
Full Moon in Virgo Your Ability To Know Truth

March 13, 2022 Stardrops

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Beautiful friends…

We are on an amazing journey. Pause from world events for a moment to reflect on how profound your being has moved from a place of accepting outwardly the way life was, only a few years ago, to the advanced awareness you have within you today. How did this happen? And so rapidly was there this acceleration of awareness. At moments it was difficult, yet something eternal inside of you knew how to walk this road. How are these events unfolding around us challenging, sometimes horrifying what we are witnessing, yet somewhere deep, we know how to do this?

The Full Moon in Virgo this week has been building its power of creating that crescendo moment on March 18, when some purifying event completes its purpose. Call it a bridge we’ve been walking on and we’re now moving to the other side.

It has been drawing us into a grand process of soul desire for Purity and Sacrifice in order for the old world to change. But we’ve already been in the mode of sacrifice for so long! The process of the sacrifice we’re now moving into is almost unrecognizable to us, because of what has transpired inside of our bodies and soul over the last few years. We’ve moved up so quickly, it is no longer a foreign state. This sacrifice is the energies of Pisces in polarity with the Virgo, symbolizing an abode we now live in – mystical in the way we’re here but not quite.

As you awake each day, you could become aware and notice a situation in the world that must change. A rapid process within your mind filters a situation, it is analyzed and action taken to affirm it be corrected, exposed, understood, maybe an affirmation, a prayer, or good will or sending your light occurs, sometimes automatically. You move through your day, periodically thinking about that thing which was brought to your awareness, you go to bed, then we wake up the next morning, and it has mutated, changed as it is disseminated throughout the world wide pathways of information. Now others capture the news, research, discuss and pour their higher power into the situation and it disseminates all over the world to be handled in some form. And then, it happens all over again, the next day and the next until every last error, aberration is uncovered, and brought to light for the purge.

This truly is a magical time where your own body and awareness put upon a thing, here and there, whether in the world, or your own personal reflections, is altering time-space so quickly,raising up an issue, and becoming aware to either embrace or purge, treasure or change, a new kind of world is emerging out of the old world. It’s like we’re here, but are we really?

To some this might sound very weird…and wondering, “what on earth is she talking about?” But if you think about it, you might have always had this ability, but now, witness it has spread, this condition, and it is as if we’re truly one body over the whole entire world, bringing correction and acceleration to situations without even physically being there. A unified body to uplift and transform via supernatural information networking. How is all of this happening each day? We have heard of a time coming with the power of a light so great, it would begin to cascade down upon the entire solar system, coming from the Galactic Center, or Supreme Central Sun, and our Sun captures these waves and then emanates them throughout space. Our own souls, bodies mind receive the love from these unique rays, waves and nutrinos and an alchemical process began, several years ago. But now, it is almost unbelievable the acceleration within and without that is happening everywhere.

The movement of our planets is used to direct the outpouring and action, very specifically designed for particular outcomes to take place, and our Full Moon coming up this week, is just another one of those moments in time you can take note of, defining where we are on this incredible journey.

Themes in the next few weeks:

Positive breakthroughs with your own and the community of the worlds’ ability to see through lies. This is coming from the conjunctions to Neptune along with a few fixed stars conjoining.

Continual shocks occur as Mars and Venus move through Aquarius and square Uranus the planet of sudden unexpected turn of events. Yes, more is coming, continue to be in the ready.

Full Moon in Virgo – March 18th. This Full Moon is bringing up ancient relationship karma, whether in your own personal life, or as a global community, witnessing it play out embarrassingly and horrifically, among major leaders’ actions and posturing. As we move through this Full Moon period, you could notice your own Virgo mastery. It has always been there, but now, the laser sharp discernment in your own mind, analyzing situations has expanded, where you simply, know something, then it might appear here and there as information on the news, through a friend, on the internet in your favorite channel of reliable source, more pieces are explained, and one wonders, is everything connected? How is it that this wisdom is just coming to me like this?

Some kind of unexplainable increase of enlightenment among humanity is rising, as discernment, research, analyzing and discussion increases everywhere, as more and more realize what humanity has actually been subjected to all these years without really knowing. The world is waking up.

Let’s begin!

March 6 – April 14 Mars enters Aquarius

From March 13th up to the 14th of April, we have 33 days of enduring a continual outpouring of increased exposes and transparency in the world. While all this horrible theater is ongoing, we personally are reviewing our own truths we desire to live by and make our own personal changes in our lives.

The honesty of Mars in Aquarius is refreshing as it exposes for us individually or in situations out there, the frustrations of corruption, backwards thinking, embarrassing dysfunctions, secrets or situations that have not been in humanities’ best interest, and all things archaic and messed up are laid out for all to see.

This Mars cycle is extremely intelligent, observant, bright, logical and quickly comes to smart solutions in order to bring problems to light. It helps us think objectively to suggest (or demand) change so that a higher progress can be put into action, immediately. The meaning of Aquarius is positive change from one state to a new state.

You might be taking a quick assessment of your state you are in, whatever it is, and decide how to make better progress or reach a desirable goal and not procrastinate any longer. One way or another, energy will flow into you to make this happen.

This cycle can also be seen as incredible acceleration with transparency on a global scale, bringing exposure, bypassing excuses and continual manipulating tactics, getting right down to the heart of the matters.

Unfortunately, Mars in Aquarius which is to be a humanitarian energy, came on the heels of a brutal display of power cycle from February 27 – peaking March 1 -5, 2022. when it conjoined Venus, Pluto and the Fixed Star Terrebelum. (Past report Link) and specifically Mars and Venus conjoin Pluto (Past report Link)

Now Mars in Aquarius must make an attempt to create objective intelligent and realistic progress in several areas. You can see this globally and in our own lives. It isn’t so much a patching up, but a higher refined attempt to be totally honest with our situation, our lives, and begin the process of improving on certain things that are long overdue, for that is the nature of Aquarius. It notices the problems and wants to make it better for everyone.

For our own personal situations, tech, business progress, group and community progress, advanced ideas and honesty shared among our teams and friends are strong. Our own personal needs, hopes wishes and dreams for our future, is running very high. Ask outloud periodically, throughout this time, for life, God, your own divine beings to reveal the way to you. Re-connecting with our friends regularly, making room and time for our closest people is priority.

Self honesty and the motivation to do better, be more, something in your life would be the strongest inspiration of this Planet of assertiveness and pressure, taking some form of action.

Innovative solutions to economic financial activities in our own life, with our money, making smart decisions as we can’t help but notice the goings on in the world, taking these themes for the next few weeks of for creating better independence from abuses of control and power.

As this Mars polarizes with the Moon in Leo on March 13 -15, time is split between productivity and pleasure – children and work, projects and progress versus fun and relaxation, hobbies which might not necessarily produce anything constructive, but much needed downtime. Love is strained as pride, hurts, irritable energies confront old behaviors, but all you really need is love (the Moon in Leo on the 13th- 15th) and it will fix mostly anything. This cycle can also be significant economic split offs, separations in some form to become more independent.

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The Mars can create extreme fluctuation as certain pathways of finance or supplies might appear to be cut off, and new ones involving increased independence comes in. Mars and Venus in the sign of Aquarius, is intensifying discussions involving money, freedom, independence, individual rights, and change everywhere in order to navigate around old archaic systems of abuse of power.

Life now demands more rapid freeing up of choices and intelligent futuristic solutions for our lifestyles…including how we make purchases, protect our securities, grow and protect our money, and also the entire subject of who really is interfering with the worlds’ money? Big subject. Mars opens up even more popularly, these conversations in order to become aware and multiply humanities’ choices for freedom and higher quality of life.

Are you finding these past weeks, the impulse to experience greater freedom in your life and how to achieve this? It could be in any situation, not just economically.

March 6 – April 5 Venus enters Aquarius

We have 24 days from this Stardrops to enjoy a greater innovative refreshing energy within friendship, the arts, design, music, social events and inspiring ideas.

Venus in Aquarius offers love and friendship based upon a step up of diplomatic gracious gestures of kindness and support. It is the ultimate gracious diplomatic genuineness of one’s true nature emerging. It is softer, more loving and kinder energy now among those who already know how to love.

It would be in all of our best interest to adopt these traits in our interactions with others. Moving through the days ahead, with more understanding towards others unique individual situations, their anxiety levels, their problems and sensitivities, handling them without judgment, would be incredibly helpful, as the world is fragile and traumatized at this point, and it isn’t over yet. We have a ways to go.

Venus in Aquarius makes the commitment to be here for each other and remain cool headed, yet bonded in love and caring.

With both Mars and Venus in Aquarius, the sign of Freedom, and unconventional display of brilliance I might add, there will be those moments where you desire improvement on any given situation, personal and global, and humanitarian love increases…a delicate balance is trying to be achieved between the forceful nature of Mars’ thrust of innovation, honesty, individuality and improving on one’s situation or position, and Venus negotiation and love, magnetizing peace or arrangements, a truce now can be reached. The power of these two planets is intensely revolutionary however. They can add to our anxiety levels, as issues are in the balance.

With Venus and Mars both in Aquarius, you might find yourself going back and forth between pushing to fix something, make your life or work, your department, your family, home or some relationship or project you are taking on, resolved and figured out, make it better right now, mixed with our beautiful Venus ever inspiring you to relax, be aware of others’ time tables, their needs and which comprehends the reality of a situation, and is more realistic.

At times these two planets merged, create feisty battles, conflicts where both masculine and feminine energies struggle to be heard, quite mixed up in where they each stand. There is assertiveness with the attempt for progress, which might come across as confusing to others. However, it is a dynamic merge.

This cycle in general, is an attempt for exposure, transparency, getting down to the truth of everything.

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March 9 – March 27 Mercury Enters Pisces

From this March 13 for 15 days, the nebulous and dreamy Pisces energies of idealism (in a perfect world, it should look like this, you should be like this, the outcome of this project should be such and such -) etc…will dominate our thinking.

Idealistic outcomes, perfectionism, fussy and impatient perspectives attempting to point out what should be …but also, feeling as if one is a victim, confused over why this and that is happening, needing reassurance, explanations, attempting to bring understanding to every situation.

It would be helpful to harness this Mercury in Pisces with a more constructive approach such as using it for exquisite creative goals, designs, health regimes we could commit to, research or psychological depth of understanding regarding yourself, your own triggers, or another person’s’ patterns. Inner work, meditation, projecting one’s divine love and highest outcome out there in to the world of problems.

Then the best outcome for this Mercury’s achievement would be to enter into acceptance of these truths, and adopt compassion and surrender in some manner to a situation, yet always sending your healing ability of your thoughts into each circumstance.

Focus on recovery, (what are you recovering from?). Focus on healing, retreats and increasing spiritual or meditative commitments. Seeing ones’ life as a mission. What has been your main mission you have always felt compelled to live? Boy, you are truly living it now, whether you see it or not!

Sun conjoin Neptune March 12 – 14th

Inspiring, emotionally releasing and engaging energies. We could find ourselves enjoying being drawn into the bigger picture of everything, moving on from petty details which hold us back. This is the time to become really inspired, displaying your innate mastery and allowing yourself to accept your frustration and angst with some issue. It’s okay to expect an ideal experience in your world.

March 16 , 17, 18 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

This Mercury provides an excellent time for negotiations, agreements, honest impersonal discussions leading towards truth and resolutions. It is very good for signing documents, holding meetings, extending good will and bringing up strategic planning for the future. You can make great progress this week with discussions. It reveals weakness which have occurred in the past and an honest plan to improve. Honest heart to heart talks take place. It’s good to mend anything broken now. You can be brilliant!

Venus square Uranus March 18 – 19 – 20

During these dates, a touchiness and easily triggered emotions might run high. Here you thought progress was achieved, and it’s possible, something out of left field, throws you into a sense of being alienated or pushed aside, disregarded and we’re back to square one. But not really, it’s a process.

Don’t allow another person or any situation to unseat you from your objective adult self now, stay strong and intelligent under these Mars/Venus in Aquarius powers.

The world will most likely hit another impasse of a shock in some form as the trend of a square from Uranus is to alienate and disrupt any progress towards cooperation. Something is pushing back, demanding their right to not cooperate.

Technology might be involved, exposure and unconventional abnormal tactics or revealing of situations could be disturbing socially. Best to maintain your focus on what really matters and what the facts are. Try not to get overwhelmed by any emotional insults or revelations which might throw you. Money and possessions you treasure and need in your life, need to be tended to now.

Sun sextile Pluto Mar 17 – 19

As the Sun and Mercury continue in Pisces, not only is there an increase of particular idealistic expectations in the air, psychological reflection and healing going on, but art, design, style and fashion, music, personal attire, interior design or color can be a powerful theme throughout the month of March. Isn’t it strange all this is still magnificently outpouring from the hearts of talented people while the world is in the throws of transformational bizarro world?

During this week of March 14 – 20, progress can be made with our attempts to bring some of these creative energies into our world for our own satisfaction. There will be flashes of direction you’ll get, how your expetertise needs to be directed.

It is also a moment of cooperation and mentoring, support from those who have authority and more experience than you, or are you providing support for another? Attending to self care, doctors apt, massage and other personal body issues are strong now. Discovery of important products and supplements.

An excellent time to receive important information and research. Therapeutic progress, healing, physical vitality can be restored, and we’re getting back on track with our energy, our confidence and sense of internal strength. Finance is positive.

Sun enters Aries March 20 to April 19, 2022

Our energies are more assertive, motivated to take charge, regain control over our situation again. It is an inspiring, idealistically visionary time to take action and be very clear how we want to move forward with all plans. In the world, powerful people display their intense need to bully and be in control.

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March 18 – 22 Mercury conjoin Jupiter

An excellent time of expansive good will, work, projects, positive vision for solutions, planning and latching onto some idea which is going to be our focus of sanity, order, idealistic positioning of ourselves and our outlook. Breakthroughs at work can emerge.

Discover the thing you believe in that will help everything be more manageable. If we have this outlook, we can make it. An idea or thought has captured your mind in order to make this the means by which you can navigate throughout the next few months. Is it a conversation, some piece of news, an interview, a discussion, a concept or something you have read, or a dream perhaps? This assists your bigger picture of knowing you can make it through.

Write down what you have discovered in the past month or so, which is your own conclusion as to what is happening out there, and how you are to move through it.

March 21 – 24 Mars square Uranus

Mars square Uranus

Not the best time to take risks. Sometimes we can’t control everything – our arrangements with others must go on, contracts need to be signed, travel is necessary, decisions must be made, so during these dates, the energies are a bit volatile, jumpy and electric. You might handle this very well, or you could feel an abrasiveness around you.

Just stay cool, know it will pass and try not to be moved no matter what is occurring around you or in the world.

This period has been building since Mars entered Aquarius, and brings shocking earthquakes to companies, agencies, organizations and certain industries who have been compromised. Exposure and massive turn of events financially is in play. Technology could fail or be cut.

Sudden unexpected violence, catastrophes, disappointing outcomes from attempts to negotiate or make deals, huge financial losses for these regions of the world, lost of position, no way to now save face – quite volatile for finance and economy – sudden unexpected disruptions with finance and internet, markets and material goods. But mainly it’s the exposure of greed, compromise and lack of transparency and methodology that is now erupting. Truth is coming out and companies are in very big trouble who participated in something.

Also issues which pertain to abnormalities or mutations? Aberrations and humanity atrocities – beyond what we have witnessed already…more is about to be uncovered. Embarrassing moments for those who have held power positions coming across as reliable sources for the people, such as media organization transparency.

Mercury conjoin Neptune Mar 22 -24

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This marks the beginning of a much stronger astro cycle we are already in, which is occurring throughout March- April, May, especially peaking between April 11 – 27th when Jupiter and Venus conjoins Neptune. This March period is more of the start of understanding all which has been hidden from us. anything involving health, clinics, medicine is a subject of unveiling. Personally what you thought you knew, but now is revealed even more truths, and globally for everyone regarding world conditions, will enlighten you.

The positive side for all of us, is we’re witnessing some form of sacrificial nature humanity has been in from some situation, and has it really been necessary so that we can make progress and change the world? Many have suffered horribly.

Pisces and Neptune deal with sacrifices, yet another word is, victims. Personally, this is the week we could become aware of the kindness of someone, the generosity or level of sacrifice and service they provide which brings re-assurance to us, things will work out. But at what price? Our minds are turned towards inspiring spiritual matters which tend to bring us some relief from the harshness of everything that is going on.

Jupiter conjoin Neptune

April 1 -18, 2022

Here we go….this is a much larger astrology cycle we’re now moving into. In addition to the above energies of Mercury and Sun conjoin Neptune in Pisces, we are moving towards a more powerful time of waking up from a long sleep. Something miraculous is occurring to people. A sharpness of thinking is getting stronger, a level of increased intolerance, incredulousness. Veils are being torn down. An incredible outrage everywhere triggered by the continuous outpouring of documentation and exposures of greedy corruption impacting our world, is taking place worldwide. Lies, lies and more lies.

A clarity is happening. Truth is easier to grasp. Information is clear now, and above the world we seem to be living, looking down at the bigger picture, now it all is beginning to make sense. Delusional thinking is now trending.

We are becoming aware of a process, an action of support and networking from all over, expertise or help brought to us (or you towards another) from new planetary aspects which creates a thrust of power, surrendering to a situation as it has occurred, yet determined to transform it at its roots. This cycle challenges us to stay reasonable, grounded yet hopeful. Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces is ultimate power in seeing the huge big picture, being outraged, yet directing compassion and solutions, comfort and love towards those who require help. This is a highly refined intelligence, with a strong sense of idealism and intolerance towards anything stupid or gross, abusive and evil. It is beginning already, but just wait and see how it spreads.

This aspect is very strong, and can amplify either fears and confusion as people become aware of where they have been and what is looming, or hope and idealistic promises given in order to bank on some future relief…but just like a turn of the dial, Neptune with other planetary energies, can bring vision, idealistic dreamy experiences, hopeful news and events, yet are they real or illusions? I sense they are a mixture of both.

Overcoming some situation within our own lives where you simply haven’t had the ability to take care of something, some dysfunction, something which as been malfunctioning for a while, or something you have been putting up with that is not the best is now confronted and taken care of. Again, it is as if you finally see it so clearly, and coming out of a long deep sleep – like you’ve been partially sleepwalking through some part of your life up to this point – well, I should say truly, up to maybe 2016 – 2017 – ( as that was a tremendous time of shattering immobility and density everywhere) might just have been the start of that waking up period for many. But now, facing lies, illusions, overly idealistic parts of our own natures is the theme. The intolerance for this unrealistic sabotaging state, will also come with the Neptune conjoin Jupiter in Pisces. Normally, Jupiter might have crossed over Neptune three times in a year, but in this case, this is only happening once.

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Magical moods can trigger deep beliefs and premonitions or a knowing of events, the meaning of events, the ability to see through veils of deception and be guided into the right path. These planets *Mercury and Venus, and soon, Mars, along with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces) can represent a bending time experience, opening up opportunities and breakthroughs, suspending the activities of evil, a trick of the hand and voila! A magical something, is replacing the darkness, but there is so much more to go.

These planets release healing and divine love, yet it is intense, unmovable and serious in nature.

These astro cycles emphasizes anything related to retreats, technique of energetic work on self or others, rejuvenation, fasting, body cleansing, raising vibrations or clinics and hospitals.

It will also unfold issues regarding lymphatic, blood conditions, energetic conditions within our bodies and humanity to be dealt with. It increases the synchronicity and union of heart and mind within people everywhere.

These planets in Pisces, (March, Mercury through Pisces, mid-April, Mars enters Pisces and April, Venus through Pisces) could also aggravate the mind with fear, getting carried away regarding some challenging situation, thereby prone to feeling engulfed in panic. You can see, it can represent the highest visions, hope and expectations, but the other side, could incite delusions, fear of the unknown, anxiety as a result of disorienting times we are living in, or personally, some event which takes place around April 1 -18, 2022. No need to worry, simply focus upon the practical functional plans, and you’ll sail right through.

Full Moon March 18, 2022 at 27* Virgo oppose Neptune 23*, Jupiter 18*, Mercury,13* Sun in Pisces 27*

Full Moon in Virgo

The suffering from injustices and regrets

This full Moon brings to the surface from March 2 up through March 18th, psychological and/or physical health and body crisis, personal and global. It can cause us to reflect upon choices and situations from our past, and the question, have we grown and overcome the things which we felt were our old weaknesses or are we somewhat paralyzed?

Watch out for self criticism, fault finding, feeling inadequate, weird, flawed or somehow, missing something others might possess naturally.

Globally, it pains the world to discover situations everywhere that are filled with injustices and diseased thinking which has been going on right in front of us – where have we been? How could we have missed this or that situation?

This Full Moon pushes us to reach some ultimate goal or moment of fulfillment on things we have needed to come to grips with, either within our minds (our psychology patterns, weakness of character traits or grief and frustrations within ourselves and our situations) and/or our own physical body’s health and need for repair. But it can also address world sickness, psychologically and medically. This is personal and also for the body of people worldwide as a whole community.

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Fixed Stars conjoin the Full Moon in Virgo

The fixed Stars Labrum and Zavijava Alaraph conjoin Virgo Moon, adding elements of arguments and petty fault finding, an exaggeration of heroism and justice meted out, criticism and blame, mental aggressiveness and accusations, injustices bring outrage.

It intensifies the obvious issues to the whole world, that individuals in positions of power and authority, are possibly, playing out an ancient injustice returned, yet are just slaves to an even higher authority in some region we are yet to uncover. Is that higher power (lower case) where all of this is eventually leading us to challenge?

These leaders are subjected to their own manipulation, unfair and humiliating, compromising orders from their superiors at this time and we are all witnessing this severe mish mash of complex posturing, play out, and humanity is taking the fall out from it.

While a posture of entitled authority is playing out, underlying is a terrible knowing, that this is the last scene, the last time of this theater,and so much is now riding on their decisions. Intense insecurity, great worry and fear, being caught between a rock and a hard place, each position they take, jeopardizes something of great worth to them. We the people, are subjected to this horrific history coming to a head, and it’s not just in one region, it is everywhere. How many times in earth’s history has this repeated? Restart after reset.

Labrum fixed star conjoined the Full Moon, March 18 especially, mixes favorable clever appealing discussion, opportunity for a truce, smart pronouncements and revealing of key information which could please the public, and yet it can also present offers, promises, attempts at cooperation and submission against a greater threat – something in secret within these power structures could agree to turn on whoever has been in control for so long. In otherwords, the leaders, themselves could rebel against their higher ups. Hence, from our perspective, more confusing movement is expected in the world. This is truly a big fat mess

This particular Full Moon is bringing up ancient relationship karma, whether in your own personal life, or as a global community, witnessing it play out embarrassingly and horrifically, among major leaders’ actions and posturing.

These are ancient old unresolved conflicts among the gods, and in addition, using people by proxy, as they are manipulated by higher powers above who have their own unresolved warring still going on over humanity and over planetary resources, manipulating these leaders’ negative karmic energies of animosity, leading the world into war.

This can not happen, and this Full Moon is exposing to the world, truly, that this is not our global community karmic fight, but those of a higher order of fallen beings, sandwiching us in between irrational territorial battles and an insane vision of their future for earth. Delusional Beliefs, delusional thinking.

That alone, our conviction, can command they quit this insanity. We’ve absolutely had enough of it and don’t believe their narrative any longer. Something else has been going on, and this is what 2022 is all about. Truth of earth’s real history and true future unfolding.

The Fixed Star Markab conjoin Neptune at 23* Pisces and is conjoin the Sun which opposes the Full Moon in Virgo

(Neptune conjoins Markab on the dates below, yet increases these issues we’ve presented so far, while lining up with the Full Moon March 18 – so this entire week we can see this theme described extremely highlighted in the world from the 1st of March up through the next few weeks)

February 15 2022 continues up to May 15 2022
Returns August 14, 2022 to February 1, 2023

Mentally assertive impulses we witness with people around us, or within ourselves attempting to make a point? Or we are also witnessing this mental power in the world of leaders. It is used to get one’s point across powerfully, this is the theme of Markab. It is a strong mental mind power cycle.

This trend combined with Neptune, creates a strong theme of conviction among certain people, who literally believe with all their being and will fight for their deluded visions… we can observe with public figures, a fantasy, illusion, denial and even displaying behavior of mind controlled Mk Ultra victims, parading right before us.

They persistently engage either lying to themselves and others, or suffer from some form of conditioning over long periods of time attributing to their serious disconnect from reality and the people.

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These leaders’ weaknesses have opened themselves up to manipulation by higher negative forces, black magicians. Those that have been manipulating, are using dramatic global conflicts as distractions to hide activities which are stated in many documents as their ultimate goals. This is all coming to light, and humanity will stop it.

Do you see how we’re progressing onward to the core of all things?

The exposure of these core facts has been in motion from February 15th 2022, growing in intensity because of its conjunction to Neptune – but now, it is lining up with the Full Moon, building from March 2 -6th all the way up to March 18th and beyond….It is a crazy theme of severe and violent injustices, which is ancient in its origin, and it’s not our own karmic problem, yet somehow, we find ourselves subjected to it.

Markab is in the constellation Pegasus and is likened to the combination of Mars and Mercury, assertive action in certain individuals’ powerful minds, the art of communication, decisions, etc.. especially in regards to battle, wars, confrontation, and with regards to all forms of letters, statements, documents, agreements, decisions, negotiations, communication and expressing one’s ideals and concepts.

As it is conjoining Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces right now, it colors all forms of serious communication with the Intensity of promoting one’s ideal of a situation idealistically, beautifully and inspiring manner (or dramatically and fantastical with proof, documents, photos, videos, secrets revealed, for all to see, like an unbelievable theatrical production) but vulnerable to naivety or fantasy. On the fallen side, this aspect on these dates, is amplifying the sense of deep desperation on the part of the DS to fulfill their IDEAL Neptunian Utopia for the Earth.

On the side of humanity, it is the opportunity to grasp the ideal world of pragmatic strategic actions taken in order to confront the insane in power, and begin a movement towards humility and analysis of each situation, bringing the most logical solutions immediately to the table and implement them.

Markab can pull in a theme of poor judgment or just plain stupidity in a few.

Beware of people standing out with much ambition but with very poor judgment attempting to take others on a deluded journey to nowhere.

It intensifies the desire for promoting one’s logical position, one’s desire to convince others of certain Mercurial factual pieces of information and the presenting a picture, an ideal outcome. It can also be the relaying of events or one’s intellectual logical course of action one would ideally desire to take at this time that leads to a positive outcome.

Because of the conjunction to Neptune, parts of it will understandably make sense, however, with all Neptune conjunctions, the end might lead to a crashing disappointment and a sense one has been tricked, deceived. {Some will be}.. a pretender of mastery. (The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.127-128.)

So it represents at this time, unreliable presentations, trickery with words, discussions, plans and meetings from someone powerfully promoting plans. Globally, professionally and personally…caution advised and astute analysis required.

It could also magnify the tendency towards idealistic opinions, which can work if one pushes one’s agenda hard enough. However, it has an energy of propaganda around it at its worst – and because of that martian energy, the message can be aggressive, self promoting, loud and emotionally convincing. A combative nature with words, posturing with verbal declarations, promises and pronouncements.

Again, this began peaking exactly around February 15 or a bit earlier, up through May 15 2022, then attempting to return for another round of convincing, August 2022 up to February 1 2023. This fixed star also rules horsemen, travel and journeys, foreign military, foreign visitors or invaders.

It could pull in any martial militant or policing effort where the consensus is might for right, naive to the possible disaster they will incur, following such destructive acts stirred from their beliefs. However, whoever is pushing for this martial display of control, is seen as deluded.

This piece involving Markab was originally written on February 19th Stardrops, so as of March 12th, we now add the Full Moon to this theme, which is this week up to the 18th of March, and beyond, and we can see how this is outpicturing, already.

Where is transiting Neptune around 23 degrees in your own astrology chart at this time, and how might this be playing out now? What house holds the sign Pisces? there is where you would insert your Neptune and Markab. Could it be a wonderful presentation of a plan or dream goal or is it a trap and disappointment? And where could we target key activities in the world where a partially deluded yet idealistic vision is being projected out there to be put into action? What parts are true revelatory and what parts will turn out disappointing. My sense as of the week of March 13 2022, we have now reached a point of incredible Mercurian Virgo/Pisces intelligence. Discernment will be the Full Moon in Virgo theme for the next few weeks, as we sort out the details of each situation masterfully.

“I AM the full mastery of discernment, reality and the divine mind now outpicturing in my every thought, word and deed, now and forever.”

Neptune sextile North Node in Taurus

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March 10 – 30, 2022 peaking exact on March 26th… leading up to February 2025 when Neptune conjoins the Moons’ Node.

We’ve been waiting for this Neptune cycle for one year, (since Transiting Neptune square Nodes January 2021) as it brings a dismantling of delusional situations, deceptions, secrets and disjointed narratives – it replaces certain people and circumstances which have been at the root of social depression and massive secrecy.

This is the midpoint period where the past Neptune/Node cycle which was symbolic for a year of unfortunate confusion, as the theme for the entire year up to the next more favorable Neptune/Node cycle on January 2025, Neptune conjoin the North Node.

This upcoming Neptune cycle, is a sextile, which acts as a midpoint as sextiles are not as anchoring and initiating power as conjunctions … (March 10 – 22, 2022) but will be bringing ideals and dreams of a more productive and inspirational way of life, answer many many questions for the world, if the world will hear, and provide solutions. This cycle can assist with important exchange of information openly and fairly, increase honest cooperation regardless of the price they personally need to pay for their transparency. It brings an energy of goodness to all professionals who do still have the capacity to receive the higher energies of Neptune, which are universal love and compassion.

This cycle supports society with problem solving, communications, forming like- minded groups, unifying professionals who desire a higher and more accurate, efficient and intelligent systems, solutions, innovations upgrading quality of life.

It segways into the transiting Neptune conjoin the North Node on January/February 2025, which has the full power to launch progress for more functioning, sane, beautiful and efficient society while providing opportunities for expanding ones’ best self, increases financial opportunities , health and medicine and inspires innovation in all areas of life. It will be the power of sanity, the opportunity for the etheric to mesh with the physical, bringing that clarity to all situations. It exposes undeniably the evils in the world, perfectly.

Personally from now up through 2025, Neptune, the planet of dreams and inspirations, reaches out to others easily for collaboration, friendship and unity. It can stimulate and motivate moving forward with fulfilling our destinies by a globally mutually shared ideal that has now become the new standard for the world, beliefs of freedom and independence, humane fairness and opportunity to live in a world which uses advanced spiritual and technological standards for all to thrive, transparently. I must add however, the years where truly we are beginning to see the light at the end is 2027 through 2032. No world war – it is not allowed, there is too much at stake and we’re almost at the finish line…again, reflect on how far you’ve come in your own mind, awareness and understanding. Multiply this effect throughout all humanity, everyone knows what is going on. We’re almost there!



Part One

https://rumble.com/vx5w0b-jesus-in-india-kashmir-ladakh-thomas-and-q-pt-3-paul-wallis-9-16-21.html Part Two

https://rumble.com/vx5w0b-jesus-in-india-kashmir-ladakh-thomas-and-q-pt-3-paul-wallis-9-16-21.htm Part Three

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