
Stardrops – August 15 Metamorphosis

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Along with last week’s theme of Intervention and Intercession happening in our world, a new astrological configuration called a KITE has formed in the sky. (Described below) This configuration truly intrigued me, so I ventured into the meaning of these planets taking on the shape of a KITE, and we’ll see if what I uncovered for the entire month of August beginning today and culminating on September 2-6, which is likened to some kind of METAMORPHOSIS in our world, will truly happen. 

For the every day forecast of the quickly moving planets, let’s begin…..

August 15     Venus enters Libra – An increase of kindness and cooperation. Beauty and music is enhanced. Inspiration towards love and resolutions. Beautifying our worlds and bringing more financial security into our lives. Issues with relationships, equality, love and/or separations.

August 16     Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius A day of a bit of incongruencies, frustrations, not being completely on the same page with some person or a situation you are trying to get a handle on.

August 17   Sun in Leo inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn Slight challenges to ones’ ego and personal pride.

August 17=18    Mercury conjoin Mars and Sun oppose Jupiter in Aquarius Mentally we are highly energized on this date, trying to get so much done, overreaching our practical mental, physical ability and cramming too much into the hours we have in the day. Overly optimistic, with almost a casual cavalier belief it can be done. Deadlines are not met and re calibrating schedules or finances might have to happen, as the situation might be revealing to us, it’s bigger than we thought.

August 20    Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus Truth, innovation and analyzing how to accomplish delicate situations will come to us throughout the day.

August 21-24   Exact on the 22    Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus This aspect is part of a larger power revealed, below. It is excellent for analyzing, reviewing facts, feeling unconventional ideas and sharp insights to work with in order to bring about productive practical changes. It’s time to fix things.

August 22 Sun enters Virgo opens the door for mental analysis, hard work, dissecting, balancing the books, perfecting situations or things in our lives. Diet, nutrition, health and anything which requires expertise, precision and Justice.


August 15 – 22 begins a new cycle between Mars, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. It is in the configuration or geometric design which looks like a kite.


( For the astrologers …. Mars at 10-14* this week and building to 25* Virgo up through September 2nd, in the sign of Virgo in a trine to Pluto 24- 25* and Uranus at 14* Taurus, It trines Uranus exact on the 21-24th of August, and opposes Neptune in Pisces;  Neptune then sextiles the Pluto and the Uranus.


Mars culminates in trine Pluto exact on Sept 2 – 6, which is the crescendo of this event, which we’ll go through below.

Mars in the sign of Virgo will  also oppose Neptune in Pisces exact on Sept 2 and will continue in the sign of Virgo all the way to the Sept 13th. Mars is an energetically assertive planet moving towards an exact opposition to the secretive and diffusing Planet Neptune by September 2- 6. So even though Mars is not exact yet to Neptune, it is moving head-on towards this confrontation – described below.

The positions of these planets are creating a KITE configuration
which produces an epic Metamorphosis


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The numbers 3 – 6 – 9 are strongly interacting with this AUGUST CYCLE because the kite is composed of three types of aspects…the grand trine, (3); the partial grand sextile ( 6 ) , and the 3rd is located at the midpoint, (9) the opposition.

This combination of planets in these three separate and unique geometries, creates an active dynamic expression coming from within YOU.  It’s as if the Intelligence of the Solar System is setting up magnetic energies to produce through us, an active force based upon something you LOVE. Because of that thing we Love, we are motivated through the antithesis of what we’re watching, to do something to achieve an ideal outcome, turn it around and Transform the situation into something better.

It is like you are in a classroom for the rest of August up to September 2 exact, in order to recognize something you love tremendously, and how to go about realizing it, bring it into fruition, love it, put form to it or draw it closer into your world.

The Kite brings also a responsibility through mature interaction with others. Being an adult as you express this love for something and how to go about experiencing it.

We are being given the opportunity to resolve something highly meaningful to us, and in this case, because of the two opposing planets, the Mars and Neptune, it will deal with injustices and delusions, misunderstandings, suffering and projecting onto situations that are not accurate or true. This opposition is the (9) part of the event, which always ends in completion and resolutions which are a synthesis of the entire history and process of how one got there.

The Metamorphosis is all about recognizing a dysfunction, a problem and confronting it, loving something to happen or materialize which is an ideal outcome, and creating a meeting, discussion requiring building relationships in order to reach the ultimate IDEAL outcome. This is occurring ALL AUGUST UP TO THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER, 2021.

Because the planet URANUS is involved, it will be revolutionary bringing transformation with our physical every day understanding of tangible physical processes and life in general. In otherwords, it’s not just ideas or perceptions, it’s actual real time in front of you, changes in the physical, because Uranus is in the sign of Taurus. However, it requires entering into the knowledge presented.

Uranus trine Pluto (a wide trine) trine Mars, means, there will be goodwill and protection in this process and absolutely can be pulled off. A trine is associated with the number 3, and is a Venus vibration.

With the love that is released within this trine of functional, practical, reasonable, analytical and grounded truth with a motive to bring enlightenment, truth and revelation to self, another or the world, an Ah Ha! moment can be reached within an otherwise, Neptunianly confusing, murky, overwhelming situation. It could be within your own life, situations which created sabotage, grief, misunderstandings and deceptions.

It could be situations globally, such as political government deceptions, agency deceptions, organizational or individuals behind the scenes (Neptune and Pluto themes) which have gone on for centuries, if global and political, or years, if personal.

With this Kite, which yes, only lasts for a few weeks but still powerful, the opportunity to have released a truth and transparency, is huge. Not only that, but launches a new era of personal and/or global dialogue with intelligence and innovation as to how to resolve and bring the situation to a more functional place.


Enhance your vision to see how this might be happening to you!

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Globally, this August 10th to 15th up to September 2, is the start of finally launching a cycle for an enormous percentage of the population to come together and reason, setting aside differences, realizing what has been untrue, misunderstood and basically lies, not only between them but projected upon them for years.

The kite will bring sharp analytical discernment with facts, knowledge and a desire to purify situations and serve, to help fix something, and the trine does is with so much love, fire and courage, nothing can stop it. The trine ensures success and protection.

(Bare with me as some technical explanations follow – we’ll get to the point in a bit)

The sextiles between Neptune/Uranus and Neptune/Pluto is what creates the talking, the conversations and building new alliances and harmony….they bring transformation, truth and facts, innovation and invention because Uranus is involved, which has a link to the 7th age of Aquarius and all things coming from the seventh Ray of Violet Transmutation, Innovation and Erasing all that never should have been. …it enhances humanitarian intellectual brilliance and Compassion and Sacrifice.

Our beloved Saint Germain is associated primarily with this planet Uranus, as his consciousness captures the highest essence of the zodiac sign, Aquarius. Uranus is the planet which rules the Sign Aquarius.

The sextile makes a bond, a handshake of cooperation. It leads to expansive discussion to solve problems and work together.

The Neptune/Pluto sextile encourages a larger scope. It invokes higher energies and consciousness to enter into the situations for assistance and transformation of the problems. It lends to higher dimensional intuition and hunches to go here or there, or examine this or that possibility.

What triggers this entire REVOLUTIONARY change, is the opposition, the nagging intensely intolerable opposition between Mars and Neptune.

Why 3, 6 and 9 are used in this KITE? It is because there are three geometric shapes or spaces made with the planets involved, creating a shape of a kite. Trines, Sextiles and an Opposition.

The number three = Venus, and rules trines.

The number six = Jupiter and rules sextiles which assist step by step evolving towards understanding and growth, Development.

The number nine = Neptune, which is an all encompassing synthesis of all these steps and processes to evolve into something well, Utopian – like. It is the IDEAL, the Ultimate permeation of a divine thing without words, but has feeling and transcendence as the outcome for all. This is strangely represented by the Opposition which is the tension of this entire Kite formation. It’s the backbone, the polarity between the two.

In this case, the Neptune involved tells us, there are secrets, and the Mars wants to uncover everything that simply does not make sense…. it can also uncover secrets.

So secrets will be the root of the confusion. Someone and some thing is withholding the truth, whether intentional or from habit.

Whether they are within your own problematic situation personally? or the worlds’ problems, this is the theme now.

What is the BIG SECRET?

The Mars in Virgo desires reasoning, specific analysis in detail as to when, how, what, why and who, in order to Purify a contaminated and degenerate situation and that has incurred GREAT injustices.

Remember, this can be PERSONAL in your life history, or GLOBALLY. A transmutative action, which is a 7th Ray miracle occurs through the process of these next weeks leading up to September 2.

Mars in Virgo asserts itself in order to confront the Neptune secrets, addictions, habits and desire to remain hidden with its own self medicating in order to psychologically, and physically survive…so it thinks. It might be a place you work, and the secrets might not even be conscious. You can replace Secrets with Dysfunction, Disorder, Sabotaging or Cognitive Dissonance.

Mars is relentless at ripping off and dissecting down to the roots, why is this or that happening?

In come the other planets offering solutions, and a softer mannerism as we described above, to reason, cooperate, bring solutions and because of Pluto’s involvement, a more structured matrix and rules to bank on for future sanity will be enforced, put into place.

It will create permanent accountability, boundaries, rules and guidelines.

The Pluto in Capricorn is the CRYSTAL that solidifies the plan which will be the outcome of this KITE period culminating on September 2.

September 2 would be the completion of an entire discussion on the what, why, how, where and who, and now what do we do, conversation.


In some fashion, this Metamorphosis will be reached.


Again, whether this is something you relate to personally that is perpetually bothering you, something mysterious, strange, peculiar and seemingly unsolvable, or Global, National, Organizational or Business. You’ll know, it will be the most bothersome thing on your mind at this time of August 2021.

An entire group or community or percentage of the population might be sharing this experience of the KITE configuration, or it could be just you and another person, or a community situation.

Whatever it is, progress and advanced levels of productivity and functionality will occur, along with learning something in the process. You can never go back to the way it was after this August is over.


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