Dreams Perfected – Stardrops April 18 – 24
APRIL 18 – 24, 2021
April 18 – Mercury at 29* Aries conjoin Sun at 29* Aries The power of mind is once again in our hands. This week finds us initiating new projects, conversations and plans. The power to express one’s exciting ideas takes us one more step towards satisfaction, through our heart’s communicating through writing, sharing, collaborations.
April 19 -May 19 Mercury and the Sun moves into Taurus – The start of several weeks of practical physical accomplishments. Any thing which requires specific physical tasks, puts plans into the real world and we to reap the rewards. Think of any physical endeavor, task, project – physical work, body work, building and exercising ones’ skills to bring it down into our world, this is what Taurus is all about.
April 20 – Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto – Wonderful expansive optimism pushes one on to reach out and take risks now. Think a little bit bigger and better than you would normally allow yourself to do. This Jupiter wants to push us just a little bit more in valuing ourselves to a point of finding a way to not only believe in our capabilities but then funnel this confidence and abilities into a community or circle of friends, a department, a business or organization. Reaching a higher level of excellence.
April 21 – 25 – Mercury and Venus at 10 – 12* Taurus conjoins Uranus and squares Saturn at 12 * Aquarius
An eclectic and unusually youthful and dynamic source of living in the present and living one’s true self, being your own person and individuality –taking a risk to do something, think about a future you would normally not believe you could do – desiring to live a life that is not mediocre. Saturn reminds us of the work that is involved to make this ideal a physical reality. At exactly the same time, there is an intense pressure we’ll receive from a Saturn square which makes iti necessary to go deep in order to get into all those specifics of making that goal a reality.
Innovative and courageous thinking all with the theme of realizing a better loving satisfying life and world finds any way it can to make it true – however, Saturn can block, delay, or steer us into the path that is best, while shutting down other options. This is because we haven’t done one last piece of work yet. Why? Are we being too cautious? Not brave enough? Not enough conviction? Too much personal pride invested in how others would see us? Uranus really doesn’t care about those things, it wants us to be real.
This week then, might reveal some disappointment, yet one was so sure this or that avenue to success could work.
With Mercury involved, it would only be one small area of one’s life. Don’t give up, we’re on the right track, our ideas are simply being tested for their practicality and their alignment in every single way with that divine blueprint we each possess. Commune with that infinite electric power, inside the earth and all around us in the stars. It is inside of you.
April 26, 2021 Full Moon at 7* Scorpio, square Saturn at 12* Aquarius and sextile Mars at 2* Cancer.
In addition to the above creative and most inspiring feelings and plans, this Full Moon is bringing to a crescendo on the 26th of April, a moment of serious reflection of one’s life situation.
A need to get real with what you want, face a greater depth of personal observations and decide how to move above and beyond one’s limitations is required. Saturn in Aquarius always pushes one to do better.This is a continuing theme from the above cycle.
“ I can do this better, I can be better, I can make this better, try more creatively, think differently, allow a truth to really sink in about myself, my life, my situation, in order to own the path I desire to make a reality. I have the guts to be more real.”
We can’t miss the usual concern with a Saturn square, which is the possibility of a tad bit of Karma standing in our way – covering up that fresh electric truth we would like to experience. Take the ideal magnificence of potential you would love to achieve, and whatever restrictions which interferes with that truth, it might be karma from some dense past state of mind ( Saturn in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus in Taurus) and so this must be overcome, transcended and evolved beyond the old way of being. Then a fresher, higher and smarter experience can be had.
Desire it and give creative Affirmations to break through…..
“Oh higher divine Presence, release that Transmutative Power into my body, world, heart now. I call for the erasing and dissolving of all hardened obstacles covering over my truth and brilliance, confidence and the ability I have for the fulfillment of my life purpose in all ways. I Thank You, and accept this done, Amen.”
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