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Stardrops August 17, 2024
- Full Moon August 19, 2024
- Saturn square Jupiter in Gemini Starting now through 2025
- Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/Leo continues August 4 – 28
- Saturn in Pisces oppose Venus, square Jupiter/Mars in Gemini Mind power at its best, yet the need to proceed with caution
Saturn square Jupiter and more.
A time of smart ideas and inspirations continuing to inspire and motivate, yet the need to proceed with caution.
A T-square which occurs August 10 – 25 and peaks August 19, 2024, with the Full Moon in Aquarius.
Jupiter only, square Saturn, returns December 18 -28, peaks Dec 24, 2024; Returns again, June 10-20 peaking on the 15th, 2025
To review previous Stardrops’ Mars/Jupiter in Gemini section, Go Here
ReCap: A time of increased mental super charged ideas, examining life, options, choices in order to make proper decisions. It’s a “take action” astrology cycle. Lots of ideas, inspirations and logically planning strategies, and the desire to move forward, ASAP. You could be physically inspired, ambitious to get on with some new project or personal challenge you want to achieve.
Be careful however these are great ideas, yet balance and prudence is required. If working on new projects which require professional execution, the tendency to miss key elements, accuracy or due diligence with one’s research, etc…would be the dangers during these dates.
Because this theme of abundant vision, ideas and mind expansion is active from August 2024 – June, 2025, we could assume this entire time would be absolutely excellent for experimenting with a new plan, new work, new personal discipline or personal change and development. Jupiter naturally inspires us to gain knowledge, a change, versatility with one’s daily tasks or goal you want to reach, and it will continue expanding, knowledge and ideas, increase your study, sharing and reaching out and connect with others with your creative mind for these Ten Months out.
More than anything, I see it as a time Saturn is presenting more and more information. The square describes the seriousness of the information, or discipline required with whatever we’re developing now…and it could feel difficult to wrap our minds around all the pieces. We are in a discipline period, and so is the earth. Until these pieces of facts and unfolding of information coming are handled, our planet can’t break free. Saturn square Jupiter in Gemini continues to unfold more data, new rules and regulations involving economy, AI, our future, legal decisions and moral ethical global issues during this period. I would think, it would also create an increase of challenges and the need to address unethical decisions within the justice system and with several key activities going on in the world now. On the other side, Saturn can take on the negative forces of control, shut down and the limiting of Gemini news and information, with a step up of legal action and increased restriction on information.
In general, the Saturn’s role, is here to help us think smarter, logically during this time. And, because of its influence in Pisces, reminds us to reach for a higher vision and purpose, and make sure your work or words, or opinions and creativity are matching your highest standard of what you are really trying to bring about. It will be a ten month period of hard work achieving something you care about, and that goes for global purposes too.
The Saturn energy, would curb some of the exuberance of Mars/Jupiter in Gemini with triple checking if this or that is correct, or practical… which slows productivity down…it can also block or delay impulse spending, impulsive decisions, commitments, agreements and plans which might not be in our best interest at this time. You need to check your own personal Forecast however to see if this matches up. If you have personal astrology that is great for expansion during these dates above, then the Jupiter/Saturn square would only cause one to slow down and take into consideration every single detail which needs to be incorporated in the plans, and attempt to achieve one’s ideal goals.
The Full Moon August 19, 2024
Review of recent Stardrops from August 14, 2024
The Full Moon builds up for a few weeks with a theme. This theme is about change, improving our personal life in some way, however, there could be unexpected disruptions going on around us. This desire for a more objective personal evaluation of ourselves and our life, culminates fully on August 19, the exact peak of the Full Moon. Usually, we rarely experience extreme dramatic events on these Full Moons, however, it’s always a good idea to be aware, that this type of theme could come to a head because there is a square to the Full Moon from Uranus.
Uranus square the Full Moon
Peak Dates: August 12 – 21. The planetary energies could trigger an event with unexpected disruptions because of Helio Uranus square Sun/Mercury and Geo Mercury Sun Moon square Uranus during the same week as the Full Moon. These energies can intensify a wake up call for things in our life to change.
In addition to self improvement and change, an Aquarius Full Moon highlights themes which have to do with technology, crypto money, computers and cell phones, all tech devices and software issues, hacking, interference and violation of secure systems, websites, electrical concerns, energy concerns. Anytime you have a Uranus or Aquarius energy involved, these activities can be effected, including earthquakes.
Another theme would involve people in our lives, such as a group we are connected to, our friends, our colleagues and peers, – our team at work, all humanitarian/friendship and community issues highlighted…the need to gather, coordinate and progress. Significant changes at corporations impacting employees, new expectations or rules are made. These could be unexpected and abrupt. These activities would highlight the growing awareness something must be addressed and change in order to preserve the ideal goals of the group or business.
Then there are the issues surrounding truth and transparency of information and the issues regarding the News and Citizen journalists. There are huge disruptions and unconventional breakthroughs going on with the distribution of information and discussion during this time. The disruption from Uranus is about rejecting more and more, certain types of news and going after a more objective factual reliable reporting, All of these situations are highlighted in order to awaken and alert, to strategize and re-consider how to stabilize and secure our lives, business and personal affairs, as these avenues of truth. This configuration brings to us a crucial period of acceleration for our life as we need reliable information in order to prepare.
There are volatile planetary positions escalating as we approach the Full Moon on August 19, 2024.
The two planets in particular, Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Leo, moving into challenging positions, one is heliocentric Uranus at 23 – 25 degrees Taurus (from the Sun’s perspective) in a right angle to Earth and Mercury, and …
geocentric transiting Mercury and Sun at 27* Leo square Uranus at 27* Taurus, and Uranus square also, the Full Moon at 27* Aquarius on August 12th-21, peaking on August 19th – 21 2024.
Full Moons often cause events including physical cataclysmic conditions to build up and swell, including earthquakes, flooding, etc… this is also falling right in the same time frame as the above transits. August 12th – 21, 2024
Here is an Affirmation for our stabilization during these times…
I AM easily receptive to the changes I desire for myself and my environment, and I AM re-made more whole with great love each day.
The Full power of Archangel Michael takes command of earth and her people, now.
Mercury Retrograde Continues….
Even though we covered Mercury square in the Full Moon descriptions above, let’s focus on Mercury for a moment, as it impacts our ability to isolate one idea or a plan and gain from that idea when it retrogrades.
Mercury conjoins Sun squares Uranus August 17 – 19 This cycle is already in motion as of August 10, building to a peak on the Full Moon August 18-20, and returns again September 5-8, 2024.
Mercury is attempting to bring to light a situation we could have going on in our lives, which might cause us some vulnerability. Is it data, technology, our relationships or things in our work or home life which are in need of care and some transformation? These dates above, could warn us through certain events, we need to lock down these areas of our life and not be so risky or vulnerable now. It might bring unexpected surprises, events or situations which require a re-thinking of things in order to next time, be better prepared.
Mercury sextiles Mars August 22 – September 13, 2024
This is a longer cycle which inspires us to reach out and connect with certain people who are happy to help, provide information and have your back. In general, it’s a great cycle for meeting up with others, anything tied to content creating, advertising and marketing, multi-media and music, news, research and engaging in creative work. It’s great for making commitments with others and simply feeling quite good about who are in your life and enjoying family and friends.
This cycle has also been building up since the first of August, and now is coming to a greater intellectually brilliant sharing of plans and ideas with those you trust.
Chiron Resolution

Mercury is in Leo and trines Chiron in Aries August 20-September 3.
Any past situation which have been hard, carrying a bit of trauma, hurt or contributed to a feeling of being disadvantaged, weak, is now possible to become healed through support from others or helpful situations.
Your need to feel you are noticed, seen, acknowledged is the most highlighted theme.
Healing body, environment, healing your mind, your heart, anything which needs to feel complete, resolved, it is a positive time now to experience this resolve. On August 20 – 26, Mars also makes a helpful sextile to Chiron. So we have an August 20 – 24 period of Chiron, our planetoid of struggles, weakness, vulnerability and a wound attended to. you could feel more appreciated, understood, being helped out, supported, potentially resolved. A feeling that some situation or thing in your life, finally has some relief, closure.
Venus is opposing Saturn on August 18 – 20, peaks August 19th.
Venus, our feelings, values and social connections. A sense of responsibility to another, causing us to take in the serious assessment of the situation, what this person or circumstances are capable of, what they most likely can not do or not able to do, we size it all up and make a decision by being realistic. Who am I? What am I capable of? What can I reasonably handle, take on? Should I be less ambitious with my expectations and realize what is the truth of this situation and what I can not change or they can not achieve?
These two days are when something which has been building for a few weeks, is coming to a head. Not everyone is going to experience this, but for those who are relating, the Venus would be you, your heart, your values and standards with which you abide by for your own sanity and integrity. The Saturn in Pisces would be something challenging, even to the point for some, severely messed up. The opposition is a time to face the facts, the situation could be beyond your ability to handle, which then leads to the decision to separate from it.
Let me know your thoughts if you relate, and if it is something which has been building for a while.
August 25 – 30, 2024 Venus trines Pluto and Uranus forming a grand trine
The last week of August brings a lighter feeling of creative fires. This period is supporting vacations, love, creative work, art and design. It supports positive surprises and moments which bring a greater sense of progress with anything involving our physical world and giving us a boost of hopefulness for our future.
Venus, the planet which is responsible or magnetizing what we need into our lives, increases our love, nurturing relationships, and It is a sweet time and because of Pluto’s power energy, something more significant, deeper and long lasting could be created during these dates. In addition, Uranus, infuses this time with the unexpected, the sparkling energies and cuts us free from the old routines.
On August 28 – 29 Venus opposes Neptune. This entire time of August 20 – 30, peaking 28 – 29 keep track of your stuff. Money, wallet, phone, credit cards, etc…keep track of how you act around important people in your life. Be mindful of your words, your actions and be as supportive and empathetic as you can without bending on your values. Neptune can cause forgetfulness, loss, disappointment or misunderstandings of ones’ intentions. It can also work in reverse, as we can be vulnerable towards misunderstandings of people’s real meanings of things, their intentions. It’s only for a bit, but might be important if you deal with delicate situations with others during these dates.
The worst which could happen, is a bit of sadness from a good time coming to an end.
Thanks for your time and attention to these cycles, and we at Starfires are wishing you a happy and productive rest of August!
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