Babylonian astronomers

Saturn In Libra Trine Neptune in Aquarius

     This period from December through March is good for watching your goals manifest.  The theme to this cycle is resignation ( in the positive sense)  and patience….

Definition of Resignation

1. an act or instance of resigning something : surrender 
2. the quality or state of being resigned : submissiveness
Definition of Patience
1. tolerant and even-tempered perseverance

When Saturn Trines any planet or angle in our charts, or in the sky, it creates an attitude of acceptance of the inevitable.  An acceptance of the need to cut through and just clean out the garage, go on the diet and really resign yourself to not cheating, ever.  Resigning to a family situation that is just the truth, the facts, and you can’t wish it away. Then all the new paths open up to bring satisfaction into your situation.  Patiently moving forward with regularity to accomplish a project or settle an issue. So, something more constructive which might take more work and study, or effort is going to be required to rise to the occasion now.    It is strengthening for self.   It will bring a feeling of great satisfaction of a job well done at the end of this March period.  This is the new permanent bright stone placed in your inner temple.  It is an aspiration now desiring your ACTION to become a part of your reality.

The clue of what it is, could be tracked by Something which inspired  you  during the November 2011’s Solar Eclipse period. Maybe it came to you like an invisible messenger loudly transmitting some new understanding into your mind that will help you very much change for the better.   Something you know you have to practice and put your will into because you need this shift in your life so badly, or you’ll feel like you are lagging behind.  Think about your reflecting upon an issue or situation.   It could be anything that has come to your mind that is a new wisdom, understanding, realization.
     I had been pondering what the personal message might be for me as the solar eclipse conjoined a particular area of my chart that is usually ridden with burdens and responsibilities that always appear too large for one person to manage.
I was caught up in thought as I pushed my shopping cart down through the grocery store.  Here I am daydreaming wondering what the meaning of this new 5 month cycle of the Solar Eclipse is for me which peaked this Thanksgiving week, as I was shopping for Thanksgiving Dinner, and then  suddenly something startling came over me.
I noticed the bright vivid colors and textures of abundant fruits and vegetables spilling all over the produce isle like I had never experience it before.   I mean, literally like a Cornucopia bursting out similar to the Scrooge scene with that ever jolly Ghost of Christmas, whatever he was, sitting there all laughing with food cascading out of that huge horn of plenty.   I thought of the state of the world and all the unnerving negative bad news parading in front of me every single day in the media AND in the astrology cycles I read.   Instantly the idea deeply hit me, integrated inside of my mind…” Change your vision internally even if the world is not perfect yet.   Sagittarius!    Abundance!  Infinite possibilities!  Expansion!  No limits, no restrictions! Faith! Believe in it!  ”
Now, I know this, but this day I became it!
“Look around you little miss serious and practical! Saying no to so much because you have to work and take care of this or that.   The world is bursting with abundance and life.  It has infinite gifts and happiness, activities and all the necessities of life and more!  Why are you limiting yourself ? ”
A Shift in mind was absolutely necessary to begin believing at a level never before practiced that I can achieve a higher quality of living!

     This stirred within me a new conviction to put to practice immediately not only a more happy positive outlook every day, but practice with all the tools which life has given me to realize these things.  Saturn in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius * the planet of inspiration and that mystical Neptunian thing that is very quantum magical, will help me stay on track every day and practice it until I become it.

And it doesn’t just stop with each of us individually, but can bring a resignation within certain organizations or powerful people to apply the most logical, yet Divinely Inspired next step to solve any crisis we could be facing in our Nations and the Earth itself.  So, no matter what you are attempting to create even on the most massive technological scale for the good of the planet, it can be done and put into place by March 2012, without interference or mishap.

During December through March 2012, every single day, in some way, you are going to grow and strengthen this new idea that you have personally received.   By March 18 2012 there is a very good chance what you wanted in your life is finally really happening!   Infinity!

Limitless!  Believe.