A New Moon in Scorpio, Eyes Open
STARDROPS November 3, 2024
“I Call to the Great I AM, for the release of infinite Power, Love and Intelligence into the world for the greatest upliftment, awakening and liberation manifest for humanity now.”
“When I entreat you to help to build My Country, I do not address skeletons, but living, creating spirits. To each one is assigned his sacrifice. the symbol of the open eyes is so important.”
Morya, Leaves, 1925
The New Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
November 1, 2024
Our New Moon in Scorpio, empowers us with a dynamic theme of deep work for ourselves, the country and globally. We are now summoned to engage. Commit and sacrifice for a bigger picture at hand.
The New Moon trine to Saturn, launches a new cycle for us all, supports our commitment to tackle life in a way we might not have felt for a long time. Saturn creates a pragmatic do-able strategy for us, along with a vision, an ideal plan we are to TRY to achieve for ourselves and the world around us.
It’s time to commit to that thing you know is inevitable to pursue – your next step towards achieving something important.
Whether it is your own personal affairs, home family business money, or in a larger public service arena, it’s still the same calling for us all. Dig in, draw down and solidify your vision of what you want to implement and achieve, and organize your people, money, budget, time and schedule and make it happen! You have 14 days to the Full Moon, to launch this inspiring yet daunting task! When we reach November 15 the date of the next Full Moon, we can reflect on how much has been accomplished. We don’t want to miss this cycle.
The Full Moon pause in our life on November 15 helps us take in the fullness of where we stand now and what is left to be done.
It isn’t a race, it’s a cycle of purposeful action, purposeful meditation, methodical execution of strategies.
It also can be a time for healing, reaching body transformation and even reaching certain financial goals. It is a time for preparations, or anything you sense is needed right now.
November 15 to the next NEW MOON in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024,
I’m writing my 14 day goal down this weekend, and as we all are very challenged as to how we can accomplish what must get done, I know we can do it! We are determined. This is the energy of Scorpio. Determination, sacrificing and visionary. The trine to the Saturn helps us accept the challenge, it is a given and yes, we do need to try to make this happen to the best of our abilities as there is an important schedule we are locked into, for a reason.
The Full Moon on November 15, is in a conjunction to Uranus, (the planet of unexpected events), not a very stable time. It denotes unpredictable incidences occurring. It will be exactly at 24* Taurus. (see below). Economy, financial, markets, metals could have something quite unexpected occur as the Full Moon will be in Taurus. Some sort of emergency, panic or scrambling preparing for a massive shift and change with money could happen.
As for me, I am planning my next two weeks well, putting myself into Spartan mode (very Scorpio!),
With this in mind, let’s utilize this Saturn trine New Moon in Scorpio, right now, November 1 for 14 days, as a time for getting our things in order and making good progress in the areas which you know you need to take care of. Let’s do this!
Pluto in Capricorn oppose Mars in Cancer
Dates: Now up through November 10, 2024, peaking November 4.
As we move into November, our first hurdle will be getting through next week ( now through November 10) with the Mars in opposition to Pluto in the last phases of Capricorn.
As this aspect locks in, at the same time, these planets are swiftly moving into another testy position, lining up to the U.S. Natal Uranus (see chart below). Both are volatile, triggering energies, the first an obvious power struggle, authority leadership conflicts and potential abuse of powers, a confrontation of these powers, even to the point of escalation of dangerous activities erupting. This is the now through November 10, Mars oppose Pluto, alone.
The second transit is how the Mars is also lining up on the U.S. Mars and Uranus, so both are opposing transiting Pluto. This cycle might be dealing with two potential scenarios :’
While these scenarios are going on, if you can allow a third concept to sink in at the same time as the two above, Pluto moving into Aquarius, is swiftly accelerating humanity into a global awakening of oneness, and choosing efficiency, transparency, love and support for our civilization.
It is the launching of progress and advanced activities in every area of humanities survival, while addressing what has been terribly happening to our world and people for the past sixty years or more of corruption. (Actually, for thousands of years – remember my old analogy of the people waking up as if from a long sleep from some catastrophe or trauma? This is the time. Now we deal with the fall out, the PTSD of civilization, and start the healing process.)
For many reading this today, you know it has been like a horror movie of the worst kind, so we don’t need to bring out a list of crimes at this point.
This is why it will appear so messy and confusing. As one system collapses, and the new advanced activities replace the old, it will take decades to evolve and expose what corruption and archaic systems have been used, and replace them with the new, but those in-between years will feel like a crazy ride. It’s already been escalating in this manner. As one very ancient and old culture will not let go, the relentless light continues to penetrate into the earth flushing out the dark to be exchanged for higher ways of living.
The time frame for a dramatic escalation of shifting will be from last week, October 17 with the Full Moon making a power cross with Pluto in Capricorn oppose Mars in Cancer, square Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries – then moving into the Mars in direct opposition with Pluto, peaking on November 3 and 4 exact. It’s like a wave all October, increasing in volume coming to a head. I see this as another key moment in our history of moving to the next level of progress.
Once this comes to a peak on November 3 and 4th, Pluto will then run its course at the tale end of Capricorn, which refers to 2008 – 2024 potential corruption of systems corporations and ultimate powers, on November 18, 2024. This is when that cycle is done.
You can feel it in the air even now, this Plutonian energy, an amalgamation of control and deep obsessive power in the Sign of Capricorn (governments, corporations, clubs, societies, systems of ultimate control) leaving that sign and moving finally into Aquarius on November 19, 2024.
One down, three to go….
Pluto moving back into Aquarius, November 18-19 2024 beginning to oppose Mars in Leo retrograde.
Ultimately the new Pluto cycle as a freeing up of constriction of energy, a positive thing for us. However, we now need to contend with Mars beginning to turn retrograde from 0-6* Leo, directly opposing Pluto (yes, it’s still in that precarious opposition to Pluto for a while which means, it ain’t over yet).
The entire cycle of Pluto in Aquarius opposing Mars in Leo. will be from November/December 2024 – May 2025
So now the energy changes from Mars in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn, which is all about polarization of power structures and competitive challenges for control, to a new energy of Leo/Aquarius.
Leo/Aquarius is more chaotic, revolutionary and unconventional…it has a theatrical energy, filled with more drama, as if dozens of deeply significant Shakespearean plays were parading on the world scene simultaneously. Each one with their Moral lessons exposed, for all to witness.
The main theme will be the transparency of corruption of humanity on every orner of degradation which has been going on. This cycle now through May 2025 is going to be shocking for some. They have no idea what is about to come out into the open.
Leadership/authority personalities at its height of drama, attempting to manage new ideas introduced into our world, will have their hands full.
These are Aquarian energies, such as new economic models, elimination of archaic waste yet introducing experimentation of innovative models into societies’ very fabric of operations. Some will work, some will be like a giant laboratory of experimentation inevitably leading to some large segments of time immersed in chaos as the public shifts in new directions. Disruptions and adjustments continue, leaving us with a gut feeling of being ungrounded for a time.
Not only is Pluto alone, bringing much of this change and unconventional acceleration into the future about, now through 2042, (Pluto in Aquarius’ time frame) but November 2024 through May 2025 it will also be opposing Mars, the planet of aggression, urgency, immediate bold overly confident action taken to transform and upgrade everything NOW..
It is exciting and refreshing, but Leo is the sign of risky investment of time, money, energy and leadership. Leo/Aquarius can also cause a revolutionary air among people – radical, extremism. I pray we have backups in place for every form of continuity of communications, energy, food, internet, etc….as this might be a potential time where some threat to that conglomerate power, shuts everything down. Is that possible?
We all need to handle this new energy with maturity and grounded practicality during 2025 especially. For the world, the U.S. and our own personal lives, as it will feel very electrical.
I would predict continual disruptions of electrical, internet, communications, satellites, transportation, energy, fuel, medical exposures, overhaul of systems, money and banking, extreme changes occurring in the markets, and of course, crypto and metals playing a larger role with our purchasing power. Leo rules gold, and Aquarius rules crypto. Also, the continuing push promoting digital ID.
So this is the first challenge, is containing and the proper channeling of this high energy of change.
Transiting Hades conjoin the U.S. Conceptional 1776 Sun at 13* and Sirius in Cancer.
A devious activity of random events, seemingly unrelated, attempting to take down the essence of security and ideal meaning of the concept of a dream called, America.
This terrible cycle began the week of the Maui fires. It ends May 2025. There would continue to be natural geo-weather, earth disruptions, numerous forms of calamities and further disruptions of regions of the country, (and the world), along with all forms of threats to our personal security.
This attack realistically, can be ongoing exactly at the same time new innovative progress is being inserted into our societies way of life. Five steps forward, three steps back. It is exhausting.
Pluto square the U.S. Conceptional Venus in Taurus.
A loss of trust in social institutions.
The dates are: February 10, 2025 – December 8 2025. Past occurrences were 1779-1780; 1939-1942.
This one is a bit tricky. It causes one long continuous breaking down, in chunks or cycles throughout 2025, of the destruction of our institutions and societies’ value of these institutions. The process of this astrology cycle, even though the end of it is liberating, is very very hard and disorienting for a country to go through.
Another aspect of this Pluto would be a time where some form of death and ending to corporate U.S. and/or banking system, or financial institution occurs, as Venus in the 9th in Taurus, involves legal ownership of the country by someone coming to an end, along with its financial corruption.
It is a Culture or almost you could see it as likened to a religion, with certain Priests at the head of it all. It is the death to this culture. A manipulation attempt of currency, may be attempted quickly before this death occurs, challenges in regards to the value of money, new banking procedures and systems set up, or possible tearing down and elimination of old systems. Some liberating and some sketchy.
Venus shows us what the people value –the arts, their money, purchases, pleasure, music, movies and entertainment – our culture, our country’s assets, what comes out of the country or what is valued or taken for granted, almost an indulgence among certain people within the country. These pleasures and excess could come to an end.
It could also be famous people, popular trends, or even prominent people controlling and protecting certain destructive demeaning industries with their popular stars and culture, crashing and burning.
It’s not all bad, but when Pluto squares Venus, the bad or destructive part of Venus’ cultural values, will be taken down. So who are those who have propped up and utilized this Venus in Taurus in a dark way? They will also go down.
Venus in Taurus, governs money, banks and all things material. Venus also deals with our social connections, a society, a group which positions themselves to govern over society in order to maintain order and rules as those who dictate trends and rules, for the welfare of the people. If there is corruption, they will also go down.
Pluto square Venus in Taurus would be a year of challenging these activities and particular social groups. In a person’s chart, if they had this astrology cycle, it would denote an ending, completely eventually of any involvement continuing in any way with a group of friends, a group of society that person used to value, their cultural familiar “feel good” connections….or a way of investing one’s energy into something which brings money, the arts, pleasure, but self serving etc.. it ends.
These transits from Pluto are speculations as to how it will play out. It is potentially a death to several distinct forms of cultural society paradigms, degrading activities and oppressive institutions, which have been enabled and even supported in some way by people in positions of power.. like an industry…. an old set of values which has made a lot of money, involved in massive corruptions, in which people have derived much pleasure and possibly entertainment at the expense of innocent people…a misuse of the energy of the people. It’s going down. By December 2025. these activities and the people involved, will have been exposed and contained.
Planetary Trends for November 3 – 11, 2024
November 2, 2024 Mercury enters Sagittarius January 7 2025.
Mercury will be moving through the expansive optimistic sign Sagittarius up through January 7, 2025. Our thoughts are inspired, focusing upon moral issues and centered upon how we can move beyond our old limitations.
Nov 3 Mars in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn As said above, this day and the weeks leading up, are tense overwhelming energies we contend with as our very bodies might be holding the balance for many, against aggressive acts to challenge progress and attempt to maintain a grip of power. In otherwords, don’t be surprised if you feel weird, fatigued, worn out or just non functioning for the next few days.
November 3-4 Venus oppose Jupiter A lighter transit, but still creates a flip, a turn around at the last minute. Personally, restless change of mind, turning things around, shifting our environment, plans. Be aware of impulses to overextend oneself in some way – over spend, take on more than you can handle. An important time to remain prudent, grounded, and realistic. Guarding against dramatic emotions and moods. Fudging of data, numbers, statistics, lying, over optimism, exaggerations of facts, distortions of facts and reality run rampant.
Venus trine Chiron Our values we hold dear, can be supported. Relationships can be healed in some way. A truce and cooperative day with people close to you.
Nov 3 Mars enters Leo This should be an increase of vitality and confidence, increasing a desire for greater security, home, renovation, purchasing or handling property, financial gain.
Mars enters the dramatic and very competent sign, Leo to implement some great things, now up through May 2025. Design, art and music, fashion style and masterful beautification of our environment can take place in our lives during this time.
An increase of opportunity to really get a grip on new business plans, management strategies and confidently thinking bigger for your life, than normal.
It is a powerful time for gaining personal education, increase skills, personal advancement to obtain a higher quality of life and increase ultimately, greater efficiency in finances or greater income in some way.
Children benefit from this cycle, and the issue of scandals involving children will be extremely high focus and distressing, now through May 2025.
Nov 4-5 Sun trine Saturn A day of balance, certainty and acceptance of what now needs to be done in one’s life. It is clear, accepted and feels right.
Nov 6 Mercury trine Node
Information, writing, creating is positive now. Along with contracts, documents and official paperwork. Making positive decisions and receiving reports in order to take in a bigger picture as to how to move forward on your plans are all good now. A good time for taking a step back, and assessing your next move.
Nov 7 Venus inconjunct Uranus
An incongruency between love and values, self worth and possessing one’s confident sense of power within yourself, might be challenged, and totally incongruent with a group of people, or a community or even an ideal of a department, community or circle of friends. A bit of a frustrating moment of having to shift in the way we see ourselves among friends or a group of people. Our confidence in who we are versus who others think we are, could be at odds
Nov 9 Venus square Neptune
Another slightly challenging day of friendships and relationship conflicts – yet this one has mystery, misunderstandings, deceptions. One might want to hide or retreat into a shell during this day. This cycle may have started a few days prior.
Nov 11 Sun inconjunct Jupiter at 20* Gemini and Chiron at 20* Aries
Our power and vitality, confidence and ability to experience progress in life is challenged by others’ opinions or oppression, their minds, thoughts and the things they say and decide upon. It is important to take charge of your life and continue believing in yourself no matter what others do or say from November 1 – 15, especially peaking November 7 – 11.
Nov 12 Mercury square Saturn
A day of making a hard decision to block and stop undermining situations in your life. Hard news could push you to a strong decision which must be made.
Nov 14 Mercury inconjunct Mars
Our logical and optimistic minds are running up against others’ plans or life circumstances. There might be nothing you can do but adjust to the inconvenience. Opinions and beliefs are running up against what would have been a much more confident expansive course of action you had in mind.. This day might demand a shift of plans in order to now incorporate new information.
Saturn turns Direct (Leaves retrograde) November 15. Many times I’ve witnessed stagnant situations in our lives begin to move forward when Saturn finally leaves retrograde.
(November 25 Mercury turns retrograde to December 15.) Get ready for the next Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Discover where you have Sagittarius in your natal chart, what house it is ruling, and watch how that area (house) will be activated with a motivating inspiring plan and insight. Mercury can help you now up through December, in achieving a new step or progress in this area of your life.
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