Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
November 14, 2021 Updated contemplation regarding the push/pull stress Earth has experienced from the clash of these two planets.

The three peaks have been:
Feb 10 – 25, peaking on the date of Feb 17, 2021
Returning June 10 -20, peaking June 15, 2021
Dec 15-30, peaking Dec 24, 2021 exact.
The new theme globally, is the necessity to remain diligent in preserving our organic and divine existence against bouts of extreme technological invasion. It is the clashing of two planets, one, the consternation and punitive severity of Saturn attempting to lockdown the Aquarian individuality and second, unconventional revolutionary Uranus in Taurus. You can flip both planets into their positive and negative possibilities, and in fact we must be able to flip them or we won’t be able to capture the real essence of the best of Uranus and the best of Saturn’s energies and what they are attempting to do.
The strongest times are the dates above. However, we are in this theme throughout the entire year. For our personal planning – use this time to create an upgrade in your life. More order, structure, increase the integrity you desire to live in. Nurture community. Take care of each other. Prepare for the weird, the unexpected.
I keep trying to make the description of this cycle simple, so I’ll try to get to the point of these planets. We are in a time when higher way of living and realizing progress from the assistance of both planets can happen. Saturn’s role to create structure and systems, responsibility towards humanity’s progress and Uranus in Taurus’ motivation to stimulate a brand new economic and physical freedom. Because they are at right angles in the solar system, from earth’s perspective, which we call a square, they are creating a severe clash. The clash is based upon each group or organizations’ reality as to what they behold as an ideal for Earth. This is why there are so many positions, science, needs, rights, dimensions clashing with other dimensions, realities, ideals, agendas, positions and science. We truly are in a war between unique dimensions, realities – who will win, what dimensional reality will prevail as the dominate matrix for the Earth. Some actually desire mechanized non-heart flame reality, as in the movie, The Matrix. They really truly want to wrap this up and get that dimension set as the predominate reality, for whatever reason. They disguise the issues to make it pseudo-aquarian, so people will want it too.
Saturn wants to bring order out of our chaos. the higher Saturn desires truth and transparency. the negative Saturn in Aquarius desires unification and non individuality at any cost. Saturn’s positive energies desire Aquarian freedoms. Saturn in Aquarius’ negative groups desire oppression for humanity in order to technologically use Aquarian energy within humanity as electrical youth regenerative energy providers and of course,workers. There are all sorts of thinking at any one level, I’m taking it to an extreme example.
All year, work towards valuing that unique spark of individuality that desires mental awakeness regarding divine potential and advancement. Also, value freedom and independence we derive from the sign of Aquarius, and the positive energies from the planet Uranus. Don’t let it go.
Saturn pressures us to face the truth. It brings order out of chaos. When Saturn is in Aquarius, it helps us to accept realities involving all Aquarian things such as global community situations, humanity trends, global improvement and serious global awareness, but not without absolute truth, versus information manipulation. It launches innovative technology, new scientific and medical truths, along with identification with a social group and being allowed to express our own independent unique natures, even if it can get a little radical and eccentric.
Uranus rules freedom also, but its energy is the unusual, the eccentric, advanced and unconventional. It is the inventor, experimentation and impulse to advance.
Uranus’ negative energies deal with unruly and rogue individuals and particularly groups identifying with their own causes which stir up extreme chaos. ‘
Uranus’s negatives would be the misuse of advanced technology such as DEW weapons, etc.. Uranus in would be the destructive medical pharmaceutical experimentationsdone on selective groups….and animals, renegade technologies which just so happen to also harm people, the atmosphere, etc…
Uranus can inspire any sort of every day community to be radical, unconventional or freedom loving, advanced groups small in numbers, or in the thousands, or the small cabal groups which have identified with the importance of creating a perversion of Uranian methods to control Aquarian Community, such as a borg mind among humanity. Uranus rules Aquarius, and we have positive and perversions of the planet and the sign. This is why we need to see both parts of each planet and each sign involved in this clash of Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is now in the zodiac sign Taurus, (but will always be associated with the Sign Aquarius), which is mainly dealing with money and taking possession, desiring the ownership over things, people, the earth and space. Uranus is technology and inventions, science and engineering. This is so vast, I can’t even describe how far this goes, and how can any one ever attempt to control and reign in ethical standards upon Uranus’ expansion, and what individuals who are running this show think they need in order to make this future happen? Saturn’s positive energies in Aquarius along with Uranus’ urge to disrupt corruption and anti-humanity freedoms might be the beginning of keeping these in check at some level.
The positive of Uranus’ impulse would be freedom, (don’t tell me what to do), innovative thought, individuality, being allowed to own ones’ life and exercise each person’s unique destiny or rights and evolving. It can represent revolutionary advancements for global community, progress with sustaining freedom and abundance with the resources necessary to thrive on this planet, including medical freedom, transparency, economic truth and progress and advanced technology to heal diseases. It rules networking via internet and advance science. Basically, it is the urge to be unique and advance as much as possible, individually and collectively.
Uranus and its sign Aquarius, is the epitome of the Master Saint Germain’s greatest wishes for Earth and all evolving planets, everywhere, since he is the sponsor of the Aquarian Age for the next two thousand years. This does not in any way, replace or diminish the power and grace given to Earth of the Divine Christ, and the importance of always remembering that Presence as the ultimate bridge between ourselves in the human and returning to the Divine.
The negative of this planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus is hoarding everything, possessing and moving chess pieces around in order to maintain possession exclusively, even possessing the genetics of all of humanity in order to truly have the right to do what they wish with people, because they own them.
( Who are They? There are come, quite wealthy and connected few, who know exactly who they are who are sitting on verification of the intentions throughout the centuries of this small group of THEY.)
Uranus’ tendency to launch innovative technology and instigate community oneness (again, because Uranus and Aquarius are tied, and rule community and humanity) for their own warped sense of progress for planet earth, for themselves and whoever is above them in hierarchy.
Uranus is a very sci-fi planet, by the way, so you’re going to need to stretch your mind to grasp how far and deep this crazy goes, in order to know what’s going on. If you just can’t believe any of this, don’t worry about it, I get it. By the way, immersion in your spiritual contemplative simplicity of love and way of life, is crucial in order to get through this awakening, otherwise, it is truly a rabbit hole.
So we have the higher qualities of Uranus and the lower nature of Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Remember, Taurus rules, stuff. Material tangible things, like meteors, metals, gold, engineering, organic people, industry, economy, banking, dirt, money, it rules tangible stuff, and sort if in a way, I’ve always automatically associated Taurus with, a very 3rd dimensional part of the Earth.
Saturn is in Aquarius, has the ability to push mankind to be unique, not afraid to go against the masses, trust their inner compass or their group’s direction. Saturn in Aquarius, promotes the strength and mastery of individuality, but with an objective impersonal brilliance. It wants us to develop truth, higher intelligence and a strong drive for serious mental details with whatever it is curious about. It asks questions, and wants to go farther with its mind than the average mentality.
It is not satisfied without penetrating the unusual, the excellence of creative progress, and always always desires to improve profoundly, any given situation or person.
This Saturn, which deals with responsibility and our assignments, (Saturn always governs karmic assignments) and in the Sign of Aquarius, which began March 2020, couldn’t have come at a better time. This Saturn pushed all of us to experience the Anti-community, the Anti – progress of earth, the Anti-Science and even Anti-Technology. It wanted us to experience first hand, the Saturnian restrictions of a heartless world being forced upon us from a mysterious origin.
Once every 29 1/2 years, we do get a collective initiation into the truth and what is the best progress for us individually and for humanity, and what is possibly restricting that progress. But, he truth about what? Anything retarding humanity that has retarded the human/divine potential since the beginning of time.
You only need to reflect on the utter failure of almost every golden age civilization, such as Atlantis, Lemuria and possibly planets such as Mars etc…where obviously something devastating eventually occurred, which forced humanity to reset and begin all over again. These perversions of science and technology, even advanced forms of control or warfare impacting the human body and genes, caused a rip in the membrane of innocence in several ages. And here we are again. So….Saturn helps us get real with this.
Because we have had simultaneously, the harsh autocratic and abusive power planet Pluto in Capricorn slam into the U.S. Mercuries, both the 1776 and the 1789, literally once in 246 years from March 2020 up through December 2021, this is why I say, Saturn came just in time, to create a plan, a reality check towards a renegade group which we don’t know where or why or who exactly the story is behind this group, but my sense is always, there’s a higher group running them. And this group is thee perversion of Aquarius and Uranus, in every way.
Remember, the positive nature of Saturn in Aquarius, is to help us with objective thinking and make advancements with heart.
Progress, innovation, science, and individuality, and mostly, we can’t forget, freedom. Sacred Freedoms for humanity.
The lower nature comes out of Saturn in Aquarius by becoming mechanically improving. It becomes too rigid and fanatical in its laws and regulations attempt to reign in people, and things out of control, mechanically restricting the spontaneity of Aquarius’s natural self expression. Saturn forces regulations upon innovative spontaneous forms of expression, inspiration, motivation and originality. It tries to control the truth. Aquarius rules truth. It tries to preserve the club. Saturn in Aquarius’s positive expression is to counteract the perversions of Aquarius and all inter-dimensional aspects which thrive on mass control.
Aquarius is electrical energy and Saturn tries to control and harness it. Aquarius rules the eternal youth, the elixir of life. It is Violet, and rules the 7th ray and the technology soon to unfold with Med-Beds and other advanced organic methods to lengthen health, youthfulness and quality of life. It is the freedom and the time/space to have opportunity to balance one’s karma, fulfill one’s life purpose beautifully, and advance to another level.
Aquarius rules the potential of humanity and Saturn either pushes us to achieve another level of incredible originality and advancement (especially moving through leaders who desire that progress) or it clamps down to harness it.
This theme of the Saturn in Aquarius initiation began March 2020. And remember, it would not be so dire to master this Aquarius if it hadn’t been for the Pluto heaviness occurring in the U.S. Astrology Charts, once in 246 years which as we know, began March 2020 – up through December 2021.
When this Saturn in Aquarius makes a conflict with Aquarius’ planet, Uranus, we now have a serious clash. We are in a battle between the two dimensions or potentials.
Saturn hurls the Karmic Assignment to checkmate any renegade group attempting to utilize, own, possess and even profit from Youth Elixir, life sustaining, financial dominance activities, for only their own pleasure, indulgence and gain. Including dominating solar system and space economy, including the essence, the money and the energy they need in order to do it.
The positive nature of Saturn in Aquarius desires us, pushes us to be awake, to fight back, question, and use that brilliance of Aquarius to organize community information, technology and advanced forms of communications in order to discover, validate, locate and dismantle the dark Aquarian community.
The document, the Declaration of Independence, and the American Constitution, is a Saturn in Aquarius symbol for the Earth, establishing the wall, or the barrier between the two warring Dimensions.
And, It’s not the first time of the clash, but the first time in a very very long time it’s been this extreme, unfolding as truly a revolutionary polarization. This problem of the perversion of Aquarius and Uranus both, is being challenged, and will increase throughout 2021 at every level, and most likely, never ever be the same again, as it reveals ALL TRUTH that has been going on right under our noses. Even though this square will leave at the end of December 2021, it will leave us completely different and aware.
Lets look at this several ways.
The clash between the highest Saturn’s purpose which is to implement an advanced form of free and advanced humanity and the Uranus’ in Taurus financial hoarding, technological elitism, and science/medicine privileged agenda molded into the material world is the new war…. even to the extent of mechanizing human bodies, for whatever purpose. (Transhumanism)
Uranus on the other hand, can be disjointed and absurd, revolutionary and sometimes outrageous uncooperative and express illogical crazy, leaning towards the irrational and rogue, in its behavior. It can appear crazy, psychopathic. Its pronouncements has no problem blowing up Saturn’s attempt to bring progress, transparency and order with freedom, out of chaos. And this is on any side, any one group could go overboard with this clamping down intolerant posture to define, restrict and enforce humanity’s future.
Ready for more confusion?
But, the evolved expression of Uranus in Taurus (which Saturn is in a conflict with called a square) could bring back the gold standard, inspires new businesses, releases higher intelligence for innovation, humanitarian fairness, promote advanced business, abundance, spiritual enhancement, lawful health rejuvenation with higher forms of Elixirs. Uranus could just as easily move against, the lower un-evolved Saturnian control narrative that goes way overboard demanding to reign in chaos because this type can not handle anything in which it can not 100% control. Basically, a bunch of really mean heartless people running things.
The negative Saturn in Aquarius holds pure hatred and fears spontaneity, creativity and freedom. It is wired to control and has very little appreciation for the creative and independent. It doesn’t trust it. At the lowest level of this Saturn position at its core in the astral world, an absolute paralyzing fear of the Spirit which can not be controlled you will find. Both the higher and the lesser can be operating throughout the entire year. We want to focus upon the highest change.
Uranus in Taurus’ positive:
Liberty, truth, transparency and monetary abundance based upon real value – bring forth genius, clairvoyance, mystical capabilities, Individuality, freedom , ultimate creativity and ability to change, accelerate, progress, advance and transform self and one’s life situations. This higher Uranus in Taurus challenges the Saturn in Aquarius’ rigid unbending intolerance, social rules, in a sort of neurotic form of artificial intelligence deep mind world devoid of love or conscience.
Saturn’s Positive in Aquarius
The discipline of reaching a high conscientious objective to care for others, honoring each persons’ free will, through love, to be what and whom they desire to be, realizing each person possesses their own right to grow and evolve freely in integrity, trusting through higher intelligence, information and support, each individual and communities are using their free will to care about self governing in order to bring the community to the best functioning place possible. Using high objective intelligent abilities to solve problems. The responsibility to move towards liberation and freedom in all ways.
When the positive energies of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are expressed, it would create a continual discussion everywhere of managing all the extreme destructive tendencies, above. In other words, the Saturn would attempt to rely upon the truth to settle issues and create structures and order. Saturn would monitor the Uranus in Taurus’ extreme technological agendas interfering and fusing into every single invasive level of human existence.
Saturn would also monitor all Uranus’ big tech agencies whose predominant relationship with the world is impersonal, non-human and interwoven with politics and government. Remember, the perversion of Uranus in the sign of Taurus seeks financial gain and Taurus ownership of things and even people’s body, at its root. Saturn then would take on the task of the Parent Authority Presence putting in policy and restraints to insure the planet remains organic, natural and free.,and does not turn into a machine. Saturn in Aquarius is the responsibility from March 2020 when it began, until March 7, 2023.
When the higher aspect of Uranus’ Alchemical formula is expressed and allowed to thrive, that special Uranus in Taurus magic emerges. It releases the uncommon beauty of life, pours treasures from the Alchemical materializing into our physical world, uplifting us towards all things Golden, abundant, creative, true and of eternal value and quality, organic and unique. Wouldn’t you want to live in a civilization which not only values these, but also views each individual as a treasure,(Taurus rules treasures) able to reach their full capacity to create this for themselves and others?
Its job would be to be so quicksilver, brilliant, innovative and charged with that electrical freedom, no Saturnian perverse order or rule, could contain and control it for it’s own dark purposes, which is to snuff out the uncommon and free spirit. And, without the firm logical objectivity of the Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus can become wild, untamed, prone to catastrophes and chaos. We need the highest of both powers.
This combination is flowing in and out of the other MAJOR THEMES of 2021, the continuation of Jupiter/ Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, which peaked on December 19-21 2000. Just because it is no longer in an exact conjunction doesn’t mean its influence has gone away. It launched a massive step up in action required for all of us, which is described in this post. it continues releasing a matrix of the benevolence of Jupiter’s moral and just qualities, expanding cultural blessings with the Saturn’s structure. Remember, Saturn in Aquarius, bringing order out of chaos and enforcing freedom and individuality.
The third and most mysterious theme is the transit of Neptune in Pisces square to the Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius which peaked exact on January 20, 2021. The next Neptune/Node event won’t be until March 2022, so we’ll see if my theory holds, that until the next Neptune event, we’re l still slightly kept in the dark, locked into this nebulous mirror strangeness world until then. This cycle marks a moment in time of silence, secrets, information going underground. It brings a lot of confusion, grasping at any little thing to make sense out of the most peculiar and unexplainable situations. Movements, news, events, data, documents, video and intuition. Neptune in square also demands a decision – a strong intuition. Trusting the connecting of dots.
You are now Sherlock Holmes.
It requires patience, observance and putting the puzzle pieces together, which are accurate, true and can count on…these are your leads. Don’t ever forget, we are amazing!
Vondir, Christine
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