natal chart AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts Forecast Chart Forecast ~ $150.00 – $225.00 (Price per Hr. $150.00) This session is all about YOUR FUTURE. The Forecast is the most popular reading and you can expect the reading to be around 1 hour, at the most an hour and half. We will go month by month and talk about what is coming up in […] Services Karma Chart Karma Chart Approx 1/2 hour $75.00 Did you know your Karma Chart will show where the blocks and hardships, disappointments and confusion are concentrated? And why would anyone want to know this? If you can visualize a person’s Karma Chart’s Sun Sign lets say, in the 6th house of employment health and mental/emotional well being. […] Services Understanding Saturn - Birth Chart SATURN Everyone has some area of their life that tends to repeatedly bring frustrations. It feels as if you just get ahead a little bit, and then an unexpected situation puts you back into a theme, a drama, that must be deal with, again! Creative projects get put on hold, your mood changes from hopeful […] Natal Chart Basics