
Relationship Charts

Relationship Chart

Approx. 1 Hr- 1 1/2 Hr. $150.00-$225.00
Whether it’s between you and your child, partner, loved one or friend, it’s nice to have a vision of why you are together and what you can do to enhance your relationship with a certain person. This chart can describe where the hardest area is and how to help smooth it over. I use two methods-Composite Wheel (averaging the two natal charts together into one new chart); Bi-Wheel synastry chart ( placing one natal chart around another natal chart). You can discover the harmonies and stresses interacting between the two of you this way, as the composite chart focuses upon the purpose and power of the relationship and where the karma ( Saturn) is located and what to do about it!

Did you know you can also do a family composite chart? Learn what the purpose of your family or group is. Discover your groups’ stumbling blocks and lessons, and the power of your union. What is your purpose for coming together?

All sessions are recorded for your convenience and available after the session in multiple downloadable formats (MP3). If you would like a hard-copy CD of your session, those are available upon request. Long distance consulting is available either via Zoom, Phone, Skype.

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