A Shift in Power
As the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21, strong discussion centered around what true standards would look like, true ethics, ultimate integrity and honor drawn from a higher blueprint invisible to the eye, yet tangible to the heart, is heard. Not only do we hear these philosophical ideals with our inner ear as something deep within, but because this Sun also conjoins the South Node, it will take us back into many lifetimes where we were all at this same point in time, with similar challenges ahead of us, and here we are again.
Mercury conjoin Sun in Sagittarius coming up on November 28, enhances the new conversation we’re having with ourselves and the new conversation going on globally. Our minds are drawn to expand to the possibilities of something fantastic. Philosophical and expansive it is, with the motivation to think big. Sagittarius rules international networking, unity of discussion. Sagittarius, being an international Zodiac Sign, bent on higher wisdom and capable of divine protection and integrity, is making several aspects beginning this week, to open new doors to rooms of consciousness infinite. Standards of trusting our inner motives and souls which are like Gold. Why should we be treated any other way but respectfully?
Sun/South Node and beginning of Mercury all in Sagittarius November 21
These standards will be the bases of conversation, along with a strong confidence combined with our feelings, sensing something transformative is about to happen everywhere
The Sun in Sagittarius beginning now, then conjoins Mercury on the 28th, the planet of decisions, conjoins the South Node (reflection upon the past) trine Chiron in Aries, semi-sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, signals the launching of a very important and new conversation taking off everywhere.
The fact the Sun and Mercury are conjoining the South Node, brings up reflections upon the past. You’ll hear these conversations going on, everywhere. Reflections upon our history, personally, past generations, and ancient history lost. Discussions about how life was, and how it should be in the future, and how are we going to get there. This talk will be deeply, thoroughly dissected.
I sense the discussions will be focused upon past beliefs and state of mind, which might have been cut off, limited or in a way left us confused as to missing pieces which don’t make any sense. This reflection is important, as the re-discovery of our history, will correct the opinions and judgments we hold about ourselves, the truth of actually how incredible and accomplished we are and have been as a humanity, and the right to reach those potentials again. These conversations rapidly become a strong and unshakable “Power Intention” towards recognizing our innate Divinity and Authority, derived by connecting the dots from various sources, bringing evidence something has been holding us way back as a civilization, reset upon re-set of some kind has occurred.
What if the real shame in the sub and unconscious, are lodged memories of being treated so inhumanely at some point of earths’ history, it became the root of destructive psychological states we are only now trying to deal with as a community. Either which way, predator or victim, each potential divine being might have actually been subjected in ancient times to something so horrific, we can’t even imagine, yet buried deep within the unconscious. The power of this new cycle beginning now up through the next Solar Eclipse, December 1- 4 and beyond, blesses all people with the open door of restoration of the real vision of our ultimate magnificence, so we throw off the last bits of memories, and find ourselves again. Not only are we walking through the last bits of some of these records of abuse, but what if the very individuals who instigated that slavery, returned attempting to do it again, for the last time, however. Re-discovering who we truly are, is what needs to happen in order to bring the correct world into the physical. Don’t feel uncomfortable with these high words of your divinity for they are truth about who you really are.
Even if you do not relate to this, the internal knowing that we are and have been far grander than how we have been conditioned to live in this life, is intensely coming to light.
The period now up to December 1 – 4 (including the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4) along with the planets’ positions described above, intensifies the 100th monkey phenomenon.
The unified understanding of our history and what we desire our future to be like, is going to explode. It should really happen within the weeks between December 1 – 15th, even though it’s beginning now. You can feel it building. It is all based on Sagittarius themes, which the most predominant trend would be to possess a thoroughly convinced and confident, expansive belief of something incredibly beneficial emanating about to occur. Then witnessing it quickly realized all around us in our physical world. This will happen in different levels, degrees of helpfulness, creating that strange situation of the parallel realities of the new civilization, yet all cohabitation on the same planet together, at least for a while.
These power intentions alter reality as we’ve all become aware of in these past twenty some years of researching malleable matter. Imaging through the power of this planetary configuration, the next level of unified thinking takes hold, and literally shifts the entire global landscape, in a millisecond, to the next three levels up towards a higher progress.
The shift moment could be when the Mercury (thought/decision) conjoin Sun (Vitality/Authority/Will) inconjuncts Uranus (sudden electric upheaval and change of direction) on the date beginning December 1.
Beginning December 1, noticed a surge of enthusiasm and confidence entering enough individuals where once that becomes realized, it spreads.
There is a “knowing” as to exactly what next phase we’re all about to enter, will be. Again, the main Sagittarius theme is extreme confidence in one’s Higher Worth and Innate Goodness, then motivation towards walking ones’ path and expecting the physical world around us to yield to this goodness, progress and integrity. This is the way it goes, rather than the other way around, concaving to negative punitive expectations, and level by level, lowering ones’ quality of life until we become, nothing.
Watch for the signs. This knowing assists you in every possible way, guiding and providing shields, intuition and being in that right place at the right time. That’s the power of Sagittarius. It draws knowledge to you, combined with intuition, protection and I would say, a trust in something that keeps you putting one foot in front of the other, day after day. Each one of us has our marching orders as to what we are suppose to do.
As it continues moving through the degrees from 0 to 11 degrees Sagittarius and reaches that moment of inconjunct on November 28, (an aspect which always denotes rapid shifts from one direction to an entirely new direction) to the planet Uranus at 11* Taurus, expect strange things to appear, unpredictable ideas being discussed and signs of things abnormal taking place in the world. Things which are seriously not adding up, strange decisions being made by those in authority, more leadership changes and all sorts of peculiar back-end talk and rumors.
I predict the start of a huge migration away from mainstream news to alternative sources beginning December 1 in order to find answers to the unusual activities which are escalating and not adding up. Intuition is guiding people to seek truth in unusual places.

Throughout October, November into December 1 – 4, a huge wave of new potential suddenly galvanizes us into a direction which before might have seemed not possible. “Who would have ever thought!” Action is taken in so many regions everywhere that will signify this has started.
As this shift in the world occurs, a question arises as to what to do with all the evil, as Hades is also setup within this Sun/Mercury Sagittarius configuration occurring from November 20 – Dec 1 shift.
The evil in question, is all about negative traits abused under Taurus’ accumulation of power, endocrine energy, hedonism and wealth/assets. (Taurus rules over the throat, the thyroid gland, and is essential for endocrine function.)
The Hades configuration:
The Sun and Mercury are at 0-11* Sagittarius, from November 21 to December 3, conjoin the South Node, (exact November 23 – 25) and all of these planets are at the top of the wheel and are in an inconjunct to Uranus on the left bottom, 12-11* Taurus, and Hades bottom right, 11* Cancer forming a finger of God. (An upside down letter Y)
This configuration puts an incredible responsibility upon the top planets to perform their duty, which is consciousness reform with powerful action taken to enforce the ideals. The top planets represent US with the challenge to become that knowing, confident person, guided by expansive intuition and knowledge, in spite of the potential upsetting disruptions ahead of us all. There is no other place to walk, but straight ahead. The part of the South Node, would be all of us reflecting on the past and coming to terms what has not worked in the past. The Sagittarius vision takes charge and projects us into a confident fiery course of action to claim an incredible victory for each of us. Even though this cycle is only for a few weeks, because it is running into the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, it will have enough power and steam, there is no way it’s going to stop.
People everywhere will be inspired by these planets in Sagittarius.
The finger of God (YOD) says, “in spite of the economic fragility and ultimate changes coming, (Uranus in Taurus, bottom left planet) and in spite of all hell breaking loose (Hades on the bottom right) we have no choice but to move forward in integrity.”
Here is the Video I found for you today. I am excited it is available now for free, as I paid $100.00 dollars for this series a few years ago, it was so outstanding. This information fits with the Sagittarius themes, as we wake up and bring to our outer minds, advanced abilities we once might have lived in, and how long have we been up, then down, then up and zig zagging all over the planet. This period we are now in, is the big one, where the desire to restore that Divine Civilization and our own wonder, is worth the work. And not only that, anything which has evil, truly, is being pushed back for good, as we learn it just doesn’t pay to let that door crack just a little bit, anymore. We had to earn this back.
Absolutely worth watching….
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