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Your Inspiring Aquarius Report includes:
- Meditation Music which is chosen for your theme for the next two years along with a heart affirmation.
- Affirmations for your empowerment and clarity of direction.
- An introductory Video with inspirational message for your personal theme for the next two years.
- Contains 100 pages approx. filled with info on what is coming up in the next two years, specifically for your Sun Sign.
- Eclipses, Solar and Lunar for two years
- Mercury Retrogrades for two years with all the details of how it impacts you.
- Events affecting your Sun from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter.
- Mars transits for three years, especially indepth description of the Mars and Venus Retrogrades.
- A special section introducing powerful affirmations for walking you through the 7 chakras as we transform negatives into powerful positives, created just for you.
- An in-depth description of Aquarius key purposes, talents, nature and abilities to help you understand yourself and embrace your amazing qualities that no other sign has.
- This report was created with much love and hard work, concentrating on bringing to you validation
- Your report also includes a heads up for those stressful aspects that do come here and there in our cycles. It’s good to have a compass to navigate the stars, circumventing the sea monsters! I truly hope you love it, as I had you only in mind.