Aquarius 2016-2018 Forecast



Can you imagine holding a special map in your hands helping you plan your next two years? That is what an astrological Forecast is for! Cycle by cycle, month by month, trends come and go and you need to know if it is an incredible cycle for you to ride the waves or if it’s going to be a challenging one, and how to navigate around it and wait until the better one returns. One cycle may be ending and a new one opening up. Regardless of what date your Aquarius birthday was, you are shifting and growing into more of your true potential now and can track astrological cycles to our Sun. Each eBook is a rich two year forecast report for your Sun, including: musical meditation affirmations, personal video overview of the next two year theme. Specially designed for you Aquarius, is an indepth visualization yogic meditation shared for the first time in your report. Ceres beautiful Aquarius Graphic Zodiac Sign included.




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Your Inspiring Aquarius Report includes:

  • Meditation Music which is chosen for your theme for the next two years along with a heart affirmation.
  • Affirmations for your empowerment and clarity of direction.
  • An introductory Video with inspirational message for your personal theme for the next two years.
  • Contains 100 pages approx. filled with info on what is coming up in the next two years, specifically for your Sun Sign.
  • Eclipses, Solar and Lunar for two years
  • Mercury Retrogrades for two years with all the details of how it impacts you.
  • Events affecting your Sun from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter.
  • Mars transits for three years, especially indepth description of the Mars and Venus Retrogrades.
  • A special section introducing powerful affirmations for walking you through the 7 chakras as we transform negatives into powerful positives, created just for you.
  • An in-depth description of Aquarius key purposes, talents, nature and abilities to  help you understand yourself and embrace your amazing qualities that no other sign has.
  • This report was created with much love and hard work, concentrating on bringing to you validation
  • Your report also includes a heads up for those stressful aspects that do come here and there in our cycles. It’s good to have a compass to navigate the stars, circumventing the sea monsters! I truly hope you love it, as I had you only in mind.