event astrology AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts The Pendulum Swings-Jupiter Oppose Neptune Jupiter oppose Neptune May 1- June 3, 2016 Starfires Newsletter Sign Up From May 1-June 3, a greater awareness of deceptions, misleading and hidden agendas could be noticed in your own life or globally, over things you care about. These are some of the themes for the next two weeks. Upside-down attitudes and […] Articles Forecast Chart Forecast ~ $150.00 – $225.00 (Price per Hr. $150.00) This session is all about YOUR FUTURE. The Forecast is the most popular reading and you can expect the reading to be around 1 hour, at the most an hour and half. We will go month by month and talk about what is coming up in […] Services Event Charts Event Charts You can pick a date of the inception of a business, a wedding, a signing of a contract, or a significant moment in your life, anything of meaning, and check in the astrology chart for that moment in time, place, date, what its purpose was and how it affected you. Charged by the […] Services