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Event Charts

Event Charts

You can pick a date of the inception of a business, a wedding, a signing of a contract, or a significant moment in your life, anything of meaning, and check in the astrology chart for that moment in time, place, date, what its purpose was and how it affected you.  Charged by the hour,$150.00 per Hr. … as long as it takes to understand an event which is either coming up or from the past. You can preference how much time you would like to spend on any given issue or have several questions to explore a deeper understanding of their meaning. Anything on your mind.

Did you know you can pick a date for the inception of a business, a wedding, a signing of a contract, or a significant moment in your life, anything of meaning, and check in the astrology chart for that moment in time, place, date, what its purpose was and how it affected you? This kind of reading is done sparingly, and truly depends upon the reader to interpret the correct meaning of these Event Charts. It is also called Electional Astrology.

Let’s say an important meeting is coming up for you and you want to know what to expect.
You can take that day and hours’ planets’ positions and place them around your own birth chart and see how you personally are going to probably react or feel and manage yourself within that meeting. It could show us if you are happy or disappointed, lukewarm, hopeful during and especially at the end of that event.

Marriages, important moments in your life, presentations, notices, meetings, etc… it is endless.

east_indian_hands_couple_256x180You can also take that day, hour, location and year of this event and create a single chart for that moment.
With this chart, you interpret what could be the significance and possible outcome of that activity. Event readings for one day and hour of your life, is a moment in time we freeze, in order to examine for better understanding of what to expect.

We can figure this reading in to your updated Event Forecast for the next year or two ahead, your natal reading, relationship reading, or only focus upon this one reading. To make an appointment, put in the content box, Requesting talk about particular events….click here, or email us at for an appointment, or call 406-222-2763.

All sessions are recorded for your convenience and available after the session in multiple downloadable formats (MP3). If you would like a hard-copy CD of your session, those are available upon request. Long distance consulting is available either via Phone or Zoom.

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