April 2022 Trends
This month will be an interesting cycle. We are moving into a more creative and inspired period. The Astrology cycle is Neptune in Pisces conjoin Jupiter and sextiile the North Node. Not only will it enhance our own trust in some bigger universal love looking out for us, but it can create the most peculiar breakthroughs globally.
April 1 – 20, peaking April 14 – 16 brings to us a special experience.
Dynamic Mars will continue to bring people of similar hearts and mind together up until April 14. This period from March up to April 14, has pushed us to renovate, upgrade, transform and change either ourselves, first, and/or our work, our relationships, our environment or any thing we know must get resolved. Deep profound self examination, facing our inner truths and making the adjustments in our present life to improve would be part of this Mars. Check out 1st week of April’s Mars Conjoin Saturn – Here
April 14 Mars moves into Pisces. Whether it is your own personal issues requiring attention or supporting another who needs the love, this cycle increases Pisces sensitivity. We can feel fragile, vulnerable, or come to awareness of something which is causing us much stress. Mars in Pisces is an energy where we are inclined to sacrifice, put up with unpleasant things or move through difficult situations with courage as we focus on the outcome rather than the challenge of the process.
April 1 New Moon in Aries
Each time a new moon comes around, we have an opportunity to launch a new cycle. This time in the sign of Aries, it’s about regaining control over some area of your life. Taking action, being decisive, choosing to be bold, confident and take that big step forward to initiate some important thing you might have been procrastinating for a while. This New Moon has high energy, dynamic and purposeful. You will want to harness the energy of this time and get something very important out of the way.
April 16 Full Moon in Libra
Moving from the April 1 up to the 16th, certain situations which took much focus feels completed. With Saturn in Aquarius trine the Moon in Libra, certain important things you worked on, are now in place, issues are handled and from the 16th to the 30th, whatever is left, will probably not be so urgent now. Your most important cycle of concentration, focus and tending to important issues will be April 1 – 16th, so make those two weeks, the first of the month, your thrust to cut through and accomplish much.
April 30 Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Solar Eclipses tend to eclipse all less important issues around your life, and hyper focus upon just one main theme during the few days before, and weeks after the peak. So be watching out for that nagging prompting you will get to address some practical, financial, material issues in your life. It might be your body as Taurus many times has been shown to address physical body issues, medicine, nutrition, fitness or other healing needs such as massage.
Financial actions might require attention. Building, construction, repair or remodeling. Move on these now as Taurus is providing the green light to your projects.
Valuing you, your life your work, your love and relationships. Venus is the planet which rules Taurus Solar Eclipse and it brings our attention to our worth. Venus conjoin Jupiter during this April 20 – May 4, peaking April 30, enhances our deeper spiritual understanding, all things are ephemeral except our love. There will be a mixture of physical issues which need to be attended to, however, the Venus, Jupiter in Pisces also adds an energy of suffering, or sacrifice, visualizing ideal outcomes and how something should look. It puts you in the process of dealing with very physical issues, yet the projects will be taken care of in pieces, even for months out.