2020; AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts MERCURY RETRO - OCTOBER 13 in Scorpio - "Can I let go of this pattern and reach that next level?" Friends, time seems again to be shortened and we’re all cramming so much into our days – hence, I am posting an excerpt from STARDROPS ( Sept 20, 2020) WEEKLY NEWSLETTER here, regarding the upcoming Mercury retro. If you would like to receive these Stardrops or other Starfires updates, you can sign up at the […] Articles Re-emerging From The Purge I suspect this surreal period we have globally gone through, will be one of a few for our future experiences. It may not always be ” a virus ” but other strange circumstances rarely experienced before as a global community. Curious times we are truly in during 2020-2023 (AMERICA FORECAST) . For sure, serious activities […] Articles Mercury Retro at 12* Pisces - February 16 - March 10, 2020 Mercury retrograde Feb 16 – March 10 2020 at 12* Pisces conjoin Black Moon and Neptune at 5 and 17* Pisces This mysterious cycle leads us to correct our flaws, make peace with our failures and draw down upon the Mystic graces of Kuan Yin, the divine Mother such as Mary, the ancient divine goddesses […] Articles TIMELINES Part IV - Saturn and Your Future 2017-2020 [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] SATURN ~ From Sagittarius to Capricorn Saturn in Sagittarius, which began on December 25, 2014, gave us tests with our boundaries with others, boundaries in our own behavior, learning how to be more authentic, morally aligned, honest, possess greater integrity, how to handle others who do not have these qualities and where boundaries really […] Articles