Stardrops AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts Re-emerging From The Purge I suspect this surreal period we have globally gone through, will be one of a few for our future experiences. It may not always be ” a virus ” but other strange circumstances rarely experienced before as a global community. Curious times we are truly in during 2020-2023 (AMERICA FORECAST) . For sure, serious activities […] Articles Pre-July Updates To Prepare For~ June 9 2019 The new Mercury retrograde is already influencing our lives. It tends to shift our perspective and introduce new challenges to solve. I’ll be writing in detail about this new cycle in a few days, just giving everyone a heads up, it’s in the air, even though the retrograde does not occur officially […] Articles ← Previous 1 … 13 14