Mars and Jupiter Moves Us To Commit

Stardrops August 11 2024

A review of Mercury conjoin Venus, from June to August and its soft yet relentless energies which changed us, leading into Mars conjoin Jupiter, square Saturn.

Today, I can’t help but reflect upon an astrological cycle one would consider mild which began last June. Yet it was to become something great. I know this cycle has already passed, but, we are still processing and assimilating its impact.

We are in the last part of the cycle now, and it should have altered how you feel about yourself, your life, your potential and power within.

The expansion of your potential and future aspirations, could be a result of the supporting energies of Mercury and Venus. It’s as if the Quicksilver Messenger took an epic message from the Divine Venus and announced to us all, a new era was beginning on earth, and that there would be many who participate in this new way of life, in the launching of a well defined community purpose.

These energies’ purpose is to upgrade and increase the best qualities possible within us, merging with those higher dimensions of light, personally and spreading throughout society, whether the world escalates in its chaos or not, this is a very determined advance of love and intelligence coming into the earth.

You could call it a dispensation I suppose, a grant or boon of immense light, with a purpose. This boon is to draw people up into their innate worth. It demands growth, service, self development. It crosses into all areas of life.

Below is my synopsis of how I saw these planetary energies becoming a funnel of inspiration directed right into our world, launching the new blueprint

The Mars/Jupiter conjunction and how Mercury was the precursor to this impetus of re-inventing our life.

It feels like a fresh new start.

The first time I noticed the Mars/Jupiter aspect was in June, but there was another force in the heavens inspiring me, a pattern of Venus and Mercury in conjunction, once in June in Cancer, and again in August in Virgo, the divine Goddess.

Venus and Mercury were impacting us for the past few months, leading up to August 7, 2024, the date of a completion of a process. Venus means so much beyond love. It impacts our worth, our ability to recognize it. Our value, innately and what we value in life. This cycle zeros in on caring more about our choices, almost as if we were running out of time and had to get this embodiment, our opportunity, right. So it’s magnifying the importance of really mirroring our Divine Self with the help of Venus.

  1. Key insights occurred, inspiring our minds, motivating us to transform our sense of limitation and negativity to claiming our own personal worth, our value (It could have also been a business value, net worth, money or industry/product and its value), but starts especially with our worth (Venus).
  2. This Mercury/Venus inspires to formulate clear decisions (mental effort, Mercury). To fight back against mediocrity and inertia, and step into a new view of who we really are and what we were capable of becoming.
  3. This requires us to work on integration and inner vision,, that the YOU which is above, can pour itself into the you, here below, and if that is true, we have infinite access to that supreme wisdom, love and power which is in the Higher Self’s existence above.
  4. This Venus Mercury inspired us to work on self image. It was elevating our sense of our innate value, our best potential,. It automatically exposes the false projections coming from those standing in our way of this new awareness.
Venus Mercury Conjunction

  1. The 2nd peak of Mercury/Venus was August 7, when Mercury turned stationary retrograde. The Moon also to moved to 0* – 5* Virgo August 5 – 7 at the same time joining Venus and Mercury, adding an emotional invested energy to this event. This time becomes an important date for us all as it is a moment of increased guidance, energy and light to launch a new, “something” which becomes amplified and spreads. Because Venus conjunction occurs in Virgo, the symbol of the Divine Goddess, we receive the highest form of beauty, immense love and refined detailed plan to upgrade our plan, which then spreads to society, for those who can experience it. Virgo also expects attention to details and conscientiousness of mastering our own worth, living as if we really do count, we matter, we are Divine.
Mercury, Venus and Moon in Virgo August 7

Stop and ponder, if something sharp clear as an inner guidance may have come to you in the past weeks or months. Any Important conversations, meetings and social connections, gatherings and talks occurred, any plans and inspirations recently, all act as a necessary next great step. It would be important to write them down, as you are in the process of creating your very own Cosmos.

Realization reaches a crescendo, and now Mars moves into position. The Mars and Jupiter conjunction begins August 14 – 24, 2024.

We have changed!

This leads up to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction

Jupiter conjoin Mars begins August 10 -17, peaks on August 13 -15th and Jupiter/Mars squares Saturn on August 14 – 24 2024 (below)

As we were being strongly guided on the inner, towards this new attitude, position or whatever inspired you, working towards our worth, enter Mars/Jupiter where the insights and inspirations we receive inspires us to take action. This is where we are now.

The new cycle of Mars and Jupiter motivates action such as launching a new plan, or project, a new position, a new commitment to ourselves. But it is something more refined because we have become clearer. It could be a decision which requires taking a risk, or going beyond our typical self.

If you just take from this Stardrops these two ideas;

A – that we’ve been prepared and guided to accept more of our Divine Self, and really work at it from June on…and

B – a stronger and clearer direction to put into action, a new plan for ourselves, starting August, then you have got it.
As you can see in the chart below, the Mars/Jupiter in Gemini opposing Moon in Sagittarius from August 13 – 15th magnifies our mental absorption of information, intensifies the feeling we have to incorporate it all! They both square Saturn in Pisces which enforces a healthy skepticism and squares Venus in Virgo, demanding analysis, detailed strategy and a lot of editing and perfection of the thing you are attempting to start. It is called a Grand Yellow Cross, which is a wisdom theme.

Every time you achieve something new, it requires re-inventing yourself, which is exactly what we’ve been doing since June!

So whatever is on your plate to handle and initiate into action during August 13 – 20, let’s say, be careful cautions, stick to your boundaries with a pragmatic reality, research leading you to a plan or conclusion. You could feel overwhelmed because of so much information you are trying to absorb, or decisions which must be made now, or put things into priority during this time, but there is interference, limitations, budgets, time constraints, etc..etc..


“I AM easily prioritizing and choosing what is the most effective message or course of action to take. My Divine Presence always discerns perfectly, and I move forward with life, confidently and successfully with all I do.”

A Yod created between Mercury retrograde inconjunct Pluto and Neptune

(See above Mercury link) – A time of strong decisions made which have required much discernment, pondering and some sacrifice. Yods are never easy, as they require a shift in thinking to do the highest best thing possible, under pressure and not so perfect, conditions.


Finger of God, or YOD to Mercury retrograde.

August 10 – 13 Mercury at 0-2* Virgo inconjunct Pluto at 0* Aquarius (one part of the YOD)
Frustrations with accomplishing particular tasks. Difficulties with getting anything completed.

August 13 – 16 Mercury at 0* Virgo – 28* Leo inconjunct Neptune at 29* Pisces (the 2nd part of the YOD)
Interference with one’s moods, disruptions, energy. Expecting positive outcomes for these days, yet things are not ideal, not clear, something is missing, but must move forward and feel useful or accomplish something anyway, regardless of how imperfect it is.

You can access a compilation of this Mercury retrograde, Mercury conjoin Venus and the Mercury in a YOD from the past Stardrops, HERE.

More planetary cycles

Aug 10-12 2024 Venus at 9* Virgo inconjunct North Node at 9* Aries
This cycle can require an adjustment in our values and priorities now. It is a time of remaining open flexible and cooperative, finding some wiggle room with the line we’ve drawn, our budget, money or what we expect within a partnership or with others.

August 14 -17 Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces
Time to go easy with impulses, be rational, watch where you are driving, walking or pay attention to what you are saying, committing to. Read the fine print. Don’t be cavalier, lazy or blow things off during this period.

August 14 – 16 Sun in Leo trines Chiron in Aries
We have more confidence to handle situations which may have previously been too much for us to deal with.

August 16 Mercury retro at 28 – 26* Leo squares Uranus at 27* Taurus
A day of erratic energy, potentially pushing work away, people, conversations or too much busyness away. Can result in accidents, a feeling of disruption, anxiety or upsets.

August 17 – 19 Venus and the Black Moon 16 – 17* Virgo square Mars, Jupiter in Gemini and oppose Saturn in Pisces on forming a T-Square.
Synopsis: A cycle requiring good boundaries, budgets, accepting limitations and firm clear strategy with a clear end goal in mind – yet inspiring, motivating and promises positive expansive future with something you have been inspired to do. Tendency for others to push you beyond what you wanted to do.

August 18 – 19 Mercury Sun Conjoin
A positive fiery energy of constructive cutting through and desiring to take action. This cycle is prime for meetings, mental strategy and brain downloads!

August 18-20 Sun conjoins Uranus Original unique impulses, inspirations and motivation come to you to use your ingenuity and confidence to make the difference between a dull routine and innovative one.

August 20 August 23 Sun at 28* Leo inconjunct Neptune (29* Pisces) and Pluto (29* Capricorn )
If you focus upon your capacity to change and alter any situation or mindset you find yourself in, and know this is what is required to take command of a situation, you’ll be great!

July 27 Begins – September 6, 2024 First Peak Transiting Neptune sextiles Transiting Pluto
The two outer planets provide years of greater harmony and cooperation between the Neptune’s ideal beautiful, musical, artful, creative, transcendental energies, especially filtered through Pisces/Aries idealistic/action signs, combined with the nature of Pluto’s large scale influence working through Capricorn/Aquarius’ systems, communities, revolutionizing our way of life, our business., our tech, our corporations, our banks and the economy. Below are all the dates these two inspiring and new structures affect humanity, working together.


  • June 29 2025- October 7 2025
  • June 10 2026 Begins – -July 24 2026 and Sept 16, 2026 exact – leaves October 30, 2026
  • May 25 2027 – November 20, 2027
  • May 7 2028 -July 17 2028
  • Sept 29 2028 – Nov 7 2028 – Dec 13 2028
  • April 18 2029 – June 24 2029
  • October 27 2029 – Nov 30 2029 – January 12 2030
  • March 22 200 – Jun 5 2030
  • Nov 20 2030 – Dec 26 2030 – April 12 2031 – May 18 2031
  • Dec 14 2031 – Feb 11 to Feb 28 2032 leave April 27 2032
  • Jan 13 2033 – March 31 2033 Finished.

Neptune’s highest energies when in a positive sense, releases divine aspirations, inspirations, Utopian ideals, beauty and art, the etheric plane. When Neptune is in a trine or sextile aspect, it is releasing positive uplifting aspirations towards a cause or higher purpose, a mission or the people want to realize something magical or other worldly.

Pluto’s highest energies (which it is able to release during these dates above) are activities involving putting new systems, powerful energies, impetus, tenacity, money, investing, group or joint effort, humanitarian joint effort, combined resources, power structures, concentrated centers of order, power and authority as a reserve of energy. It enhances and works together with Neptune during these dates to increase cooperation towards new arrangements within those who are in charge, builds an ideal, to permanently structure and transform society in several areas of life.

To gain a full picture of the Astro trends happening in 2024, feel free to review Stardrops past posts by going to the Articles section at the top.

That is it for today! Thanks once again for your insightful comments you have sent my way. Christine

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2 thoughts on “Mars and Jupiter Moves Us To Commit

  1. lani yamasaki says:

    Aloha Christine, Sending a virtual hug and gratitutde for your weekly gifts of astrological insights. I treasure this information and you.

  2. Noreen Hilliard says:

    Thank you Christine. WOW! Great job. I forward your posts to my friends. ❤️


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