New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo – An Experiment July 28 2022

Stardrops July 24 2023 Part Two


July 28 2022 The New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees trine Jupiter in Aries

The New Moon on July 28 enhances our desire for creative expression, recreation and heart expansion. The power of Leo love and confidence during this time of increased tension in the world, is most needed.

We should expect to experience our inner fire and will to intensify for the organization and management of our lives. Leo provides that flame of authority, dignity and increases our motivation to create quality of life.

Generosity and largeness of heart towards others along with a desire to provide helpfulness, guidance and maybe even be someone’s cheerleader in life are noticed with this cycle.

Optimism and forward thinking comes from the mind expanding planet Jupiter and its trine to the New Moon. This is a nice break for us, emanating encouragement towards any creative work with refreshing depth and integrity. Think of any thing you’re working on within your life and capture the love which can be released within this cycle to infuse it into your projects.

The Leo force tends to cause anything it touches, more interesting. Self advising, self educating, self re-creating some facet of yourself is in store, but not like a Virgo power which focuses upon a mental editing and perfection, but Leo concentrates upon an experience.

New Moon in Leo July 28 2022

The New Moon wants us to get caught up in the experience of something we could manifest which is taking something common, an every day situation, or job, or personal thing in our environment, a common routine, or our relationships or an event and enhancing it. The enhancement comes from within the Love inside of us to generate that sense of being touched by a creative force that enriches our feelings, delights our minds with something more than we or others expected.

Discovering that much of our ability to design freshness and delight in our envirnnment, our projects or whatever situation we need an infusion of wonderfulness, is going to come from a higher dimensional force which is our Higher Self. It is usually automatic, without realizing how it has come about.

By calling that down into action that magical essence to transform us, resurrect that worn out overwhelmed part of us which is weary on the journey we’ve been traveling, we are rejuvinated, and brings to life again our world in some fashion.

One of the most interesting moments I experienced recently was when I called for an increase of motivation for some normally mundane situation. I can’t remember if it was organizing an office or something mundane, but as I concentrated upon the desire to shift into inspiration to get me through the task, some alteration actually did begin to take hold. Even though I asked for more love, to have more love and enthusiasm for the task at hand, it was as if the love entered my inner vision. I did not expect this. I literally saw MORE.

The vision enhanced, vivified, expanded and everything began to become sharper and more alive? It’s difficult to explain, but I realized to increase love and appreciation, it’s not just a feeling or emotional state one has in the heart, it can enter into our sight, how we see something, and that is what I believe is being captured by this New Moon in Leo trine Jupiter experiment we could enter into for the next few weeks. Wouldn’t it be incredible if part of our July – October enhancement was an increase of the capacity to see more vividly the world and people around us. Something to experiment with as we are the ones bringing into the physical all around us, a new way of life.


“ I AM accepting and holding in my heart the matrix for a new way of seeing all things around me, to infuse my life with greater depth, meaning, more love, more color, more joy. I ask for this light to penetrate and shatter all limiting perception, clearing away the drab, the density and restrictions within my own inner vision. Love embraces my mind and inner sight now and all things are made vibrant, refreshingly new as I AM seeing life around me with new eyes.“