Lunar Eclipse Pressure
Welcome to Stardrops on March 8, 2025! Today, we’re discussing the upcoming Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 13, 2025, coinciding with the Jewish holiday of Purim.
Two major astrology cycles are influencing this period in addition to the Lunar Eclipse:
1. Mars Retrograde (October 2024 – June 17, 2025) brings potential for global confrontations, accidents, and drama. Mars retrogrades, as we have mentioned many times, brings us right up to the brink of WWIII, triggering conflicts, political posturing, it basically heats everything up. We are in that cycle right now, and it especially escalated when Mars turned stationary direct on February 24 2025 at 17* Cancer continuing up through June 17 2025.
We have gone into its position on that date as it conjoins the U.S. Jupiter/Moon in Cancer in the 11th house of humanity and the well being, economy and harmony of its people.
This Mars is not over yet – it makes an opposition to Transiting Pluto throughout this entire time, and conjoins the U.S. natal Uranus (unexpected bizarre accidents, disruptions, triggers and phenomenon) and squares the U.S. Neptune (secrets, underground information, dangerous underworld issues demanding to be brought out into the open)….This Mars and all its aspects to other planets, is quite enough hard energy to disrupt our planet into a potential escalation. All the key worst dates of this have been laid out in the Venus transformation Video you can find here.
2. A Stellium in Pisces-Aries (January 18 – May 2025) offers positive change, especially with our transformational Venus and Mercury retrograde period. Video link again above, for review of both Mars and Venus.
The Lunar Eclipse on March 13 falls during these cycles, and I advise against making big decisions or commitments from a few days before until 7-10 days after. Lunar Eclipses can lead to emotional outbursts, rash choices, and hidden issues erupting, which might not get cleared out into the open until after the Eclipse is long gone, especially for those sensitive to lunar fluctuations. It triggers already sensitive people and can cause an emotionally exaggerating effect upon society – even in regards to global leadership, important meetings where decisions are being made anywhere between March 8 – March 20 for instance. Best to wait until after these dates. The Solar Eclipse period, between March 24 – April 15 would be far better and much more positive.
Purim celebrates the Jews’ salvation from a massacre in Persia (around 400 BCE). Some link Blood Moons to war, citing past events like the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, and eclipses during Purim in 2024, 2025, and 2026. While I see volatile planetary triggers, I don’t directly tie Purim to war predictions—though it could inspire some to act from its symbology.
Stick to the astrology: the Mars influence, U.S. chart impacts, and the Lunar Eclipse chart itself raise enough red flags alone, without including Religious Holidays. Be cautious, not fearful. Check out the Video on Blood Moons, and what causes them…
Stay aware as eclipses amplify, intensify.
Now let’s examine the Lunar Eclipse chart for March 13, 2025.
From a higher perspective, the Lunar Eclipse always has a bit of an undermining element to it – so whatever sign it is in, Virgo in this case, will draw out the challenges of that sign, which would be justice demanded, a strong sense of injustice, and all issues pertaining to the opposing Sun Sign, Pisces, which hides, distracts, and can undermine. Both the top planet Moon in Virgo are opposing the bottom planets and Sun in Pisces (and some in Aries) which aggravates this theme.
Both the top and the bottom planets are making a T-Square, right angles to the planet Jupiter on the right side in blue, and looks like the number 4. If you drew a capital letter T and made it turn sideways so the stick is pointing to the right, the Jupiter would be at the end of the stick.
This is important, because it allows the pressure between the Virgo Moon’s injustice and hyper focus upon the wrongs with every single detail and the Pisces groupings in this case representing the huge big picture of overwhelm, with tendency to avoid it all, it funnels it all over to the right – Jupiter….which will magnetically pull the issues out, creating a funnel of energy. The funnel is represented by the nature of Jupiter – ethics – in Gemini- facts, documentation and information. Simple. Without the T-square, we would have a polarizing back and forth of more and more confusion, gaslighting, avoidance and potential withholding the reality of what is actually going on. Jupiter forces the information and provides a place for it to stand on its own, regardless.
The points of concern within this Lunar Eclipse Cycle, running primarily from March 8 (today) up through March 20 or thereabouts, would be the potential for deception, poor judgment, disappointment, lack of accuracy, pressure to move forward with plans without logical verifiable justification, feeling intuitively this or that is a bad time to do certain things yet being misled, lack of well rounded intelligent common sense, or a lack of transparency from the Moon in Virgo oppose the Neptune, Saturn, Node and Sun in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini.
We can not deny we are in a precarious period, where the information and activities which are becoming more and more widely accepted globally regarding the past history of corruption on the planet, is forcing certain people to the wall. A lunar eclipse is just one more volatile moment when it could backfire or pull something.
A Piscean ocean of subterfuge and potential secret layers of activities the Virgo is hyper-focusing upon demanding justice is now forefront, coming to a maximum moment of impatience. It is all about exposing injustices, the massive points leading to editing analysis and severe serious scrutinizing of activities will be in question for sure. People who were once confident and sure of certain arrangements and individuals will turn to Piscean lower energies which are doubt, hyper critical, inability to feel satisfied with certain issues, pointing out errors, lack of faith in people in positions of leadership which would also include the Virgo pettiness and finger pointing. However, as we will see later, these Pisces/Virgo polarizing points, both square. ( the way out ) Jupiter in Gemini –which has to do with concentrating upon discussions involving getting the facts straight. Regardless of anyone’s agenda or motives.
The depth of behind the scenes activities involving Piscean themes are: biological, medical, genetic, adrenochrome, trafficking, health organizations, secret labs and clinics, phenomena secrets, secret tech, hierarchical secrets, chemical and toxic poisoning, blackmail, subterfuge of justice system, financial elitism (movement of volumes of gold, money beyond our comprehension, including off world transfer of money and product) , massive fraud and other deep financial arrangements, and on and on – clinics, humanities genome and DNA rights based upon introduction of patented MRNA. Volumes and layers of data and documentation along with inference will be up for review. Even regarding the most Piscean big solar system and universe picture and how it is all tying into space, and as to WHY there are so many layers of sabotaging and dysfunctional arrangements. There are a plethora of secrets which those in power may have decided not to disclose because it would break people’s minds.
My prediction is when Jupiter rises just the few hours before the exact moment of the Lunar Eclipse, something important will erupt. Let’s use the location for Washington DC and it comes up to around 10 – 10:20 AM in the morning eastern time. With Jupiter in Gemini, it has to deal with news, key information and/or decisions made which causes a sense of fulfillment, or culmination of weeks of building tension. Yet with Lunar Eclipses, sabotage or interference usually occurs. (Or it can be destructive, like when the Yellowstone River crested and flooded, on the day of the Lunar Eclipse in 2023, after heavy rains and snow fall for weeks.)
With a Lunar Eclipse it is the subterfuge of a single issue or event – but could open up a file drawer of mounds of questions regarding other activities….
…with the funnel of the T-Square, the way out of this tension this energy of Jupiter can prevail as the solution, factual information and discussion will force the issue.
The energies create the Piscean big picture, versus the Moon in Virgo’s severe sense of injustices which have been heretofore unexplained and not addressed for so long, if you relate to this personally, and globally, for even 1000s’ of years long – the records of injustices are in the memory banks of the souls, the etheric bodies of humanity, even in the very genes of people. They know something REALLY BIG is behind everything. The lower nature of Pisces is fear and hopelessness – the lower nature of Virgo is imperil, slavery and focusing upon the minutiae, missing the big picture. I don’t want to spell this out – please connect the dots for me as it is too disturbing for me to spell it out what circumstances would be so bad in the world, the Piscean energies of the powers that be, will do anything to keep it hidden and ongoing. My concern with the lunar eclipse is that it will try to force the situation, resulting in mistakes made and counter attacks.
I feel this Lunar Eclipse moment is a time where a large number of humanity finally figuring out what is really going on and somehow, finding a way to release, discover and distribute the Jupiter in Gemini facts, regardless of the confusion over the information. It will be yet another transformational moment – which no one can ever unsee and return to ignorance again.
THAT’S HOW PISCES WORKS, remember? It’s the synthesis of the whole thing, taken in and comprehended all at once. It’s just too BIG. Is it just TOO BIG?
Could the downfall of this Lunar Eclipse be the biased compromised position of those governing the courts and legality of release of truth? It is only one factor of many possibilities.
What would be the downfall poor judgment or decision potential of this Lunar Eclipse?
For us personally, it would be to put ourselves in an activity, or an event during this time, which might require better scrutiny of the facts, independent logical choices and decisions, regardless of others’ influence on our thinking.
Don’t get talked into anything during these weeks – March 8 – 20 especially. If problems come up with other people’s issues, back off and leave it alone -I would wait until the Solar Eclipse happens. March 29.
Globally, the lunar eclipse could be a small part of an already ongoing escalation of drama. It might increase the acting out a reactive trigger causing complications in a serious outbreak of chaos or arguments.
Globally we would be on guard for it to increase the potential for war escalating, accidents and/or any means to distract from the big story underneath the waters of humanity right now. Regardless of the Lunar Eclipse being a blood moon and on Purim or not- it is in intellectual information and wisdom signs, (Pisces/Virgo/Gemini) not signs of violence and war. Even the Mars position in this Lunar Eclipse is in a trine (positive constructive flow of energy and solutions) to the PIscean planets and sextile (harmonious discussion of agreements and options available) the Moon in Virgo.
But a Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon energy, to me, amplifies the energies of Mars already in a testy run. I’ve seen Blood Moons and there’s always that creepy eerie feeling I get when I witness a Huge Big Blood Moon in the night sky – it feels ominous. I want to bolster up my forcefield and shields. That’s the red flag of this cycle. It could indicate the heated conversation happening in the world, behind closed doors, regarding the top key crisis which are being debated. That’s my guess.
In spite of the positive transformational energies of the Aries Mercury and Aries Venus retro right now through March, we still have one more Transiting Hades conjoin the U.S. Conceptional (1776) Sun May, 2025….and the challenge to get through Mars moving back to opposition to transiting Pluto April 18 – May 5, 2025, and the last peak of nine months of Mars conjoin the U.S. Natal Uranus, April 15 – 20, and Mars square the U.S. Neptune March 18 – 25, 2025….these are all heightened moments of aggression towards potential positive change and/or the attempt of penetration of secrets – especially if there are government financial accounting which are closed to the public and records only on analog – yet it is also has to answer to the Jupiter in Gemini. Gemini is relentless with asking smart questions.
The Lunar Eclipse is also making a conjunction (strongly activating) the deception planet, Neptune, in a conjunction – see below. It falls right into a theme of hiding things, not wanting disclosure of particular big picture issues based upon 9th house ethics, legal etc..
So, in my small humble attempt to unravel this Purim, Blood Moon associated with violence, even though some of the Lunar Eclipses have been weeks or months away from a violet incident, I tune into this Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon theme as a time where we are presented with:
- Injustices, lack of accountability, awareness or change.
- Worries, revolving, Imperil, health issues.
- Desiring things to be so much better, almost perfect, as we’re all tired.
- Confronting the lack of psychological wholeness, common sense and realistic conscience in others, whether in our personal interactions or in the world, and where we (the people, or personally,) are having to sacrifice so much for the sake of perpetuating a dysfunction with apparently no relief or end in site.
- Dealing with ambiguities, hidden issues, large scale plans which seem overwhelming.
This Lunar Eclipse is a chart of lies and false obligations. It exposes incompetence and waste…It could be riddled with backend promises and arrangements made, or illogical loyalties or subconscious decisions challenged as they do not make sense….
…and, it is not the time to try to fix it during March 8 – 20, but to recognize this is not working, and it’s going to end now. The time to implement the next level of strategy would be at the end of March through the following months ahead. This Lunar Eclipse could be the time frame when these disturbing issues have built up for so long, the middle to end of March, is when they all erupt and rash decisions might be made in order to fix things or attempt to justify or hide things.
With the upcoming Solar Eclipse, it is time for launching new projects, a brand new mindset, personal OR global, initiating new plans would be best from March 29 on.
The next Solar Eclipse theme typically has a five month influence beginning March 29.
I am outlining the EMOTIONAL conversations and decisions pondered by those behind the scenes as to what to do with all these pieces of factual information and decisions during the month of March. It’s confusion, pondering this or that way out – taking into account the ramifications of one acts in this manner, or takes that direction – and my suggestion would be, yes, it is good to ponder and discuss this, however, I would not be in such a hurry to fall prey to the false sense of pressure an urgency to break it all out, or, decide to redact or hide it all until we get to the Solar Eclipse cycle beginning March 29. That moment will be a dynamic fire sign Critical Degree (Zero Degree Aries) Solar Eclipse inaugurating a new cycle of laying our cards on the table. This would be not just for global peace and transparency, forthright pro-active win-win – but for our personal lives also.
I hope this answers many of your questions or concerns regarding the Purim Holiday Blood Moon connection – I feel on some level it could be slightly significant – but Lunar Eclipses are only active as I can see them playout – a week before and a few weeks only if that, afterwards and some of the Lunar Eclipses associated with disruptive events, were many weeks afterwards when other strong planetary energies were also impacting the earth at the same time.
“I Call for the most important information to be revealed for myself and for the world. I AM effectively removing any pressure placed upon me in any way to make rash judgments or impulses which would only set me back on my path. ”