Full moon

Full Moon in Aquarius August 11 2022

August 11, 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius

The Full Moon conjoin Saturn in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo at 19* are square Uranus, Mars in Taurus and Node at 18* / 17* Taurus/Scorpio. Prepare for anything. Find your Warrior within and strengthen all things in disarray. This can be seen as an electric, potentially disruptive energy funneled into yet another step up of revolutionary actions taken, political posturing and challenges.

In general, this energy creates an expansion or fullness with over bloated statements and decisions from incompetent people in power, putting greater restrictions and vulnerabilities onto humanity – multiply this trend out into many regions with its own unique set of complicated polarizing and potential accidents. This Full Moon will be a new escalation of trouble in the world. Brazen, stupid and incompetent.

Full Moons create a culmination of something which has been building up for a while, then bursts out into a new set of circumstances. With Moon in Aquarius, it’s about human rights and freedom.

China and the Mars/Uranus/Nodes – The July 29 – August 11th Grand Cross

The above wheel shows China in the middle circle, with the Full Moon planets on the outer. Territorial, unpredictable and bold moves are what this Full Moon might trigger for China. These energies have been building since July 28, when Mars conjoined the Node and Uranus. How many other nations’ astrology charts are revealing escalation of conflicts during these times?

Personally speaking, we all might relate to this cycle as a fairly important goal we are engaged in, and making an even more powerful conviction to achieve it. it has something to do with our own independence from the mediocre in our lives and expanding out to accomplish breakthrough after breakthrough.

In order to achieve it, we’re realizing we have to think outside the box and take a risk to commit to a faster and more expansive original way of achieving this goal. That’s Uranus’ energy with this Full Moon.

The inspiration will culminate on the 11th of August, where the commitment could be reached to do it this new way, or take this path which will demand more creative process, but get the end results faster. And in this case, it’s a good thing!

There is tension building up during this cycle from July 23 up to August 11, as we re-think how something should look, how to move forward with specifics, and taking a leap of faith and confidence to change our approach. It might be out of necessity, but excitement and optimism should be part of the challenge.

Taiwan and the Full Moon in Aquarius Grand Cross configuration like China’s, is full of extreme tension. Taiwan’s chart showing the Sun in Leo activating Venus, ruling the 7th house of allies- yet Venus and the Sun square Neptune – Allies are at a disadvantage – great strategic moves will have to be taken in order to overcome this line up of planets.

Hidden Allies make a surprise move, counteracting the territorial actions taken against Taiwan. Even though Neptune is in a loss position with this July 28 – August 11 energy, Neptune can be creative and mysteriously successful sometimes, as it holds secret support and invisible allies.

What’s my assessment on this exciting time we are in? An escalation of frothy battles for power, control of information, truth and facts spilling out which are verifiable, while others bashing against these facts as they are all implicated.

All extreme and disingenuous sides are being checkmated by a revolution of highly intelligent people who have emerged in the past several years. These groups are setting up their own independent voices and positions in the midst of this chaos, journalistic equipped, who can see the 30,000 foot vantage point of what is really going on. They are not afraid. Mars is the planet of War, and it’s moving into the sign of Information and facts, Gemini.

The possibility that the media is being fed false information on purpose in order to achieve specific military outcome within several regions and situations is high. If we focus on the target planets, Mars, Uranus and Node placing strong emphasis upon the 6th house (military) this is where we might understand what is going on with any given region. With the Full Moon in a near conjunction to the U.S. Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd house of media and disinformation, t-square (putting the source of the disruption) on the Mars, Uranus and Node in the 5th/6th house of a genius move by U.S. Military.

On The Lower Right, See The Full Moon In Leo Conjoin Saturn Targeting Again, Our Military (Pluto In The 6th House?) Not Good At First Glance. The Axis Between Those Planets On The Lower Right, And The Sun In Leo On The 12th House (Left) Creates A Trigger Now Up Through The Full Moon Date August 11, Potentially Erupting Into A Territorial Maneuver. However, Saturn/Moon Is Trine Neptune – Ruling Pisces On The 7th House Of Allies. Neptune Rules Secrecy. We’ll Have To See How Several Escalations Turn Out In The Next Few Weeks Or Months, But I Sense There’s More To The Recent Escalation Of Conflicts Than Is Being Told.

Many have information, plans, and underground strategy others don’t want them to have. The battle continues until the new level of information and movement wins out. But it might take many months. Are there those who are willing to pull plugs on society in order to continue hiding reality? You know it’s true. We are in the most vulnerable place now.

While at the same time, many good people in power positions move to outsmart escalation of war,nuclear attacks, purposefully or by mistake. False flags could be in the air, but the theme is more on battling lies and deceptions, with truth, the economy, Russia/Ukraine, Taiwan/China, the elections and plagues, and other global dramas. We are definitely in a crisis peak for information wars and most people are extremely confused as to what is really going on. Below is an interesting discussion on only a few slices of our global disruption.