Super powers

Your Move Towards Courage and Directing Your Way


It’s time to use your super powers. We have a complicated week ahead with a Finger of God to Mars and Venus, which I’ll start out with. A New Moon which also contains this Finger of God challenge, and several other quick tests and positive breaks in our time/space wonder-world… lets explore this week’s interesting yet important challenge to shift once again to the next level of change and advancement with our personal mastery and growth.

July 4 – 10 Mars at 27-29* Leo inconjunct Neptune at 27* Pisces and inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn ( which also just happens to bi-sect, [oppose] the U.S. Moon at 27* Aquarius in the 3rd house of media, facts, information and communications). This an opportunity to use our personal power to reclaim our self respect and confidence.

Finger of God to Mars/Venus i Leo

Finger of God to Mars and Venus – Creates a Y formation as you can see above.

In other words do what’s right for you and not to worry what others think.

This week up to July 10 is a culmination of confidemce within our abilities attitude, our outlook and how to approach something in our lives which will require maturity.

We need to step it up and do two things (at least). Rise to the situation and be a bigger person, deal with something maturely, choose love, responsibility and be a leader in order to heal and make progress with an otherwise messed up situation. Everyone is going to get this challenge however, not everyone is going to handle it the same way. Some might overtly step into a leader take charge role, which should be a role of admitting what needs to change, how one needs to admit or handle something which might not be handled correctly, yet rise above the awkwardness of it and do the right thing for yourself and for all involved. Leadership with maturity, humility, accountability, and a plan.

All finger of Gods require an extraordinary shift with our outlook and actions. The highest way to handle this is to be utterly honest, clear and moral. The Finger of God typically accesses some past life behavior which habitually was not handled correctly, and we’ve run out of chances to overcome that tendency. To Mars in Leo, the issues could be misuse of ego, entitlement, authority and leadership. Wanting to save face, preserve ones’ stardom and special role or image or maintain the position of protecting ones’ self respect and be stuck on taking offense and deny we had any part in anything.

The other part of this is bluffing ones’ way through something yet stuffing the secret of not being as competent as everyone thought.

All one needs to do is admit what you know you do amazing, and what things you’re confused, struggling or realizing is not functioning.

Is it work, skills, personality, psychology? Whatever it is, a major change within yourself to come up higher is required. Re-establishing within yourself trust and confidence in your courageous confidence within yourself to live stronger, higher and with bravery to be yourself will be crucial within this cycle to shift into. Chamging your previous behavior into a stronger self assured state.

Once you shift, you’ve passed a big test that might have gone back lifetimes of not passing it. It’s important to pass these Finger of Gods (especially if you have them in your birth chart, which is rare…they need to be less than 2 degrees apart between the three points, or they are not official Finger of Gods, or YODS)

So in spite of the Neptune mistakes, dysfunction, confusion and complicated situation, and in spite of the Pluto’s part which is usually a threat towards the power position either we have, or we’re feeling others are holding the power role and incongruent with us….so in spite of the Neptune (upper right) and in spite of the Pluto (lower right) we must go to where the finger is pointing to….Mars and Venus in Leo, but mainly Mars For the solution .That’s the solution which we’re describing above. Go into the heart with confidence courage and self reliance to lead. The others, lead yourself.

Mars requires action, in Leo maturity and courage, with a flair of taking the lead of a situation. But because of the nature of a Finger of God, usually our present and past pattern is what we must face, that was never the higher way.

Now we’re all faced with taking the higher path, no way out of it. We can not ignore it, blow it off, twist it around or manipulate the situation. We must be transparent yet with love, as Leo is all about the Heart.

Okay, now….the entire week, I believe beginning as early as June 25 this already was in motion….this is going on, and globally those that are successfully leading with courage and transparency, regardless of the manipulations of the Neptune games, and power structures of the Pluto in Capricorn, this group, large in number, are required to say, we can’t stand aside and not do anything anymore, leading with love, confidence, courage and innovative action is the key. It will take authority, maturity and bravery and must happen. We will see an acceleration of this coming from June 25 – July 10 at least. This is the crescendo of this, and my feelings are, because Mars in Leo in two inconjuncts to Pluto and Neptune and! Opposing the U.S. Conceptional Moon in Aquarius ( plus some other problems will go over later) there might be a serious attempt to activate a big false flag within this time frame.

Key- Mars is strong first during this time….then beginning on July 15 – 30, Venus will move into the position Mars was in.

Here is the payoff. Venus stationary retrograde in Leo will hit 27-28* and also make the same exact Finger of God to Neptune and Pluto, however, it is the reward, the softer version, the activation of a spiritual release of light deposited in the heart is very possible during this period.

The result is an expanding sense of happiness, unity with others, respect and reaching ones’ goals. Trusting oneself, feelings of being in peace with a situation and knowing you have changed in such an important way of a new approach.

You have taken a higher road and now have a permanently more confident belief in yourself to achieve empowerment and being in alignment much more closely with your life purpose. You will be different, and love more. Receive more love….this can be applied to business, finances, projects, leadership, performance with any work, meetings, you are engaged in.

Psycho can expand your love , increase love, Deductive time for children, Important events, vacations, and globally? That large number of individuals taking charge regardless of the consequences? They have stepped into greater secure positions of being taken seriously and leading.

So that’s the number one thing I desired to explain to you today.

July 2 Mercury square Uranus

Conflict with anything regarding economic, machinery, equipment, flight, aircraft, internet, communication, conflict with accurate media relaying facts, sudden accidents, disruptive information, shocking news, more exposes, sudden false flags with complicated pieces to all of it…

Personally, not a good day for harmonious meetings and sharing information. Not a good day for making hard decisions regarding things like phones, computers, files, backups, discovering more problems, a bit of an anxious day.

It’s a truth, factual day but not what you want to hear or deal with. Cars, mechanics, driving, communications, internet….making decisions and feeling overwhelmed from July 1,2,3. peaking on the 2nd.

Conflicts with group community discussions. No easy solutions on this day. Do the best you can talking things out. Possible disruptions of events, community, gatherings, groups. Issues and facts presented don’t match up. You’re still in a phase of discovery and nothing seems to be fitting together as a nice game plan ….it will pass.

This transit can be mitigated by A finger of God, Moving into leadership and taking command with honesty and heart.

Mercury also squares Chiron so hurt feelings are involved possibly in some of these disruptive pieces of information.

July 9 – 10 Mercury trines Neptune.

A giving sacrificing idealistic yet loving and common sense decision can be made. Love overrides all these other complicated issues. Spiritual and romantic, bringing up happy memories to review. Desiring to Love and a experience embracing the more important bigger picture….deciding to take on a long term plan is the solution. A long term common sense steady course with an acceptance, things are not going to be black and white, fixed and confronted with any quick outcome right now this week …again, this is why the maturity leadership is so necessary….but in order to get that mature confident loving leadership, that person must shift into it. Excellent for artists, expressing yourself or appreciating others’ artistic poetic natures.

July 6, 7 Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus

A moment this week to catch your breath and concentrate upon restoring good connections, good will with others through important and most helpful sharing of information. Good Will with groups, friends, community or the team is strong. It’s so much easier. Mini-breakthroughs with previous problems can take place on these days. Reach out, visit, share, feel the change of the days’ vibrations and frequencies! It feels better, things are doable….even though there could still be the problem, a plan is formulating. Important phone calls, conversations, meetings, arrangements can be made. Okay for decisions, contracts, agreements.

You and others are honest and working together for a plan.

The Full Moon in Capricorn at 11*

On July 3 for two weeks, we very well could experience a culmination of some emotionally charged old issues with family, home and domestic things we hoped would pan out and go well.

Because of the Moon’s trine to Jupiter at 9* Taurus, North Node at 2* Taurus, sextile to Saturn at 7* Pisces retro, during this culmination of events, emotions and a built up of issues……there is protection and good fortune with these issues working out in a good way.

The Full Moon in Capricorn centers around achievements, goals met and sticking with a program, a plan or more impersonal yet pragmatic approach. It will be a bit emotional, because it’s the Moon, yet Capricorn is taking on a proper follow the rules, follow the plan, stick with the protocol and respect those in assigned roles of power. The Jupiter in Taurus involves very practical steady loyal and committed energies with the way everyone is behaving. It’s extremely positive for spirituality, gaining wisdom, religious events, expanding consciousness and taking courses, workshops and experiencing a higher level of mastery coming into you.

It’s good for travel, long distance trips, or events which require moving your consciousness from one state to a new state of growth and expansion.

Full Moon in Capricorn

It’s the posture of a solid role in order to maintain functional practical work, progress, or roles or behavior with everyone.

It’s excellent for music. It’s good for construction and building.

It can increase productivity, financial abundance, sales, acquiring a more solid foundation, regaining a sense of status, position and respect…etc…

The sextile to Saturn can provide support with professional helpful people. It can be positive meetings to stabilize situations. People listen, help, support and care.

But, there are helpful details presented…new ways of looking at things which level out past problems or old attitudes. It’s all good.

I sense this Full Moon is symbolizing a culmination of regaining a sense of balance and functional work, projects or basic living.

It’s positive and feels quite like a relief has taken place.

In this Full Moon, as you can see in the wheel if you locate the Mars and Venus in Leo, there’s’ the finger of God. So this configuration with all it’s challenge to come up higher with confidence and taking a higher path of courage, love and leadership, is just telling us that the Full Moon’s positive culmination included passing the test of this Finger of God’s necessary shift.

It’s about reaching a culmination of things which might have been planned for a while.

July 9-11 Mars leaves Leo and moves into Virgo trines North Node in Taurus.

This cycle is good for money, building, construction, cutting through on physical material things. Energized productivity, happy with an outcome you’ve worked hard to achieve. …good for successful engineering, good for socially connecting with people you are happy to be around. This period will be quite helpful for being inspiring for becoming quite perfectionistic and incredibly productive with your every day environment, work, projects, home, body, diet, whatever it is, a driving energy to do it perfectly and consistently is powerful. It will start off on July 9-11 with the motivation to take whatever you’re desiring to improve, fix or perfect….to the next level indeed.

Thanks again for reading Stardrops!

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