Keeping Our Moods Up During Challenging Times
Stardrops September 10, 2023
The theme of this week’s Stardrops seems to keep returning to our need for better facts, information, details and constructive functional planning. With the emphasis upon all things Virgo, with the Mercury station this week in Virgo, trining Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus, and the New Moon in Virgo, we’re gearing up to tackle our need for improving our ability to master details and perfecting ourselves. it will be very earthy, grounded and physical stuff. Practical things. Also, our sensitivity to our moods. What state are we in from day to day? Keeping our energies up and positive can be a challenge, yet so important.
In order to cooperate with this Virgo Self Perfecting theme, I compiled an experimental table below, which covers the day’s Moon Signs, the theme and an affirmation for each Moon sign change. Why track the Moon Signs? Each day, we could notice a slight pull or emotional manipulation from the sign of the Moon. The Moon isn’t what we think it is. Yes, it can provide emotional sensitivities, public trends, regulate tides etc…but, the challenges we feel sometimes, could be manipulated by the energies emanating from the Mysterious Moon and what lies within. Therefore, I included a table to overcome these subtle overtones in our day. On with our Stardrops for this Week!
Stardrops September 10, 2023
Sept 10 – 11 Sun in Virgo inconjunct Chiron at 15* Aries
A day of adjustments to recognizing what is on your plate versus the tendency to be too demanding on yourself or others. Try to realign yourself with compassion for self and others, take care of what you can handle, as this day is not the best time to drive hard.
Sept 4 – 25 (Mercury leaves Retrograde exact Sept 15 at 8* Virgo and trines Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus)
A continuation of last week’s Stardrops, where we were describing positive outcomes for work, employment, meetings of all kinds, making difficult decisions or arranging appointments and all forms of fact finding projects. This is a good time to really get into the details, the fine points as to what is going on and how to approach situations. Data, practical details, perfecting information and zeroing in is the absolute key to success in all your tasks and how you communicate during this time. It’s an excellent time for sticking to a program, getting that job interview and recognizing your own skills, value and expertise. The effort with all your prioritizing and filtering information, decisions, plans and projects will be rewarding if you can make it happen during September!
Sept 14 – 15 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus.
Freedom from worry, liberation from the doldrums, routine monotonous systems, Uranus helps us change our outlook to bring in something fresh and helpful. Embrace these days and learn something new, then possibly incorporate this into your life somehow. Need Ideas? An inspiring podcast.
Sept 15 – 16 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus
Temptations to splurge, overspend and think a bit too grandiose. Our social interactions could be amazingly fun, feeling a bit carefree with expressing your opinions? A bit reckless sharing the values and stories from others without being aware of the ramifications? Pull it in, reflect before you try to force your authority and wonderfulness onto others at this time. Sharing with others on these days could be handled better, as people might not get your drift …assumptions fly around without accurate interpretations of your conversations.
A day for restraint and caution with where you stand with your own values, priorities, money, friends or fun!
Sept 18 – 19 Sun in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces
Normally, a quick zip through two days of a planet oppose Neptune won’t hurt anything, however, caution required for losing things you value. Losing time (where did the day go?) working to exhaustion, mistakes and mishaps with your projects, plans or meetings….regrets that more caution and conscientiousness wasn’t used with decisions or relationships. It’s not a terribly big deal and if nothing else, we might experience these two days with a bit more fatigue, spaciness or maybe we are just tired.
September 14 New Moon in Virgo at 21* in an opposition to Neptune
The New Moon is here and its energies might create a situation where a slight disappointment could happen regarding a relationship, a goal or something you thought would be right for you but appears like a bit of a time waster. In lieu of the positive Mercury station trine Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, for the most part, the big picture shows positive outcomes with anything involving our work, details of our practical money matters and anything which involves meetings, discussions, employment or purchasing important items. We can also see this great trine in the New Moon Chart below.
So how do we handle this New Moon in Virgo energy opposing Neptune?
The main key is to understand all New Moons are like starting fresh with a new understanding, insight or inspiration. During this cycle it would be great to engage in that new beginning with focusing upon any Virgo tasks. Something practical, useful and functional for yourself and others…caring about increasing perfection with your work, projects, or any organizing and prioritizing your ideas. Possibly filtering materials, files, or your car or home. Repair and fixing things, self examination, self reflection as to what do you/I need to take care of with yourself… to ensure we are improving, being realistic and increase our effectiveness and efficiency.
However, the Neptune opposing this Sun Moon position in Virgo might tell us, it’s going to require not only a necessary sacrifice in some way, in order to become more functional , more effective. A surrendering to a way, an approach or some situation, a surrendering an old familiar routine or pattern which simply isn’t working anymore. It will most likely be a small thing, not the end of the world …such as, in order to get a particular job done, one must realize something else will have to be dropped.
In order to feel happy and take care of one’s (Virgo) nervous system, body and mental health, something might need to be re-arranged or dropped with a new routine or experience incorporated into your week.
In order to reach a particular employment/job decision or goal, one might need to face the fear of rejection or overcome the past pattern of procrastination, fuzzy information or lack of clarity of how to go about this, any neglect, depreciation or thinking of oneself less that what you truly deserve.
In the New Moon Chart, (which impacts us now September 10) up through September 28, 2023…there is the opportunity for constructive change. A desire to transform your situation. A positive energy to be listened to, accepted for one’s perspective, one’s point of view. Also, being able to accomplish an important errand or task which leaves one feeling happy, relieved that you got that out of the way, and feel good about what you accomplished. All of these should be practical, useful and necessary accomplishments made as the new moon in Virgo, along with the mercury in Virgo Trine Jupiter is a very earthy, functional and practical energy.
With Venus in Leo trine North Node and Chiron, and sextile Mars in Libra, people are generally supportive and open to problem solving. Cooperation and support is evident with our important meetings.
Synopsis: A positive time to launch or begin taking care of a new level of practical business, financial or personal living and what you need to get there. What could that look like for you? An understanding, that some thing or perspective you could have held onto, that familiar safety pattern, might need to be surrendered in order to advance to this new Reality coming into your life this week!
Daily Moon Signs, Inspirations and Affirmations
Simply follow along with the dates on the left column, notice what sign the Moon is in on those days, and on the right is a short description of the trends and energies you might notice on these days. By following along and giving an Affirmation which matches, we can ride on top of these Lunar Energies versus sinking down in our moods, and succumbing to some of the challenging pulls of the Moon. Say these affirmations outloud and see if it shifts you in a positive way.
Sept 7 10:00 pm – Sept 10, 9:37 am | Moon in Cancer | Emotional sensitivity, need for healthy food, nurturing, domestic family needs, shielding one’s feelings and moods. “I AM Shielded with an invincible protection throughout the day and easily disconnect from any self pity, anxiousness, negative moods and extreme emotional reactions.” |
Sept 10, 9:37 am – Sept 12th 10:20 pm | Moon in Leo | The inspiration to give, be generous and expand one’s love and heart, taking control over one’s quality of life. Fun and joy. “ I AM happy to give and love and am always guarded with from any attitude of ingratitude, entitlement, density and thoughtlessness, hardness of heart. My Love is magnanimous and profound.” |
Sept 12th 10:20 pm – Sept 15th 10:45 am | Moon in Virgo | Practical functional productivity. Self examination and focus upon constructive facts and details. “I AM Now steady, composed and realistic, avoiding any thoughts of injustice, that’s not fair attitudes, and willing to see all details, facts and logical information, caring about the quality of service overcoming petty issues in the mind.” |
Sept 15, 10:45 am – Sept 17 at 9:58 pm | Moon in Libra | Love and Relationships, harmony and peaceful sharing. Beauty and design, music. Cooperation, creating a truce, an agreement. “ I AM Now happy to engage in win win collaborations with others, valuing not only my own needs, but the perspective of another and their situation. I embrace Reality, and discard delusions, pie in the sky expectations, walking a path of living in truth.” |
Sept 17, 9:59 pm – Sept 20 7:06 am | Moon in Scorpio | The need to be in touch with one’s needs, body, mind, soul, spiritual. To go the extra mile to purge, eliminate and transform one’s situation, one’s work, projects, position or environment. “ I AM calling for Divine Protection to have all extreme requirements put upon me during these days, to be rolled back, reflected back and dissolved. I AM free from negative situations and embrace my inner strength and resourcefulness in all ways. “ |
Solar Eclipses
(Taken from past Solar Eclipse Articles with some additional notes added)
The content below, can be read in a separate PDF ON THE ECLIPSES page here.
As each Eclipse approaches, we’ll go into more detail about what each one will do, but for now, let’s review what they might mean for the U.S. and the world.
Theme One
The 2017 August U.S. Total Solar Eclipse in Leo created a cosmic mandate for the people of America and people of light throughout the world, to rise up and assume a greater posture of authority over their lives. A greater maturity, accountability with how they are living their lives. It is the test of creating, our free will to do with our life what we will.
It created situations where we had to rise to the occasion and grow up, mature, and engage in a more Masterful realistic growth. This eclipse may have infused many with more confidence, courage and the desire to create the life they were intended to have.
It was symbolizing the seriousness of taking command of one’s life in a higher way and the start of increasing confidence in our ability to perform at a much stronger level in life. It demanded maturity from us, a maturity of heart. And he could not handle this challenge of increased mastery, and what began to happen for those was the exposure of their lack of mastery and indulgences.
The Total Solar Eclipse in Leo could have also launched a cycle for a greater revealing of the corruption found in all Leo activities – the movie industry, child trafficking and abuse, all things pertaining to excessive pleasure seeking and exposure of corruption in all forms of leadership and education. Solar Eclipses not only highlight issues which must be corrected but release extreme problems surrounding these issues. They could escalate until confronted and challenged. 2017 Eclipse was important because it launched the beginning of gaining greater power in the heart, courage and maturity in order to face the other eclipses that were to come
Theme Two
(Three Solar Eclipses in Aries, 2023, 2024, 2025)
The April 2023 Solar Eclipse in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
Because of the Sun/Moon’s pressure with Pluto, the square, this next Eclipse marked a moment in time where those who were in a position to control the world would now begin their spiraling out of control. This marked the beginning of a dangerous global cycle, potentially increasing conflicts, global catastrophes and apparently geophysical disasters, precarious war like posturing increasing and other scary things. This is because the energy from the Great Central Sun has released so much Divine Light everywhere, that those who have attempted to rule the world, whether their own mini worlds or the entire planet, and are experiencing this light which comes as rays of serious accountability for them. When they are hit with this influx of invincible light, they go more insane and desperate.
In our own personal lives, it is a significant Solar Eclipse at 29* Aries to end one part of our human identity which is no longer serving our best self, and beginning a new cycle of allowing our Higher Divine Guidance to merge with ourselves. The ego challenge of this Solar Eclipse beginning April 2023, and will be seen playing out in our life and in the world for a while.
All Solar eclipses force us to handle something inevitable. We must prioritize, hyper focus and take action upon the one thing that absolutely must be addressed, before, during and just after a Solar Eclipse.
Globally, the April 19/20th Solar Eclipse is an escalation of danger in the world lasting up through Oct 14, since it is in square to Pluto. Two things occur – an outcry and protest, a taking down and challenging of many activities of abuse of control as misuse of power could truly become worse… (see it as the start of a new extreme intolerance and challenge to those who engage in reckless psychopathic control)…and the other is the reaction to this Great Light, which could escalate the situation.
An old era is fast coming to an end where abuse of power and extreme obsession of control which has dominated the world with no consequences. And, no longer a secret.
It would be the beginning of truly seeing old systems fall apart, certain individuals no longer effective or able to get away with things, leaving, disappearing, new answers and activities replacing old…..this is the culmination because this eclipse squares Pluto, To do with finalities. Purges, endings of long drawn out Control – (misqualified Aries). The Eclipse remember is at 29* Aries, the end of the degree square Pluto in a brand new degree, 0* Aquarius, inaugurating a new beginning. This is how I’d like to see it, and it will continue in this manner for many years. But I feel this is when it truly is noted by many, that it has started.
April 19, 2023 Solar Eclipse in Aries.
The next U.S. Total Solar Eclipse will be on April 8 2024.
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries occurring in America. Mexico and partial Canada on April 8 2024 at 19* Aries conjoin Venus, Chiron, North Node and Mercury all in Aries.
Hold on as you witness events becoming crazier and crazier from this 2023 eclipse to the next Aries 2024 eclipse. Your job is to stay focused on what you can do for yourself and those around you that is within your own control. Concentrating on taking care of ourselves while this escalation of chaos and replacement happens.
The April 8 2024 Eclipse triggers potential communications and electrical energy wars, technology challenges, space, satellite conflicts, AI dominating themes for humanity. It indicates a great decision everywhere which needs to be made, as more and more exposure of Alien Tech and not only physical but inter dimensional consciousness, entities and beings have somehow had an ability to interact with humanity, and direct the affairs of people for particular agendas.
The question and challenge would be, what are the people who have the where with all to see how this has impacted our life in this country, going to do about it?
What are the decisions going to be? How can we insulate ourselves from these energies and take control back of our sovereign selves?
Wars, distractions, social control in a variety of ways could be launched.
Again, the issue of Aries control, or be controlled, and who is behind it (the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction denotes the Tech involvement) is huge during this Eclipse.
Each of these eclipses instigate higher ideas and a powerful push to replace existing structures which are rapidly crumbling. Yet the push back from those in control will be intense.
Whoever is in control of the old systems could attempt to pull out all the stops unwilling to let go…more psyops, lies, distractions, deceptions and dangerous actions.
Focus on what you can control in your personal life as each March/April comes around for the next three years. It will speed up, both sides, but the new I believe will replace the old.
March 29 2025, another Solar Eclipse in Aries reveals even more truths as to what has been controlling the world.
Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries, March 29, 2025 (Europe, North in Asia, North/West Africa, Eastern part of North America, North in South America, Atlantic, Arctic)
For our personal planning, this eclipse marks a time to have much of your most urgent needs handled, and be physically in the best place you could be in. You’ll look back and realize how much you have accomplished in wonderment, and how glad you achieved greater control over yourself and your affairs. Some are concerned of more earth changes, earthquakes and eruptions of volcanic activity, weather patterns becoming even more extreme. Because of the array of planets in Pisces, increase complications with illnesses, viruses, medical intervention and dealing with society and contagious illnesses could be more of a problem. But because Pisces also deals with partial truths and partial hidden factors, ambiguous issues and layers of agendas, confusion over what is real could be the primary theme.
2025 March 29, Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries, below…
I see these as three phases, 2023, 2024, 2025, where two parallel worlds are in a race to supersede the other. Which reality will end up dominating the earth?
The August 2017 U.S. Eclipse in Leo was to initiate courage and a greater level of maturity in order to handle the upcoming intensities of these next eclipses. It was to strengthen our heart.
(For the Aries Eclipses, this is meant to be an impersonal description of the positive and negatives of Aries, not to be meant to describe Aries individuals, it’s a consciousness.)
The one, a perversion of Aries control and complete dominance over others coming from an old outworn hierarchical position, whose values are not in line with the awakened people of heart on this earth… and the other, those who are ushering in an era of higher minded governing based upon intelligent humane ideals in every way of life, replacing, upgrading and enhancing activities which support humanity’s rights for thriving.
The 2017, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Eclipses all indicate serious Cosmic Events for humanity. It’s wake up time.
This eclipse in 2023 April 19, as you can see, is squared by Pluto, which has intense indications of an end to something big…a final deadline, a closure, an elimination of something dark which must go. To me, it is this 2023, 2024 and 2025 which is our most obvious turning point, the final signal sent to those energies in physical and non – physical that their time is over. I see it also as our most crucial time to get our stuff together wherever we are still vulnerable, let’s clean it up and get prepared.
As always, it will take time to unravel and disengage from that control, months, years, a decade. But I do feel, this April 19 2023, is the moment, call it the last straw, of opportunity an old guard, not a very good one, has had a chance at being good stewards in whatever arena they were in control or the process of dismantling and replacing them will begin. Personally, we will go through this also in our own private way.
As I said, we will go deeper into each eclipse as we come up upon those time frames, but for now, the big picture seems to be a strong theme from 2017 on through March 29, 2025 to get ready for an acceleration of exposures to how deep it goes with who has been in charge of humanity, and the intense motivation growing for us to regain control back over our Own lives , our country and the world. How this can occur will be on every level. To continue to take charge of our own world, our own mental positive energies, our constructive higher way of life to the best of our abilities is a great start.
By riding the wave of each day’s planetary energies, maintaining an empowered outlook and shifting our perspective of things can bring more happiness and balance into our life. Thank you for supporting Stardrops!
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