New and Full Moon Achievements



Mercury In Leo Forming Final YOD

September 7-9, 2024, Mercury at 28* – 29 * Leo inconjunct Neptune at 28* Pisces and Pluto at 29* Capricorn

We are jumping right into a new YOD pointing to our friend, Mercury. After its long trek partnering with Venus, from June 25th up through its retrograde August, emphasizing the acceptance of our worth, It now returns one last time to this very special configuration, in order to seal what we started. Its desire seemed to be inspiring us to integrate our power, our birthright to have freedom and worth in order to execute important tasks before us. These tasks required a new confidence and trust within ourselves, (descriptions of this Mercury within the past 3 months’’ Stardrops- search for Mercury, Venus conjoined in Search window). This same theme, returns to the late degrees of Leo, early degrees of Virgo for the 3rd and last time since late July 2024. It is once again, forming a YOD or finger of God in the skies.

Three dates below for this same Mercury in a YOD with Neptune and Pluto.

August 4 -6 1st Mercury Retro YOD retrograde

If you take some time to reflect what decisions were before you from August 4-7, August 13-16, part 2 of these decisive moments,

Mercury Retro 2nd time YOD Aug 15 2024

and now part 3, the final Mercury YOD, finalizing your contemplation which led to key decisions and the green light to move forward on something important with your life. e@ once again land at that place to review and confidently examine our progress with this particular thing we’ve chosen to do. And, integrate with the new awareness and course.

Mercury 3rd YOD September 8

The Yod always creates a bit of a pinch or challenge, as we have to choose between a few paths to take, a few options, or we have a few previous commitments or responsibilities we’ve already prioritized, yet now, we need to incorporate this one new higher course, in spite of these other factors. And it always requires a surrendering of something that felt more easy and familiar.

It’s seen as God’s finger pointing to the new path, new project, or new direction because it has suddenly become the most important thing we could do, transcending merely human needs. It is now the most logical expedient direction we’re getting. Where is this inspiration and new vision coming from? It seems to descend, downloading as if from the God Hermes himself! And this inspiration has been rolling around in your mind, late July- early August, through August, reviewing again August 13-16 and now settling into a new perspective, course of action, September 7-9, this weekend. For me, it was more than an inspiration, it brought in discussions, analysis, meetings and Affirmations I used to call down the highest form of this project to ensure it worked and was truly the correct thing to do and not an unnecessary labor!

So, this is the last of the Mercury retrograde/direct in Virgo-Leo from August 4 – September 9 finalizing or shall we say, ending the cycle with putting the icing on the cake day, helping us get just a bit further with this experience which should be part of our life plan. Take note what happens from the 7th to the 9th especially, take note of how you feel and what comes to you, as this could be an important piece of what has been building all through the past month and a half.

September 10-11 Venus at 15* Libra inconjunct Saturn at 15* Pisces

These days bring some obligations into your lap which cannot be avoided any longer. You might need to take on a hard schedule, juggle with incongruent responsibilities these days, and do the best you can maintaining your focus and positive spirit. Changes could be ongoing with social commitments, juggling with family, work associates or other people who need time with you for whatever reason.

September 10 -11 Mercury at 4* Virgo sextile Mars at 4* Cancer

Regardless of the above frustrations, these days are however, excellent for sharing information, communication with others, staying in touch and excellence at scheduling and being on time.

September 12 Sun at 20* Virgo square Jupiter at 20* Gemini

Another Jupiter square returns – Try to repeat your requests and clarify what you desire to say, clarify, what your expectations are, (a carryover from August), and in return, what others are telling you, sharing or expecting. Get the facts straight. Try to avoid critical nitpicky fault finding, gossip or losing one’s personal poise through venting as your emotions (the Solar Plexus under rib cage ) is tied to the Throat Chakra, compelling you to speak your mind now. The Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras are connected, polarized with each other. So, calming the frustrations way down, soothing self or others by re-directing energies into a higher way of seeing things, can prevent hurtful things being said.

September 13 Mercury at 6* Virgo inconjunct North Node at 6* Aries

Our mental state must adjust to the day. Wrap your mind around the reason certain thing must get done now, and don’t over think them, just get it out of the way and don’t exhaust your nerves! You might feel a bit out of sync with the day . You know there are things to do, yet interference, whether situations, people or energy, seems to get in the way and you lose your traction.

September 13-15 Venus at 20* Libra trine Jupiter at 20* Gemini

Excellent time for fun, love, social enjoyment!! Talks, events, conversations, support, and creative work are all excellent now. it’s a positive time for planning meetings, get aways, outings and important events.

September 15 Mars at 6* Cancer square Nodes at 6* Aries/Libra

A bit of high energy put into our money or a purchase, or upgrading our life. The square puts pressure upon us to act, do something versus just think about it. Is it at work? Is it your appearance? Your environment or some necessary thing for yourself to be upgraded? It’s time to catch up and get back on track with goals, with what you desire to achieve now – it’s only 3 more days until the Full Moon deadline!

September 17-19 Mercury at 15* Virgo oppose Saturn at 15* Pisces.

In addition to the Full Moon happening on this date, we have Mercury opposing Saturn.
This planetary configurations can for some, cause either harsh challenging conversations, serious exchange of words with another, or feeling that someone’s energy is coming on a bit to strong. We might feel stuck, a loss of words, brain challenged. Make sure the diet is full of proteins and veggies if you can on these days, as it will help with your stamina. Let whatever happens, roll off your back, and try not to over think what it all meant!

Sept 19 Sun trine Uranus at 27* Taurus

Successful breakthroughs, even though small, bring a happier outlook for your life. It is good for tech, progress with community, innovation, unique ideas implemented, breakthroughs with our friends, group or team members. People around you are in harmony and achieving similar positive outcomes. A great day for positive change for the better.



New Moon September 2    

On Sept 2, the New Moon released a time for focusing mainlly upon work. It created a theme of scrutiny, editing and targeting things which needed to be done as it increased our projects, possibly increasing the amount of work scheduled or carrying out the planning necessary from our Mercury inspiration a few weeks ago. It also increased our productivity so as to counteract any over-extension of our goals carried over from commitments we made in August. This is from the New Moon’s opposition to Saturn and square to Jupiter in Gemini. Remember that crazy cycle between Jupiter/Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, August 13 – 25, where many of us were facing a decision and required a commitment? It was exciting yet possibly overextending ourselves in some way, even financial, or physical, over invested, in other words, getting in over our heads?

So, hopefully you’ve all come out nicely from that challenge, and the past thrust of catching up with your life, work, projects or even home and order is now at hand.

This perfecting and hard-working cycle builds and builds up to the….

….Full Moon September 17.

The Full Moon is the fullness or culmination of all the hard work, the outcomes from our investment in energy we have put in from the 2nd of September up to the 17th – it includes the projects we have thrown ourselves into recently. It’s simply a time to reflect and see how things are coming along, but usually, it completes or brings to an ultimate maximization of some understanding, some project or some cycle. It’s our halfway point from the New Moon to the next New Moon when we naturally begin new things.

The Moon will be in Pisces, conjoin Neptune and Saturn in Pisces. Unfortunately, they are all still square to Jupiter in Gemini, which even though the full moon is positively bringing us some ideal results with what we have been working hard on, the square has problems with unfinished pieces which will still require some sacrifice in order to complete, and potentially more expenses or time invested in them.  Saturn also opposes Mercury slightly in this Full Moon, and that always means one thing, MORE WORK and concentration on tedious corrections and getting it right!

The Full Moon conjoin Neptune also has some dangers. The overly idealistic confidence in our attitude, “let’s just go for it, and it will all work out, what the heck” doesn’t work out with Moon conjoin Neptune. We’re avoiding the reality and practicality of all the details, people, schedule, and/or money thinking it will all be fine. We want to keep a level head now, as we move through these two weeks up to September 17, and not end up freaked out that something important has run amuck from any over confidence or delusions. Maintain some semblance of practicality and responsibility! Stay on top of issues, and don’t let others get carried away either!

With Pluto at 29* Capricorn sextile Moon and Neptune in Pisces however, it all seems very negotiable, workable, and cooperative with others. In other words, we can get help.

On the more challenging side of a Full Moon conjoin Neptune, we’re looking at loss, sadness, grieving over the culmination of some hard situations which you or another has endured for a while. To ensure positive smooth transitions with difficult situations, from one state or condition to a new state or condition, yet a stressful change, make this AFFIRMATION below:

Leaves of Morya’s Garden

The Call


Into the New World my first message.

You who gave the Ashram,

And you who gave two lives,


Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps.

Reader, if you have not grasped—read again, after a while.

The predestined is not accidental,

The leaves fall in their time.

And winter is but the harbinger of spring.

All is revealed; all is attainable.

I will cover you with My shield if you but tend to your labors.

I have spoken.

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1 thought on “New and Full Moon Achievements

  1. Theresa Krenz says:

    A lot of constructive instructions for the day, appreciate all the insight to help and uplift during these rocky road times. As we work with the gifts and guidepost shown to us then we can access peace within to allow decisions of grace and enchantment.


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