Cern-New Analysis Update
Daniel Liszt: ” You believe that the particle physics side of the mission statement for CERN is a cover story?”
Dr. Farrell: ” I do think it’s a cover story, because the actual device itself to me, looks like it’s much more than simply particle physics. You’ve got these enormous magnetic fields, that are part of the apparatus, and to my way of thinking, that’s going to create resonance planetary effects, and possibly even stellar effects as well. So there’s something else entirely going on in the project that has an esoteric or hidden component in that CERN generates such an enormous amount of data, it’s literally the biggest internet user….”
“….whenever CERN is turned on, there are indentations within the magnetosphere of the Northern Hemisphere-that are coincidental with everytime this thing is turned on..that’s a data correlation experiment…I suspect CERN has a secret Data Correlation Experiment is going on, using computer algorithm filters to pull data, and what’s going on is that they might be coordinating data-..okay… does human behavior change when this thing is turned on?…and does it change in certain locales-…… because this has an enormous magnetic field….and this is going to introduce local planetary magnetic effects, as some of these people are documenting… they could be doing those kinds of experiments…….they could even be doing experiments is there any correlative data between when we are turning on the accelerator and what’s going on with the Sun? …….so you have a planetary machine that’s the key here, with strong magnetic shields embedded incidentally, in a non linear medium, rock. …”
I find this entire interview intriguing to remind us all about the multi layered cultures, building, re-building and even later re-using existing structures throughout the world, re-discovering lost technology, living off old technology and then ultimately completely losing the technology, machines and advanced metaphysics. The need to do two things, research and grab key information that fits the puzzle, and put new concepts on your memory library to be used possibly at a later time when it makes sense. Discernment and critical thinking regarding so much information and possibilities is key. I like to corral my observations ultimately into the meme of the Culture of Light, such as Akhenaten’s movement to inner Egypt to establish a safe haven supporting MONOTHEISM devotion, and the worship of the Sun, as representing the Divine Sun behind the sun, and our own personal individual infinite source of energy, in another dimension. He did this for himself, family and community, versus the Culture of the variety of evolutions who depend upon their foreign gods and magic, instilling oppression, slavery, deprivation and dependency upon the public.
CERN, AI, and more future technology, is important to keep up on, to create intention of harmlessness around and in all of its operations, because this planet is our home. By simply learning about it and what the variety of purposes it has been created for, would be something I would want to know.
I know it is not black and white, but multi-layered and mixed up, yet one does try to filter and extract the pure out of the mess in order to salvage that Heaven to bring the beauty back and protect it for a better world for the ones’ that love all things Pure. We have to have a place to thrive AND BE ON WATCH FOR THE SEWING OF THE DARK CULTURES within our societies- To listen more to this good interview on Cern, Giza Pyramid and the technology, the sea of virtual energy called THE DIRAC SEA.