Hermes God MErcury

Confusion, Revelations and Mercury Retrograde

God Mercury by Howard David Johnson Artist

Stardrops September 11, 2022


Friends, we’re about to enter a weird and some parts, exciting period of time.

The dates are between September 1 – November 20.

The theme is involving Mercury/Jupiter/Neptune and Mars. These four planets almost make a grand yellow ray cross which contains the themes of having intelligent logical facts and reliable data, garnering wisdom.

Here is a short list of ideas potentially challenging our normal functioning.

Certain events, presentations of information coming out which are either stunning, don’t add up, are just wrong, disjointed, weird and not accurate; The ability to be able to communicate; Certain networking functions and staying connected with the world ; Satellites, Cell phones; Hacking, Data Breach, Investigation confusions and leaks; Travel, transportation, mobility challenged. Financial Data, numbers, figures, accuracy of information in the News reporting, and what’s not being told.

These subjects involve Mercury retrograde in Libra which is not just about relationships, negotiating, partners or love, but also involves wealth, ease of living, elegance and it’s negative is criminals, subterfuge and deception in order to preserve one’s agenda.

Here is the line up: Mercury Retrograde, Mars, Neptune and Jupiter:

It all starts with Mercury retrograde in Libra September 9 – October 2 – the power to build and nurture relationships of all kinds. Focus is upon loving connections, nurturing people in our lives and reaching out. Love, helpfulness and being able to see both sides of a situation, elevating reality rather than self preservation. This Mercury is the beginning, and as usual we sense something new is coming into our lives by the end of August up to September 1, especially. Now it travels into phase one as Mercury begins to connect with other planets.


Mercury retro in Libra oppose Jupiter in Aries

These are the strongest event dates of unusual and important events occurring.

  1. September 1 – 5
  2. September 17 – 20 and
  3. October 10 – 12th exact, October 10 – 12th

Mercury retrograde in Libra, starting end of August, definitely by September 1, increases the need to connect and nurture relationships by sending our minds on a journey of sorts. We are crossing a bridge between our usual reality and a different reality or situation we did not think existed. It might be a good one, or some information or vision which seems challenging but important for our journey. Remember, Mercury comes as the Messenger.

This can be a personal message as in a dream message or a real life meeting of some sort, a meaningful conversation or discussion. Receiving information. It also can be what humanity in general is going to be exposed to – exposed to things it never knew was possible or considered before. In otherwords, not in their familiar sphere of existence.

It is like a journey of ones’ reality and consciousness but as in all oppositions, usually will have to learn about something which we have to wrap our minds around, maybe it needs to be processed as it’s so out of our scope, it could be foreign to us, or strange, not easy to digest.

This is happening mostly when Mercury is retrograde in Libra from September 1 – the 20th .

These again are all messenger Mercury opposing Jupiter, which creates a mind expansion in order to expose us to what we did not know or were ever able to conceive. It is not bad or good, it simply just is. This is Phase One.


Mercury retrograde moving direct (out of retrograde) oppose Neptune

September 29 – October 4, cycle is quite strong, and it can trigger confusion.

This cycle is mostly between the 29th and Oct 4, but can be experienced longer from September 20 to October 10 especially. Mercury will now be moving backwards into Virgo and opposing Neptune in Pisces.

This is about humanity’s confusion as to what is going on. Something is not adding up and people are baffled, worried and trying to fit the pieces together of what has been said, done or told to do and handle. Confusion as to what the news is reporting versus what is really happening in reality and how they really feel about it.

It can represent a sacrifice of some sort, but, I feel it is a confrontation with something or someone that is presenting to humanity the need to make a sacrifice and it’s not going to add up nor will it work.

It’s about deception of information, and the Mercury turning direct in Virgo will be the confrontation of that deception, which is the date of October 2 – 12th especially. This is the date when Mercury officially comes out of Retro, October 1 and 2. Virgo can’t be fooled. That starts around September 20, but really steps up on the 29th through October 12th. I know these dates can be confusing…as there are exact dates when planets hit a peak, but then there are energetic cycles which are usually experienced way before the peak and for a while after.


Mars enters the situation as it continues to move through the sign Gemini of intelligence, logic and information. But exactly on October 8 – November 22, peaking exactly on October 30 to November 10, it squares Neptune.

Neptune is involved in both of these planets’ movements, Mercury and Mars, almost at the same dates.

So we have mid September – October Mercury (a message or information and awareness) oppose Neptune, the planet of confusion, deception or losses, and Mars square Neptune in the same two months or so October 8 – November 22, representing Mars’ logical need to ask questions and confront deception as things are not adding up at all. This can be occurring on so many fronts, that’s what’s so hard about deciphering these two main planets as they both are involving Neptune problems, and both Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Virgo are ruled by Mercury emphasizing mind, logic, analysis, editing and scrutinizing accuracy or issues emerging at this time.

When dealing with Neptune squares and oppositions, one needs to stay firm in the logic, discernment and facts, information arena because we’ll be dealing with deception, incompetence or confusing messages. We (humanity) must trust not only the information which adds up, we’re all analyzing and that which does not add up is put into question. I’d like to add, Mars is an action planet, so does that mean, at some point, a physical display or act event is going to occur in order to confront the Neptunian illusion? Most likely extreme conflict possibly erupts with fuzzy unexplainable events and certain people demanding it be clear. The need to trust ones’ intuition, inner gut feeling and guidance is top priority, plus watch the movement of people, events, situations and maybe not too much leaning on news, as news also is ruled by Gemini, Mercury and is messed up now because of Neptune.

These planets if used by our empowered minds, will help people face an exposure of truth and reality through a message from Mercury to all of us, but also the logical information and mental analysis of facts and information from the Mars in Gemini….it all helps connect the dots.

People watch events unfold, some are hard to believe and the info could be true while others are deceived by information they are reading, hearing or see. They need facts and competent analysts in order to make sense of things, yet certain activities going on in the world does not make sense and events which are taking place do not add up. Welcome to Mars square Neptune! Not only do they not add up, this square challenges us to find out the truth in the midst of lies or deceptions.

Things are in a state of confusion, maybe even panic. I don’t know what this is all about, and I have seen this coming since last May. It’s surrounding Gemini/Mercury (mental, mind, news, information, media, video, travel, communication, some finance plans or re-organizing. Also being able to be connected and network and receiving accurate data and information.

Some events might involve money as Mercury leads with Libra, involving wealth oppose Jupiter inflation – then moves backwards to Virgo where accurate bookkeeping calculations, exposure and analysis opposes the Neptune, loss or lies, what is it? What’s going on?

Is it the economy? The reset? Is it media mixed messages or events happening in the world which few are accurately reporting on? Neptune also obviously rules water. Just saying the obvious, it rules drugs, water, pharmacy, in Pisces – laboratories, viruses, hospitals, and chemicals, addictions, drugs, astral energies and…….UFOs.

These cycles create problems with communication and staying connected. Accurate information gathering. internet, economy and elections. It might involve new information emerging which stuns the population.

Neptune rules fake News presentations, video or photo presentations, lies, intrigue, projections, blue beam theatrics, psychotronics and head games…when Neptune is in hard aspects such as the ones square to Mars in Gemini and oppose Mercury in Virgo.

It’s all very strange. I can say, having plenty of Neptune experiences in my life, one usually does not know the truth except in hindsight when it’s all behind you. Yet the quest to dig and uncover makes the revelations happen. It’s important to dig, to uncover and tear veils off the wizards. Only then it makes sense, and that might take until Mars leaves Gemini mid March 2023. But it is a journey and we need to walk it to the truth. It’s like a process we have to walk. That’s what the Aquarian age is about, the process of moving towards transparency and freedom for humanity.


Mercury Oppose Jupiter

Mercury Retrograde oppose Jupiter and beginning to square Mars

Mercury Oppose Jupiter Dates In Blue

Mercury Retro in Virgo oppose Neptune

Mercury Stationary Direct Oppose Neptune In Pisces

Mars in Gemini retrograde square Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces\

I AM the powerful release of the Violet Fire, the highest frequency for transmutation, transformation and consuming, all deception, dysfunction, errors and mistakes in my world and humanity worldwide now. I call for the full power of this magnificent frequency, electric Violet Flame to penetrate into all subterfuge, confusion and deceptions, setting all mankind free!

Thank you all for your concentration upon these key issues. Your love is making all the difference in this world and beyond!


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