Cancer AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts The Zodiac Signs -Twelve Distinct Forms of Expression Aries is incredible fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. The energy, dynamic motivation and idealism inherent within this one sign, is incomparable to all other zodiac signs and so must be governed by mature control. To be immature and be born under this sign, is dangerous. Innocent enthusiasm with tremendous ability to inspire others […] Natal Chart Basics The Sun-To Capture the Light and Power of Your Presence Your Sun is the most important ” Planet ” in your birth chart. It is tied to the activity of YOUR WILL, versus THE HIGHER WILL. Yes, they are two different activities. The Sun was in a particular sign when you were born, so its lightrays and power pours through the nature of that sign […] Natal Chart Basics