
A Reality To Strive For

Stardrops January 26 2025

Week of January 26 – February 3 Theme


Several Planets have moved into a special position as of January 18 – February 3,

( see wheel below)

This grouping of planets create a transformational energy everywhere. Venus, Saturn, Neptune and the Node have all conjoined in Pisces. Mars is trine, Pluto is sextile, Uranus is sextile., and Mercury will soon join. This is the start of a new world.

Pisces reaches for the highest ideals, the vision of what could be. Where you have Pisces (and early signs of Aries) located in your birth chart (find the Pisces and Aries symbols on the outer rim of your birth wheel) should stimulate a new awareness of how you might step up excellence in that area of your life – that you’re doing the best you can – Pisces inspires a deeper look. Drawing upon one’s higher expectations in life and really engaging in that emotional will and determination to experience excellence, would be the nature of this grouping of Pisces planets. The easiest way would be jotting down how one truly would love to live, work, and care about every part of our lives, then taking a good long look at ourselves and take note of how we’re doing with all these things.

Some think Pisces is a passive sign. I see Pisces as the inspiration which pushes us to go beyond the average. Pisces inspired people or cycles we move in and out of, creates longing, aspirations, high ideals and recognizing a potential which could and should be realized. It polarizes with Virgo, so there is that element of extreme focus upon every detail, desiring just the right effect. Yet Pisces can react discouraged, depressed, disappointed or jaded, as so often the reality in life sometimes makes it hard to reach these visions for ourselves or others.

Here are the dates for each planet progressing from Pisces, encouraging us to achieve a greater result, into Aries, encouraging action, initiating new beginnings – moving back and forth between these two signs, up through May:.


(January 2 Venus moved into Pisces up to February 4. February 4, enters Aries up to March 27. March 27 it moves back into Pisces up to April 30, 2025, then returns to Aries.)

Venus in Pisces enhances the unusual with creative expression, artistic style, music, joy and givingness among one’s friends and groups of people. It has higher values and lofty aspirations in life.

Venus – Social aspirations, love, friendship and artistic design, taste and creation – January 2 –February 4, then moves into Aries.

Venus moves into Aries on February 4 to March 27 and in that time, it will turn stationary retro on March 1 at 10* Aries, – moves through Aries until March 22, then moves back into Pisces. When in Aries, you’ll feel a definite shift from a dreamy idealist state, to one of desiring more control over outer situations, and implementing the changes required to make sure you are satisfied with the way things are going.

Venus will be back in Pisces from March 22 – April 30. During that time, it will continue to match up with the other planets, providing that lofty aspiration we need.

Its main theme will be bringing an ideal something into the physical, so it could be a new permanent environment? Work? Love? Creation or design? This is because Venus especially, conjoins Saturn in Pisces. Saturn can help it cement the plan, become concrete.

Venus will also conjoin Neptune, January 20 – February 3, March 25 – April 4, April 20 – 25, 2025, which draws down a more ethereal divine blueprint into our mind. Many people are tuning into the exact same frequency in their lives as you are, similar longings, new aspirations and hopes.

Venus, still in Pisces, March 20- 27, then back in Aries April 30 to May 6, will sextile Pluto, while at the same time, conjoin Neptune. This has an effect of deep profound transformation in our lives at a personal level, and globally, world values and even economic change will be (crossing fingers) a smooth transition. All dates where Venus direct, then retro, then direct again sextile the deep transformational Pluto, which might bring a helpful person onto the scene to assist us, are:

February 1 – 8; March 20 – 23; April 29 – May 8, 2025.

This Venus sextile is simply increasing cooperation and support from competent able people, in our life, or projects and the dynamics for transformation globally.

Venus will sextile Uranus January 26, April 7 and April 20, 2025. Basically, this is an upgrade transformational theme with Uranus, the planet of technology, physics, science, upgrades in our own personal lives where it matters, freedom and transparency. The entire cycle would be from January 26 up through April 20.

Venus in Pisces, is also retrograde during most of this period. This gives it a special increase of influence in our lives and the world. Even though it officially turns retrograde on March 1, and leaves on April 12th, (turns direct) it is beginning its journey, January 18th, by connecting with Saturn especially, then Neptune, soon Mercury (March 1 – April 9) and the Node (Jan 31 – Feb 3, 2025; Mar 25 – 28; and April 30 – May 4.)

Venus lines up with these planets to help us, especially the conjunction to Saturn January 18 -22; March 28 – April 10, April 20 – 25, 2025, and it continues aspecting many of these planets mentioned up to May. It is a powerful experience to have such support for our aspirations and putting more of our effort into increasing specialness in all parts of our lives.


(Saturn entered Pisces on March 7 2023. It remained between 0-27* up to May 1, 2025. It will move into Aries on May 26 2025 and continue in Aries up through September 2, 2025 when it goes back into Pisces for a bit..)

Saturn in Pisces works hard to inspire people to appreciate and cooperate towards activities which could alleviate suffering, waste, dysfunction – and set up systems or programs which brings about concrete plans. Saturn is the planet of ambition, and so it might be geared towards bringing ideal goals into the physical world. It captures a vision and holds onto it, attempting to realize it in some way.


(Neptune moved into Pisces on 2011, and leaves Pisces March 31, 2025, where it will move into Aries.)

Neptune in its own sign, Pisces, challenges all of us to find a way to bring down the higher healing for social problems, be more philanthropic, altruistic and accept our strong intuitive abilities; its highest nature is to alleviate waste, suffering and find relief. It is a spiritual motivator to reach up to a higher plane.

The Nodes

(The transiting North Node has been in Aries since July 16 2023. On January 12, 2025 it moved into Pisces and will be in that sign up to July 28 2026.)

The North Node in Pisces will trigger the world’s trends and popular values towards ideal outcomes, rather than mediocre. It causes people everywhere to become more critical, expect more, point out deception, lies and that which has been hidden, to call it out into the open. The North Node and Neptune conjoined January 20 – February 3. This combination projects idealistic and higher standards, released to us likened to a gift, or a dispensation in a way. It has an intelligent action to it, like a consciousness, or a life of its own. Its purpose is to release a little bit more of heaven into the earth.

All these planets are trining Mars ( we like that!)

March 28, 2025 chart showing closest aspects with all planets


(Retrograde Dec 6, 2024) Cancer/Leo- September 4 2024 – June 17, 2025)

Because Mars in Cancer trines the Pisces planets, energy and drive is added to the Pisces group (Saturn, Neptune, Venus the Node) from January 12 up through April 19th. Mars definitely brings an element of action, drama and urgency to many of our global situations now, and possibly in our own lives, with our self transcendent inspiration. We can sense that certain ideal outcomes for ourselves or the world could actually happen now. Pisces also governs faith.

Yet, it won’t be easy – I keep feeling Pisces planets will be challenging us to keep up with its very high expectation as to how ideally everything is really supposed to be, in our lives and in the world. It wants us to TRY to reach these ideals.

I for one, will be experimenting with this Pisces by investing more of myself into what I desire to create and go beyond what I would normally accept as good enough . Because, really, this is my life! This is your life! What are we doing with this time? Time can not be reclaimed.

I have also found, with Pisces, it must be inspirational, felt inside, as a deep integrating of a belief that this or that thing you desire to really do well, is worth it….and not just a calculated list of external improvements. It must come from deep within – to create something beautiful. I believe with these planets, something higher is interacting with our own personal desires, calling us higher, and planting seeds of inspiration. We can’t help but respond. Somewhere we know, it’s coming from a higher source of pure reality, tied to the highest blueprint for our lives.

More on Mars

What I find very interesting involving space, Mars, cryptocurrencies etc..any upgrade with science, medicine, freedom and revolutionary plans put into action – is the fact Mars has been in a cooperative sextile with Uranus, the planet all about the future from October 15 – 30, January 19 – 28, 2025 and March 28 – April 7, 2025. An incredible exchange of enthusiastic conversations and agreements made upon the future of so many activities on earth at this time. This is all going on the same time both of these planets, Mars and Uranus are also in trines and sextiles to the Pisces grouping of planets, forming a complete alliance.


(Mercury moves into Pisces on February 15, 2025. On March 4 will move into Aries, the same week Venus turns retrograde at 10* Aries. They both conjoin. Mercury stays in Aries up to 9* when it turns retro on March15th. It will still be in Aries up to March 30 when it moves back into Pisces at 29* – 26*. Venus will also be moving back into 19-26* retro Pisces on March 28. And Saturn will be at 24* Pisces. Neptune will also be at 29* Pisces about to move into Aries. )

Mercury retrograde will occur on March 15 – April 7 at 9* Aries, moving back to 26* Pisces. It will also begin in Pisces, exactly February 14, and move retrograde to 9* Aries end of February through March into April, then move back into Pisces, turn direct and move forward towards Aries again -leaving on May 9. Why do we need to be tracking this?

This is occurring at the same time all these other planets are connecting. February 14 – April 20 as Mercury moves to 0* Pisces up to 9* Aries, then back to 26* Pisces, and then back to 3* Aries sextile Pluto on April 20, then moves on ending its journey in Pisces/Aries on May 9.

This adds a Mercurian information data theme, and mentally astute awareness for what is going on during these months. Very bright, sharp, observant and tracking everything. But also, the last time we experienced Mercury Venus connection, was last June through August 7 2024, and back then we were observing how subtle yet important a change we were all feeling inside. It was the combo of Venus’ increase of self worth and our personal internal value, and Mercury, becoming conscious of it. Well, this very well could happen again during this February – April cycle!

Mercury will soon move into Pisces, February 15, joining the other planets, and inspiring us with one particular idea in our minds, to reach for a higher way of life. For each of us, it will be one thing we feel it is crucial to achieve. The reason it is inspiring us, dropping an important thought into our brains, is because it’s heading towards retrograde (March 15) and that’s just what Mercury retros do.

Other Planetary Cycles

Jan 26 2025 Mercury 27* Capricorn sextile Neptune at 27* Pisces A time for harmonious support, helpfulness, kind words and high levels of intuitive knowledge coming our way.

Jan 26 2025 Venus at 23* Pisces sextile Uranus at 23* Taurus A period of brightness with friendships, conversations, plans for the future. Honesty, sincerity, and desire to be helpful.

Jan 26 Saturn at 16* Pisces semi-square Pluto in Aquarius Certain issues are rumbling around our brain, pressing to get resolved, handled.

Jan 27 2025 Mercury moves into Aquarius and sextile North Node Stimulating mental energy, productive conversations with others, especially work related involving projects which would be quite popular, receptive among many people.

Jan 28 Transiting North Node leaves Aries and moves into back (retro) into Pisces The Nodes have been in Aries for almost two years, creating tension, impatience and pushing for confronting what is not right, and desiring change now. It moves into Pisces for the next few years, bringing greater contact with almost a supernatural ethereal idealism, and mastery we are now desiring to reach.

Jan 29 Mercury conjoin Pluto 1* Aquarius A hard day for facing truth, realities, cold hard facts. Challenges with news, conversations. A long day at work, where a transformation is the goal, the outcome for the day’s projects. Much effort is put into the day for a specific goal.

Jan 30 Uranus turns direct (leaves retrograde) at 23* Taurus The best way to describe this change of Uranus would be as if previously, the planet of change and upgrades, has been holding back its power until January 30, then it really begins to transform and wake up our world!

Jan 30 Sun at 11* Aquarius trine Jupiter at 11* Gemini A beautiful time for change, shifting into high gear especially with one’s outlook on life. Happy, liberating, desiring to connect with people who get you.

February 1, March 2, and March 21
Venus at 27*-29 Pisces conjoin Neptune at 27* – 29* Pisces The power of Venus, the planet of love, values, finance and what we treasure, is infused with the lovely Neptune. Neptune brings ideals, relief, healing.

A few cycles for Trump

Pisces/Aries planets affecting Trump’s chart.

A quick overview for Trump – the Pisces group of planets highlight collaboration among colleagues, peers, friendship or simply, all people he must connect with in the world for whatever important goals he is focused upon at this time. We’re talking January 20 – end of May especially. It is positive, cooperative, inspirational, and involving implementing ideals which are supposed to bring relief and solutions.

These Pisces idealistic planets are all positively connected of course, to Mars. This energizes immediate action taken to implement these changes, now up through May.

Saturn moves into a square with his Uranus, Node and Sun, triggering some sort of conflict with information about to be released, then forcing him to explain, demand more research, and provide a plan, a solution. It is a hard position. This will be occurring right now, peaking exactly on February 1 – 5, and March 1 – 18. The March 1 – 18 is typically when one wakes up and realizes others have had another agenda behind their friendly openness to work together with Trump. During a Saturn square Sun, we begin to see the whole truth behind an aggressive push from others to align themselves with him…fortunately, we all wake up during the peak, but it’s a bit late. He only has this square once, where some experience it for nine months.

February 20 – March 10, his concern for someone’s health and welfare, mostly it is personal, could have him preoccupied for a while. Other than these quick snags, now through end of April, so much change, transparency and acceleration will be occurring in his world, and in the world because of instigating an overhaul with so many things. April 12th and May 8 will be big days for him.

A Few cycles for Robert Kennedy Jr.


This will be a bit of a constricted, challenging week for Robert Kennedy – as Saturn squares his Jupiter for the last time. The dates are now through January 30, 2025. It has been in motion since last June/July 2024. The panic of some allowing him to be voted in as Head of Department of Health and Human Services, I would think is what the square from Saturn is showing us. They are very worried for their alliances with companies which are not really in sync with his agenda. If we look at a date when it could break through for him, it would be January 27 – February 7.

However, his is strongest transits will be February 20 to March 13 2025, for receiving support in general, as Neptune sextiles his Mercury for the last time. He has had this cycle since May 2024, and it is a great cycle for special people to come into one’s life to be of great assistance in areas where he needs it the most.

And, some current cycles for the U.S

Transiting Pluto oppose the U.S. Natal Uranus is finished.

The U.S. is over Pluto oppose Uranus which was that transit of great concern. It had to do with a splitting up or severe final separation between the people and a type of consciousness which was not healthy for the country if it were to survive. We were all questioning if it was within the country, separating left and right so severely, it could split up the country, or if it was the people against a corrupt government? Or America against the deep state, or the majority of players in the world. This transit began its relentless escalation of polarization, end of 2023, peaking exact February 2024 – July 17, 2024, then picked up speed for the last round October 11 2024 – through December 29 2024. What do you think? America has never had this severe of a separation between two entities before, and it always ends in polarization where one is almost forced to let go of the old relationship they (we) had with some other activity? Group? Type of people and their position.

The new largest astrology cycle for the U. S. Conceptional 1776 chart, would be Pluto square Venus and Pluto trine the midheaven.

February 18 to December 9 2026

When Pluto begins to make a trine within a natal chart (such as the U.S.) good things begin to happen. A strong relentless transformation begins to take place with certain activities, and ends up with success at the very end of the cycle (January 29, 2026 and December 4, 2026). Because of Pluto’s long transit this time, there are two endings, or two parts of the completion or setting up a new something.

The last time the U.S. had this cycle of Pluto trine Midheaven, was 1780. This was at the top of google search, I’ll include it here – but it would be interesting if anyone wants to research any significance of that year for the U.S.

Pluto square the U.S. Venus at 2* Taurus in the 9th house. January 2025 – December 28, 2025

The Pluto square Venus occurred both in 1779 and 1939 to 1941. Many times Venus has a connection to money, currency, economy and banking. Because it sits in the 9th house, it may be the laws behind banking and currency. It defines a deep, relentless death and ending to a type of social acceptance, or agreement upon a means of exchange of currency? An ending to a value system?

This square will cause a finality of some sort, with our country’s values, social role, a cultural experience and preference of lifestyle in some way – and a new life or belief will emerge out of it years afterwards. In past articles, If I recall, I mentioned a destruction, a tearing down of all cultures influencing society which had a strong message of promoting and/or engaging in extreme self indulgent destructive nature. Venus’ negative problems are all things self indulgent, hedonistic, self satiating, greed, etc..etc..etc.. and the positive of Venus in the 9th house, would promote all higher ideals and values for a society (or person) to want to embrace and promote.

Since the 9th house can also be a bit judgmental as it is tied to the sign Sagittarius and Jupiter, which are the moral planet and sign of our astrology world, Pluto could severely intensify the action of causing a finality death and ending of several activities, agencies, famous people’s lifestyles and communities, including the financial area….let’s say it’s the intense targeting and rooting out the worst corruption in several areas of society which no longer serve the people.

There will always be a mess experienced during the process of a Pluto square, as more and more truth and unpleasant realities surface to be faced, as a cycle is coming to an end.

But remember the positive, Pluto trine Midheaven, would put in place a new highly functional upgrade. I just went through this trine in 2024, with the website. You start out like a deer in the headlights wondering, how is this going to happen? Who is able to do this and how can one afford something like this….and Voila! At the end of the cycle, it is done. (Amazing). And that cycle is December 2025.

Well, that’s all for now. Have a wonderful week ahead, where I am sure, each day is like a mega marathon drama in the world, never a dull day, right?


“I AM prepared, open and accepting the transformation of myself and specific life situations, habits and patterns, as I allow the Light to penetrate and inspire my heart and soul throughout this beautiful time in my life. I trust a new standard and way of seeing myself is emerging. I deserve it and believe I have what it takes to make this happen! Divine Beings of tremendous intelligence, love and protection, surround me and all I love with Your precious help.”