with truth, facts, analysis and idealistic conversations. These conversations and desire for change, taking action for change, can be seen everywhere. It is impacting the Mercury in Aries in the 8th house of the U.S. 1776 chart.
The 8th house deals with financial discussions, action taken to turn around oppressive control (the negative of Aries) over the country’s economy, expose and transmute, change 8th house sorcery and satanic rituals for dark outcomes to occur, and the opportunity to turn around and go higher with several other areas such as the attitudes of the people, the higher courts and judges, as it is ruling the 9th house…(Mercury it rules Virgo on house #9)
The power of a Uranus sextile is amazing as it causes enlightened collaborations, interactions among advanced people to transform, upgrade and change by sharing and meeting up, taking action, a willingness to connect and organize. It promotes taking one’s power back, regaining control over our lives in many many ways. And, Mercury rules documents, which could be the most important document of America, our constitution, and the re-awakening of putting these ideals and more as the primary standard of our country’s Mission Statement, and to inspire compliance with these standards everywhere.
However this cycle is to play out, I know it instigates advancement towards Divine control over one’s affairs, positive change and increase of opportunity to experience a unity of purpose towards progress and thriving again.
The Transit of Neptune moving onto the 4th house cusp of the 1776 Chart
Dates: June 1 2025 to January 11, 2027
This cycle occurs once in 165 years in America’s chart.
The fourth house represents our land, real estate, homes and all things pertaining to our nations foundation and security base.
I know what this cycle does in people’s personal astrological cycles when Neptune hits their 4th house, it has the potential of temporarily eroding ones sense of normalcy, safety and well being in the house or family situation, but I have no experience of its impact in our nations chart. I would be looking out for all signs of an increase of uneasiness with the leadership which represents the father of the household, to be unable to secure the family, the people as certain conditions continue to unravel for a time, out of control, in some manner, as this Neptune cycle moves forward throughout 2025.
The Transit of Neptune tends to bring in a slow but steady stream of bad problems with boundaries and protection within the nations physical space. It’s like no one is guarding the door. In fact the would be guard, the father, has fallen. Neptune’s lower nature becomes dominant during this cycle. That nature is secretive corruption extreme.
So, it can create hidden undermining danger seeping in from the outside. It builds and builds for years until it reaches the exact peak period, once in 165 years. When it finally enters the exact peak dates, (above) there can be a sense of the old foundation of the nation falling apart, dissolving even the land, the boundaries, the states formal identities, or their laws, rules or individuality. It is not a revolutionary aggressive open attack, its more like an undermining and sabotaging from within like suddenly, the ones we counted on are all psychotic and at their absolute worse condition. And exposed! Now all the family members in this great house must regroup and plan a reconstruction, a renewing of some quality of life again, but that typically can’t completely occur until after the last date of this cycle. Certain people are always the tool of Neptunes’ negative destructive operation.
Sickness, toxins, or contamination can occur, but mostly it is corruption or a compromise on so many levels, the “Home” we once knew, must be dismantled and a new way of life is required. In a person’s chart, they move. This new way of life can be better, and like I said, I don’t know how severe this cycle could be in a nations’ chart.
and lastly…
The transit of Pluto conjoin the U.S. South Node in Aquarius at 7*
Dates March 17, 2027 up through January 28, 2028
The total death and ending of the south nodes’ purpose or nature in this 1776 chart which is the South Node in Aquarius, representing a club, a society or community of a type of people and consciousness….in the 2nd house of economic activities and the house of banking will happen. This cycle we will most definitely be watching carefully, as it comes closer. It is also once in 248 years in America’s life.
Thank you for all your support. I will continue with more Top Priority cycles in the future. To review July’s daily planetary energies, you can find them here in last week’s Stardrops. A Time To Nurture – especially the Mercury retrograde and this key cycle below, we don’t want to miss!
“ (July 5 – 16 peaking on July 12 Jupiter sextiles North Node )
As you can see, July so far is going pretty well! Even if you have challenging issues in your life, or difficult astrology for your personal chart during this month, the entire month’s planetary energies are supportive for having the greatest outcomes of your situations turn out as best as they can. I see so much growth, expansion, and ability to accomplish much during these June – August cycles!
With this Jupiter/Node energy, wisdom, good judgment, logical and intelligent decisions based upon solid information are high focus.
Concentration upon all things pertaining to writing, or speaking, important conversations, travel and connecting with places, events or people who can provide a sense of progress in your life, support, direction, a sense of going somewhere meaningful, are all good now.
I would consider this cycle from July 5 – 16 as a protective expansive period where we are going to have our minds opened up to a new experience, a new piece of information, or a strong shift of getting something, seeing something. It is an excellent cycle for travel, and having that Ah Hah moment, where another piece of the puzzle has been given to you.”
And a reminder, our first U.S. Astrology Update which covered a few of these astrological cycles such as the Pluto oppose U.S. Uranus, can be found here for review. If you actually got through this entire post, you’re pretty amazing! Have a wonderful July and see you next time!