Venus Retrograde Brings Power To Our Path
Today’s post starts out with our usual daily updates, then segues into the new Venus Retrograde Adventure. December up to March 8 and will be an experience of love. How successful can we be at replacing any remaining emotional destructive triggers, with a more mature Love? Can we learn to successfully detach from drama, personal and the external upsetting situations we find ourselves confronted with and replace it with internal power?
Also, we want to keep in mind, December 4 is the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius…
…so you will want to keep a look out for the need for some emotional adjustments required, incoming, prior to December 4, leading right up to this weekend, then continuing on for the next five months. This adjustment takes you to an advanced higher level, expands your potential, bringing positive results for your life and personal growth. For more about this emotional perception shift, look at the first Dec 3 cycle below, and you can find the full Solar Eclipse article, HERE.
STARDROPS December 5, 2021
Dec 3 Sun conjoin Mercury at 11* Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus and Hades. (This is also part of the Solar Eclipse cycle, which began last week, intensifying up through this weekend of December 3, 4, 5. then continuing up to March 8, 2022)
A challenging interaction or exchange of information, messages or communication day which is going to require a serious emotional adjustment on our part. The Sun has every intention of doing the right thing, projecting ourselves into a happy constructive future however the disconnect between Uranus in Taurus, and Hades in Cancer, says something else is going to interfere with that future ideal. Adjust maturely, learn something out of this interchange, and move on.
Dec 6 Heliocentric Venus at 9* Aries oppose Helio Jupiter at 9* Libra
Venus’ love and affections are exaggerated. Feelings can be hurt, and polarizing beliefs, concepts or perceptions make life a bit difficult, as two opposite understandings are going to have to find a middle ground. Contrast can be noticed between black and white position one might take versus expansive and broad minded unrealistic ideals.
Dec 7 Helio Mercury conjoin Heio Neptune at 11* Pisces
Communication is idealistic, psychologically processing some situation and bringing elements of the Spiritual into the conversations. A vision or goal one might project out there to achieve, could be just a form of escaping from boredom or attempting to create something magical, which actually sounds nice in contrast with the times we are in!
Dec 9 Helio Mercury at 18* Pisces square Helio Saturn at 18* Sagittarius
Mercury, the planet of logical decisions, communication and mental processing, is in a harsh square which lends to a more rigid and punitive position upon either ones’ actions or to another. . Cool down, and bring some love into the situation. That always works!
Dec 5-7 Mars at 23* Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Mars helps go deep, talk things through, brings two people or two sides together for resolution. It is industrious, regenerative, resourceful and always comes out good. Whether something physical needs fixing, repairing, or a project requires several pieces in order to make it nice, or there is a need for more financial solutions or abundance, this aspect can make it happen somehow.
Dec 7 Mercury at 20* Sagittarius square Neptune at 20* Pisces
Confusion or misunderstandings are processed. Something is wrong, not clear or somehow, dismissed and brushed aside without thoroughly digesting the information. It’s time to get square with anything strange, peculiar actions or decisions from others, or your own confusion as to how you stand on some issue.
Dec 6-9 Mars at 25* Scorpio square Jupiter at 25* Aquarius
Mars square Jupiter will exaggerate tendencies to volunteer advice and ideas to help others, provide new truths, opinions, or give someone a piece of your mind. It could trigger strong deep responses from within you or another, resulting in difficult interactions and even hurt feelings. Take a couple of deep breaths and tell yourself, it’s important, but nothing to get all bent out of shape about. The world is still turning, and the Sun will come up tomorrow, it will be another day and everyone will feel better. Money issues, or conflicts of what you or another prioritize could be a problem. Stubbornness or taking things into ones’ own hands thinking this or that will fix it, could backfire.
It is a cycle of enhanced love and zeroing in upon what we treasure.
Dec 10–12 Venus at 25* Capricorn conjoin Pluto at 25* Capricorn (This cycle peaks three times; December 10-12; Dec 24-26; and March 1 – 4, 2022. However, the Venus theme will be experienced from December up to March 8, continuously.
A new priority is now locking into place in not only your life, but globally. As usual, we can notice the higher qualities of this event coming upon you, and a bit of the controlling devoid of emotional sensitivity part of the Venus in Capricorn’s actions. Again, it could have already started a week or two prior to this weekend, but is building up to December 10-12.
Since we are heading into a Capricorn theme for three months, let’s delineate Capricorn qualities, shall we?
Capricorn’s key phrase is “I Use”, which is Capricorn’s theme. However, when applying Capricorn to my own life, I’ve never really related to the phrase “use, or using” as part of the pattern, but rather, other Capricorn qualities, such as, oppressive control, or, responsibilities, or accountable to achieve, produce or measure up, I relate to much much more.
Ambition and achievement as Capricorn energy where one strives hard to bring about a physical accomplishment, an end goal. Facing ones’ personal worth and value, how you truly see your responsibilities in the world, and everyday integrating with that vision, and putting it into action That might mean, not allowing anything else to interfere or diminish that valuable self image now.
Before we venture into how Venus impacts our own personal lives, let’s check out the global power structures and how they could be influenced by Venus in Capricorn retrograde, from the beginning of December up through March 5, conjoin Pluto in Capricorn.
Remember, when observing how Venus retrograde is going to impact our next three months, Pluto has to be considered, as it will conjoin Venus at the same time.
This combo will attempt to make the cycle a bit more dramatic, and cause our new beneficial situation, permanent. Final. It’s as if we’re taken up into something higher which has elevated values, and we need to adapt to these beneficial values, and it now becomes the new rules we live by. Discernment is necessary to decide if this is really what you agree to and value for yourself rather than just allowing it to take place without your consent.
Globally, a methodical and patient Capricorn Venus and Pluto is plotting and moving the chess pieces into position, that had long ago been planned out. The political world can’t be ignored when dealing with the sign of Capricorn, as Capricorn rules government, elites, authority, the untouchables, unattainable and unavailable people who have the illusionary persona of living high above the common.
Capricorn governs big tech and all corporate powers. Capricorn in fact is the sign which rules POWER and someone’s power over us. With Venus, if it is at all possible, there does seem to be a love or some rational motive behind it, one would hope. When Venus moves into Capricorn, darker energies see this period of time as the green light to move into action and implement next level Capricorn rules, control or any engineering or designs to run everything at the level of an elegant enormous machine.
It can also be a green light for other large scale Capricornian activities to implement powerful action to preserve higher values, systems, and it also will appear as a well organized network (Pluto’s involvement). Each angle, each way you look at this, involve assets, (human beings can be assets), organization at an incredibly high level and utilizing every possible thing to execute its agenda. (Your probably wondering why you have been hearing me go on for a long while about the Capricornian issues, and that is because Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2010 or so, and Saturn / Jupiter was also joining it in Capricorn 2018 – March 2020, then back again end of 2020.)
Metaphysically, Capricorn is divinely governed by the Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and the Great Divine Director, which are divine beings of immense power, intelligence and abilities to comprehend what sort of action needs to take place at the most objective and good will level for all involved. The highest quality of Capricorn is to align us to a higher blueprint of positive reality. The color is BLUE and it yields guidance, direction towards ones’ True Path.
It would be extremely useful to adopt a daily ritual using an affirmation throughout December up to March 3, 2022, commanding the Divine Authority of the Light, from God’s infinite Love and our own collective Higher Presences to take charge over all government, leadership and powerful individuals in places of control over humanity, and roll back all attempts for those in power to manipulate humanity in destructive ways.
Rules and formalities come under Capricorns’ ways – as does law. Strict obeisance to authority mandates is a Capricorn energy.
As Venus and Pluto combine in the sign of Capricorn, for the entire month of December, in addition to the Venus turn retrograde (which places an incredible emphasis upon the theme of social relationships, and the relations between each other within authority communities such as elites, corporations, secret societies, tech companies), a powerful thrust of either harmony, cooperation making higher goals, effective policies for the future, or in a negative sense, infighting, and polarizing against each other. With Venus in Capricorn, action can be taken on many levels in the world, moving forward with what I would call high -end elegant plans of power, in every possible way. Whether Global, Corporate, Agencies or Public, the timing to act on the power of this cycle is now. It will be either regarding the implementation of a huge use of power to enforce higher design put into place, enforce accountability with regards to higher values, versus an impetus by some to escalate using people, positions or any sordid dark abuse of wealth and power to reach darker goals. This is the time these actions will be set publicly to be seen. Personally, it is to enhance our own truth as to who we really are and what power and worth do we really possess, locking in a new plan to achieve.
This is how I see Venus Retro conjoin Pluto playing out from December through March 8, 2022 (The last date of Venus/Pluto conjunction
Divine Presence, I AM engaged in a process of advancing with maturity and emotional growth, wherever my personal suffering has occurred. I embrace the increase of love towards myself and all life, diminishing personal indulgence with old sabotaging habits. Mighty Archangels, take charge of the world and overshadow all those in power. Direct and command only justice, thoughtfulness and mindful responsibility towards society. I accept this for the world, and for my own life always.
Pluto conjoin Venus can absorb one into the Plutonian larger scope of things. Why would anyone comply with this? Because they are afraid of Capricorn. If you have ever had your family threatened for something very wrong, you were about to go against, this is the conundrum of Pluto/Venus dominance.
They are afraid of the reactions. This is why an affirmation in order to support a higher form of leadership and power used, is so useful at this time.
People sense the negative qualities of Capricorn, which comes across as having little conscience. (Capricorns, remember, each Zodiac Sign, has their divine qualities and their dark qualities, so these descriptions are not intended to judge your personality, and certainly do not mean you possess the harsher qualities of Capricorn, but used only to define a global negative trait which might be displayed at this time.)
Sometimes Venus in Capricorn can appear sugar coated. Why sugarcoated? It is because of the planet Venus, a planet of sweets, favors, benefits and pleasantries provides an attraction to offers difficult to resist….since Venus is in Capricorn connected to the ultimate Plutonian globally domination planet (Pluto) we have a problem here where the people could possibly be offered something in exchange of accepting some sort of compliance, or blackmail going on. Venus is a financial economic planet and Pluto is large scale. The green light to launch economic control, or financial regeneration, even clashing simultaneously, could also be on the agenda now. Remember, this conjunction is an action/power cycle, implementing something which is geared towards absorbing assets (people) into a system, or the reverse, implementing a new powerful presence that prevents the abuse of a negative system, implementing something else instead.
Personal Progress Under Pluto Conjoin Venus in Capricorn
Within our own personal lives (and astrology charts) Venus retrograde is the best energy we could want astrologically, for enhancing a sense of love, progress, insulation from heavy energies.
This cycle for us, can bring gifts, items, friendships and resources to us that we can really use. These would be extremely valued items, ideas, or relationships. The power of Venus in Capricorn retrograde is because of its long duration in the sign of Capricorn as it appears to move forward a bit in the sky, stand still, (station) on December 19, 2021, turn retrograde, then appear to move backwards a bit, become stationary again on January 29, 2022, at 11* Capricorn, then reverse and move forward once again until it transits entirely out of the sign of Capricorn on March 5, 2022.
Do you see how incredibly long Venus will appear to not be moving, or what we call stationary in the heavens? What that does is give us all that time to absorb the radiation from Venus’ love to us. It permeates into our feeling world, firstly. It energizes the beauty, the order and confidence to achieve something worthwhile. It can organically stimulate beliefs about ourselves of internal worth and value.
It comes to heal any sort of issues with ones’ credibility, honor, public or social respect that has been experienced over this and other lifetimes, and left us dealing with a compromised power.
Venus returns to us some semblance of relief, balance, justice, and intercession through love. Venus can do this for us, because it will stimulate a situation which brings a solution. Sometimes it causes an incident which first evokes a response from within ourselves. This response inspired by Venus, elevates us (or forces us) to grasp a more mature behavior, overrides an old pattern. In the past, one might respond negatively and destructively to any given situation when we are triggered. But now, Venus is attempting to alter permanently, an old way of indulging in some weak behavior into a new more mature Capricornian maturity. It inspires us to become less immature to a higher responsibility towards any given situation.
With Capricorn, connected to Pluto, these enhanced energies should show up in your life, helping you achieve something that might have seemed unattainable in the past. But now, it’s possible. It comes to you as we described earlier, with a greater maturity, a clearer plan, strategy laid out for you, or a gift, or a new relationship which is not only filled with love and sweetness, but also serves a useful purpose. Watch for Venus enhancing your world with a new structure put into place in your life, a new job, a new course, a new fitness plan. A new opening to walk through. Sometimes it is money, treasures, an item you wish to have. A growth of heart.
The power behind this Venus is love and guidance, direction and most importantly, alignment towards your divine purpose. Just one more layer added to experiencing the fullness of your life plan.
This is all because of Venus’ movement through the Sign of Capricorn.
As Venus conjoins Pluto, December through March 3, it will enhance the qualities we’ve presented so far – along with a realization of finality about the new step or new cycle beginning – the potential of more financial security and goals met, the possibility of love and new relationships which lead to greater opportunities beyond just enjoying their company.
Pluto can take it to another level. Whatever occurs during this movement of Venus retrograde, take it as a much needed healing for yourself. Something which might impose itself onto your world, creating new schedules, or managing things in your life which you put great value upon, it’s for your best achievement that this is occurring.
This planet combo can enhance your direction towards responsibility with business, investments, artistic risks taken, new finance, education, or it could really push you into a direction of pragmatic planning and cutting out all the extraneous in your life.
It has a way of eliminating the unnecessary, as Pluto by nature and the sign Capricorn, inspire austerity, organizing, and maintaining things in our lives which are useful to us. Without sounding repetitive, it can definitely produce successful business for you.
The only drawback of Venus in the Sign of Capricorn, is that it presents to all of us the test of love without soppy emotionalism. Venus will enhance our structural schedule, our advancement to achieve or make progress in our lives in practical ways, and can even bring an enhancement of love, yet it will have a purpose, a practical flavor to it, not an emotionally indulgent Venus. It permeates our lives with constructive stoicism and more of an acceptance of the inevitability of a more realist and honoring your divine plan and true lifestyle which is good for us, not necessarily, ecstatic euphoria or anything like that.
To figure out how this might enhance your own world, find the zodiac sign, Capricorn in your chart.
Take a look at the number (degree) on the outer rim (house cusp) of your chart where Capricorn is. (Don’t have your natal chart? Download Here).
If it is before 26 degrees, your Venus Retrograde will be actually activating the house, before that house.
See chart below:

See the Red Arrow on the left above the symbol Capricorn, at 29 degrees. Notice the previous house cusp (the 12th house) is at 5 degrees. We would put the Venus Retrograde in between the 12th house and 1st house, so this person’s Venus retrograde is in house # 12.
Here is another example:

See the chart above, the Red Arrow, pointing to the 1st house, on the left side. The symbol Capricorn is sandwiched between Sagittarius on the 1st house and Aquarius on the 2nd house. We would put Venus in the sign of Capricorn in the 1st house.
Now that you have located where Venus is placed within your own chart, let’s go through the houses….
Venus in the 1st house
The power of Venus is enhancing your natural gifts of caring for yourself. The focus is upon your own person, your internal power, self respect and sense of purpose with your own life. Venus helps you take back your power now, no matter what has attempted to interfere with it. It would be like saying ….”even though, I have dealt with this or that thing, I still have myself and the certainty I can depend upon me. I still have the excitement of what lies ahead for me, that I can trust. It provides something I can count on, certainty and reliability. I trust the things I treasure and value about me, which are enough and I desire to expand them in any way I can.”
“I desire to enhance myself, my capacity to express my abilities, acknowledge and reveal my achievements, and enhance my own personal presence in some way. “
“My body is the chalice of a Higher Light and Consciousness that is my very own Presence, guiding me each day to nurture, love and value, who I AM and what I can become. The Power of Transformation of my personal world, is in my hands.”
Venus in the Second House.
Your assets are in focus now and you could experiences increased opportunities to enhance your finances and your business. The belief and vision how you can grow your financial security. Get in deeper touch with your own values and personal qualities which draw to you good things in life, whether friendships, money, possessions or simply an increase of personal abilities which bring to you a greater sense of having some power or affluence within this world.
“I am building my own personal resources, products, skills or services in order to magnetize business, financial security or increase my value to a company. “
“I am in touch with my priorities and what I treasure, what I believe is worth investing time into. My physical world I am building around me, is taking shape and revealing to me what I find of worth in this world.”
Venus in the Third House
The power growing within ones’ mind, connecting dots and beginning to see the logic within a situation…the love of learning something new, sharing and absorbing information. Your treasures are certain pieces of information which brings to you a sense of completeness. You could feel more in control of your life when you have interesting facts to work with. You can network, communicate, research and document all sorts of pieces of information which enhance your connectivity and sense of importance in the world around you.
” I believe what I know, is providing crucial information for others to make better decisions. My desire to expand and act on inspiration to create, write, learn, paint, artistically express myself in some fashion is truly bringing a greater richness to my life.”
Tests and examinations with courses, assignments, are becoming easier for you to pass, or at least visualize successfully achieving during this cycle.
Others will appreciate you for how much you help them with your information. Meetings are productive, going over important data, schedules, protocol, contracts or any pieces of information which is related to the here and now daily issues.
Venus in the Fourth House.
The love for family, home, property, real estate, domestic world is enhanced and your appreciation of these things increases. Venus is bringing to you great abundance and blessings at this time in these areas of your life. You might feel gratitude for your new found appreciation of love and closeness of family, and the environment Venus is bringing into your world. With Pluto involved with the Venus retro, property development might fall into your hands. New projects involving re-designing your home or garden, or developing a practical energy efficiency house and property with greenhouse and other resourceful elements.
More than any one physical accomplishment with domestic life, comes the strong inspiration for security. Security through a new love, family member or cooperating with people close to you to organize enhanced domestic security could all be part of this cycle. Providing a party, event, get together within your house or with family, is a big deal during these three months.
The ultimate power enhancing the fourth house would be patriotism or national security and involvement with land/home/country protection of some sort.
“ Love and happiness is naturally growing in my emotional world as more security is reached.”
” I AM allowing inspirations to direct me each day, to better my life circumstances, my own location, security, abundance and special people who make up my true and Cosmic Family.”
Venus in the Fifth House
Bringing a more adult awareness and responsibility, maturity, into ones’ feelings, one’s personal emotional needs for being recognized and appreciated. Venus helps bring personal growth in ones’ need for childhood unresolved hurts to be put in a more manageable place. In order to rise above the Fifth House reactions of drama, Venus n Capricorn, enhances a more mature approach towards our lives.
An increase of self sufficiency and re-designing could begin occurring. You can see a new plan unfolding as to how you could live with greater satisfaction. You can see the path opening up as to how you can now reach some goals which have been blocked before. Love and confidence, self assured and inspired to have improvement on some aspects of your world are now in motion. “I now embrace the opportunity to increase my personal performance, self education and arranging better quality of life.”
“I AM grateful for my children, my school and classroom and desire to increase practical ways of being fulfilled.”
“I embrace and listen intently, to what I’m being guided to create during this amazing time where I AM coming more into my own Divine Power. I can see each day more clearly, what I must do to be my genuine Self, engaged in activities which enhance my quality of life, exactly congruent to my own divine qualities and my divine blueprint.”
Venus in the Sixth House
Venus is now intensifying your new plan to accept a program, a schedule, a new ritual to take better care of yourself, your emotional and mental health. You could begin sensing a new love expanding from within, which inspires better diet, better food, nutrition and health, new fitness plan.
You could organize your wardrobe and pour love into your style. Filtering, editing, organizing and prioritizing is increasing your quality of life at this time in the area of health, employment, fitness, mental and emotional functionality.
New therapy, new medicine, vitamins or health regime, new inspiration to self examine and notice what needs changing with the love and excitement to get on with things, all geared towards bringing enjoyment within my life. A softer period building confidence, replacing so much self editing with self acceptance, especially because of who is supporting you now. Solutions come to medical problems.
“Venus and Pluto are helping me focus upon work projects and better quality of interactions with my co-workers. I see opportunities to pour much focus and professional skill into projects and my job and I AM at peace! “
“Confidence and self acceptance is replacing anxiety, self editing and negative analysis now. I AM understanding more and more how to use filters, to block limited perceptions about myself and situations around me, and replace them with supportive productivity, love and encouragement.”

Venus in the Seventh House
Relationships are enhanced. A new level of adult maturity bypasses becoming triggered and reacting to others’ behaviors. A natural growth is happening within your most precious relationships with others
Enhanced love and kindness occurs now within your relationship world. An organic feeling of greater tolerance, kindness and responsibility towards your partner, your friends or your clients and professional relationships is causing a new smooth and successful closeness and success to take place.
Legal counsel and court situations seem to show insights you did not notice before. An enhanced clarity is forming as to the way to resolve differences and bring mediation.
“Magnificent breakthroughs occur in all my significant relationships. I AM pure love, generously providing support, peace and kindness to all who enter my path, without surrendering my true purpose.”
Venus in the Eight House.
Natural growth of understanding and comprehension of deep and complicated situations
A greater willingness to process through others’ decisions, behaviors and personalities. The power to support other’s situations, to resolve financial situations or to bring love and practical resources to some situation which appreciates your own abilities and effectiveness. Good fortune with money coming from other sources, exchange of services for goods. Powerful dealings with taxes, inheritances, insurance issues, legacies, trusts, bills and credit. For some of you, handling properly and finalizing possessions and money from deceased people who you were involved with personally.
An intensifying of experience with special knowledge, things which have been secretive, hidden or mysterious. Now things are beginning to unfold in ways that make more sense.
A deeper enjoyment of love and trust can be found.
“I willingly accept the depth of feeling which assists me to go between the outer rational and the emotionally programmed. I can transcend and regenerate my core power, bringing it to the surface in all challenging situations now, taking the lead over my limited human self.”
On the other hand, a greater strength of boundaries and realistic responses are embraced while involved in complex, challenging relationships with with others. The love you’ve poured within important relationships are enhanced and reciprocated.
Venus in the Ninth House
“I am richly enjoying meditation, enhancing my wisdom and recognizing more clearly, my own beliefs, attitudes and filters, in order to design a more powerful practical path. I AM ready to transform my outlook on life and am open as to how to proceed with expanded possibilities for greater future happiness. I believe, all good things will and are happening!“
With Venus retrograde in the Ninth House, expanding the richness of education, travel, expanding your understanding about psychology, spirituality, another person’s way of seeing their world, is all enhanced. Good fortune coming through new visions and awareness of understanding situations which might have been in the past, confusing. It is so empowering to bring ones’ every day happiness to a higher level, now one’s mind has comprehended a greater truth. Deeper understanding occurs regarding the foreign world of others’ perceptions and beliefs.
Venus in the Tenth House
During this period, a restoration of public credibility, world achievements, professional progress can occur. The boss, the CEO, the supervisor or manager is more reasonable, more cooperative and helpful. Promotions could be in store during this period. An enhancement of love towards one’s children, as the tenth house is the place of parenting responsibilities. A wonderful empowerment of one’s capacity to achieve goals, not always material, yet many times does advance professional or world status. Good fortune reaching hard goals.
“I am embracing a new internal sense of value and worth I contribute within my work environment, my role in the world, and my capacity to be a great parent. Powerful opportunities and pathways are opening up to me each day which lead to progress for tangible, real, physical accomplishments.”
Venus in the Eleventh House
Friendships and your community bring greater enjoyment. You are valued and realize how much you are appreciated with the quality of helpfulness which is given to others. Organization and project managing others’ goals which all lead to a greater purpose, can really flow.
A greater enhancement of responsibilities are experienced with ones’ friends or the people you have the capacity to help and improve upon their lives in some way.
Venus introduces new innovative ideas, programs, support groups, communities or inventions which provide efficiency and open up faster means for making things better.
“I am easily enjoying my friends and our mutual work together on improving our lives, our organization, our community in some amazing way. I see the future clearly and AM ready for whatever happens, knowing it is all good.”
Venus in the Twelfth House
When Venus is retrograde in the 12th, an increase of sacrifice and deep compassion takes place especially towards others who have illnesses or weakness of some sort, and also to oneself.
It might not be fun personally to go through it, but the ability to understand others’ pain, to support another person’s problems, weaknesses or a place of work or situation where therapeutic support is used, this period can bring an enhanced feeling of breakthroughs, progress and much love into the situation.
Important dreams guide one during this time, along with subconscious or past life memories bring outer resolution, resolve. Colorful imagery and capturing a vision of personal retreats for yourself or with others can emerge Twelfth house is about our need to be reclusive, recover, retreat or go within and process. Much love and kindness can be poured into ones own weaknesses and sabotaging patterns. Giving oneself a break would be the strongest compassion enhanced under the Venus in the 12th.
“I Am becoming more and more aware of the strength I possess which affords me the opportunities to recognize and love my vulnerable and unresolved emotions, reactions to life and mess of the world I feel powerless to change”
PART II Did the Roerichs Find Agartha?
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