The New Moon in Sagittarius December 1 2024 has layers of purpose. I see it as a Rite of Passage. We are developing rapidly extreme discernment so as to not be manipulated again. This cycle represents how a terrible game is over where those who appeared to have the attainment to rule, but in actuality, did not, and those who are brilliant and have heart, are taking their place.
The discernment required of us, will help us to sleuth out truth through logic, observation, by frequency, by vibration, is this or that person, plan, arrangement in our ultimate best interest? Does it possess long term integrity? Or are there shades of compromise which once again could be used by forces to further keep us programmed and controlled? I believe this New Moon elevates us above mind control capabilities so we can think better, we ask the right questions.
We are entering an epic time where one world is leaving, the door is shut, and a new world is emerging, where the majority of those who have light and are brilliant, can steer the ship. In otherwords, we are in transition and this New Moon moment is the marker point for a greater freedom and moral compass as our plumb line for progress and trust is clear.
This New Moon could require us to challenge our old programmed limitations and beliefs….and this definitely fits right into a New Moon in Sagittarius theme. We win over the old self limitations, keeping us stuck. We win over them because we don’t believe them anymore – Sagittarius (and Jupiter) has to do with what we believe.
Nations winning over old conditions, historical traumas, whether real or manipulated are occurring because they don’t believe in the old limitation and control anymore.
The old history…hum….nations winning over the old altered histories? The old programming from the old guard which was/is in charge – and winning over the old conditioning of our human limitations, being expected to know our place, respecting the rules without ever questioning them. Even when they seemed insane.
Were we just really really dense? Or were there other factors which interfered with our consciousness? Now is the time to reflect upon (again a Sagittarius theme) our beliefs and opinions, we have become cemented to, and begin our upward movement towards the Sun towards greater freedom and progress, wonderful and limitless!
As I reviewed the past few weeks of posts for November, so much detail was put into those articles regarding Mars retrograde in Leo, building up from early November up to December 6, when it officially turns retrograde. (This is a big deal) … AND…
Transiting Mercury turning retrograde oppose Jupiter, square Saturn, AND… Mars oppose Pluto October – end of April 2025.
This Stardrops would be seen more like a synopsis of the past two in depth articles –with additional insights into our New Moon in Sagittarius – (which I believe we also went into in the last Stardrops). I recommend if you want to capture the full meaning of the above key cycles we are moving through, please go through the last 2 – 3 Stardrops, for November 2024, as they hold much info which is still pertinent.
I didn’t want to repeat it all here, as it would seem redundant and be a bit exhausting…”Hasn’t she already written about this ad nauseam?” Believe me, the temptation to keep adding information about the Mars’ aggression, alone, is strong, but I resist. Now, there is even speculation of UFO battles on the horizon and military altercation on U.S. soil, December through March 2025. These warnings are coming from several independent remote viewers who are suppose to be quite accurate. We’ll see!
This is what our Affirmations are for, to contain, transmute and roll back these rumors of war. They work! With Mars emotions high, people are easily triggered, irrationally reacting, posturing and challenging their territory or rights. Everyone in a power position right now up through April 2025, is on edge. Especially with Mars in Cancer (regions, security, economy, territory, land, people) and Leo (authority, entitlement, pride and glory) at high risk. Supercharged.
“AFFIRMATION I AM easily capturing the highest vision of how to move forward each day. The full power of the Archangels and my Great Divine I AM, take command of our world, filtering all destructive activities, violent Martian energies and compromising plans, only allowing the Higher Mind of God to take control of all our activities now.
With that said, here are some deeper insights into our New Moon period, as of Sunday December 1, 2024. Remember, a New Moon represents a new start – launching a new mindset, plan and attitude to embrace.
It’s a new beginning for us in Sagittarius in December. as we have a greater awareness and trust in ourselves now. We also understand others’ psychological mindsets better, their opinions and the reality they live in, which could be totally foreign to us. This cycle requires evolution, would involve expansion, moving forward towards a positive future…. (think of the centaur of Sagittarius, and its lower body’s capacity to run, to move and go long distances to reach his destination.) (also, didn’t the Centaur, hunt?) Something is happening to you and to me, which has been building for the past few days, motivating us to expand, create space for our new growth, not limit ourselves, and to move beyond an old outworn mindset.
Remember last June – August’s theme involved increasing our worth? (The Venus/Mercury conjunction in Cancer/Leo/Virgo). Now it is expanding one’s belief in what is possible.
I must say, for me, the crux of it is not buying into negative projections any longer. We are seeing this within the people of the world, and I bet you see it within yourself. You have changed. You are smarter. The incredible dullness and waste of time being held back, manipulated or fooled, is past -whether it is conscious or not – we see through it, and we desire a greater love, a greater truth and working together, not forever dealing with others who are behaving threatened, challenged – or abusing their own position.
Dismantling our programming and winning over externally imposed limitations is what this cycle is all about. Sagittarius deals with the mind, but in a spiritual psychological or journeying sort of way. It moves beyond the practical 3rd dimensional world and travels to the stars, to the etheric planes and heaven worlds of profound vision….drawing down wisdom from, where? So here we go, with our New Moon fresh start!
The New Moon in Sagittarius Holds Up A New Standard
Can we draw down a higher standard of life into our world? As you can see below, the Sun, Moon in Sagittarius, along with the Mercury in Sag retro, (supercharged awareness) is oppose Jupiter in Gemini, and square Saturn in Pisces. If you can, discover where the symbol Sagittarius is in your own birth chart. That will be the house, the area in which you are being activated the most. If you don’t know what the houses mean, venture up to the task bar above, and click on, “MASTERY”
Just as we discussed in last two weeks’ Stardrops under the Mercury retrograde and the New Moon, both in Sagittarius, they are creating a t-square to Saturn – faith in the magical opportunities realized in our very hands, and moving away from drifting, daydreaming, wasting time and waiting on others who are challenged, who can not ultimately fully help us to get us there. Not only that, we might not be able to fully help them.
This New Moon causes us to regroup and re-evaluate everything we stand for, everything we have learned so far in our lives. It inspires us to keep moving, keep going, and to not look at life’s lessons as failures, but garnering deep wisdom, as this is Sagittarius’ golden ticket to happiness. Some of you will have boundary tests, moral and ethical issues which must be passed. As these are potential issues with Sagittarius oppose Jupiter, common sense, boundaries and learning to say, “NO” to those situations which once again, weaken us. I might add, the personal side of this cycle is tricky – as we change and grow, it is towards greater understanding, and expansion of what we are capable of. Not to disregard, judge or amputate relationships simply because there is conflict or an opposition to our beliefs. I feel this growth is increasing compassion, and the severity of the New Moon position, is really more about the abuse of power in the world which is becoming almost as a joke, it is now so transparent.
The mundane or downside of the Saturn square to the Sun and Moon, and to the transit of Jupiter, makes us think we have limited options, are stuck, face restrictions in our life, whether they are with the people in our lives, or our circumstances, our environment. Without being impractical, we must take a good look at all we do have, and use it to create a new higher way as this is a challenge the Divine Mind is presenting to us now via this new moon… the challenge to rise up out of the illusion of limitation of our physical world around us, making us think we are stuck.
Expansiveness, stretching our minds, and growth is upon us. For some, standing upon one’s moral compass. Humbleness with a desire to learn and evolve.
There is a Cosmic Energy behind this astro-puzzle for sure. Again, as I wrote in previous Stardrops, we’re in a cycle of the ‘changing of the guard”, in so many ways. Good people are leaving and moving onwards – the new light is stepping into position and also replacing the ones who were false. It’s the ladder of life, as people move up, those on the lower rung of the ladder move into position, but again, this is more than that – it is the removal of those who have truly massively abused their position, with those who qualify in expertise and with heart.
The dark is being stripped of their ability to (negative Saturn in Pisces) project and gaslight us. A new wave of higher ethical people are moving into position, replacing that old guard, which actually bluffed their way into positions of leadership – lacking that refined Higher Pisces attainment and intelligence, but counted upon their amalgamation of power to bully and project fear and obedience onto the masses. Remember, Saturn is an initiation. To master the higher energies of the sign Saturn is now in, and transmute and overcome the negatives. Saturn is like a karmic reckoning, and whatever sign it is in, (Pisces right now) that is where the reckoning will happen. Every sign has a positive and shadow side. Just because you are a Pisces, or have planets in Pisces, does not mean you have these issues, you may have some, but it could mean also, you are challenged by people in your life who have some of these issues! Anyway, we are speaking of ultimate psychopathic patterns, and their time is up, as Saturn also governs timelines. And why do we keep bringing up Saturn? Because, it is at the tip of the t-square between Jupiter in Gemini, and the New Moon and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. Saturn is the answer to the opposition.
Back again to these strange illogical rulers…… as they project competency, (and I really think they believe they have it!) they are wholly incompetent with what power they had to change the world for the better, at their disposal. They couldn’t change it for the better because they didn’t know how, and it’s not their style to genuinely uplift humanity out of their own goodness… they only knew how to wield their power and keep everyone in an illusion they are so great. The perversion of the energy Pisces is gaslighting, faking, bluffing, ambiguity, non answers, non responses, ghosting, elusive, mystery and keeping people frightened, under hypnosis and programmed. Yes, every zodiac sign has a theme.
And we all know what the higher frequency of Pisces is symbolic of. So as a collective group, we must confront the perversions of Pisces, as we expect an elevation of people’s abilities to rise into the Higher Pisces nature.
Now we are entering an in-between time. It began in November, as Saturn in Pisces slowed down to a standstill on November 15. Saturn has locked onto that 12* – 13* degree Pisces position since the first of November. We are still sitting there now, between 12 – 13* from early November up to Christmas. It is hardly moving. It creates a pressure to drive some message home.
Is it driving home a message for you? It is holding everything stationary in one area in the world scene, or in your own life. For some, it can feel torturous, as certain things are just stagnant, not moving ahead while life is moving on. Saturn deals with Karma, and the release of karmic timetables, timelines offered as opportunity for certain types of souls to evolve
Could this stationary Saturn be absolutely necessary for us to go through, even though it is delaying certain things in our own lives we depend upon? If we could see from a Cosmic Level, it might be tightening the screws so relentlessly in numerous messages and ways on the world scene, something finally caves, and breaks.
As it squares the expansive Jupiter, (which means it slows Jupiter’s overly optimistic, careless and expansive exuberance down) it will make some of us feel a lack of progress is actually happening in our lives. But it’s for a purpose as some other area of the world, is benefited from this tortuous karmic reckoning.
When things stop, it is so you are forced to really take it apart, re-align yourself, and learn something about your situation. And, at the same time we are being inconvenienced by this Saturn, as it is a cycle of accountability and exposure, for those who have misused their role on this planet is over. And the longer a planet is in a square, the more tighter the karmic release is upon that imperfect situation. It’s like being squeezed in a vice. A square from Saturn, means it’s time to get karmically square with something, straight on with a situation, no more dallying, no more pushing the issue aside – it must be faced, addressed. So we all could be experiencing the facing facts right now in our personal lives, but on a global scale, it’s happening at an epic level.
And the fact Saturn is also square to the New Moon right now, means it has reached its culmination of impact upon the world… I would call it a mandate for a new cycle of morality, ethics, integrity and massive expansion from true wisdom, knowledge and experience (since it also opposes Jupiter, the planet of opportunities and expansion). Anywhere from the date of the Mercury retro in Sag, November 25, up to the New Moon, December 1, it’s happening.
Saturn has caused this timetable to shift up in a higher and new direction everywhere. Everything and everyone now, must slow down and re-examine something in their life situation, and improve upon it. Getting square with everything we have been given, and make a December pre – new years resolution, to move into a fresh new outlook and higher belief of what is true and real, and for many, what you deserve to live like and achieve! We are entering a new world. Even some in the media are re-evaluating what happened.
A new standard of life. A door is shut behind us, there is only one way now to move. UP. We all need to work together, and do better, be smarter, use our objective facts not our manipulated positions being held ransom – you don’t want to be compromised anyway anymore right?
For those who have massively misused their powers in the world of leadership, a new generation with higher wisdom, is taking their place. It could appear very messy during the time we are in, during the shift – high level of global unrest, continuing dramas of violence, attacks and loss of life. It’s messy. The Saturn position remember is the funnel for the New Moon, Mercury retro – oppose Jupiter. These opposites in this case, exacerbates a blind or optimistic impractical oversight – or a challenge dealing with others who are impractical, not in total reality, and possibly not capable to proceed with what you are expecting to happen.
This is where we are at now.
Also, a reminder from the past few weeks involving the test of Mercury retro in Sagittarius, which applies to this New Moon also, the test of humbleness yet with self enlightened interest and expansion, that is the way for this December. Let’s find a way to bring down into this world, a new Holy Grail of optimistic thinking in all we invest ourselves in now.
Issues and situations involving…
Jupiter in Gemini – facts, data, information, decision making regarding what we know is real and true.
Mercury retrograde in Sag – Expansive optimistic energy changing growth -being led to move forward on a plan, project oneself into one thing which can enhance your life
New Moon in Sagittarius – the acceleration of a large percentage of humanity into higher knowledge, growth , expansion and desiring progress in regards to ethical, competent moral leaders with integrity
The square to Saturn in Pisces – taking all these issues and trusting that even though things are not perfect, are messy, complicated, believe these higher paths are possible and worth investing our time and energy into them.
Planetary Cycles
December 1, Mercury trine Chiron A beautiful day where we can feel aligned, productive, at peace and ready to end 2024 with great things accomplished!
December 2, Venus trine Uranus Socially, a fun day of some excitement, novelty, surprises. Love, social connections are stimulating, uplifting. Our friendships and community themes are very much highlighted. Music and the arts reveal gifted original work. Truth and honesty among friends is highlighted, and can bring relief. Spirits are high, honesty and transparency is appreciated today as things are said which support one’s values (and what one holds dear).
December 4, the second peak of Mercury oppose Jupiter (first peak was November 17 – 20)
(Link to in depth description of the Mercury Retro in Sagittarius, November through December 2024. We discussed this extensively, in the last Stardrops, so feel free to go HERE and review in the section titled, Challenge #2.)
“From November 12 – December 27. This is our time frame to expand with realistic discipline and yet spiritual purpose, compassion and holding a higher vision before us, a motivation to excel, to reach beyond what we have never achieved before. Can you do it?”
December 4 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces A day for order, discipline and re-examining the feasibility of plans. Probably we’re all having to do something which must be handled, but not exactly fun.
A time for pulling out the threads of unrealistic expectations and instead re-doing one’s ultimate goals. A hard day if you need things to go smoothly with authority figures, children, or creative work. I wouldn’t go to any important appointment under this square.
December 4 Venus sextile Neptune A better day for relief, inspiration and support. The later part of the day can end up nice, visits with loved ones, and an inspiring conversation or event, a great movie, a magical dinner?
December 5 Mercury conjoin Sun The power of your mind is fused today with dynamic will, intention and energy to take action. A great day for presenting, sharing, acting on one’s decisions.
December 6 Mars officially turns retrograde at 6* Leo. Many posts have been written about this Mars – I lead you to the link to get the big picture – as this has been building for months and won’t leave anytime soon! For more insights into Mars Retrograde’s influence in your life and the world, you can check it out HERE.
On December 13 – 16 Mars and Mercury finally, make a nice harmonious relationship between each other. This means it’s good for you and me, because the assertive posturing Mars energy can come to a reasonable peace offering, a truce with intelligent farsighted understanding during this time. This is a moment of constructive empowered action taken, combined with optimistic reasonable abilities…the positive results and feeling we achieve now is so appreciative as something wonderful could be finally accomplished,