MARS April 4 – 8, 2022
Mars conjoin Saturn in Aquarius April 1 – 8, 2022 peaking April 4 – 6
Mars always shows up as our drive for objective intelligent change put towards messed up situations. It is so needed now, as so many situations in the world are requiring objective intercession. On the one side, Mars is a green light signaling, “Go Now!” But Saturn delays the delivery of dramatic solutions, as it sees the end results if things go wrong. Particular agencies or assets are ready but deliberately pacing out a plan of action. The theme this week is patient movements with assessing the reality of one’s plans each step of the way, in order to make the necessary changes without too much shock.
But our personal goal is to move forward this week with deliberate steps, intelligent observations, to an end goal, which ultimately brings a higher expansive freedom for you, and everyone. Walk through this week a bit more slowly, paying attention to the detail and depth one needs to be mindful of, rather than rushing through your day.
We’re entering a Mars conjunction, tension is between restraint and a conservative realistic outlook on our week ahead. Make decisions based upon your actual amount of time and energy you have at your disposal, or otherwise you’ll push yourself and others too hard this week.
The restraint and caution versus potential for the unexpected – these unexpected situations can come as verbal attacks or serious issues popping up, and where we can truly see this would be more global situations. Unexpected issues on the global scene will be popping up. Mars can trigger events which can very quickly get out of control.
I don’t know about you, but I sense an increase of a compressed, panicky feeling in the air. New types of restrictions and ultimatums are being openly discussed – posturing are openly presented as future agendas etc.. shared with such unabashed authority, nothing is being held back now. Mars conjoin Saturn brings out into the open, issues in all areas globally, that press upon us to make decisions as to how we should prepare.
The escalating situation could be just about anything now – especially war, economy, purchasing power and just basic living. As more truths emerge, each event has us re-thinking our personal place in the world. Some of these issues will be unfortunately, carrying the negatives, the Anti Aquarian issues, anything anti- intelligent, anti-freedom of one’s rights, Alienation, hatred, electronic technological threats, blackouts, electricity and energy conflicts, breakdown of rights, anti- liberty with one’s own stuff, money, currency, insane speculations regarding food availability, these issues are pushing certain large numbers of influencers to take a stand like never before. Extreme opposition will be taken to stop oppressive outcomes. This week begins yet another level of realization, some form of intervention is necessary.
This is all beginning to pop this week. Our posture to take? Cool, calm deliberate organization, order, professional movement forward, financial practicality, preparedness and common sense.
Venus, March 31-April 1, then Mars, April 6 – 7 squares the Nodes
The need now for balance, self control, detachment, and sound money decisions.
This cycle is about money, economy, and what we value. It involves social values, cultural values, and the squares show us, a huge conflict of values and society positions is escalating between some organization who thinks they control the world, and, us. I’m so baffled. Are you?
Venus and Mars forces our attention upon ownership of our things, our Aquarian freedom, and how to maintain possession of the things we know which continue to provide individuality and independence. The square from Venus then Mars to the Nodes is an announcement which rubs people the wrong way, regarding these issues, but it’s a square, which means the public is stressed one way or another over certain actions.
Venus contains the love and emotional attachments to Aquarian truth and freedoms, Mars in Aquarius is that desire, the intense focus and drive, for liberation, transparency, and opportunity to transform systems and situations which are defunct, dysfunctional. Wouldn’t it be a horrible moment if Mars/Venus in the truthful sign Aquarius, suddenly quickened our smart brain cells to finally recognize some really crazy people are running the world? What would we do?
When squares happen, a conflict occurs over these issues quickly, and they begin heating up intensely. Arguments, exposures, accusations and calling out agencies, individuals who are walking a path that the public ( nodes ) in general do not agree upon. That is what is escalating now.
The bigger picture, aside from this weeks’ quick Mars escalation, is our astrological umbrella in 2022, the big Pluto re-set revolution transit in the 1776 chart, and so even smaller astro cycles such as the Venus/Mars square, will be amplified because we are under that umbrella of a much more intense revolutionary cycle.
We can’t forget this larger astrology cycle which began building a few years back, and kicked in hard exactly February 22, 2022. Who knows how long this new cycle will play out? Technically, it is over on December 29, 2022, but was it really over when it was technically over the last time we went through this, 246 years ago? This Pluto larger transit has taken everything to a much more dramatic level on the earth. So even though Mars moves quickly, in these positions, it could be volatile now.
Mars moving towards a conjunction to the U.S. Conceptional Moon in Aquarius, oppose the U.S. Black Moon triggering a strong impetus for independence from oppressive entities. A lashback against further attempts of control.
April 9 – 13, 2022
This is a quick cycle, but a potent one. Any one of these fast moving Mars transits now, is like adding fuel to the fire. The Mars conjoins Saturn exact April 3,4,5 as we described in the previous paragraph and begins to move rapidly towards the U.S. Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd house of the media, news, independent journalism and shocking information. This cycle instigates a huge step up of challenging disinformation or mistakes, neglect and missed facts, while intensifies networking information which has emerged everywhere regarding more shocking issues even now being released. This is again, to bring Aquarian objectivity in order to inform the public. It instigates intense facts truths brought out to humanity via 3rd house pathways.
The nature of this Mars in Aquarius always contains the potential for chaos and explosive events, the intent to learn, be informed in order to change situations. It is a step up of controversial issues and literally triggers volatile acts.
“I AM the cooling calming down Presence transmuting all volatile and irrational conditions within my own life and the world, now, with that peace commanding Presence of Divine Love.”