2019; AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts Epstein, Mercury Retro week and Sun oppose Saturn Another big piece of the puzzle emerging under the Mercury retrograde cycle from July 7-30 in which unexpected news and exposures take others by surprise. In addition to the Mercury, a strong Saturn in Capricorn oppose Sun in Cancer took place. This past week’s Stardrop posted this statement : ( Stardrops are weekly global updates […] Articles Pre-July Updates To Prepare For~ June 9 2019 The new Mercury retrograde is already influencing our lives. It tends to shift our perspective and introduce new challenges to solve. I’ll be writing in detail about this new cycle in a few days, just giving everyone a heads up, it’s in the air, even though the retrograde does not occur officially […] Articles TIMELINES Part IV - Saturn and Your Future 2017-2020 [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SATURN ~ From Sagittarius to Capricorn Saturn in Sagittarius, which began on December 25, 2014, gave us tests with our boundaries with others, boundaries in our own behavior, learning how to be more authentic, morally aligned, honest, possess greater integrity, how to handle others who do not have these qualities and where boundaries really […] Articles