What’s Important In Your Life June 19, 2022
The past six weeks have not been easy. We have a bit of a reprieve and so realigning ourselves back to personal nurturing, self care, our private psychological needs is a necessity right now. It could take a good month and a half to get back on track with physical responsibilities, taking care of our own business and re-focusing upon our issues before the next astro-wave of issues starts rolling in. Engage fully on the things we have control over, we can improve on make better, get back on top of things and make progress will be so important now up through the end of July.
This is our time to recover, to get back to our basic needs. By doing this, we can then move forward with the rest of the years’ step up of global challenges, but first things first, get your foundation solid as much as possible now. That includes not only our business, money and daily tasks at hand, but also nurturing or settling our personal relationships, emotional stability and maintaining that foundation.
June 19 – July 26 would be the timeline to make big strides with our individual goals. You can include your business or department you run…you can include a team, a group goal, your family. It’s all about stabilizing and securing practical foundations, and realigning to what really matters right now in front of us.
June 19
Venus Sextile Jupiter
A happy time of good will shared with others, heart felt conversations, love and special support. Take advantage of get- togethers with others, meaningful exchange, time spent with important people in your life. Relax and allow all the mental baggage to wash away, and feel the love of others being there for you and you for them. Love and helpfulness is the key now.
Everything flows in the right direction with this positive cycle helping with the correction of past missteps and challenges
We have just emerged from a hard past six weeks, culminating in the Full Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune, May 13-14,15 time frame. Recently, the challenging build up of layers of weird energy and situations, May, up to this Full Moon June 14-15, was constantly re-arranging itself into one thing after another to be overcome. By the date of the Full Moon, it is as if this mysterious multi-layered energies reached some form of Fullness of outer expression, in a not good way. Loss, discouragement, a sense of fighting against some kind of elusive source of darkness. Some emotional, some physical, but there was a creepy challenging shapeshifting energy behind it all.
In fact this entire year so far feels like shifting sands, one is unable to get a firm grip in some area of our lives, yet we keep pushing through, jumping onto solid rocks jutting out from underneath waves of uncertainty.
Our intuition and practical minds hold on to the tasks we know we can control. Each one of these tasks or plans, are leading up to eventual bigger victories. So even though, the energetic waves keep us on our toes, maybe what we are learning, is there is an eternal power working through each one of us we can count on and it is expressing Itself through us daily, to keep us moving towards an important outcome. Everything else seems somehow, unreliable, elusive and ever changing. Is our synthetic world collapsing around us and some forces are desperately grasping at re-purposing old forms of control and even escalating ways and means to force these false matrices into the world, again and again, but it just won’t take anymore?
So, after saying all of that!…please enjoy a few positive heart expanding moments to re-align oneself back into the true Reality, which is All Love and Protection.
June 20
Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Excellent moment of communications and ideas being discussed. Outreach, correspondence, decisions made, relaying moral ethical issues and deeper philosophical opinions are highlighted as good progress is being made. Our outlook on life is more positive and it brings us a break from the past weeks’ challenges. Things related to data, documents, statistics, plans and positive helpful conversations all come to us, is shared back and forth with important people.
This is a very good time for those important talks to take place.
June 21 Venus Trine Pluto
Today is a positive date for an empowered re-alignment to one’s inner worth and the belief you are a magnet of energy which needs to be protected and nurtured. Your values, your priorities and what you consider of value, including physical material things, your money, possessions, cars, your house, your physical life, your income and your social network which supports your quality of life, could all be included in some kind of decision or movement on your part, to protect it or make it more permanent in some way. It’s like an empowerment and re-enforcement of your own personal position, through the softening love and energy from Venus. Venus enhances your own survival inclinations to include people’s feelings, their position, and how much you also mean to them. Time to reflect on what really matters, from the material down to the relationships the Universe has brought into your life.
June 21 Sun Enters Cancer
Sun enters Cancer Sun is vitality, and now energizes things related to family, feelings, closeness and security. All things pertaining to land, home, abundance, financial security and maintaining the functionality of these things.
June 22 – August 10 Venus Enters Gemini
Venus enters Gemini Venus the social relationship planet of love, is a magnet now for multi-media interests. Videos, filming, photography and music are all highlighted tremendously. Artistic expression is stimulated within us, whether our own work, or appreciation of others. Desiring more social connection and increasing networking, gathering together with like-minded people is perfect now.
June 23 Sun semi-square Uranus A bit of annoying irritations and potential anxiety might hit us a bit at some point during this day. Not anything too serious to worry about, just a glitch in the matrix.
June 25 Mercury Semi-square Pluto
You might catch nuances and inferences of some piece of information, a hint at someone’s intention, or subtle message that doesn’t sit right with you. On one hand, do you need to wipe it away, so it does not erode into a mountain? Or should you put it on a shelf, and wait for more verification. It could be an important intuition you pick up, but without solid facts, it should wait and not be fed.
June 25 Jupiter semi-square Node
Moral ethical cultural problems are on the table in the world, as people observe with angst, how society is moving in certain trends. This cycle feels more global than personal, however, you might have your own moral standards abruptly challenged by others from June 22-28, where something seems so obvious, others might not view the world through the same lens you do. It’s a slight negative opinion challenge during these dates.
June 27 Mars Sextile Saturn
Energetic and determined, Mars amplifies ones need to cut through and take care of business. Work, projects, addressing issues, getting down to the needs of the many, the group, community, the department, the office or the family. You see what needs to get done, and approach the tasks with a no nonsense commitment to cut through. Mars simply wants to see progress, June 22-30, peaking on the 26th-28th.
June 28 Sun Square Jupiter and Venus sextile Jupiter
The Sun in Cancer desires to feel safe and secure, have money, protection and a sense of well being, but the square to Jupiter means we’re shooting either too high, assuming too much, not using the best judgment in certain situations. Slow down today, and try not to expect to get a lot done, nor expect others to come through. With the help of Venus, good fortune, kindness and support, friendships and organizing social events or dates can work out nicely. But for first dates, meetings which require stability which would meet all of you expectations in the future? I would be cautious for long term moving forward with certain people or situations. It’s a casual day where one would relax and not take things so seriously or personally.
June 29 –Peaking June 30 and July 1, leaving July 2 Mars at 27* Aries Squares Pluto at 27* Capricorn
A rough time which can easily be overcome with positive energy, positive attitude, love and cooperation, flexibility and helpfulness.
Do go the extra mile through these dates, to ensure everything is working well in your life, tasks are done, errands are out of the way, order is established. Try not to push too hard and maintain that higher objectivity which reminds us people can have bad days, and tomorrow it will change. Not a great time for purchasing, investing, or handling large sums of money. Not a great day for challenging sports, outings, risk taking adventures. Not the best date for hard conversations. Physically, watch out during these dates.
July 1 – 4 Mercury at 24-25* Gemini Trine Saturn and Square Neptune
In spite of the above warning under the Mars square to Pluto, July 1, we’re still in a good time for bringing logical practical progress about with certain issues. Attempting to get down to the brass tacks, to resolve or have conclusions or decisions created with key people around you, can be testy, but potentially successful when sticking with a plan and keeping it simple. Everyone involved requires careful coordination, a heads up to what the game plan is and reassured about what is what, with a schedule, an itinerary. This is to eliminate mess ups and remind what everyone is planning on, how to proceed.
Mercury tries to help your friends, family or co-workers to stay informed, practical, consistent. Writing up agendas and highlighting goals would be helpful now as Mercury is in a responsible position with Saturn helping us by eliminating Neptunian misinformed, nebulous or unclear issues, confronting gossip, assumptions, bad energy, fears and negativity at some level.
Some of these problems are coming from Mercury squares Neptune, the planet of deception, misunderstandings, ambiguities and evasiveness. One person not knowing what the other person is doing, deviating from a plan, or forgetfulness, spaced out actions and decisions, causing some misfortune or loss of some kind. Try to be alert for these incidences, and stick with a methodical routine as much as possible. Problems with water, bacteria, infections, contamination, or other elusive food or water quality is possible.
July 3 Mercury Inconjunct Pluto
At some point during this day only, a disjointed misstep between one person and another, like a dropped link, a broken chain or network, might occur. Communications, internet, a conversation or meeting might be slightly interfered with. Try to keep everything up and running in your life, your work, communications, correspondence, and try not to be running at such a high speed, that things get lost or broken from not paying full attention to what you are doing, saying, writing or noticing.
July 5 Mars enters Taurus and Mercury enters Cancer
Mars begins a powerful build up towards the Node and Uranus, which is an intense time of step up of assertive energies regarding the worlds’ physical, economic, financial or material circumstances we are trying to build, maintain and grow. The themes are surrounding metals, money, business, expansion, savings and wealth, the value of our currency. A strong drive to expand our physical and material success will be be experienced. now up through July. Establishing and preserving our base is the key.
Mercury in Cancer enhances our need for security. Cancer rules food, energy, housing, safety and in a way, money, as it provides for all the things we need to acquire security. All this is good as we pass through periodically Mars in Taurus, approximately every two years, but Mars in Taurus this time, brings to us a stronger need for certainty, to ensure its flow into our lies is not hampered in any way. It’s a determination felt deep inside. This is because of the times we are living in right now.
Mars entering Taurus during this round, starts the buildup of a unique astrology cycle culminating in a conjunction with Uranus and the North Node. It should look a bit like a volcano ready to blow, in the distance. If you like, you can read up on a special Mars/Uranus/Node posted late April, which takes us up through August, 2022. It’s an analysis of personal and global trends instigated by this Mars entering Taurus on July 5, 2022.
This theme definitely fits with our focus upon stabilization right now.
Important Upcoming Mars article Here
A special synopsis of interviews boost our inspiration, inspiring perseverance with our goals in general or specific projects. I especially loved the 1:09 hour point, the determination of these people to push through, is inspiring.
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