God Mercury

The Mercury Retrograde Challenge September 26 2021

This article theme is about a hard cycle we’re entering into beginning NOW – FOR ONE MONTH.  Think about stalking up again. Think about getting necessities and preparing for any complications with travel. I do not have a good feeling about the next few weeks ahead – the hardest cycle is September 22 to Oct 1, however, I believe it started last week from September 6 on.  This cycle feels very heavy. The theme is Mercury retro exposing unreality and Pluto in a square, attempting to negative it, shut it down, prevent it from acting on that exposure, any possible way it can.

We love Mercury because it helps us think, make decisions, zip here and there about town, read, comprehend, speak as best as we can and listen. It rules making decisions. It has to do with voting, ballots, health data and facts. It does not have anything to do with conceptional ideas or right brain idealism or “what ifs”. It is concrete evidence, and living in reality, the here and now.

It is governed by the Divine Being Hermes Trismegistus who was a master in science, numbers, writing, communications, logic, medical/health especially as in flowers, herbology, remedies and astrology, minerals, oils and just about every thing one would need to understand to enhance their life while on Earth. One wonders if he might not have actually been some sort of godlike being.

I have courses piled high in my attic on teachings from the late great Robert Schmidt from Maryland.  He translated Hermes’ Greek writings into English that had been passed down to his two students ages ago, The Astrological information is now called Hermetic Astrology. I sat listening to his lessons and I have not heard anything modern that comes even close to how brilliant he was…amazing information. Anyway, let’s get back to Mercury.

I have experienced Mercury retrogrades to be most helpful and I’ll tell you why.  When Mercury is about to go retrograde, our mind begins to alter. Our thoughts start focusing upon one specific idea in our heads. It is a logical clarity, as if some invisible person was telepathically delivering into our mind an insight, a guidance and direction, that we simply become obsessed with for a while.

Sometimes there’s a book to buy, a movie or documentary to watch, etc…as Mercury has a lot to do with learning something new. Sometimes it’s a concept you’re trying to understand, assimilate and digest.

This new Mercury retro will be in Libra. It has to do with either polarizing or mutual agreements and negotiations.

Now Libra is a nice sign for Mercury to be in, as it creates diplomacy. It is also about relationships, fairness and seeing both sides of an issue. It is already being outpictured right now. It began last week, around September 6 on….Why?  Because all Mercury retrogrades begin to play out about three weeks just before the peak. Remember the peak is on September 26, 2021.

The problem with this Mercury retro is that it is in a very bad aspect to the planet Pluto. It is in what we call a square. Square from Pluto to Mercury means we’re in a hard period dealing with something that wants to override our minds. Shut your mind off – force you to stop thinking.

This is not good. It also will tend to draw out, magnify the opposite quality of Libra, which is organized crime. yes, the negative energies of Libra is criminal thinking….it’s the consciousness that decides  Life/God would never give me this or that because I am not good enough,  so I’ll just steal it.

Libra rules karmic justice. The negative reverse of Libra is “I’ll never be able to get in alignment with Divine Justice, so I might as well lie, steal, cover up, manipulate or even murder, in order to acquire what I need, because there’s no way it’s going to be given to me any other way” This isn’t a pretty article, but there is a consciousness out there that thinks in these terms.

If this Mercury retro were in a positive aspect to a planet, even Pluto, I wouldn’t be describing it as this way.

The perversion of Libra is lies, deceit, delusions, self preservation at any cost. It doesn’t care. Pluto in a square to any planet tends to cause it to shut down. Blocks it. Blackout and negates it. Oh my, the list is growing in my mind what we must discover under this square – as this is what I suspect Mercury WANTS us to do, discover something.

So Mercury, the planet of documents, data, communications, logic and facts, the planet of exchange of information, decisions,  phones, travel, mobility, getting around and living in the here and now, scheduling, work, …..being able to talk, share, write..Mercury is responsible for a lot of things! When.in Libra, it’s symbol is the Scales of Justice – the Law….

Pluto will attempt to completely shut down any one of these activities which we would normally take for granted during September.

Did you know Mercury also rules our immune system and neurological system? That is because Mercury rules the signs, Gemini and Virgo – Gemini the nerves, Virgo the immune system.

Now where would we see this outpicture?  In the world?  In our own personal affairs? Challenging news, data, documents, mail, information? Decisions? Another thing, is Pluto can be the symbol for misuse of power, technology, psychic projections and mind control.

So if Pluto is in a negative interference with our Mercury which rules the mind, could our minds be struggling at this time to think clearly and logically? Are we struggling during this time to make a decision based upon Libra Reality? Rather than delusion, illusion, issues being twisted or distorted or even just lulled to sleep by the hypnotic impact of Pluto? Are we under extreme conflict personally or globally with another perversion of Libra which is the intense need to NOT disappoint or make anyone angry at us?

The issue with this Mercury can be resolved.

Since this is a very short article tonight I will get to the point – you absolutely must make an affirmation for the reversing,  the turning around and what we call transmutation and pushing back, rolling back, collapsing and dissolving, (whatever term you prefer) of this Mercury retro at 25* Libra in a square to the Transit of Pluto at 24* Capricorn on the dates between September 22 -October 1, 2021, however, severe negative information or activities could come about anytime from now up through the date Mercury retro is over, which is on  October 18.

Mercury retro, at the same time, is also in a square to the United States 1776 Pluto and  natal Mercury.  September 21 – October 1.

On the positive side… you/we can use this Mercury to demand the highest outpicturing of LIbra to resolve and bring about constructive decisions, as Mercury remember, has to do with decisions. When it is in squares like this to Pluto, these are not just any old decisions, but seriously big ones.

So harnessing the Power of Mercury in Libra to get square with the Pluto oppressive blocks and manipulations, would be a very fantastic idea right now.

The thing I love about Mercury retros is that this invisible being, which emanates the message from God Mercury guides us as to what exactly we should do at these times, and you know what? It always works!

As usual, I could write volumes as more and more ideas are coming to me right now about the possible outpicturing of this cycle.

Here is a timeline with the Mercury square Pluto dates circled in Red…

Let me leave you with this….soon (remember?) the transit of Pluto is going to conjoin the conceptional 1776 U.S. Pluto – February 2022. We have been seeing the build up of this for the past two to four years. This only happens, once in 243 some years, and we’re in it now.

So…..could this Mercury retro in Libra which holds the power for order, justice, fairness, building strong relationships, legal and cooperative negotiations be just the thing this Divine Higher Power is warning us right now to pay attention to? It is guiding you and me to take some sort of action, since Libra is a Blue Ray Sign and that means cardinal and Powerful Action? If Mercury is in a square to the Transit of Pluto which is just beginning to contact the U.S. Pluto in a few months, could Mercury be the PRE-Cycle, or pre-view as to what the bigger cycle is going to deliver and wants us all to know ahead of time so we can make some DECISIONS? I think so.


“Divine God of ALL THAT IS, I AM now calling into this world, the most perfect guidance, information, clarity and vision as to what I must do right now and in the next few weeks to be at the right place at the right time. I AM completely trusting this intercession and protection of the Great I AM, Now and Always. All blocks, interference, lies, self preservation, laziness, stealing and deceit are destroyed, washed away, pushed back and dissolved forever by the great power of the God Presence, the infinite eternal protection and intelligence of the Archangels, and My Own Higher Self and Presence Now.  I AM NOW calling down a magnificent shield around my own mind to protect me from all manipulations from any source. I AM in the power of my Higher Self’s Divine Intelligence NOW.

All deception is revealed. All facts, information, communications, decisions, movement and agendas are brought out into the open in the brightness of the noon day sun. I thank you and accept this done in full power, Amen!”

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