Stardrops December 12 – 18, 2021
Stay under the dome – what does that mean? The dome is a frequency of protection. It repels darkness and danger and can be replicated over a region, individuals, a meaningful beneficial activity, business, home or neighborhood. The dome is made of light and can be placed there by a Divine Intelligence, Angels and Archangels.
During the past year, what I observe are individuals working fervently to increase their own personal advancement and self honesty, love and support for others. To wake up just a bit more each day and observe reality while simultaneously protect the love, is quite a feat. One of the most driving factors of this process throughout 2021, has been Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
We’ve all been plowing through challenging circumstances for the past few years, yet handling the ever increasing realities. These energies we’ve been trudging through, mirror the times of old, when civilizations were taken over by known and unknown invaders. Because of a variety of human weaknesses, the walls were down, the shields weakened, and a force walked right in. These walls, shields and frequency domes are sustained by the heart, love, and our frequency coming from ourselves.
Sometime the collapse happened via an army, other times, a sleight of hand, trickery and mental manipulation or psychic invasion of the minds. (Mass mind control via bombardment of false information.)
The astrology cycle known as Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, came upon us slowly March 2020 and began intensifying by February 2021 throughout this entire year. Its severe demands to face and be responsible for not only humanity’s past karmic failures but the past hundred years of succumbing to weakness of character, as a whole, doing nothing about external trickery of society and ignoring what’s been happening right under our noses, has come due. Everything you see going on around you, is returning karma, yet, the strength, vision, enlightenment and willingness to take action with re-directing our personal priorities for a higher way of life lived, along with conviction to preserve our beautiful world, leads to invoking the dome,automatically magnetizing a shield, and drawing to you, radiant walls of electronic light.
This painful growth throughout 2020-2021 with eliminating sophisticated operations globally and replacing them with moral centers of true progress and functional systems in which people can thrive and expand their blueprints of individual Cosmic Identity, had to be experienced. Each month that went by, drew down from our reserve of light, ancient mastery we forgot we had. Layer by layer, a new body is built, and that is the core, the true meaning of Uranus (Electronic) in Taurus (our physical body and matter) square Saturn (Discipline, consistency, accountability and Reality) in the sign of Aquarius (the love and desire to transform, upgrade, transmute and change – the Alchemical Transformation of ourselves and the World into a Higher Place to live).
Think back to where your mind was….how you thought about your life, your priorities, how you saw things out there ….your mindset, 2019 – 2020 even…. versus today. Look at what you’ve gone through. What you had to understand, ultimately bringing us all back to one truth, “I AM Awake now to what truly matters, and what we/I must do to preserve what I value most, in order for us to be true to this Higher Vision, and thrive.”
Each of us have had to grow. Each of us have had to change. We knew it. We could feel it deep inside. We took one step at a time. The planetary positions created the magnetic pressures needed to guide us, this way and that way. They put pressure upon us to either enhance and alter our perceptions, our understanding of things personal and globally so that we really got it, what was going on. This positive Force wanted us to go beyond the past civilization failures, weaknesses and destructive resets and mind wipes. It wants us to now, truly fight for the right to take possession of our solar system, planet, bodies and our own soul, completely. First, we had to own our moral true side of ourselves.
Saturn square (an aspect which creates conflict) Uranus pressed out the best resilient and powerful talents, which before partially, were asleep. Saturn square Uranus matured us all year through one challenge after another, until we became adapted to accept our role in the earth. Call it a Mantle, where you hold the line…you just might not have been able to see it before.
This essence of our core selves, multi-dimensional, is so beautiful and masterful. Each one of us needed Saturn square Uranus to recognize the inner power to hold the line, during inconvenient and severely challenging upsets and realities. You are the strong one…you are doing it, and collectively, it’s weaving a fabric, a dome over the whole entire world and solar system.
What an incredible wine of the Spirit, this square and other cycles pressed out of us. Rich with capabilities, courageous creative actions, acknowledging the reality of any given situation, moving into action and repeatedly setting our personal indulgences aside and doing the right thing.
We have been embracing the truth and allowing a depth of experience in order to enhance and expand ones’ Self, based upon an invigorating feeling of purpose, now in 2022 – 2027, we can start building.
The unstoppable determination to transcend limitations within and manipulations without has been activated fully.
Saturn square Uranus’ cycle’s last crescendo of energy, like a capstone placed upon this one purpose, is now through December 23-24-25, 2021.
We’ve journeyed through several weeks where the Cosmic Energies, Planetary influences and the Divine Mind, has definitely assisted sped up the Expanded Mind.
Expanding our ability to comprehend more specific and unorthodox information not considered before, grounded in truth. This pressure has painted us into a corner to accept more intricate facts and goings on, one would not have thought of, about people, situations, patterns, our history and how to move forward into the future and bring others along.
These past two weeks’ Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, (November 29 – December 10) has intensified that Solar Wave and altered our course once again, but this time, broke through the ceiling of our old thinking. Now, we surely can never go back to the way we tolerated life, (and our old selves) ever again. You’re getting yourself back, even though the transition has been hard.
Venus continues moving through Capricorn, conjoins Pluto, about to turn Retrograde on December 19, 2021. Article Here
Mars enters Sagittarius December 13 – January 24, 2022
Mars is our energy and when coursing through Sagittarius, we capture more vigor, movement, positive thinking and belief everything is possible. We want to learn something new and shoot for new goals. It is dynamic, adventurous and it is definitely a stagnation buster.
The Sun is in Sagittarius until December 21
In addition to Mars, to experience the Sun also in Sagittarius, will enhance the meaningfulness of our new inspirations. Vitality, health, morality and conviction with our principles become stronger than ever.
Jupiter is still in Aquarius until December 28. This last phase helps us improve upon our relationships by cherishing each other dearly. It binds us together within our community or group we connect to. It’s been trying to organize a stronger bond with the people that resonate with us, all year.
As soon as Jupiter leaves Aquarius and re-enters Pisces again, we need to be on guard with compulsions for over doing it with someone who is in need, or for whom we feel compelled to save. Giving too much to the point of weakening the immune system, jeopardizing our own well being is very tempting now. Be careful!
Our focus might be upon providing opportunity for another to thrive, for them feel important, to encourage, but what we want to make sure we are not doing, is throwing ourselves under the bus. Watch out for an exaggerated perception to sacrifice way beyond what your own inner intuition and guidance wants for you now.
For some, if you can travel back to last May through middle of July 2021 and recall your most vivid theme playing out during that time, you could experience an almost exact re-run of these circumstances once again from December 24 – January 10 as Jupiter will move back into Pisces,
Last May through July, was a strange time where a combination of accommodating, supporting, even creative collaboration might have happened, yet something which may have been unrealistic, unfinished, not right in some fashion paralleled the positive. It might have also brought a loss, long drawn out weakening situations we had no choice but to muddle through, possible sickness and visits with clinics, projects not getting finished yet they seemed so promising…health procedures and adjusting medicines, adjusting professional relationships or goals to be more realistic, helping those around us with their challenging situations, maybe some necessity of digging to uncover mysteries, deceptions or weakness of character, mind or even body within ourselves or another. Everyone means well, yet Pisces provides the architectural blueprint of a thing, then requires a lot of consistency to make it manifest.
It would be a good idea, to be on guard however, for any part of the unrealistic thinking and whirlwind of energy with Jupiter in Pisces, inserting itself December 20, peaking from the 28th up through January 10, then continuing in a more manageable way through May 9 2022. This is Jupiter’s length of stay in Pisces.
We’ve come too far to allow something enticing and magical, yet possibly lacking in maturity and dependability to sabotage us now. Watch for signs of being overly trusting in situations which appear to be the answer…it might come in twos, one is real and the other, not gong to happen.
The good part, is the inspiration, excitement and adventure we will experience with this new cycle. It can be felt as a step up of love, spiritual experiences, artistic/musical and philosophical revelations and creating. The positive of Jupiter in Pisces would be an increase of faith in something, mystical connections, practicing a higher form of pouring power, love, attention and ritual for your own inner self in order to counteract the bombardment of substances and energies, attempting to Mechanize our bodies so that we become increasingly disconnected from our spiritual identity. Jupiter in Pisces is suppose to bring the remedy to this destructive dissolving of self, where one senses they are sort of living outside the body, half abandoning and ignoring all the signs, something peculiar is up.
“I AM loving, adoring and grateful for the immense knowledge which guides me each day. I recognize the power of this Love of the Divine Light, which personally instructs me, inspires me and protects me in all ways. Come now into my world, seal me in your impenetrable shields. I seek this Union first, and all other needs will follow.”
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