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The War in the Midst of A New World Emerging

Stardrops February 3, 2025



“A polycrisis is a term used to describe the current state of the world, where multiple global crises are happening at the same time and are connected in ways that are difficult to understand. “

Welcome to another never a dull moment astrological analysis for planet Earth.

We thoroughly dissected the beautiful concentration of energies of Venus retrograde with the other four (Saturn, Neptune, Node and Mercury) in the past two weeks. We get it – there’s a great wave of breakthroughs and transformational light flowing into the world. Invisible helpers could very well be using these special planetary energies to move us into a better place during this time.

The transformative Light is especially concentrating March 20 – April 5, 2025. The Solar Eclipse (Sun/Moon conjunction) in addition to these powerful planetary movements now up through April, exact March 29, are the strongest positive energies for witnessing global, national and personal transformation, especially, on that week. This cycle certainly represent the launching of a New World. The new world for you and me, that we all love, began accelerating as early as the 18th-22nd of January.

Along with this powerful wave, comes the information from Bibhu Dev Misra and Randall Carlson’s independent calculations aligning with Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri – we are finally leaving two 12,000 year cycles of the Kali Yuga (cycle of darkness and demonic interference) on March 30, 2025. It is amazing that date coincidentally aligns with the congregation of planets’ most tightest aspects to each other, the same week as the leaving of the Kali Yuga.

This is epic. I have heard many people over the years, attempt to lock down the end of the Kali Yuga but for the first time, I feel this one is real. So with the positive cycles we are in now, so potentially life changing, why so much chaos and catastrophes?

It goes back to the same message we’ve been discussing, which is mastering the ability to experience and handle living in two (at least) realities at the same time – one which is accelerating into an Age of Light, and the second one, a downward spiral of disintegration. We can daily, identify with that incredible transformational planetary alignment talked about recently, between Saturn, Venus retrograde, Mercury (soon going retrograde), Neptune and the Node, and the Solar Eclipse on March 29. This influence of planets runs through May, parallel with this challenging Mars period we now need to talk about.

As a continual increase of Light floods our Solar System, impacts our Sun and then radiates its rays onto us and other planets, it passes through our bodies, impacts our brain and changes us. The coding which has been partially effective upon humanity to screen out many truths, so people simply don’t notice much, is failing. This coding, put into place thousands of years ago, may have been placed around us to filter out the full spectrum of reality and the divine power potential within us.

The Light is dissolving illusion, false programming and the coding around the soul. The soul experiences its shackles and constraints falling off, and is becoming free again. This Light isn’t simply a physical Light, but the Light from the Great Central Sun, bathing all with a new power of brilliant knowledge and insight. Also, lies and games can not survive as there are laws which operate in Cosmos, the higher dimensions, which have been manipulated in this dimension by dark beings who knew how to control these laws and divine order. They broke them down, and caused insanity, removed common sense, justice etc…but now, the Light contains the law and there is no place it can not penetrate, because it is from a higher immortal limitless origin. It’s that God stuff which goes beyond the artificial codes they put into place so long ago.

So know, even though these chaotic events are escalating, and we don’t always know why, we can speculate, we can guess – but the big picture is as I see it, it is a reaction to the light. Whether the events are manipulated or random, the intensity of the times is stirring everything up.

Stay grounded – stay centered – when upset, anxious, go within and hold on to one core thing – know who you are. Become transparent, humble, naked and say “No matter what I face, I AM love, I AM ultimately free, I AM eternal and divinely good. I have nothing to lose but be transparent, honest, share my honest truth with others. I have nothing to lose. I can change, move upwards, advance and be more true, more real, more helpful, giving, supportive than I was yesterday…..” This stance we take will keep us on top of the wave of energy. It is like a sword separating us from the darkness. It helps us flow with the Light, rather than fight against the oncoming relentless Consciousness that transforms worlds.

So even though, we are going to go into the Mars again in this Stardrops and we have dates, and events which are only going to get worse on the one hand, we sail through it because our tether is with the Light, whatever it desires and wherever it leads. On the other hand, the Pisces/Aries planets, increase our personal growth, love and progress. The worlds’ and ours. The world is changing. We want to remain in that iridescent cylinder of light moving upwards, yet still in a body and still serving and living, learning and caring as we make our trek to our final destination of Love.


If there were one planet energetically behind the disruption, I would have to say, it is Mars right now. Mars can be partially blamed as the instigator for the escalation of so many catastrophes. The continual drama and disturbing streak of accidents all remind me we are in a war, and Mars is sandwiched in between the beautiful wave of higher planetary influences of the Pisces/Aries planets we’ve been talking about and which are still ongoing and doing its work, and the reality that the Earth is being turned upside down.

Below are three tables, beginning on the date when Mars first conjoined the U.S. Moon, then several other U.S. Planets, including the familiar Transiting Mars oppose Transiting Pluto. (Past Stardrops). The dates are all marked on the tables for reference of the worst weeks of incidences, mainly in the U.S.

Remember, one world is an acceleration of greater happiness and opportunity, as we have discovered over the past two Stardrops, and the other cycle, partially represented by Mars’ more challenging transits to Pluto and the U.S. Planets, is symbolic of the shock and disbelief, the Light has fully descended onto Earth and humanity.

Mars is so volatile right now because it slowed down and thereby increases its release of its martian energy to the planet. This is coming from the retrograde motion since end of November through February 2025 ( yet started in October, leaving in June 2025). How we locate the start of Mars’ themes when it is in a retrograde period, is to pick the repetitive aspect it keeps making to another planet throughout the entire retrograde period. That aspect to particular planet(s) which keeps coming back, is triggering an event theme, over and over again, and that would be Mars beginning with the conjunction of the U.S. Moon in the 11th house of the nations people, and its friends throughout the world. The Moon deals with security, emotional safety and a variety of domestic protective energies we would typically take for granted. Mars is showing us, we’re in a danger period, escalating a Martian retaliatory mind, as it makes these challenging aspects, below. But my sense, is this – its brazen acts triggering this or that situation, has a limit. Because of certain aspects it makes to other planets, through the next few months, more and more information will be revealed as to how these catastrophes are happening. Some, natural, some manipulated.

Mars’ position at the upper left outer rim of the chart sitting on top of (aggravating) the U.S. Moon, Jupiter and Uranus, in the 11th house of unexpected incidences involving variety of types of situations and people, out of nowhere.

This date, as you can see on Table #1, is on October 2nd, 2024 when it first began. If any can recall or research any random chaos/violence which might have erupted late September, early October, that would be helpful. Even fires, flooding, natural disasters, storms etc… Possibly, it went over our heads, as we hadn’t gotten into the real intensity of the Mars cycle until December 6 when it officially turned retrograde. That is always a strong power released from the planet.

What does this mean? Globally, and especially issues regarding the U.S. and the 11th house of the Future, and the nations’ people, its connections with everyone in the world, it intensifies chaos. It also intensifies truth, transparency, disruptions of every day life – there are several articles with Mars segments where we go deep into descriptions with dates analyzing what could happen when Mars turns retro in Cancer/Leo from early as last July 2024. We knew this cycle was coming.

Table #2 shows a continuation of peak moments of chaotic disruptions. I filtered out the positive Mars and left the oppositions and squares so we could see the disruptive Mars clearly. Even though some world events might not hit the exact dates, it gives us an understanding of the repeating triggers from last October up through the last date in May, for this kind of “war-like” aggression happening around us – and that includes UFOs, drones, crashes, the Tesla Truck explosion, particle filled Fog, drones and UAPs, orbs, disclosure, fires, floods, and on and on and on…. Below are more dates as Mars moves into January through April. It continues in its Retrograde/Direct back and forth wearing down the Earth.

As Mars makes hard aspects to the U.S. Moon, Jupiter and Uranus (which by the way, Mars was exact inconjunct the U.S. Uranus on 9/11 so that makes the U.S. Uranus, the planet of unexpected potential target for accidents and severe catastrophes), it also squares the U.S. Neptune. This aspect to Neptune continues to attempt to create an illusion, each one of these events may be all unrelated. Now, I am not saying every single one of these tragedies are tied or coming from the same source, please know the point is, Neptune keeps us in a mystery, not knowing where anything is coming from. Was that a natural disaster? Was that a targeted attack? We don’t know! Do we? Neptune also rules intuition and divine insight. Squared by Mars, it hypes up and agitates our antenna, so we are partially hitting it, but possibly partially remain in the dark. Transiting Mars square Neptune is mutating, shape-shifting tactics, attempting to steal our light, yet pointing the finger at us as the problem, or making us look over here, over there, but never surrendering. It lies, hides, pretends as our lives erode away. The cycle of Mars can be used to stop the dysfunction. Expose it, and override this behavior. Who could keep up with this! One thing we can say however, is that it just keeps coming, there seems to be no break.

Here is #3 Table below showing the final Mars retrograde/direct aspect to the original planets it kicked off in October 2024, (Mars opposing the U.S. Uranus again, and opposing transiting Pluto). The final run of Mars from end of March up through May 1, 2025. Again, the Violet lines are marking the most intense peaks of Mars’ aspect to certain planets possibly resulting in incidences.

I guess we can expect a continuation of stressful events unfolding, so we need an AFFIRMATION:

“Divine Heavenly Presence, our great I AM, move through the angelic beings of light, the powerful Archangel Michael, the Master Jesus, and all those who work towards uncovering danger in the world, the U.S., around its people, our personal lives, and roll back all darkness, subterfuge and deception. We call for transparency, a Mighty Dome of Light, impenetrable, around myself, my family and loved ones, my country, and all constructive activities now. Take charge of all aggressive planetary energies, and dissolve forever their negative influences. We accept this done this hour in full power, Amen”

Mars in Cancer retro represents a time we are living through, which shows us what is disrupting Cancerian security on planet earth in every single nook and cranny, consciousness, human being or non -human everywhere. It agitates and disrupts, stirs things up, and as it hits certain people who have integrity, it causes these people to address it, go to war against what is at the root of stealing our Peace. Cancer is suppose to represent abundance and peace. Mars in Cancer, for seven months exposes anti-peace, financial abundance, plenty and security. It exposes it, and in that exposure, the thing which does not want to release earth, is fighting back. I know, I was born with Mars in Cancer square Neptune. I watched this play out my entire life. You get very very good at seeing the truth of a thing, behind the game.

When Mars also moves temporarily here and there in Leo, a new fire emerges. It is one of authority, the power of the Lion. This is also emanating from this Mars, as early as November 4, when it first moved into Leo, up through January 6 2025, then back again April 17 up through June 17, 2025.

The Full Moon in Leo February 12 2025

A quick analysis on Full Moon Moment for February 12 2025

Humanity braces for a build up of potential disruptions on earth (as if we haven’t already had enough). The Full Moon in Leo, is in a hard aspect to the planet Uranus. Whenever this occurs to any planet, you are dealing with an escalation of emergencies and disruptions, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

By the time we have a Full Moon, it has already been building, the themes, the concerns, the pattern has already been in the works, and the date on or around the Full Moon means it has crested. That means we would witness a spill over of the situations which have hit one moment of maximum saturation, and the dam breaks. If there are calm happy Full Moons, we don’t see it so dramatically playing out. This Full Moon is not calm. It is the build up of shocking disruptive situations, people, structures, groups, agencies, organizations and the old things. You can certainly relate to this, by what you have been seeing erupt in the world recently.

What we can do during this period, is to give an AFFIRMATION to counteract the negative portents of this energy.


Mighty God Presence, I AM, Divine Angels and Archangels, seal off and bar the negative and disruptive energies coming through the upcoming Full Moon at 24* Leo oppose Sun and Mercury at 24 and 26* Aquarius, square Uranus at 23* Taurus. I call for the diffusing mitigation of any potentially destructive unusual situations and create a shield of protection and calm, order and safety around all crowds, gathering, situations where there are potential infiltration or accidents in any way.”

This Full Moon represents a culmination moment which has been building for weeks, of erratic disruptive domestic issues. It causes a sudden awakening and awareness of truth, issues which might not have been known before.

It causes a test for many people to be true to their inner calling, to not jump ship with their dreams, their responsibilities nor their inner purpose they know is right for them, but navigate around and adjust to the unexpected circumstances, and remain on course. The path might be hard, strewn with debris, obstacles and especially people all around you who have their own opinions, telling you what you should do, but stay on course with what you know is your direction and life purpose.

We will weather this storm and come out of it but it might take time. You will learn a lot about the people closest to you, and learn to trust yourself, your inner guide.

It is not a stable happy time – it is a period of disruption, questioning, adjusting and separating even from people you may have strong connections with.

It might be only temporary.

The Leo/Aquarius emphasis reminds us of all things regarding leadership, management of our own personal lives, businesses, professional positions, and Aquarius- community, our friends, group harmony and being on one track together. The square from Uranus disrupts, exposes, changes the regime, changes the deep and personal opinion and belief about opens up a new realization slowly but surely. It creates a test, an initiation of a quickening of inner spirit to wake up and maybe not be so dense as to trust the old style, or the old way.

This cycle might need to happen in order to break up encrusted ways of living, working, and thinking.

Some of the motivation for change could be financial, as the Sun in Aquarius inconjuncts the South Node and the Moon in Leo inconjuncts the North Node. Finances would be definitely required to change, the way money is being spent? The way it is being moved around? Is this personally or globally?

Full Moon in Leo February 12, 2025

Now for some daily Planetary influences

February 3 Mercury 11* Aquarius trine Jupiter
A nice day for discussions and planning, sharing information. Most likely we can feel more clear on this date, and the mind is tuned in to a higher vision as to how to proceed,

February 2 – 4 Venus at 29* Pisces conjoin Node
This cycle has been building for a few weeks, and now is exact. It has been taking the lead of all the other planets, for transformational vision for our personal life situations, and the world. It is an idealist- it projects faith in things, even when we might not know how to pull something off, it continues to release step by step processes in order to reach a positive outcome.

February 4 Venus moves into Aries up to March 26. Turning retrograde March 1 in Aries, it will change its behavior from an idealistic faith visionary to one of implementing action for a positive outcome in your life. This will occur up to March 29, then moves backwards into Pisces March 28 until /April 30.

Venus helps us get our values and priorities straight. It has a way to thoroughly move into some part of our lives and present change for the better, usually with situations which we never saw needed fixing before. Venus targets the heart, not always the mind.

We have written much on Venus in the last two Stardrops and so without repeating them here, feel free to review.

February 4 Jupiter turns direct at 11* Gemini making possible greater inspiration, will and determination (inspired!) to finally move forward on some projects which have been a bit, slacking.

February 4 – 9 Mercury conjoins Sun, (peaking Feb 9,) in Aquarius semi-square Neptune, Node and Venus in Pisces and inconjunct Mars at 18* Cancer.
It might be a good idea to use this time for recovery, reflection, take a break. Read your special book, get out in nature, get away or dive into something completely rejuvenating. You could be highly inspiring this week, important talks, new ideas, discussing the past – reviewing what has happened, and how you would like life to actually be, yet there will probably be one thing which eludes you, you can’t seem to correct. Give it time, something will happen to bring solutions to the problem.

Feb 7 Venus at 2* Aries sextile Pluto at 2* Aquarius
Venus is a social magnetic planet, drawing people together and during a sextile, that’s exactly what it does successfully now. Professional opinions, advice, support and helpful meetings are discussed possibly centered around finances, future business, possible marketing and social values, what people like. It is a great time for personal interactions with others.

Feb 7 – 8 Sun Mercury sextiles Chiron Our minds are open to advice and support from others. We accept it happily, as we need to assess how we are doing. Constructive solutions are brought up in order to create a positive bond where otherwise, it may have been frustrating.

Feb 8 – 10 Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces These dates are excellent for investing energy into security measures which will result in very positive outcomes.

Feb 9-12 Mercury and Sun at 23* Aquarius square Uranus at 23* Taurus.
(Shared above, in the Full Moon description)
Our minds might be struggling with disruptions off and on. The test would be to focus on the important things, and not get too distracted. Sometimes, challenging discussions are happening, where blurting out information, issues, truth bombs are not taken well by others. The news could be flooded with yet another unexpected accident, with conflicting sources of information and facts don’t match up with others’ witnesses.

From February 13 – 18th, only semi-sextiles are occurring between the planets Mercury and the Sun, which tells us there is much ruminating, thinking, processing going on in our own world and the globe during these dates. These are mild yet important aspects for questioning things, allowing situations to process within our life, getting prepared for the next stronger transit occurring on February 19 when Mercury squares Jupiter, leading up to the strongest planetary aspect, Neptune conjoin the Node on February 22, 2025.

Neptune conjoin the Node (and Venus) has been the one positive Miracle aspect I have been excited about, since I saw it coming last fall. It is the game changer, and has been a cascade of power changing time, changing circumstances – it is the one thing which symbolizes to me, Neptunes’ Higher Divine Love energy, with a consciousness of ultimate mandate of grace, mercy and perfect timing – to give to the lightbearers (*the node) the higher ground on planet earth, so they can win the war.

That’s all for today – forgive the dramatic descriptions in this Stardrops – sometimes, I can’t hold it back. My mind is blown as to what I am witnessing play before us, as it probably is for a lot of you, also.

Kash Patel

A quick note on Kash Patel’s chart, he has one transit which has been active from last June 2024, incredibly strong as early as September/October 2024, and concluding January 25 – March 15 2025, Saturn in Pisces conjoin Mercury and square Neptune. (Here we are back with yet another planet square Neptune, the responsibility to face and confront all forms of hiding, fear and deception).

The responsibility to do the hard thing, confront the negative Neptunian sabotaging situation and individuals, would be the case. The possibility of circumstances standing in the way of something he wants to achieve would be on a scale of 1 – 10, an 8, a messy 8. I think, he will get confirmed from the 7th to the 10th, however, there is something coming which is really hard for him to deal with and handle, March 1 – 18, 2025. It is only one time, but has far reaching impact. Once he reaches April 5, a new cycle begins for him with a cleaner path to walk. Uranus trines his Saturn for the last time since July 2024, which unfolds revolutionary changes within his service in life.

Everyone, have a great week!

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