Sun AllStardropsGlobal TrendsPlanet RetrogradesStandout ThemesNew and Full Moon Alerts The Planets in Your Chart The Powers Inspiring Life The Planets instigate actions, powers and movement in our lives as they travel through the solar system. Each Planet carries a particular personality. By learning the individual natures of the Planets, you’ll grasp a better understanding of your own motivations. So many uses are contained within the Planets, in fact, everything […] Natal Chart Basics The Sun-To Capture the Light and Power of Your Presence Your Sun is the most important ” Planet ” in your birth chart. It is tied to the activity of YOUR WILL, versus THE HIGHER WILL. Yes, they are two different activities. The Sun was in a particular sign when you were born, so its lightrays and power pours through the nature of that sign […] Natal Chart Basics